Monday 10th of March 2025

freedom to make america great again...



infamous forever...



There are selfish grifters who govern entirely on a me-first-me-last basis, seeing only their agendas and opportunities to seize more power. There are billionaires and foreign or otherwise special interests that buy and sell the egomaniacal hucksters. There are basement dwellers who burn, loot and brutalize to fight for disingenuous, racist causes. There are people in horned hats or tactical gear who break into the Capitol to sit at Nancy Pelosi's desk or take souvenirs.

At this moment of crisis, we get the usual crass opportunism. President-elect Joe Biden – the guy who vowed to heal and unify – essentially blames the failure of police to defend the Capitol on racism. These are the same police who have protected him for nearly five decades. But Biden and other Democrats can't resist the chance to falsely slash at and exploit America's Achilles heel, the race weapon. 

Mainstream media outlets suddenly learn how to use words such as “riot” and “domestic terrorism,”and discover that violent protests aren't noble. They forget the talking points of last summer, when Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters torched America's cities on false pretenses. They even help lead the effort to hunt down the perpetrators and destroy their lives. They and their social media partners work in unison to further silence non-conforming voices and brand them as dangerous villains.


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Of course with Joseph Robinette Biden at the helm of SS USA we're going to have eternal peace, the Covid-19 virus will vanish with vaccinations, racism will be a "thing of the past" and the economy will spin like a yoyo doing walk the dog... What else can we hope for? Ah yes... We, Gus and I, want sciences to defeat religions... Sorry I haven't been myself lately. A touch of alcoholism gone crook...


See also: crucified twice for being trump...



celebrating some violence...



Lee Camp: America condemns one violent mob while celebrating another...

Most rational Americans have correctly criticized and denounced the violent insurrection in the Capitol last week. Those moments of attack by a racist, disgusting mob have not lacked for condemnation and denunciation. They were violent. They were reprehensible. They called for the killing of lawmakers, demanded the hanging of Congress members. The liberal media and even most of Fox News have not held their tongues when it comes to excoriating the morally bankrupt people who took part. And I agree with those thoughts. 

BUT – why don’t we see an equal amount of disgust and condemnation for the violence done by our ruling class, the courtesans of corporate destruction?

Is allowing people to die or fall ill due to lead pipes in Flint, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and hundreds of other cities not violence? 

Is allowing citizens to lose their lives to cancer from Teflon™ chemicals dumped in their water or preventable oil spills not violence? 

Is allowing tens of thousands to die of preventable illnesses from our garbage healthcare system not violence? 

Is allowing 15 million to lose their healthcare during a pandemic and therefore fear going to the hospital when they get sick not violence? 

Is imprisoning millions of people for years for non-violent crimes not violence?

Is locking up political prisoners such as Steven DonzigerMumia Abu-JamalReverend Pinkney, Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Leonard Peltier not violence? 

Is dropping a bomb every 12 minutes on innocent people in countries thousands of miles away not violence?

Is allowing millions in this country to go hungry while we throw out 40 percent of all food not violence? 

Is arresting people who try to feed those who are starving not violence? 

Is allowing hundreds of thousands to go homeless, living under bridges or on benches or squatting in collapsing structures while this country has trillions of dollars and millions of empty houses not violence?

Is arresting, beating, and persecuting those who try to give those people houses and bulldozing the homes not violence?

Is causing the sixth great extinction, the mass death of half the world’s wildlife, in pursuit of corporate profit not violence? 

Is causing the deaths of tens of thousands of Venezuelans via economic warfare not violence?

Is creating an opioid epidemic by pushing pills on desperate people, ultimately leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, not violence?

And then arresting those who stand up and fight back against the pollution, against the pipelines, against the factory farming, against the war industry —IS—THAT—NOT—VIOLENCE?

Of course it is. 

It’s violence on a breathtaking scale, far greater than what was done at the Capitol, and far greater than any of us will witness in person. And yet large-scale corporate-endorsed violence, death, and destruction is not only allowable, it’s celebrated, furthered, and promoted.

Oil company documents show that they tell cities that oil spills are good for the economy. Other documents show that fossil fuel companies have known about the harm climate change would do since the 1970s, but they simply saw it as the price of doing business. Corporate sacrifice zones such as ‘Cancer Alley’, in Louisiana, are well known to be deadly to those who live there, yet it doesn’t matter to the corporations because their money will be green nonetheless. It doesn’t matter to the politicians because the poor who live in these sacrifice zones have no political power.

The 40 percent of food that’s thrown out is not a secret. The subsidies paid to factory farms encourage them to produce heaping mountains of food and dairy and meat even if they can’t sell it all in our market economy. So, they throw it out or bury it. Giving it to those in need would take too much time and effort. 

Should the racist violent insurrectionists at the Capitol be punished? Absolutely. But so too should the bought-off politicians who do the bidding of our morally bankrupt corporate America. These politicians and the CEOs they serve are purveyors of violence. They trade in, produce, and reap violence. They sit on hoards of money – the obscene profit from feeding American lives into the death cult of unfettered capitalism. 

Our mainstream media are blanketing the airwaves with talk of how the violent insurrectionists must be punished, and, while they are not wrong, the criminal behavior those same talking heads and ‘reporters’ ignore speaks volumes. All violence is not equal. Some of it is profitable and protected. Some of it is the American way.


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Read from top. In this list include the damage done and going to be done by global warming...

bye bye miss american pie...


Whether civil war is coming will depend on the degree of stoicism prevalent among the Deplorable multitudes.

I hear the sons of the city and dispossessed
Get down, get undressed
Get pretty but you and me
We got the kingdom, we got the key
We got the empire, now as then
We don’t doubt, we don’t take direction
Lucretia, my reflection, dance the ghost with me

Sisters of Mercy, Lucretia my Reflection

9/11 was the prelude. 1/6 is the Holy Grail.

9/11 opened the gates to the Global War on Terror (GWOT), later softened by Team Obama to the status of Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) even as it was suavely expanded to the bombing, overt or covert, of seven nations.

9/11 opened the gates to the Patriot Act, whose core had already been written way back in 1994 by one Joe Biden.

1/6 opens the gate to the War on Domestic Terror and the Patriot Act from Hell, 2.0, on steroids (here is the 2019 draft ), the full 20,000 pages casually springing up from the sea like Venus, the day after, immediately ready to roll.

And as the inevitable companion to Patriot Act 2.0, there will be war overseas, with the return in full force, unencumbered, of what former CIA analyst Ray McGovern memorably christened the MICIMATT (Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think Tank) complex.

And when MICIMATT starts the next war, every single protest will be branded as domestic terrorism.


The faux coup

Whatever really happened on 1/6 in the militarized Valhalla of a superpower that spent untold trillions of dollars on security since the start of the millennium, the elaborate psy op/photo-op circus – complete with a strategically photogenic MAGA Viking actor – could never had happened if it was not allowed to happen.

Debate will rage till Kingdom Come on whether the break in was organic – an initiative by a few hundred among at least 10,000 peaceful protestors surrounding the Capitol – or rather a playbook color revolution false flag instigated by an infiltrated, professional Fifth Column of agent provocateurs.

What matters is the end result: the manufactured product – “Trump insurrection” – for all practical purposes buried the presentation, already in progress, of evidence of electoral fraud to the Capitol, and reduced the massive preceding rally of half a million people to “domestic terrorism”.

That was certainly not a “coup”. Top military strategist Edward Luttwak, now advising the Pentagon on cyber-war, tweeted, “nobody pulls a coup during the day”. That was just “a show, people expressing emotions”, an actually faux coup that did not involve arson or widespread looting, and relatively little violence (compare it to Maidan 2014): talk about “insurrectionists” walking inside the Capitol respecting the velvet ropes.

A week before 1/6, a dissident but still very connected Deep State intel op offered this cold, dispassionate view of the Big Picture:

“Tel Aviv betrayed Trump with a new deal with Biden and so they threw him to the dogs. Sheldon Adelson and the Mafia have no trouble switching sides for the winner by hook or crook. Pence and McConnell also betrayed Trump. It was as though Trump walked as Julius Caesar into the Roman Senate to be stabbed to death. Any deal Trump makes with the system or Deep State will not be kept and they are secretly talking about ending him forever. Trump has the trump card. Martial law. Military tribunals. The Insurrection Act. The question is whether he will play it. Civil war is coming irrespective of what happens to him, sooner or later.”



Whether civil war is coming will depend on the degree of stoicism prevalent among the Deplorable multitudes.

Alastair Crooke has brilliantly outlined the Top Three main issues that shape Red America’s “Epiphany”: stolen elections; lockdown as a premeditated strategy for the destruction of small and mid-size businesses; and the dire prospect of ‘cancellation’ by an incoming woke ‘soft totalitarianism’ orchestrated by Big Tech.

Cue to a Corpse Reading a Teleprompter, also known as The President-Elect, and his own ominous words after 1/6: “Don’t dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists.” Some things never change. George W. Bush, immediately after 9/11: “Either you’re with us, or with the terrorists”.


That’s the hegemonic, set in stone, narrative now being implemented with an iron fist by Big Tech. First they come for POTUS. Then they come for you. Anyone, anywhere, not following Big Tech’s Techno-Feudalist diktat WILL be cancelled.

Bye bye Miss American Pie

And that’s why the drama is way, way, bigger than a mere discombobulated POTUS.

Every single institution controlled by the ruling class – from schools to mass media to the way workplaces are regulated – will go after the Deplorables with no mercy.

Professional CIA killer and liar John Breenan, key conceptualizer of totally debunked Russiagate, tweeted about the necessity of, in practice, setting up re-education camps. Media honchos called for “cleansing the movement”.

Politically, the Deplorables only have Trumpism. And that’s why Trumpism, with a possible avenue to become an established third party, must be smashed. As much as the 0.0001% is more terrified by the possibility of secession or armed revolt, they need urgent pre-emptive action against what is, for now, a nationalist mass movement, however inchoate its political proposals.

The “unknown unknown”, to evoke notorious neo-con Donald Rumsfeld, is whether the exasperated plebs will eventually reach for the pitchforks – and make the 0.0001% feudal hacienda ungovernable. And then there’s a literally smokin’ element – those half a billion guns out there.

The 0.0001% knows for sure that Trump, after all, was never a radical revolutionary change agent. Inchoately, he channeled Red America’s hopes and fears. But instead of the promised glitzy palace adorned with gold, what he delivered was a shack in the desert.

Meanwhile, Red America, intuitively, understood that Trump at least was a useful conduit. He lay bare how the corrupt swamp actually moves. How these “institutions” are mere corporate puppets – and completely ignore the common man. How the Judiciary is utterly corrupt – when even POTUS cannot get a hearing. How Pharma and Tech actually expanded the MICIMATT (MICIMAPTT?) And most of all, how the two party paradigm is a monstrous lie.

So where will 75 million disenfranchised voters – or 88 million Twitter followers – go?

As it stands, we’re deep into Hardcore Class War. The Top of the Scam Gang are in full control. The remains of “Democracy” have gelled into Mediacracy. Ahead, there’s nothing but ruthless purge, protracted crackdown, censorship, blanket surveillance, smashing of civil liberties, a single narrative, overarching cancel (in)culture. It gets worse: next week, this paranoid apparatus merges with the awesome machinery of the United States Government (USG).

So welcome to Full Spectrum Domestic Dominance. Germany 1933 on steroids. 1984 redux: no wonder the hashtag #1984 was banned by Twitter.

Cui bono? Techno-Feudalism, of course – and the interlocking tentacles of the trans-humanist Great Reset. Defy it, and you will be cancelled.

Bye bye Miss American Pie. That’s the legacy of 1/6.

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see also:


remembering not to forget a small pair of boots: history re-begins.




questions arise for holding congress' open day when the members were discussing joe biden becoming president...




the end of your freedom... in a anti-fascist penalty shoot out.




a myth of US democratic morality...


of taxes and revolutions...


a bit of wagnerian musak...


war is peace...


the bombers are back...


when peace is difficult for the jokers in gotham...


the two ingredients of a generalised revolution? won't happen...


understanding the military mind...


and especially:


racking brain cell after brain cell...

we forgive rabid history, when she is "moral"...


Fail To Plan, Plan To Fail

Protests achieve their goals when leaders actually organize. The left knows this, the right, not so much.


by David Hines



In 2017, President Trump’s inauguration was met with the violent and destructive J20 protests in Washington, D.C. There were arrests and prosecutions, but in the end everybody who hadn’t already pled out had their charges dropped. You may have seen the question posed on social media: Might those arrested for storming the Capitol in 2021 receive the same treatment? 

No. Unlike the J20 crowd, the Capitol stormers didn’t conceal their identities, don’t have legal support, and don’t have the communication lines and established relationships necessary for defense solidarity to make successful prosecution difficult.  

Investigations will take time to shake out who had plans and who acted impulsively, but the common denominator among the Capitol stormers is a failure to give serious consideration to the prospect of major legal trouble. They were a motley crew: mainstream MAGA fans and militiamen; LARPers and special forces veterans; business owners and the unemployed; law enforcement and people with criminal histories; and, of course, devotees of QAnon. The only thing they had in common was that none of them knew what they were doing. 

The naivete on display was staggering. Normies and radicals alike bragged about their actions, during and after the fact. They live-streamed. They texted and tweeted and Instagrammed, showing their faces and giving their names. One man posted a picture of himself pummeling law enforcement, and added a helpful label: “THIS IS ME.” Another literally stormed the Capitol wearing a court-mandated GPS monitor. A former Navy SEAL bragged about his actions on video. A law enforcement officer lied to Joint Terrorism Task Force agents about his involvement—and then consented to them searching the deleted pictures and videos on his phone. Another man posted to social media, “Just finished speaking to an FBI agent, I believe I’ve been cleared.” (He was wrong.)

By contrast, here is how a hard-left group billing itself as the Tucson Anti-Repression Crew addressed the investigations into the Capitol storming: “There’s word coming in from Arizona of FBI door knocks under the guise of ‘looking for information on far right extremists and protests.’ NEVER EVER talk to the FBI. Immediately contact your comrades, a lawyer, and anti-repression support.”

Say what you will about the left, at least its radicals know what they’re doing.

In leftist organizing terminology, storming the Capitol is an example of a direct action. Lefties take basically two different approaches to direct actions: either don’t do anything (too) illegal, or take steps to make sure you don’t get caught.

Consider the Women’s March: On October 4, 2018, protesting the imminent confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh, they planned to occupy the Capitol with hordes of protestors. But the building closed, and so—get this—the Women’s March organizers did not break into it. They occupied public areas in the still-open Hart Senate Building; they did not break into people’s offices.

We were planning to shut down the Capitol Building but the authorities were so scared of this #WomensWave that they shut it down for us.

1000+ women, survivors, and allies have gathered in the Hart Senate Building.
Every hallway. Every

— Women's March (womensmarch) October 4, 2018



On October 6, 2018, the day of the Kavanaugh confirmation vote, the Women’s March assembled outside the Capitol, climbed over police barriers, and occupied…the Capitol steps. By their estimate, over 250 of them were arrested—but on minor charges.

If you caught our livestream on facebook, you know we just organized thousands of women, survivors, and allies to flood the Capitol, climb over police barriers, and take over the Capitol Steps. We estimate over 250 were arrested. #CancelKanavaugh

— Women's March (womensmarch) October 6, 2018



They didn’t go inside or try to disrupt proceedings, because they knew exactly how much they could get away with. This provides cover for sympathetic outlets to provide unhesitating praise, rather than having to make excuses for actions that alienate people.

That last action required experience, careful legal advice, and careful training. The people who crossed the barricades had seriously considered the consequences of being arrested, and had accepted them, and had voluntarily limited their behavior so as not to incur greater consequences for themselves and cause problems for the organizers. The organizers had prepared for arrests and had arranged legal support beforehand. The people who wanted to support the cause but were not prepared to get arrested stayed outside the barricades. Everyone stuck to their roles and performed their functions.

This is only possible because Lefties carefully plan their direct actions beforehand. Lefties get advice from experienced lawyers. Lefties train their people, and they reinforce those trainings by using marshals and de-escalators. (A Lefty college buddy of mine learned this in person when he got his dander up at a BLM event, went to go get in a fight with a counterprotestor, and promptly got his ear cuffed by a marshal because they didn’t want fights there.) 

Even more radical Lefties incorporate these steps, using what they call “diversity of tactics.” Leftists know different people have different abilities, desires, and tolerance for risk. Think about the siege on the federal courthouse in Portland: Some people want to black bloc up and set fires. Some people are more comfortable just serving as human shields (remember the “Wall of Moms?”). These groups don’t simply show up and hope for the best. They negotiate. They mark events off in time and space, creating as many opportunities as possible for sympathizers to make excuses that the unrest isn’t so bad

Sometimes (though some Hard Lefties are critical of this, especially of late) negotiating diversity of tactics is done according to the St. Paul Principles, which were established by the Hard Lefties out to disrupt the 2008 Republican convention. These principles are: 

  1. Our solidarity will be based on respect for a diversity of tactics and the plans of other groups.
  2. The actions and tactics used will be organized to maintain a separation of time or space.
  3. Any debates or criticisms will stay internal to the movement, avoiding any public or media denunciations of fellow activists and events.
  4. We oppose any state repression of dissent, including surveillance, infiltration, disruption, and violence. We agree not to assist law enforcement actions against activists and others.

In practice, that means using plausible deniability to obtain complicity. The Wall of Moms, for example, famously filed out before hardcore radical actions really got going. Militants might look down on them for that, but it’s how you guarantee the Wall of Moms shows up in the first place.

Instructions for a specific action are called “action agreements.” For example, when they were protesting ICE facilities in 2019, the group IfNotNow put together a tremendously informative onboarding packet. Along with warnings not to do actions during visiting hours, not to do anything to facility staff that might bring repercussions to detainees, and not to alarm detainees yourself, they contained detailed action agreements: There would be no violence (including “verbal violence”), no property damage, no weapons, and no flags; protestors agreed to follow procedure for making decisions, to respect diversity of tactics within the rules laid out for the action, and to everyone being responsible for ensuring the agreements were followed.

It’s not that leftists aren’t violent. Ask any business owner who’s had the premises looted or set on fire, or anybody sucker-punched by black bloc, or the family of the teenage boy murdered by “security” in the CHAZ (whose occupiers, faithfully not snitching, have covered up for the murderer). But leftists learned to be careful about how and when they use violence, and the degree to which they use it. They’ve learned that events have to be managed, crowds have to be controlled, and there are fewer legal consequences if you give the impression of a dangerous mob without actually being one. These organizing skills haven’t come from nowhere. Leftists have a long history of trying, failing, and trying again, with considerable effort given to analyzing successes and mistakes. 

The people storming the Capitol didn’t have the benefit of that experience. They didn’t have agreements. They didn’t have risk assessments, or marshals, or de-escalators. They didn’t analyze the potential consequences of their actions. They didn’t plan for legal support, or think about the effect their action might have on ostensible allies, or on the people watching on TV. 

They stormed the Capitol because it felt good. 

We may like to say that facts don’t care about your feelings. Well, we need to internalize it. You cannot do a direct action on the spur of the moment because it feels good. If you are part of an impulsive, uncontrolled direct action, you are very likely to incur serious consequences, because while Hard Lefties have free legal aid from the National Lawyers Guild, you have the equity that is in your house.

Some people might like the idea of sacrificing their freedom to TAKE A STAND™, but as the leftist organizer Jonathan Smucker has pointed out, a sacrifice is a cost incurred in order to achieve a benefit. Without a path by which the sacrifice can achieve the benefit, the sacrifice is stupid. (Smucker learned this as a member of a peacenik group that valorized breaking into a military base to take a hammer to an F-16; he couldn’t help but notice this action invariably incurred serious federal prison time for his comrades.) 

It is true that activists and journalists who normalize and praise the occupation of government buildings by people they like shouldn’t be surprised when people they don’t like feel the right to occupy government buildings. Activists and journalists who normalize and praise “nonviolent property damage” shouldn’t be surprised when people they don’t like feel the right to break windows and steal property. Activists and journalists who accept people they like setting up guillotines at protests—including outside the home of the owner of the Washington Post—shouldn’t be surprised when people they don’t like feel emboldened to set up gallows. And when journalists pretend that organized outrage is organic, people who don’t know how organizing works will believe that lie, too. But none of that absolves Righty would-be leaders of the responsibility to do their jobs and organize correctly. 

Direct action is like an iceberg. The smashing and yelling you see doesn’t tell you about the infrastructure and hard work beneath the surface. Responsibility for building that infrastructure and doing that work lies with the organizers. Which is why, despite there being blame to go around, the grotesque fiasco at the Capitol is ultimately Righty would-be organizers’ fault.

It is their fault that police officers were assaulted, that Officer Brian Sicknick died, that Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips died, that Rosanne Boyland died crushed by the crowd. And it’s their fault that the untrained, unequipped, unprepared Ashli Babbit died because she was egged on into climbing through a broken window towards an armed officer, assuming he wouldn’t shoot her. And when he did shoot her, the untrained, unequipped, unprepared people around her watched her bleed to death because they didn’t have any medics or any plan for serious injury. 

The people on the right most drawn to direct action cannot under any circumstances be trusted to commit it. This is a serious problem. When it comes to direct action, the issue of the morality of any given action tends to be intensely tribal: our brave activists, their scum of the earth. But the real question of any action is stupid vs. not stupid. If you do a stupid direct action, you will hurt your cause more than help it, and people may get hurt, and people may die. And whether your action is stupid or not, if you’re the organizer and your people don’t know the risks they’re running and how to mitigate them, that’s on you, too.

Tell me again how the right would win a civil war.

David Hines has a professional background in international human rights work with a focus on recovery from forced disappearances and mass homicide. He lives in Los Angeles.



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Read from top.


See also: another case of "muddled intelligence"... in questions arise for holding congress' open day when the members were discussing joe biden becoming president...