Saturday 18th of January 2025

the great reset...

























The latest IPCC report on climate change was released last week, and has signalled a sea-change in the ongoing “big issue”. The Pandemic was fun while it lasted, but it’s time it faded back and we got on with the next stage.


That’s not just my interpretation either, they are quite literally saying it themselves.


From Kit Knightly



Usually, when there’s a big narrative shift looming, you can find one key article that tells you everything you need to know about the plan. For the IPCC report, it’s this iNews article by Andrew Marr. Where he literally uses the phrase “hinge to climate from Covid” several times:

There is a great turn coming, a change in the terms of political debate, a period of hinge. We are swinging from the many months of coronavirus obsession into an autumn which will be dominated, rightly, by the climate emergency. But much of what we have learned from Covid-19 – about the state, authority, journalism and civil society – is directly applicable to what’s coming next.”

The media have, naturally, been full of headlines on the IPCC report, with varying degrees of alarmism and insanity.

“It’s now or never!” screams the Guardian as a “climate reckoning” is upon us. The Sun calls it a “full fledged arson attack on the planet!”

But none of them outline just what the next few months have in store for us better than Marr. The goblinoid face of the establishment, who nauseatingly cheered on Blair in Iraq, can always be relied upon to keep on message. He’s always right there saying the right thing at the right time. And this piece is no exception.

He headlines “Treat people like grown-ups and they will fight climate change like Covid-19”, adding [our emphasis]:

Education works. We are following the science and as we continue to do so, we will successfully tackle climate-change issues in the same way we faced down the coronavirus.”

He never outright states what this “same way” is, exactly, but it’s not really hard to imagine what he means. His article isn’t about the future, anyway, it’s all about the past.

It’s tracking the tools deployed during the “pandemic”, and how effective they were. A performance review for the politicians and “journalists” who have successfully parlayed a “virus” that poses almost zero danger to the general public into a full-fledged remodelling of society.

He points out how politicians under-estimated how willingly people would leverage their freedoms:

To begin with [Western leaders] worried that voters would not accept restrictions on their liberties for the greater good. By and large, they were wrong. […] This shaped how Germans, Americans, the French and British – and many more – responded, and allowed societies to change direction faster than anyone would have predicted.”

How easily the media were able to spread misinformation that controlled public opinion:

The media, so often blamed for almost everything, found new ways to explain complex scientific arguments in ways that most people understood.”


And how these lessons can be applied to messaging on climate change going forward:

This is a core lesson that needs to be learned, as we hinge from Covid to climate. Public understanding of science has become a security issue. Without it, there will be no public support for the hard decisions on transport, heating and land use.”

The whole thing reads that way, like a cross between a press release and a progress report. Appearing a blithe opinion piece to the uninitiated, but having a clear second layer of meaning to those who know how to read it.

There are throwaway lines propping up globalism (“how little nature notices national borders”), and brief praise for China’s authoritarian government vs the West’s “slapdash” approach and “tardy lockdowns”, but those are B plots.

The story here is “hey guys, this all worked much better than we thought it would, we could do the same thing for climate change”.


Not “over”, but certainly on the decline. It’s obvious that the press are prepping the groundwork to leave Covid behind, and turn their focus to the next stage of the Great Reset.

But, all that said, it will be a difficult sell. Harder than Covid, in some ways, because people are so much more used to climate alarm calls. For want of a better word, they have become somewhat immune to it.

What’s more, the establishment clearly knows this, because they’re keeping the pandemic warm on the backburner. Ready to bring it back to the boil should the need arise.

We’re being told the disease will be endemic, but that “Delta has changed the endgame” and that “herd immunity is impossible”

The pandemic is becoming a new forever war, akin to the war on terror. We won’t ever win it, but it will disappear from headlines until they need to shock or distract people.

Marr, for example, doesn’t declare the pandemic over, instead he says:

The pandemic is not, of course, yet over. It will end raggedly and slowly; and politicians who proclaim victory will quickly sound foolish[…]it will probably feel as if we have beaten this thing.

Before adding the ubiquitous riders that will keep the “threat” of the Covid alive in the public imagination:

The Delta variant may be the most contagious virus ever [and] can reinfect the double-vaccinated […] Britain is going to face a period of “bumpiness” in transmission rates and uncertainty about the near future […] the winter may be tough […] Booster jabs will become routine.”

There’s clearly a plan in place. He practically spells it out, claiming Covid19 will be pushed off the front pages…

Though not every day…this will be bumpy. There will be sudden scares about the emergence of a possible new variant somewhere unexpected; and urgent questions about biosecurity at Heathrow. There will be stories about outbreaks in care homes, or a sudden spike in infections in particular age or ethnic groups.

Do you see what he’s saying yet?

The pandemic isn’t over, it will just “feel” like it is, while they fill the front pages with big red numbers about climate change.

If people don’t respond to those big red numbers the way they should…well, there just might be another variant. Maybe a racist one.

The pandemic has served its purpose, but they won’t end it yet. Not until they’re sure everyone is good and scared of something else.


It’s not hard to see exactly where this all leads. Mostly because they’re telling us.

Establishment voices have already talked about “climate lockdowns”, and the UK’s Science Advisor Patrick Vallance wrote, last week, about how:

nothing short of transforming society will avert catastrophe”

This isn’t new. This has been bubbling along in the background for months (I have already written two articles about it), but the message is being refined into a simple three-step process:

  1. Point out all the ways Covid and climate change are similar.
  2. Emphasise that Climate Change is much more of a threat than Covid. Use the word “existential. A lot.
  3. Argue that since we were willing to change to fight Covid, we should do the same for climate.[optional]

You can see it in Marr’s article.

The comparison:

The interesting thing is that so much of the world’s experience during the pandemic relates quite closely to the climate crisis – our human interrelatedness, the importance of effective governance, the centrality of science and its communication.

Followed by the “covid is worse” [my emphasis]:

Of course, the two challenges are different. So far, a little over 4.3 million people have died from Covid. Australian and Chinese academics estimate that around five million people are dying each year from the effects of climate change […] Suffice it to say that even if the Delta variant is the most infectious disease mankind has so far faced, the climate emergency is at another level – a reshaper of geography, highly unpredictable and, in short, existential for the planet and its inhabitants.

Patrick Vallance does the same in his article in the Guardian, and then again in The Times. There are several others along the same lines, such as this one from the Hill, or this one from the International Monetary Fund.

It’s also apparent that the same tactics of demonising any opposition and attempting to turn it into an opportunity to virtue-signal will be used. There are lots of articles comparing “covid denial” and “climate denial”, or otherwise attempting to politicise the issue.

So, the way they’re going to talk about (or should we say say “market”?) climate change action is fairly clear. But what are these hypothetical actions going to be?

Are we seeing any hints as to what this “transformation of society” might entail? Or what these “tough decisions” could be?

Well, there were whispers of climate lockdowns, but they have died away since the outraged reaction. There’s always talk of other schemes, like limiting flightsoutlawing beef and “personal carbon allowances”, but these are hardly new.

Andrew Marr’s article contains a couple of hints. But the only specific policy he mentions is forcing households to replace their boilers (“at a high cost to millions of families”), and this somewhat creepy allusion to the importance of the Deep State:

A final lesson is that Westminster and the state are two very different things. The state includes the NHS, national science labs, networks of experts […] I now feel we should spend less time on the distracting national puppet show and more time thinking about what I might delicately call the deeper sources of authority.”

(Attacking democracy for hampering “drastic efforts” is a concerning trend, one to watch out for)

Mostly, though, the mainstream voices are being very quiet on specifics. I suspect partly to stop the spread of what Marr calls “an outbreak of conspiracy theories in new media”, but mostly because they’re not sure exactly what they want to do yet, and they don’t believe the majority mentally prepared enough.

The COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow, this November, will be something to keep an eye on. Expect a lot of scary stories in the weeks leading up to it, and then a lot of “policy recommendations” in its wake.

We’re pivoting to climate change guys. Great Reset Phase II is upon us.


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You worry about the Great Reset… Yet I guess you have lived happily within the brackets of life afforded to you by the already reset old bourgeoisie since the revolution. You are middle class, aren’t you? It’s a perversion of social understanding. The present great resetters are doing a bad job of their little wars, abandoning Kabul to its fate and possibly preparing for the next nuclear-war reset. We should demand freedom… and refuse them into our home.


So what to do? Covid has upset our comforts… The great resetters are taking advantage...


Deny that global warming is happening as yet new fires devastate California for a second season in a row? Go nonchalantly as if we did not see the problem in its totality and/or could do nothing about it — say  carrying on gas-guzzling. It’s your choice now, not mine. This planet has had enough of me and I can only hope to live a few more years blogging here. I am old. And I don’t owe anything to humanity for having burnt my share of fossil fuels and carrying on doing so on holidays. It’s been my choice. Then the heat comes and envelops your old town, like a chimney-fire takes hold of the soot. Not only the heat does damage, within a few weeks, the gentle river turns into a raging torrent, taking down your already burnt half-insurance-assessed 400-year old house into the valley of despair. You have nothing left, not even a chair to sit on. You just have your life, now full of questions if you dare asking. What do the great resetters want from me? No, this is not the question… The first question is where is my dog? Gone. Wife and kids? You all got saved with a lifeline across and now you contemplate the past — at least together. Nothing ever happened on the other side. Everything, including history, has vanished. Debris everywhere. You are one of the lucky ones. Some people died. You are going to rebuild. Yes you are going to rebuild stronger than ever. You're still young and eager. But you will need to beg. You might sue the government for… for what? Are the great resetters going to help you and demand obedience from you? What? Loose freedom? You were a law-abiding church-going man before, free to choose the poison for your soul. So you will sell your mind to the great resetters and they will help you be quiet. Quietly comfortable again, listening to whatever music you choose in your own space. You do not have to bow your head to the great resetters like you did to god, except acquire an electric bike or electric car, that you will charge from solar panels subsidised from China. Are you going to be indebted to the Chinese? You did no know this but for the past twenty-five years, your debt to the Chinese has grown like a giant pumpkin in a paddock. No string attached yet. And the great resetters hate the Chinese. They will defend you when the time comes. You need protection, don’t you? Before the great reset, your protection was assured by the old bourgeoisie and its soldiers, preventing the terror coming to your door while the media frothed up the fear. This time the terror comes from the weather and the warnings are becoming more frequent and less accurate. And no-one can do anything about it, except build on higher grounds to be whacked then by an unusual tornado. You know that some more people are going to lose their homes to fire and flood next year, and that some people in the Pacific have to be moved away from their island. More people will die. The Pacific is so far away and the love songs from South Pacific bring you the illusion you need to smile. Pacific means peace, doesn’t it? The weather and climate are two different things, aren’t they? So you have to pay the great resetters for protection? This is a racket, yes it’s a racket that reminds you of the Church that demanded donations and obedience to save your soul. And you refused. So you are free now, free to live in a desert where nothing can grow, not even illusions. Me? I am old and decrepit, unable to move without pain in my bones and joints. My next holiday could be the last excursion to the morgue. One less person for the great resetters to look after. They would not care about such statistic unless it's covid-related. Passed a certain age, one is on borrowed time, they say. You? You have your life and that of your family in front of you and you will have to pick through the rubbles, to find the pieces that meant a lot to you. This is only the beginning. The weather will form an alliance with the climate to annoy you beyond what you can cope with. Your next door neighbour will try to rob you, but the great resetters will prevent social chaos. You feel like a prisoner... Turn the volume of the music up. Your choice is to rob your neighbour instead… Yes, you are hungry and wet and miserable. The real food is expensively out of reach, apart from bread. The bread is made from grains coming from Russia. That’s the only deal the great resetters could do about wheat. And rye. Let’s not forget about the importance of rye… It was the title of a book… my memory is fading. I can’t remember it. You are in charge now. take care of this alone planet. The koalas have vanished. You can cry… But there’s hope. The music says so. The great resetters are as lost as you are. You are alone.



Gus Leonisky




Cartoon at top from

on a rusted iron horse .....



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another view...


Carbon Neutral Green Finance – China May Take the Lead into a Post-Pandemic World


Peter Koenig


How the pandemic will be reshaping the world, especially in terms of economic recovery and especially the western world, remains to be seen. So far, western economic, social and health restructuring policies are chaotic, disorganized and totally uncoordinated. Western countries are skipping from lockdowns to “opening up” back to lockdown, from the first covid-wave, to the second and the third and now approaching the fourth. Looks like there is no end in sight.

One could almost think they do it on purpose, to keep people confused and easily manipulated.

What happens in China is a different story. China is the only significant world economy – the second largest for now in absolute terms, and the largest in PPP (purchasing power parity terms) – that has put her economic and financial mechanism fully back onstream. Consequently, the Chinese supply chain – on which the rest of the world largely depends – i.e., on pharmaceuticals to 90% – works again in full force. It is rather western ports that are still – or again? – partially closed to receive cargo container ships, especially from China, causing dangerous supply shortages at home.

China is moving forward, always creating and leading initiatives, despite all odds, harassments, outright interferences and lie-based “sanctions” from the west. In this context and already looking into the future, into a post-covid future, China is displaying her Green Agenda, towards a carbon neutral – not only China – but world.

Following the idea of President Xi Jinping’s, of promoting a New Era of Eco-civilization, the Eco Forum Global Guiyan, for short EFG, has been held successfully for 10 sessions since its inception in 2009.

As a side line – Guiyang, according to the Nature Index, is one of the top 500 science cities in the world by scientific research outputs.

EFG is the only international high-profile forum in China themed on Eco-civilization at the state-level.

Let me venture saying, the Eco Forum Global Guiyang is, so far, the only international forum of such tenor and action that may and hopefully will expand into a global movement aiming at drastically reducing the world’s carbon footprint – in short, accelerating the objective of making our civilization, our life on earth, carbon neutral – and, thereby, healthier.

To be clear, “Green Finance” is often confused, especially in the west. For example, investing in electric cars, when most of the electricity is made from not only unrenewable but also highly toxic CO2-producing hydrocarbon – is not a Green Investment. This is still predominantly the case in Europe and North America.

This does not even take into account the environment-unfriendly mining and often unhealthy work-conditions of exploiting and manufacturing lithium into car batteries.

The world’s chief energy source, hydrocarbons, has hardly changed in importance in the last 30 years or so. It still amounts to about 85% of all energy used in the world. This just indicates that so-called “green investments”, especially in the west, are mostly “fake” green investments, a new mode of sheer profit-driven capitalism.

These “green” investments have not even come close to a zero-carbon balance. To the contrary. The production of “green investments” used generally hydrocarbon, which lowers the energy efficiency drastically. This is clearly demonstrated in the low energy efficiency of electric cars, on average 35% to 40%, versus cars using straight petrol or gas-based energy.

This is, of course, not to advocate the continuous use of hydrocarbons. Quite the opposite. But strongly suggests investing in research to come up with real novel carbon neutral, or even carbon negative sources of renewable energy. Such investments most likely do not yield “instant profit”, as is the key incentive and neoliberal investment motive, but such research investments are directed towards long-term societal benefits for all humanity.


Real Green Investments are for example, exploiting renewable and carbon-free sources of power, such as hydropower – wind, solar and tidal energy, with the latter taking advantage of the natural and eternal movements of the sea.

China will also continue being a world example of building “Green Cities”; investing in parks and “green housing” – housing units with plant façades – that absorb urban CO2 emissions from industry and transport.

These are Green Investments, as long as their dependence on hydrocarbon energy is way below the CO2 output of the Green Investment itself.

The traditional, huge, costly, and maintenance-heavy hydropower dams ought to make way for a new generation of hydropower production: namely, small, localized, low-maintenance and even mobile hydropower plants. The latter for use in desertic and monsoon-type flash-flood prone areas. A prime example is Yemen, one of the world’s most arid countries, where floods come when it rains, but where perennial water flows are rare.


Finally, the real challenge is investing and researching in a new generation of exploiting solar energy…. the most efficient way of using solar energy – is by photo synthesis. This is what plants do to convert the energy of the sun. An estimated 95% energy efficiency might potentially be achieved, as compared to the current use of solar panels with a best-case of energy efficiency of 30% or less.

Imagine the energy freedom humanity would gain by exploiting solar energy by photo-synthesis! Almost unthinkable. But not impossible by any means. When sincere minds come together, impossible dreams become reality.

In addition, the production of solar panels which have a limited life, requires enormous quantities of energy – energy which is currently mostly produced by hydrocarbons. Plus, solar panels have an average life span of 25 – 30 years, after which they need to be destroyed – or recycled, both are energy-dependent and environmentally challenging.


President Xi Jinping in his address for the 100-year Anniversary said – “We must unite and lead the Chinese people in working ceaselessly for a better life.” And, further “We must uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.”


These words signal, creating a new model for human advancement that is leading the way into a Green China – a China where socioeconomic development meets the concept of carbon neutrality. This sounds like a challenging but terrific initiative – one of many – for China leading the way into a post-covid era.

President Xi further stated – “We must ensure and enhance public wellbeing in the course of development, promote harmony between humanity and nature, and take well-coordinated steps toward making our people prosperous, our nation strong, and our country beautiful.”

China may want to take this a step further. Using the Belt and Road Initiative through joint efforts, and joint ventures in Green Investments, inside, as well as outside Chinese borders, thereby providing the world with new opportunities towards improved and carbon-free standards of living. The focus always being on mutual benefits.

True to President Xi’s words: “We must continue working to promote the building of a human community with a shared future.”




Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. After working for over 30 years with the World Bank, he penned Implosion, an economic thriller, based on his first-hand experience. Exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.


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hollywoodian nightmare...

By Phil Butler


The scenes from Kabul prompted ten thousand newspapers to frame Saigon evacuation images alongside those from Afghanistan. Only this time Youtube was available to show human bodies falling from US Air Force planes, as Afghans clung to landing gear to escape the Taliban. The scenes, the bitter reality of it all, brought back the memory of America’s southeast Asia scars from half a century ago. We lost, again.

As I write this, the press corps of every nation on Earth is pecking away trying to get a handle on the ideological carnage President Joe Biden just dumped out. A couple of trillion dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives, and two decades of lies make for powerful news, I’ll give them that. There’s only one thing wrong with all the keen analysis and sensationalist reporting, though. It’s all wrong. President Biden did not just get sleepy and forget all those US allies now grumbling over the Taliban taking back their country. Somebody, sometime in the last few months, handed the US President some really bad news. That’s my take.

Afghanistan is so far on the back burner of US policy now because it never was on the front burnder. This is why things look so bad in Kabul. To understand what I am about to suggest, you need to look back to the Vietnam Era, just for a bit. We all know that the military industrial complex outgoing President Eisenhower warned us of. The war profiteers snagged their trillions from the flawed Domino Theory. They, the shareholders that is, built financial empires greased with the blood and guts of American and Vietnamese people. This is no big secret. But, what most people forget is the economic carnage that beset the United States right after Saigon fell. Yes, some of you are feeling me already, I sensed it just now.

A report from Federal Reserve History dot org entitled, “The Great Inflation – 1965–1982” will enlighten some, and remind others, on how a great society forced a great reset when economists were blamed for stagflation etc. I am hesitant to touch on economics, since I hate the subject so, but the situation Biden faces now is the same Nixon faced all those years ago, only much worse. Hell, they’ll probably get Sleepy Joe to resign too. 2021 is 1975, America’s oil problems, a real estate bubble, and an economy that’s about broke have returned. Here, let me quote from the aforementioned article on the Vietnam era situation:

“The origins of the Great Inflation were policies that allowed for an excessive growth in the supply of money—Federal Reserve policies.” 

Remember, Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society was expensive, as was the Vietnam War, and those moon launches did not come cheap either. Nixon was forced to nix the gold standard, and the dollar became pure paper, or “air” if we tell the whole truth. We’ve no space here to discuss the ramifications of the Great Depression, but the collapse of the Bretton Woods agrement, the establishment of the so-called Phillips curve in pursuit of lower unemployment, and other factors like fiscal imbalances and energy shortages culminated about the time Saigon was evacuated. A peanut farmer from South Georgia named Jimmy Carter took the Oval Office, hostages were snatched in Tehran, the Shah fell, and a Russia hater named Zbigniew Brzezinski advised Carter to “give the Soviet Union their own Vietnam in Afghanistan.”

Funny, it all seems like yesterday, real, and horrific in the essence we now realize. And remember, it was in the midst of the Saigon betrayal that crude oil prices quadrupled, only to turn into a second energy crisis after the Iranian revolution brought a second energy crisis in 1979. This second crisis tripled the cost of oil. Remember I pointed to this, because we are headed there again. Imagine President Joe Biden gettiong hold of some files and advisers snatching his arm after taking office, that is what all this Afghanistan hubub is all about. His meeting and mini-reset with Russia’s Vladimir Putin is part of the mess too.

Remember, back in the summer of 1980 inflation in the United States was near 14.5 percent, unemployment was over 7.5 percent, and Carter was a bum to most Americans. Then along came Hollywood cowboy turned politician, Ronald Reagan. Smooth as silk, Reagan introduced a form of economics that made billionaires out of millionaires, and the military industrial complex was not just back on track, America was building fleets! I was part of the 600 ship navy. It was fiscal carnage what our Navy was spending for socket wrenches and coffee cups back then. But, I am ahead of myself.

To understand where we are headed now that Kabul is firmly in the hands of the people we supposedly defeated twenty years ago, we need to remember the long-term effects of the early 1980s recession. We need to equate the Afghanistan pullout as a true redux of Vietnam in the economic and ideological senses, and to recall how 80s economics and policy contributed to the Latin American debt crisis, the long-lasting slowdowns in the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan African countries, the US savings and loans crisis, and the adoption of neoliberal economic policies throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Biden is just playing the Jimmy Carter role, after having taken over for a sumblier and meaner version of Gerald Ford. Short version? Hold onto your seats my fellow Merikans. The really bad news out of Afghanistan will inform you of a paper war and a democratiztion joke of gigantic proportions. Read this Jerusalem Post story, and cringe right along with me. Corrupt, top to bottom and sideways, and back home things are not much different.

President Biden is faced with a calamity that makes the oil embargoes look like a windshield wiper blade replacement at the fill-up station. Global warming, scoffed at by both Obama and Trump (Remember Copenhagen and Obamey), is a wildfire (real and figurative) engulfing the Earth in every corner. On the economic side of things, in the United States, the average person has no hope of ever owning a house, prices for a dump with a broken picket fence are in the hundreds of thousands. And the coronavirus has not only caused the biggest budget deficit in US history, it threatens to shut down the world once again as new variants seize the vaccinated and unvaccinated. And the news dogs croon over the fall of Kabul.

Meanwhile, ultra-high net worth individuals with assets for investment of more than $30 million, grew by 24% worldwide in 2020. Household wealth fell accordingly, of course. Since the pandemic began, Michael Bloomberg made an additional $6.89 billion. Our old friend Rupert Murdoch made over $14 billion, and George Soros pulled in an additional $8.3, and that’s just the New York billionaires. The combined wealth of all US billionaires increased from $2.9 trillion in March of 2020 to $4.7 trillion by July of this year. It might interest some to know, Jeff Bezos doubled his wealth during this pandemic period. Elon Musk increased his fortune by a multiple of eight fold. I mention these people because of the Forbes 400, almost every one on the list inherited substantial fortunes or gained leverage from their social statues, and these “elites” are the only people gaining from world catastrophes.

Now, on to how Biden has to bail out of Kabul, and fast. The system is busted. The huge deficits cranked out by the treasuries of the world are, of course, being paid for by the 99%. But the money machine is too big, too fragile now, and looming catastrophes like climate change have these elites a bit more worried than usual. There’s something huge on the horizon, and I think the last thing the American president needs are loose ends in the mountains of Afghanistan.

The United States has used up most of her strategic oil reserves making SUV drivers from Philly happy. Pressuring Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and other gas and oil producing nations has not worked to generate more supply. The Saudis are all but done producing anything that will pump through a pipeline without mixing it with seawater. And America’s reputation is the least of Joe Biden’s worries. In fact, it’s not the biggest worry for any of us. The other foot falling, is.

Climate change is the defining moment humanity faces. The central bankers are already freaking out trying to quickly reverse decades of apathy and denial. Afghanistan or Vietnam, by comparison, are trashcan fires inside a bigger cataclysm that will wreck nations, and cast billions of people into a dark age. Biden knows this, Putin seems worried too. The problem is, they got advise a little bit too late. Just now the banksters get worried? From Baltimore, Maryland in the US, to Bangladesh, the effects of climate change come with the tides. Sea level is rising, and temperatures in places like the Mediterranean are transformative. We are witnessing a calamity only Hollywood could dream up, only it’s real.



Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books. He writes exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


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Read from top. See also: 

global warming in a bucket...



nemo goes south...

Like Nemo, tropical fish look out of place in southern waters, thousands of kilometres from their usual homes on the Great Barrier Reef on Queensland's eastern coast or at Ningaloo Reef, off Western Australia's coastline.


Key points:
  • Tropical fish numbers are increasing in usually temperate waters due to climate change
  • Along with migrating sea urchins, they are eating kelp, leading to a decline in kelp forests
  • Western Australia has lost more than 1000 square kilometres of kelp forests while sea urchins on the eastern coast are even cleaning up the turf algae that replaces kelp

Their vivid colours give them away. 

These usually northern fishes have been seen as far down the eastern states as Narooma on the New South Wales south coast, according to boat skipper and citizen scientist Georgia Poyner.

"They're the fish that are quite often bright blues and yellows. And they stand out a fair bit from the other local species," Ms Poyner said. 

When Ms Poyner is not skippering game-fishing charters, she is often diving in the waters around Narooma. 

There, she's noticed the arrival of more and more tropical fish.


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Read from top. See also: 

global warming in a bucket...