In Today's Daily Telegraph — free at some stores should you buy enough groceries after having registered on Covid tracing, splashed some disinfectant on your hand and coughed in your blue mask — the article by Mister Andrew Bolt should make you die in fear — or at least tighten your butt. Mind you, Andrew himself looks totally frightened out of his mind, unless this is a smiling stock photo from the Murdoch library...
The cartoon above by Warren should show you the whole story of the Anzac versus the Xi brigades and, to tell the truth, there is not much we can do about it, except be more friendly to your weekly Chinese cleaners. Gus has added the bit about the submarines to make the cartoon more realistic.
the original sin...
In Today's Daily Telegraph — free at some stores should you buy enough groceries after having registered on Covid tracing, splashed some disinfectant on your hand and coughed in your blue mask — the article by Mister Andrew Bolt should make you die in fear — or at least tighten your butt. Mind you, Andrew himself looks totally frightened out of his mind, unless this is a smiling stock photo from the Murdoch library...
The cartoon above by Warren should show you the whole story of the Anzac versus the Xi brigades and, to tell the truth, there is not much we can do about it, except be more friendly to your weekly Chinese cleaners. Gus has added the bit about the submarines to make the cartoon more realistic.
anyway: August 5 2021…
hitler is upset...
Overcome by anti-vaxers...
It's annoying to be associated with "imbeciles" ("cunts" on the cover).
Read from top...
CH hitler