Thursday 16th of January 2025

We are lived by powers we pretend to understand...

capt amerika..

The terminal decline of the United States will not be solved by elections.

The political rot and depravity will continue to eat away at the soul of the nation, spawning what anthropologists call crisis cults — movements led by demagogues that prey on an unbearable psychological and financial distress. These crisis cults, already well established among followers of the Christian Right and Donald Trump, peddle magical thinking and an infantilism that promises — in exchange for all autonomy — prosperity, a return to a mythical past, order and security. The dark yearnings among the white working class for vengeance and moral renewal through violence, the unchecked greed and corruption of the corporate oligarchs and billionaires who manage our failed democracy, which has already instituted wholesale government surveillance and revoked most civil liberties, are part of the twisted pathologies that infect all civilizations sputtering towards oblivion. I witnessed the deaths of other nations during the collapse of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe and later in the former Yugoslavia. I have smelled this stench before.


By Chris Hedges / Original to Scheerpost


The removal of Trump from office will only exacerbate the lust for racist violence he incites and the intoxicating elixir of white nationalism. The ruling elites, who first built a mafia economy and then built a mafia state, will continue under Biden, as they did under Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan, to wantonly pillage and loot. The militarized police will not stop their lethal rampages in poor neighborhoods. The endless wars will not end. The bloated military budget will not be reduced. The world’s largest prison population will remain a stain upon the country. The manufacturing jobs shipped overseas will not return and the social inequality will grow. The for-profit health care system will gouge the public and price millions more out of the health care system. The language of hate and bigotry will be normalized as the primary form of communication. Internal enemies, including Muslims, immigrants and dissidents, will be defamed and attacked. The hypermasculinity that compensates for feelings of impotence will intensify. It will direct its venom towards women and all who fail to conform to rigid male stereotypes, especially artists, LGBTQ people and intellectuals. Lies, conspiracy theories, trivia and fake news — what Hannah Arendt called “nihilistic relativism” — will still dominate the airwaves and social media, mocking verifiable fact and truth. The ecocide, which presages the extinction of the human species and most other life forms, will barrel unabated towards its apocalyptic conclusion.

“We run heedlessly into the abyss after putting something in front of us to stop us seeing it,” Pascal wrote.

The worse it gets — and it will get worse as the pandemic hits us in wave after deadly wave with an estimated 300,000 Americans dead by December and possibly 400,000 by January — the more desperate the nation will become. Tens of millions of people will be thrown into destitution, evicted from their homes and abandoned. Social collapse, as Peter Drucker observed in Weimar Germany in the 1930s, brings with it a loss of faith in ruling institutions and ruling ideologies. With no apparent answers or solutions to mounting chaos and catastrophe — and Biden and the Democratic Party have already precluded the kind of New Deal programs and assault on oligarchic power that saved us during the Great Depression — demagogues and charlatans need only denounce all institutions, all politicians, and all political and social conventions while conjuring up hosts of phantom enemies. Drucker saw that Nazism succeeded not because people believed in its fantastic promises, but in spite of them. Nazi absurdities, he pointed out, had been “witnessed by a hostile press, a hostile radio, a hostile cinema, a hostile church, and a hostile government which untiringly pointed out the Nazi lies, the Nazi inconsistency, the unattainability of their promises, and the dangers and folly of their course.” Nobody, he noted, “would have been a Nazi if rational belief in the Nazi promises had been a prerequisite.” The poet, playwright and socialist revolutionary Ernst Toller, who was forced into exile and stripped of his citizenship when the Nazis took power in 1933, wrote much the same in his autobiography: “The people are tired of reason, tired of thought and reflection. They ask, what has reason done in the last few years, what good have insights and knowledge done us.” After Toller committed suicide in 1939, W.H. Auden in his poem “In Memory of Ernst Toller” wrote:

            We are lived by powers we pretend to understand:
            They arrange our loves; it is they who direct at the end
            The enemy bullet, the sickness, or even our hand.


The poor, the vulnerable, those who are not white or not Christian, those who are undocumented or who do not mindlessly repeat the cant of a perverted Christian nationalism, will be offered up in a crisis to the god of death, a familiar form of human sacrifice that plagues sick societies. Once these enemies are purged from the nation, we are promised, America will recover its lost glory, except that once one enemy is obliterated another takes its place. Crisis cults require a steady escalation of conflict. This is what made the war in the former Yugoslavia inevitable. Once one stage of conflict reaches a crescendo it loses its efficacy. It must be replaced by ever more brutal and deadly confrontations. The intoxication and addiction to greater and greater levels of violence to purge the society of evil led to genocide in Germany and the former Yugoslavia. We are not immune. It is what Ernst Jünger called a “feast of death.”

These crisis cults are, as Drucker understood, irrational and schizophrenic. They have no coherent ideology. They turn morality upside down. They appeal exclusively to emotions. Burlesque and celebrity culture become politics. Depravity becomes morality. Atrocities and murder become heroism. Crime and fraud become justice. Greed and nepotism become civic virtues. What these cults stand for today, they condemn tomorrow. At the height of the reign of terror on May 6, 1794 during the French Revolution, Maximilien Robespierre announced that the Committee for Public Safety now recognized the existence of God. The French revolutionaries, fanatical atheists who had desecrated churches and confiscated church property, murdered hundreds of priests and forced another 30,000 into exile, instantly reversed themselves to send to the guillotine those who disparaged religion. In the end, exhausted by the moral confusion and internal contradictions, these crisis cults yearn for self-annihilation.

The French sociologist Emile Durkheim in his classic book “On Suicide” found that when social bonds are shattered, when a population no longer feels it has a place or meaning in a society, personal and collective acts of self-destruction proliferate. Societies are held together by a web of social bonds that give individuals a sense of being part of a collective and engaged in a project larger than the self. This collective expresses itself through rituals, such as elections and democratic participation or an appeal to patriotism, and shared national beliefs. The bonds provide meaning, a sense of purpose, status and dignity. They offer psychological protection from impending mortality and the meaninglessness that comes with being isolated and alone. The breaking of these bonds plunges individuals into deep psychological distress. Durkheim called this state of hopelessness and despair anomie, which he defined as “ruleless-ness.”

Ruleless-ness means the norms that govern a society and create a sense of organic solidarity no longer function. The belief, for example, that if we work hard, obey the law and get a good education we can achieve stable employment, social status and mobility along with financial security becomes a lie. The old rules, imperfect and often untrue for poor people of color, nevertheless were not a complete fiction in the United States. They offered some Americans — especially those from the white working and middle class — modest social and economic advancement. The disintegration of these bonds has unleashed a widespread malaise Durkheim would have recognized. The self-destructive pathologies that plague the United States — opioid addiction, gambling, suicide, sexual sadism, hate groups and mass shootings — are products of this anomie. So is our political dysfunction. My book, “America: The Farewell Tour,” is an examination of these pathologies and the widespread anomie that defines American society.

The economic structures, even before the pandemic, were reconfigured to mock faith in a meritocracy and the belief that hard work leads to a productive and valued role in society. American productivity, as The New York Times pointed out, has increased 77 percent since 1973 but hourly pay has grown only 12 percent. If the federal minimum wage was attached to productivity, the newspaper wrote, it would be more than $20 an hour now, not $7.25. Some 41.7 million workers, a third of the workforce, earn less than $12 an hour, and most of them do not have access to employer-sponsored health insurance. A decade after the 2008 financial meltdown, the Times wrote, the average middle class family’s net worth is more than $40,000 below what it was in 2007. The net worth of black families is down 40 percent, and for Latino families the figure has dropped 46 percent. Some four million evictions are filed each year. One in four tenant households spends about half its pretax income on rent. Each night some 200,000 people sleep in their cars, on streets or under bridges. And these stark figures represent the good times Biden and the Democratic Party leaders promise to restore. Now, with real unemployment probably close to 20 percent — the official figure of 10 percent excludes those furloughed or those who have stopped looking for work — some 40 million people are at risk of being evicted by the end of the year. An estimated 27 million people are expected to lose their health insurance. Banks are stockpiling reserves of cash to cope with the expected wave of bankruptcies and defaults on mortgages, student loans, car loans, personal loans and credit card debt. The ruleless-ness and anomie that defines the lives of tens of millions of Americans was orchestrated by the two ruling parties in the service of a corporate oligarchy. If we do not address this anomie, if we do not restore the social bonds shattered by predatory corporate capitalism, the decay will accelerate.

This dark human pathology is as old as civilization itself, repeated in varying forms in the twilight of ancient Greece and Rome, the finale of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires, revolutionary France, the Weimar Republic and the former Yugoslavia.

The social inequality that characterizes all states and civilizations seized by a tiny and corrupt cabal — in our case corporate — leads to an inchoate desire by huge segments of the population to destroy. The ethnic nationalists Slobodan Milošević, Franjo Tudjman, Radovan Karadžić and Alija Izetbegović in the former Yugoslavia assumed power in a similar period of economic chaos and political stagnation. Yugoslavs by 1991 were suffering from widespread unemployment and had seen their real incomes reduced by half from what they had been a generation before. These nationalist demagogues sanctified their followers as righteous victims stalked by an array of elusive enemies. They spoke in the language of vengeance and violence, leading, as it always does, to actual violence. They trafficked in historical myth, deifying the past exploits of their race or ethnicity in a perverse kind of ancestor worship, a mechanism to give to those who suffered from anomie, who had lost their identity, dignity and self-worth, a new, glorious identity as part of a master race. When I walked through Montgomery, Alabama, a city where half of the population is African-American, with the civil rights attorney Bryan Stevenson a few years ago, he pointed out the numerous Confederate memorials, noting that most had been put up in the last decade. “This,” I told him, “is exactly what happened in Yugoslavia.”

A hyper-nationalism always infects a dying civilization. It feeds the collective self-worship. This hyper-nationalism celebrates the supposedly unique virtues of the race or the national group. It strips all who are outside the closed circle of worth and humanity. The world instantly becomes understandable, a black and white tableau of them and us. These tragic moments in history see people fall into collective insanity. They suspend thought, especially self-critical thought. None of this is going away in November, in fact it will get worse.

Joe Biden, a shallow, political hack devoid of fixed beliefs or intellectual depth, is an expression of the nostalgia of a ruling class that yearns to return to the pantomime of democracy. They want to restore the decorum and civic religion that makes the presidency a form of monarchy and sacralizes the organs of state power. Donald Trump’s vulgarity and ineptitude is an embarrassment to the architects of empire. He has ripped back the veil that covered our failed democracy. But no matter how hard the elites try this veil cannot be restored. The mask is off. The façade is gone. Biden cannot bring it back.

Political, economic and social dysfunction define the American empire. Our staggering inability to contain the pandemic, which now infects over 5 million Americans, and the failure to cope with the economic fallout the pandemic has caused, has exposed the American capitalist model as bankrupt. It has freed the world, dominated by the United States for seven decades, to look at other social and political systems that serve the common good rather than corporate greed. The diminished stature of the United States, even among our European allies, brings with it the hope for new forms of government and new forms of power.

It is up to us to abolish the American kleptocracy. It is up to us to mount sustained acts of mass civil disobedience to bring down the empire. It poisons the world as it poisons us. If we mobilize to build an open society, we hold out the possibility of beating back these crisis cults as well as slowing and disrupting the march towards ecocide. This requires us to acknowledge, like those protesting in the streets of Beirut, that our kleptocracy, like Lebanon’s, is incapable of being salvaged. The American system of inverted totalitarianism, as the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin called it, must be eradicated if we are to wrest back our democracy and save ourselves from mass extinction. We need to echo the chants by the crowds in Lebanon calling for the wholesale removal of its ruling class — kulyan-yani-kulyan — everyone means everyone.

[Chris Hedges writes a regular original column for Scheerpost twice a month. Click here to sign up for email alerts.]

why would they bother?...

The aliens have landed. For decades, this belief has been associated with cranks, but now a surprisingly healthy number of university-employed scientists and researchers are suggesting that aliens live among us, on planet Earth.

Just because we can’t see them…

As unlikely as this may sound to firm believers in the infallible rationality of our highest learning and research institutions, numerous scientists do believe there’s a chance we may be walking among aliens. In fact, things are even weirder than this, because these same scientists believe that these aliens are ‘invisible,’ undetectable to our five senses and to conventional methods of detection.

Each year seems to bring a new subscriber to this steadily growing club, with the latest inductee being Helen Sharman. The first Brit in space and now at Imperial College London’s Department of Chemistry, Sharman told The Observer, “Aliens exist, there’s no two ways about it.” Uncontroversial enough, you might say, but the OBE (Order of the British Empire) went on to share her view that aliens could be on Earth right now.


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Why would intelligent aliens be amongst us? I guess the poor buggers have been sent by their leaders to make sure this planet is not destroyed by its "superior" monkeys. They have calculated that the destruction of this earth could lead, like a butterfly effect in the Amazon forest, to a major upset in the galactica paxus, in a about 13,645 years... These invisible beings thus make sure that whoever is head of the planet Americ-anus after November, is brain dead and unable to add two and two beyond being as clever as a benchpark-dweller's ability to smell fresh paint.


I keep my invisible alien in a pot plant at the back... He/she (it's impossible to know) is happy there in the shade.




now we see you, now we don't...

It sounds like the worst kind of anxiety dream – a public toilet cubicle that appears to offer the promise of blessed relief, but which on closer inspection turns out to be entirely see-through.

That, though, is the design feature behind several toilets that recently opened in public parks in Tokyo.

The “transparent” toilets, created by the Pritzker prize-winning architect Shigeru Ban and more than a dozen other leading designers, are made from coloured “smart glass” that turns opaque when the cubicles are occupied.

The conveniences opened this month in five locations in the capital’s Shibuya neighbourhood as part of the Tokyo Toilet Project, organised by the nonprofit Nippon Foundation.


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Read from top.

there was no evidence to suggest he engaged with this effort...

A three-year investigation by the US Senate committee has found Russia worked to help Donald Trump get elected in 2016.

The panel’s almost 1000-page report revealed a close circle of Mr Trump’s trusted campaign advisers welcomed the Russian government’s help.

The Kremlin launched an extensive campaign that attempted to sabotage the presidential election to get Mr Trump in the Oval Office, but there was no evidence to suggest he engaged with this effort.

It still posed “a grave counterintelligence threat”, the report stated.

The Republican-led Senate intelligence committee outlined considerable evidence of Mr Trump’s campaign advisers engaging with high-level people tied to the Kremlin.

His then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort was a longstanding associate of Konstantin V. Kilimnik, identified in the report as a “Russian intelligence officer”.

The report suggested Mr Kilimnik might have been linked with a Russian military intelligence unit, known as the GRU, which led a “hack-and-leak operation targeting the 2016 US election”.

“This is what collusion looks like,” the report said.

Mr Trump’s campaign advisers were “attractive targets for foreign influence” because they were long-time associates, friends and other businessmen with no government experience.

This created “notable counterintelligence vulnerabilities”.

The Kremlin took advantage of the “relative inexperience” of Mr Trump’s team.

Even his “disorganised and unprepared” presidential transition team was “open to influence and manipulation by foreign intelligence services, government leaders, and co-opted business executives”, the report stated.

It blamed “the lack of vetting of foreign interactions by transition officials”.

As a result, “Russian officials, intelligence services, and others acting on the Kremlin’s behalf” managed to exploit Mr Trump’s advisers.

“The team repeatedly took actions that sometimes interfered with U.S. diplomatic efforts, were not part of a visible overriding foreign policy and were “narrow and transactional,” the report said.

“This created unnecessary confusion among US allies and other world leaders, creating the potential to harm America’s ability to conduct diplomacy both bilaterally and in multilateral institutions, and undermine U.S. credibility and influence,” it continued.

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A city of 10 million people has been built on the moon with a lot of "may have beens"...

All good, Uncle Rupe and his evangelicals have been exonerated...

covid regulations killed them (?)...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - A stampede at a disco in the Peruvian capital of Lima left at least 13 revellers dead and three others injured, the Interior Ministry said on Sunday.

"The Interior Ministry deeply regrets the death of thirteen people as a result of the criminal irresponsibility of an unscrupulous entrepreneur," a press release read.

The party at Thomas Restobar club was organized despite a ban on mass gatherings imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Some 120 people were partying there on Saturday night when the police stormed the second-floor disco, prompting the crowd to flee through the only exit.

The ministry stressed that police officers had not carried firearms or used tear gas. Three officers were injured trying to free party-goers trapped between the door and the staircase. Twenty-three people were detained.


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Read from top.

shooting fish in a toilet bowl...


Life during Trump second term: Paramilitary democracy accelerates



by John Stanton



"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must -at that moment-become the center of the universe." Ellie Weisel.


"In November, Black Girls Ride will rev our engines, we will go to the polls and fill the ballot boxes of this nation and choose a leader that will provide the unity our country needs. We invite you to vote like your life depends on it. Thank you."  Porsche Taylor, Black Girls Ride at the Get Off Ours Necks rally in Washington, DC.

Two Headed Monster: One Side is Out of Control

Sides must be taken.

Americans must choose the side of the Kenosha, Wisconsin protestors and the two men killed by a teenage YMCA lifeguard and supporter of President Donald Trump. Trump must be soundly defeated on November 3, 2020. He is America's Mussolini and his followers the equivalent of the Black Shirts.

The American election process only produces two candidates for presidential office. For the foreseeable future, Americans are stuck with a system dominated by Republicans and Democrats, awash in large donor money and polluted by Political Action Committees. Talk of imposing term limits, eliminating the Electoral College, instituting referenda, and developing robust third parties are just that: talk. Americans are too lazy to be revolutionaries for change which is one of the many reasons cookie-cutter candidates from both political parties make the grade as presidential timber.

Indeed,  Americans are represented by a two-headed monster and it is difficult to divine the difference between the two parties. But one head of that monster, the Republican ghoul in the guise of Donald Trump, has gone off the rails. It is trying to rip itself away from the Janus-faced Democratic side of its body and intends to reconstitute itself as a singular sort of Republican Lotan not only of the sea but adapted to the land.  The Republican party has become home to racists, fascists, militant cops, Q'Non, the Boogaloo Boys, a rag tag army of right wing militias, and corporate vampires who want to pay no taxes, privatize Social Security, and rule over a wasteland of unemployed and homeless Americans. In short, it is the Republican party is the party of ignorance and oppression.

Joe Biden, a kind of conservative, not quite an elderly Yoda, called from exile on Planet Delaware, is no Ha'dad Ba'al to Lotan, but a vote for Biden represents a hold-the-line measure until a Ha'dad Ba'al arrives in some form to purge the United States of the social and environmental diseases that Trump and the Republicans have exacerbated over the past four years (with complicity of many Democrats)

Yes, Biden's fatherly advice was absent when it came to Hunter Biden; the nefarious "yes" vote for the second Iraq War; his support for the 1994 Crime Bill (although there is a lot of fog around some of the facts on the matter); and his Wall Street ties leads to a grimace. Further, Biden seems to be "playing not to lose" which is a dangerous strategy. "Protecting the lead" by going conservative is not a smart play.

So what's an American citizen supposed to do? Not vote and proclaim to friends and family that the candidates are beneath one's dignity and, well, "I can't morally cast my vote for x or y." Or, "Oh me, oh my, it's the lesser of two evils and I voted for y instead of x. I held my nose even." Bull*&^%!

The importance of the 2020 election can be found in the impassioned, and convincing, speeches from the Get Off My Neck March. There really is only one sane choice.

Trump Dystopia: Democracy

During a Trump second term, the militarization of the United States will accelerate. National Guard and active duty military personnel will occupy urban spaces which will become the site of relentless anti-Trump and pro-Black Lives Matter protesters.

  • Increased violence between right and left wing groups across the United States will be the norm. Left wing groups will arm themselves forming counter-militias of their own. Gun battles will take place between the two opposing groups during nationwide protests against a Trump reelection. Police will be overwhelmed as they will not be able to quell riots, stop gun battles or perform routine policing duties. A wild card will be urban gangs. What alliances will they make? The active duty military will have to intervene.
  • Austerity measures to pay the bill for the COVID19 Pandemic relief will be put into force. Unemployment and homelessness will explode. Work camps will need to be setup to deal with the needy masses. Chain-gang style employment, without the chains, will be initiated to work on infrastructure projects. Defense contractors and prison industries will make millions as they oversee work camps and provide security.
  • Mutated COVID19, mixed with seasonal flu strains, will flow throughout the United States causing increased infections and death. Trump and his minions will encourage this development because it will clear the system of minorities, the elderly and the infirm.
  • The US healthcare system will drown in a new wave of COVID19/Flu cases. States and localities will go bankrupt because they will not receive financial assistance or proper supplies. Americans will still scoff at the idea of paying more taxes to fight the Pandemic. Death rates for other diseases (cancer, heart disease, etc.) will soar as non-COVID19 patients will be turned away from care. Insurance companies will go broke paying on policies. The infected will be sent to and imprisoned in unused athletic stadiums. The military will be used to herd the sick into holding pens and secure them there.
  • Right-wing, fascist Boogaloo Boys and Q'ANon will continue to designate as Republican, run for political office, and, once elected, begin to infiltrate local, state and federal representative bodies.
  • Trump will take the nation to war against Iran. Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE will be allies, even as American business in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria has not been concluded: US troops still remain active in these countries. It is likely the United States would have to draft its young people to fight such a war. Anti-American violence will explode in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and scores of other countries around the globe.
  • Environmental regulations, species protections will be eliminated.
  • "[America's] atrocious record with regard to the human rights of its citizens suggests that, with parliamentary complicity, it is degenerating to the status of a paramilitary democracy." The United States will continue to slide into military state.
  • Under relentless attack by Trump and his stooges, the First Amendment will be shattered. Media will become further centralized. Americans will be fed larger doses disinformation. Alternative media sites will come under threat of removal if they incur the wrath of Trump & Friends. Thus: "Hazards of centralized mass media include the following: 1.) A disproportion of power occurs and disproportionate informational power accrues to those who control centralized mass media; arguably, it is inherently undemocratic. 2.) An inability to transmit tacit knowledge; the context of content presented must either be explicitly explained or is assumed to be understood by the receiver. 3.) An inclination to focus on the unusual and sensational to capture the receivers' attention, leading to a distortion and trivialization of reality. 4.) The deliberate promotion of emotions such as anxiety, fear, or greed can be used to sell a particular agenda. 5.) An inability to deal with complex issues because of time and economic constraints leads to simplification, further distorting and trivializing reality." (US Army Special Forces Manual, 2008).

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