Sunday 9th of March 2025

some are leaving the sinking ship... but is the ship unsinkable?...


Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to US President Donald Trump, has announced that she is resigning from her post. 

She says she will step down from her role to focus on her children.

Here's a look back at her career, from helping Mr Trump to clinch the 2016 election victory to controversies surrounding "alternative facts" and endorsing products by Mr Trump's daughter, Ivanka. 

The first female campaign manager to win a presidential race

Kellyanne Conway is the first woman in American history to lead a successful US presidential campaign. 

Following Mr Trump's election win, she was offered the role as senior counsel to the president. In this role, she was Mr Trump's political adviser. 

Once dubbed the "Trump whisperer," Mrs Conway was credited with helping to steady Mr Trump's campaign after a video was leaked to the media in which he was heard making obscene comments about women.

At the time of Mrs Conway's appointment, Mr Trump said she had "played a crucial role in my victory".

"She is a tireless and tenacious advocate of my agenda and has amazing insights on how to effectively communicate our message," he said.


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if you really want to drive them crazy, you say 12 more years...

US President Donald Trump has warned his fellow Republicans their opponents may "steal" November's election, as his party anointed him as their candidate.

"They're using Covid to defraud the American people," Mr Trump told delegates on the first day of the party convention in North Carolina.

Mr Trump repeated his much-disputed claims that mail-in ballots could lead to voter fraud.

Opinion polls suggest he currently trails Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

Addressing delegates in person at a party conference that has been dramatically scaled down by Covid-19, Mr Trump accused Democrats of "using Covid to steal an election".

"The only way they can take this election away from us is if this is a rigged election," he said. "We're going to win."

Mr Trump also warned of a "rigged" election in 2016, as he trailed Hillary Clinton in the polls.

As a formality, Mr Trump was officially nominated to be the Republican nominee on Monday at his party's convention in the city of Charlotte. 

The president is due to give a speech to the party convention on Thursday. It is unusual for a candidate to address the convention before their formal acceptance speech.

Supporters at the convention cheered Mr Trump's remarks, and as they began to chant "four more years" Mr Trump interjected. 

"Now if you really want to drive them crazy, you say 12 more years," he said. The 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution, ratified in 1951, says US presidents are only permitted to serve two terms, for a total of eight years in office.


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when the cold war was won by the yanks in 1959...

The cold war had been won in 1959 by the Americans...


But the Yanks pushed their luck as they always do and ended up with the Cuban Missile crisis... Etc.


What we have to remember, is that over the years since the invention of the Atomic Bombs, some accidents and various demonstrations of power happened, on all sides, like when a US worker dropped a wrench in an atomic missile silo


The latest reported incident in Russia was when five nuclear scientists perished. As by luck and design nuclear bombs need some very very very precise timing that accidents would be very unlucky to trigger. We will mention when a B-47 bomber dropped its ARMED 50(?) megaton bomb in the mud just 8 miles off the coast of Savannah, USA, after having been hit by F-86 US fighters during a mock attack... Some people are still trying to located it more than 62 years later...


Here we need to study all these accidental events and hope that NO-ONE, especially Joe will ever push "the others" into a corner. See also the Norwegian Rocket Incident in 1995...


Just for starters to see a 50 megaton explosion, visit: More to come...

the pitiful choice is between "not-trump" and trump...

With the Democratic convention history and the Republican one lurching forward, excitement among voters ranges from lukewarm to semi-lukewarm. Political cynicism scrapes at the nation like a sleeping man being shaved by a drunk barber.

Both conventions make one thing clear as a slug trail: the Democratic candidate is Not Trump. Just vote for the one named “Trump” or the one named “Not Trump.” It’s easy. In fact 60 percent of Biden voters say their support is more against Trump than for Joe. It’s easy to imagine most of the rest will vote Biden confused after the convention, thinking Obama is running again.

Meanwhile Trump is Trump is Trump. Seriously, if any one is not sure what they think of the guy by now they need to be exposed to 24 hours of Twitter with their eyes pegged open like the dude in A Clockwork Orange. If you liked the last four years, here comes more of it.

It gets more complicated on the other side. See, the Not Trump candidate is an old white man, but don’t pay attention to age, gender, or race even though he’s the same as Trump. The Democratic vice presidential candidate is younger, blacker, and less male so in her case age, gender, and race are very important. Kamala Harris exists as a lure to get a few depressed prog voters to bite on Ol’ Man Not Trump. That primary voters rejected her and five other decent women candidates illustrates the cynicism here.

For four years Trump delivered daily steaming piles of exactly what he said he would. You got what you voted for, no better no worse, like the all-you-can-eat buffet that’s mostly carbs. The base figured out early most of it was just rhetoric to inflame the libs, while the liberals took the bait every time.

Democrats on the other hand chummed the water with talk about progressive issues like free healthcare, free college, college loan forgiveness, you know, the Bernie stuff. Despite Bernie coming in second place twice in two primary campaigns his ideas are going to have as much influence on Biden as they are on Trump. Same for all the others hyped along the way to keep everyone’s attention, Beto, Pete, Stacey Adams, AOC, and Warren. Nothing new; the sideshow acts always were used to bring the rubes into the tent and once they paid their money it didn’t matter if the Bearded Lady was a fraud.

That the Democrats featured John “I Lost the Primary, Too” Kasich, the abandoned Colin “Liar” Powell, John “Sell Out” Kerry, and the ghostly Widow McCain at the convention made it clear how little the party really cares about the POC and young people it purported to groom for the last years. They ran out of old Democrats to feature and had to resort to bringing in old Republicans. Viewers might have expected the whole thing to shift into an infomercial for reverse mortgages at some point featuring hologrammed spokesman John McCain himself. Nonetheless, you better vote Not Trump even knowing you’re being played for the sucker.

The Republicans on the other hand crafted raised middle finger performance art from their speakers. You got BLM? We got the ultimate angry white people, Patricia and Mark McCloskey, who aimed guns at Black Lives Matter protesters in St. Louis.

As for election strategy, both campaigns seem to center on… the post office. Dems need you to believe the greatest election conspiracy in the history of democracy is unfolding inside the place. Yes, that post office, where grandpa buys those things he calls stamps. That place will likely end democracy because this election will have so many mail-in ballots and Democrats believe all those mail-in ballots will be for them and each requires its own blue corner mailbox. So Trump wins because Republicans will vote by magic laser beam or something. Diabolical plans which can be thwarted simply by voting early, or in person, are kinda weak. Kinda like Hillary in her convention speech cynically telling people winning the Electoral College was some kind of sneaky trick on Trump’s part.

What neither side will be talking about is President Bone Spurs. Yep, his pug faced rich daddy got a doctor to pretend little Donny had bone spurs and so was exempt from dying in Vietnam. Well, fuggedaboutit.

See when Uncle Joey was younger he too did not go to Vietnam. Joey got fivestudent draft deferments during the Vietnam War, same as Trump. And in 1968, when his Joe’s student status was wrapping up, he was medically reclassified as “not available” due to asthma. Asthma can be nasty stuff or it can be a bone spur. In his autobiography Joe described his active youth as a lifeguard and high school football player, and lied (note to fact-checkers doing their research: Biden lies are called gaffes) about being on the University of Delaware football team. His vice presidential physicals mention multiple aneurysms. Asthma, no.

#MeToo was fun for awhile too, but Biden’s hands-on treatment of women means it’s now a no-touch zone. Google “Anita Hill.” Same for Tara Reade, who has been telling people since the 1990‘s Biden stuck his fingers in her private place unwanted, which is the same as Trump “grabbing them by the pussy.” This will all get a little harder to pretend away when CNN spends the autumn replaying Kamala being fierce and nasty pounding #BelieveWomen into Americans’ skulls and tearing into Brett Kavanaugh for being a high school kid but Dems pulled it off with Bill Clinton and can do it again.

Corruption used to be a safe one to use against Trump. Unfortunately, after leaving the Obama White House, Joe and his wife made more than $15 million, mostly via sweetheart book deals. In fact, they made nearly twice as much in 2017 as they did in the previous 19 years combined. The University of Pennsylvania gave Joe $775,000 to teach, and then was nice enough to offer him indefinite leave of absence from actually teaching. And sure, Biden charges the Secret Service $2,200 a month rent for a cottage on his property so they can protect him, which sounds like Trump. And there’s all that business with Joe and his son in Ukraine, and Joe and his son in China. Best to talk about Beau, the dead soldier son.


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See from top and : a moment in time... in in praise of old farts and denouncing a system that makes them king...

hubby is a no-trumper...

Trump Aide Kellyanne Conway's Husband Endorses Joe Biden in 2020 Presidential Race


"Publicly supporting a Democratic nominee for president is a first for all of us," George Conway wrote along with other anti-Trump Republicans

Kellyanne Conway‘s husband, George T. Conway III, has not been shy about his distaste for President Donald Trump, who employs his wife.

George made those feelings even more clear this week by co-writing a column for The Washington Post with fellow anti-Trump Republicans supporting Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential race.

George, along with other members of the conservative group The Lincoln Project — which was formed in December with the mission of getting Trump out of office — announced in their Post op-ed on Wednesday that they would be backing Biden in his presidential run.

“Today, the United States is beset with a president who was unprepared for the burden of the presidency and who has made plain his deficits in leadership, management, intelligence and morality,” the group, including George, wrote.


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Bad blood at the family breakfast?... Read from top.

only the family left, and not all rosy...

Despite openly acknowledging severe differences in political outlook with the Democrats, the GOP alumni claimed they would rather give more weight to kicking President Trump out of office. POTUS’s campaign spokesman hit back at that, arguing that "the Swamp creatures", who were at some point in power, had gathered "to protect one of their own".

Over 150 ex-advisers and staffers to Republican Party big shots, former President George W. Bush, Sens. John McCain and Mitt Romney, are throwing their support behind Donald Trump's Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

All three alumni groups have issued statements lambasting Trump and calling out his spats with their former conservative bosses. McCain’s team -  ranging from junior aides to chiefs of staff - wrote, recalling their previous experience and long-standing principles, as well as confirming their unconditional support for Biden:

"Working for John McCain was an honour, and his example of public service remains a lasting influence on us. His motto, 'country first', and his frequent call on Americans to serve causes greater than our self-interest were not empty slogans like so much of our politics today. They were the creed by which he lived and he urged us to do the same. It is in that spirit that we are supporting his friend, Joe Biden".

Speaking to The New York Times, Mark Salter, McCain's longtime chief aide, who helped with the effort, claimed it is purely anti-Trump, suggesting that removing Trump from office was more of a priority for the group than differences they had with Biden or the Dems at large.


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So, it looks like the only people left to vote for Trump on election day are in his own family... Mind you, even in his family someone might vote for Joe... or the commies...


Thursday was the fourth and final night of the 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC), in which US President Donald Trump accepted his party’s nomination for the US presidency. Ivanka Trump was the last of the president’s children to speak at the event.

A facial expression made by the US first lady, Melania Trump, as her step-daughter Ivanka Trump passed by following the delivery of a speech on the final night of the Republican National Convention on Thursday went viral, described as “so weird”.

By the end of Ivanka’s speech, US President Donald Trump and FLOTUS had walked on stage as the daughter walked past them. Melania met Ivanka at the beginning with a broad smile, but soon, her facial expression changed one hundred and eighty degrees.


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And on Day 4, there was no more Mr. Nice Guy!

Republicans spent the better part of three nights in their convention presenting softer and gentler sides of President Trump, but the president gets the final words and he came out Thursday in a fighting mood.

His acceptance speech detailed his successes and offered promises aplenty for a second term, but the emphasis and energy were committed to a scorched-earth attack on Joe Biden and the Democrats. Trump threw so many punches at his opponent that, had it been a real heavyweight boxing match, the referee would have stopped it in the middle rounds out of mercy.

Some samples: “This election will decide whether we save the American Dream, or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny.”

Then later: “How can the Democrat Party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?”

After saying Biden had buckled to the demands of the socialists in his party, Trump asked: “If he can’t stand up to them, how is he going to stand up for you.”

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Should Trump win... there will be a lot of eggs on faces...