Wednesday 12th of March 2025

normal .....

normal .....

18th century gallows, modernised

Lawyer says Hicks chained to cell floor

The Australian lawyer for Guantanamo detainee David Hicks says his client is chained to the floor of his cell and has not seen sunlight for months.

David McLeod says it was extremely confronting to see how much Mr Hicks's condition has worsened since the last time he saw him last year.

Gus: The Australian government and Gerard Henderson (SMH opinion piece) can go jump... They are totally immoral in allowing and defending the barbaric treatment of this person, whether he is guilty or not of whatever... Hicks has not killed anyone, and it is only becasue of his association with the Taliban that the US is holding him, but in the most abject conditions. Pox on Howard, Ruddock and Downer for letting things go to this level... And may the poison pen of Mr Henderson  turn back on him. Unforgivable.

fine according to the gulag weatherman

From our ABC

US military denies Hicks in poor state

United States military lawyer Colonel Moe Davis has denied reports in the Australian media that Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks is in a bad physical and mental condition.

Mr Hicks's Australian lawyer, David McLeod, visited his client at the island prison in Cuba yesterday and was shocked by his condition.

"Seeing him chained to the floor, hollow eyes, and clearly despairing of his situation," he said.

Mr McLeod also says his client is locked up 22 hours a day and is being deprived of sunlight.

Colonel Davis denied Mr Hicks is being held in conditions like a Nazi concentration camp.

He says Mr Hicks is not shackled to the floor but he is kept in his cell for 22 hours a day.

"That is probably accurate, I mean the detainees there generally are offered two hours of outdoor recreation time a day so that would be the 22 hours a day - about right," he said.

"Of course, folks detained here in federal prison in the United States get one hour of outdoor recreation time so they're in their cells 23 hours a day."

Colonel Davis says he has been told by prison authorities that Mr Hicks's condition is fine.


Gus: the rumours that someone told the janitor who told the sentry who told the lavatory assistant who may have told the sergeant who would have told an upper underling who had a bit of an ear with the assistant to the colonel who translated the gargle made sure the good colonel Davis could tell us that Hicks condition is "fine". like the weather indicator on my barometer stuck on this mark since 1963...

five years too late

From the ABC

Govt requests independent review of Hicks's health

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) says the Australian Government has requested an independent assessment of the mental health of Australian Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks.

The DFAT statement contradicts earlier comments by Attorney-General Philip Ruddock, who said Australia would not be requesting an independent evaluation because it was likely to be turned down by the United States Government.

DFAT says the request has been made but initial US advice suggests independent mental and physical health care is not usually permitted in Guantanamo Bay.


Not permitted... er, Ya vul, herr kommandant... verboten! verboten!... 

five years too late (2)

From the ABC

Iraqi given asylum after 5-year wait

An Iraqi asylum seeker detained on Nauru for more than five years has been granted a permanent protection visa and released in Australia.

The Immigration Department found Muhammad Faisal had a strong case for refugee status in 2004, but it was not granted because of an adverse ASIO security assessment.

Mr Faisal was moved from Nauru to a psychiatric facility in Brisbane late last year and was released from detention today.

Immigration Department spokesman Sandi Logan says a fresh security check has found the new resident is not a risk to national security.

"He was released from detention at noon in Brisbane," Mr Logan said.


confused confusion

from the ABC


Govt in chaos over Hicks: Opposition

The Federal Opposition says the Foreign Affairs Department and the Attorney-General are at odds over the detention of David Hicks.

Mr Hicks's lawyers, who are visiting their client, say his mental and physical condition has deteriorated significantly in his five years at Guantanamo Bay.

Yesterday the Federal Opposition called for an independent examination of Mr Hicks.

The department says Australia has made a request for an independent health assessment of Mr Hicks, but the US indicated at the time it was unlikely to agree.

However Attorney-General Philip Ruddock says an independent assessment has not been requested.

Labor's Kelvin Thomson says it is a contradiction.