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Community anger and frustration reached a critical point because of the Morrison Government's blatant refusal to address rape allegations against Attorney-General Christian Porter and hold an inquiry, which would, at least, establish the facts. And because both Porter and Morrison did not even deign to read the victim's letter, the PM announcing Porter's denial was enough for him.
Scott Morrison, by mumbling about victims needing to be believed but doing nothing, is actively ignoring the herd of elephants in the room, now stampeding across the country. Seemingly blind, deaf and completely unperturbed, both Morrison and Minister for Women Marise Payne refused to venture outside and listen to the predominantly female protesters — hardly an angry lynch mob by anyone's standards. Choosing to hide in Parliament House instead, the PM had this to say: "It is good and right, Mr Speaker, that so many are able to gather here in this way, whether in our capital or elsewhere, and to do so peacefully to express their concerns and their very genuine and real frustrations. Not far from here, such marches, even now, are being met with bullets. But not here in this country."
"Not so much a tin ear as a wall of concrete," said Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese, echoing the thoughts of women everywhere.
On this same day – the day in which thousands marched, supported by many more, non-placarding Australians calling for institutional change – the Attorney-General also chose to file defamation charges against the national broadcaster for its coverage of rape allegations against him.
The message from this Coalition Government is clear. There will be no inquiry. And this is what happens when you challenge our authority. The authority we intend to further protect by ensuring we are exempt from any federal corruption inquiry — if it ever goes ahead. Read more:
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very religious of him...
Asked about his government’s response to claims of sexual assault claims within politics, Mr Morrison warned that Labor should be careful about “throwing stones in glass houses”.
It seemed to be a reference to explosive allegations, aired recently in a private Facebook group for Labor women, accusing unnamed senior politicians or party members of serious sexual assault and harassment.
Mr Albanese has urged complainants to come forward and make formal reports, which will be fully investigated.
On Tuesday, Ms Plibersek made a similar plea.
“If you wish to make a complaint we have processes, you can make that complaint, and we will be with you,” she told ABC radio.
“You can you can go to the police if it’s matter around assault. And we will be with you. We will support you. You can use our Labor Party internal processes, which have recently been strengthened. You can use the government’s new telephone line, where you can get advice about the options that are open to you. Either formal or informal mechanisms that you can use in your workplace.”
Labor politicians spoke in their weekly caucus meeting in Parliament of how their offices had been inundated with calls from the public, sharing personal stories of sexual assault.
MPs have asked for more training for their staff, in how to deal with and refer such reports to appropriate authorities.
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Accusing others of being able to commit the crimes one is accused of, is an essentially "Christian" way to deflect attention from one's "sins", fucups or SNAFUs... Politically, this is painful to watch. Scomo, the Evangelical, is now FAR WORSE than Tony Abbott on the insensitivity, the porkies and the stupidity output. He should resign.
See also: the lucky country...