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a victory in defeat...Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Thursday he would "absolutely" support Donald Trump if the former president won the Republican nomination in 2024.
However, McConnell told "Special Report" host Bret Baier that "there's a lot to happen between now and '24. I've got at least four members, I think, that are planning on running for president, plus governors and others. There is no incumbent, [so it] should be a wide-open race and fun for you all to cover." McConnell was lambasted by the former president recently after the senator condemned Trump’s behavior during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. When asked by Baier to respond to Trump’s allegation that the Republican Party could never be respected if leaders such as McConnell remained in charge, he replied, "The Republican Party is actually in very good shape. "We gained seats in the House. We elected 50 Republican senators when everybody was predicting we were going to lose the Senate. The Democrats didn’t flip a single state legislature. We flipped two [and] picked up a governor.
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meanwhile at biden central...
Progressives are feeling shafted by Joe Biden, after the president shied away from fighting the Senate for a minimum wage hike, but launched missiles at Syria.
The Democrats’ proposed $15 national minimum wage increase cannot be included in President Biden's $1.9 trillion Covid-19 stimulus bill, Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough ruled on Thursday. MacDonough, a Democrat who serves as a referee of sorts in the upper house, declared that the bill does not fall under budget rules, and as such cannot be passed with a simple majority, unlike the rest of the stimulus package.
Biden could, through Vice President Kamala Harris, overrule the parliamentarian. However, he has opted not to. “President Biden is disappointed in this outcome,” Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters afterwards, but added, “he respects the parliamentarian's decision and the Senate's process.”
The decision pleased Republicans, who argue that a raised minimum wage would kill jobs and penalize small businesses, and angered progressives, for whom a $15 minimum wage has been a long-time policy goal. When Biden ordered an airstrike on Iranian-backed forces in Syria later on Thursday evening, these progressives fumed at the Democratic president’s priorities.
“So, JoeBiden bombs Syria and kills the minimum wage hike, confirming every fear progressives had,” pundit Cenk Uygur tweeted. “The establishment is back! And it absolutely sucks.”
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continuously thrown into the meat grinder...
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is finally criticizing the Biden regime, not for targeting President Trump’s supporters as domestic terrorists, presiding over unprecedented election fraud, surrendering economic clout to China, flooding the border with third-world migrants, or any of the abhorrent ways they are destroying the country.
Instead, McConnell is taking aim at Biden for his recent announcement that troops will be removed from the war zone in Afghanistan by Sept. 11 of this year. If Biden lives up to his word, the longest war in U.S. history will conclude after two decades with virtually nothing to show for it.
The former Senate majority leader is worried about defense contractors and special interests who will lose power and prestige once troops are removed from Afghanistan. McConnell is thrilled for troops to be continuously thrown into the meat grinder to improve gross domestic product and boost the stock market.
McConnell’s tweet in favor of forever wars can be seen here...
Other members of the War Party, both Republicans and Democrats, are criticizing Biden’s announcement that the troops will finally come home from Afghanistan.
“President Biden will have, in essence, canceled an insurance policy against another 9/11,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
Democrat shills for the military-industrial complex spoke of the need to bring equality to the oppressed women of Afghanistan, as feminism and gender-identity politics are apparently America’s only enduring values these days.
“Although this decision was made in coordination w/our allies, the U.S. has sacrificed too much to bring stability to Afghanistan to leave w/o verifiable assurances of a secure future,” said Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH). “It undermines our commitment to the Afghan people, particularly Afghan women.”
“I certainly will not be supportive of any assistance to Afghanistan if there is backsliding on civil society, the rights that women have been able to achieve. And if the Taliban ultimately doesn’t keep its obligations, then there will be consequences and one of them will be that there will be no money flowing. So I don’t know how they will rebuild the country,” Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) said.
The American public soured on the Afghanistan war many years ago, but McConnell continues to defend the occupation even as it bankrupts the U.S. and costs Republicans votes. No wonder former President Trump is blaming McConnell for losing two winnable Senate seats in Georgia and referring to him as a “dumb son of a b*tch.”
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See also: the end was the beginning...
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