Wednesday 12th of March 2025

bushed .....

bushed .....


‘London, England - The image of the United States has deteriorated around the world in the past year because of issues such as Iraq and prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, according to a poll by the BBC World Service released on Tuesday."

The proportion of people believing the United States has a mainly positive influence in world affairs dropped seven points from a year ago -- to 29 percent from 36, the results from 18 countries that were also polled the previous year showed.

Fifty-two percent thought U.S. influence was mainly negative, up from 47 percent a year ago, the poll found.

The survey, released on the day President George W. Bush gives his State of the Union speech to Congress, found sharp disagreement with U.S. policy on Iraq which is ravaged by violence nearly four years after the U.S.-led invasion.’

Image Of US Deteriorates Around World: BBC Poll

and, unsurprisingly, the frat brat, draft-dodging, war criminal, lunatic in the outhouse, is just as popular at home …..

Bushit's approval rating, according to a Washington Post-ABC poll. has fallen to 33%.

"Only two presidents" - Richard Nixon and Harry Truman - "have had lower approval ratings on the eve of a State of the Union speech."

Seventy-one percent of Americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction.


A new website, hosted by proper journalists, is devoted to the '08 campaign. From McCain Bashes Cheney Over Iraq Policy:

Although McCain had once lavished praise on the vice president, he said in an interview in his Senate office: "The president listened too much to the Vice President . . . Of course, the president bears the ultimate responsibility, but he was very badly served by both the Vice President and, most of all, the Secretary of Defense."

Sounds like a key strategy by contenders will be to build credentials for being the best choice to lead the US out of the Iraq mess. If so, many will be listening to Chuck Hagel.

It's more likely Americans will value Hagel's contribution to the campaign, than they will elect a Mormon or a Scientologist.

Will be interesting to watch where Rupert Murdoch places his bets, and who will be beating a path to the door.