Thursday 16th of January 2025

saving one bird with chiffons...


Conservationists have criticised a Morrison government plan to rush through legislation implementing new environmental approval rules, warning they will be too vague and will not improve wildlife protection.

The environment minister, Sussan Ley, has promised draft laws to change the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act will be introduced to parliament next month, before a review of the legislation has been concluded.

She said the legislation would allow bilateral agreements with states and territories to devolve approval powers and include a version of national environmental standards proposed by Graeme Samuel, the former consumer watchdog head who is leading the review of the EPBC Act.


Birdlife Australia’s head of conservation, Samantha Vine, said she was concerned standards were being rushed into law before they were ready on the assumption they would be updated later.

Vine said the prototype standards were vague, the government was yet to explain how they would be enforced, and she would be more comfortable with the government’s approach if the rushed legislative included the creation of an independent regulator to enforce the new standards.

Ley has ruled out introducing an independent regulator, such as a national environment protection authority, and said the government would “strengthen compliance functions” within the environment department.

Vine said: “It’s pre-emptive to introduce this as legislation until we have more detail, particularly about what we’re going to do to stop the extinction of species. By all means, let’s have top-notch environmental standards, but let’s not rush them through.”

One of the challenges in developing standards identified by Samuel is a lack of monitoring data that gives a clear picture of the plight of species at risk. Campaigners have linked the lack of monitoring to a 40% cut in environmental department funding since the Coalition was elected in 2013.

James Trezise, a policy analyst at the Australian Conservation Foundation, said it was difficult to see how the prototype standards would improve the plight of threatened species.

The proposed standards say there should be “no net loss” of vulnerable or endangered species habitat, and “no detrimental change” to listed critical habitat of a species or ecological community. Conservationists say the register of habitat critical for the protection of threatened species is out of date, having not been updated for 15 years, and needs reform.

“The proposed species standards lack detail and don’t really represent any improvement on the status quo, which clearly isn’t working,” Trezise said. “A lot of work needs to be done to strengthen these standards in order to improve outcomes for threatened wildlife, and that’s a key test for these reforms.”

The Australian Marine Conservation Society said it was alarmed by the government’s rushed response. The society’s campaign manager, Tooni Mahto, said regulating environmental outcomes based on a set of standards could work, but they needed to be strong and clearly worded if they were to reverse years of the laws failing the environment.

“Currently, there is not enough detail in the interim report or from the government’s response on how these standards will protect endangered marine wildlife, the Great Barrier Reef and marine ecosystems,” Mahto said.

She said commonwealth oversight of threats from unsustainable fishing had been key to protecting endangered species. “Weakening any oversight means more risk to Australia’s unique and threatened marine wildlife,” she said.



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the need for an independent watchdog with teeth...

It is a bit rich that Environment Minister Sussan Ley has ruled out an independent watchdog to ensure that the states comply with the law (‘‘State of the environment: doubt over new laws’’, July 21).

Ms Ley would know something about watchdogs, having being previously bounced out of Parliament for travel rorts. No wonder the miners and the agricultural sector are happy.

Under this minister, who seems to disregard the law and dislike scrutiny, it looks like the federal government is saying to the states regarding the environment: do any thing you want to get the economy going again. God save the koalas.

Chris Moe, Bensville

EPBC reviewer Graeme Samuel recommends major reform of environmental laws and an independent cop to enforce regulation. Science agencies agree we are at a critical point in history globally and nationally. Surely it is time to accept that the natural world is not a peripheral ‘‘environmental’’ issue but central to everything on which we rely. Let’s treat it with the deep respect it deserves and put it front and centre of our decision-making.

Christine Hannan, Gladesville

In yesterday’s paper, there was an article suggesting the catastrophic virus situation in the US was due to a lack of leadership by Trump and his advisers (‘‘How Trump ceded control of virus battle’’, July 21).

Here, the Morrison government is planning to adopt a similar approach and hand control of environmental assessments to state governments. No doubt so it can blame the states for the damage this will cause.

Anthony Drysdale, Bowral

The frustration Premier Berejiklian feels at undisciplined behaviour is nothing compared to the fury we feel at her unwillingness to turn her party towards saving our land, water, air, forests, fauna species and planet, her inability even, it seems, to co-operate with another premier in the name of humanitarian common sense.

Bev Atkinson, Scone

The destruction of native wildlife (‘‘Australia evolved into a leader in wildlife extinctions’’, July 21) will continue as long as governments fail to properly legislate to curb relentless land clearing.

John Cotterill, Kingsford

Your article pinpoints feral animals as a significant contributor to the extinction of unique native animals. The sad fact is that live feral animals equals dead native animals. Unfortunately, concern for animal welfare has created an inertia around taking action to get rid of feral animals. These welfare concerns should be relocated away from feral animals and in favour of native animals.

Peter Olive, Marrickville


‘‘Australia is not doing enough to protect the environment, as it is’’, (‘‘Federal Coalition must not abdicate environment role’’, July, 21). For all the law on the books, next to nothing is done. Look around. The biodiversity loss rate, starting more than 200 years ago, is as great as ever. The koala, extinct in South Australia since the 1930s, is now threatened in NSW. Support the Abbot Point port for Adani, despite the poor state of the Great Barrier Reef. Feels just great being an Australian.

Graeme Tychsen, Rankin Park



From the SMH letters — 22/7/2020

archimedes: shit floats...

I don’t know how I got onto Jo Nova’s website… Oh, Yes, I was searching for information on how rotten the record of our ScoMo was on the environment… (see at top) and I fell in the trap. I could not resist. Sorry.

How many mushroom risotto’s does it take to stop a bushfire? Golden Globes goes Vegan “for the planet”     

A woodchip mill is better for the environment than greens are

These are the headlines from her website who self-describe as “a science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

Jo Nova is a sceptic on the big issue of global warming

She is a supporter of ScoMo’s pseudo-action (zero-renewable motivation, gas and coal burning by the truck-load, Alleluyah!) on climate change. She is a scientist who knows sciences better than NASA and the UN on this subject. She tells us, without batting an eyelid:

ScoMo needs support, like Tony Abbott did and didn’t get enough of. And to that end, any commentators who read this, or others and want to share and spread ideas, please do, but please also, share the sources, give the credit. Respect copyright and original content, and play your part in supporting the network that fights for freedom and one-law-for-all, and real science. We can only do this together. Some cut n paste blogs and commentators put themselves above the team. We need the network.

Martin Ayles heads the Australian Christian Lobby.  Michael Smith runs a great blog. This tip and much else, thanks to David Evans

Gus: Now we can’t resist giving the credit away… We know the Australian Christian Lobby is loony… We know about David Evans the evangelicalist and of Michael Smith whose great blog is a horror of colourful crap that floats inside a toilet bowl. Browsing through Jo Nova’s section Satire and Parody, we come across this lovely stuff:

May 23rd, 2020 | Tags: Funny, Satire & Parody, YouTube | Category: Funny stuff, Global Warming, Satire & Parody | Cricketers to freeze: Boxing Day Tests in Melbourne cooling since WWII

Peacetime maximums on Boxing Day are just not what they used to be

The ABC is afraid that Boxing day cricket may “go extinct” due to the heat.  Chris Gillham at graphed the December 26 test temperatures in Melbourne all the way back to 1855. Obviously, using ABC-ScienceTM (absurdio-extrapolatory et al) what we are really looking at is ominous cooling. To help the ABC, let’s adjust headlines accordingly:

“Injuries are forecast to rise as maximum temperatures fall in Melbourne on Boxing Day.”

The trend is clear in a supercomputer somewhere. If this decline continues the second polynomial will hit zero in 440 years. Cricketers won’t know what heat is.

The graphs here confirm the newspaper stories of a history of phenomenal Boxing day heat – especially in the late 1800s and circa World War II. Ergo, wars cause global warming (in Melbourne, on Dec 26).

…This is bound to change…

Two things to keep in mind, apart from designing a team beanie, is that many of the temperatures in the 1800s weren’t from Stevenson screens and so are debatable. On the other hand, the urban heat island effect is strong and site maintenance is weak, so […]


Monsieur Voltaire would be impressed… The amount of falsehoods and pseudo-assessments make a pile of dust so large that it would block my best vacuum-cleaner — which is not much good anyway.

An attack on the ABC as well as an assault on global warming sciences, while using the word “polynomial” in a sentence. Wow! Impressive! My hat fell down.

Presently it’s effing cold in Sydney… Hey, it’s winter and still early in the morning… The humidity is high and it’s 12 degrees Celsius outside, but it feels like "zero below” on the nose… By 2:30 PM, the school-lollipop man will comment with his east-European accent: “What a lovely day! You would not think it's winter really! Magic.”… And we had a 2019-20 summer full of records, including a massive 49 point something degrees Celsius in Penrith (a Sydney burb). Presently, Siberia is on fire…

In her book Climate Money (2009)(, Jo tells us in a red panel:

The most telling point is that after spending $30 billion on pure science research no one is able to point to a single piece of empirical evidence that man-made carbon dioxide has a significant effect on the global climate.


But how can you tell a Tony Abbott lover, a Martin Ayles (is he the same lunatic as Martyn Iles leading the ACL?) buddy, an Australian Christian Lobby follower, a Michael Smith admirer and a David Evans brown-noser, that she is wrong… or basically “not right”… What about Andrew Evans?… Oh, David Evans "was one of the pioneering veterans of the contemporary Christian music scene in Australia through the 80s and 90s that specialized in praise and worship and arena evangelism. In the 2000s, David was specifically contracted as a consultant to various significant mega churches specializing in the development of their creative ministries departments.  Then through some amazing turn of events David felt called to move to the U.S. and now bases his operations out of Florida. Currently he is the worship  pastor at New Hope in Palm City Florida…"  
Alleluyah! There is cash to be made in Trump’s Mars-a-Lago country!


"… no one is able to point to a single piece of empirical evidence that man-made carbon dioxide has a significant effect on the global climate.”

Yes I agree… Is my table unstable because one of the legs is too short or the others three are too long? This has plagued philosophising scientists for yonks, since Archimedes in his bathtub… Actually, because of a heavy Neanderthal bone structure, Gus does not float in a swimming pool. He sinks to the bottom unless he swims like crazy. He could not have come to the same conclusion… And talking of water:

We all know that god was so unhappy with his creation that he had to drown it in a big flood… Imagine, you’re a peaceful worshipper of Mammon, or a happy monkey in a treetop, and suddenly you’re being drowned like a rat by a nasty piece of shitty-god! … And then, in an act of vengeance against happy-go-luckies, the said-god created the Australian Christian Lobby and the Clappy-Crappies that inspire our Scumdog to believe in the resurrection by the end of time, which he wants to bring forward by burning coal and gas galore — while making a few bucks on the side at the same time. Hey? Alleluyah!

Look at the economy, my friend, the Covid19 financial disaster needs to be redressed by digging coal in the Galilee Basin, Queensland… 

And money is a very sore subject with Jo Nova:

In total, over the last 20 years, by the end of fiscal year 2009, the US government will have poured in $32 billion for climate research—and another $36 billion for development of climate-related technologies. These are actual dollars, obtained from government reports, and not adjusted for inflation. It does not include funding from other governments on the global industry.

In 1989, the first specific US climate-related agency was created with an annual budget of $134 million. Today in various forms the funding has leapt to over $7,000 million per annum, around 50 fold higher. Tax concessions add to this. (See Appendix I for details and sources.)

Gus: Considering the US war budget is approaching nearly one trillion (1,000,000 millions), when accounting for all the secret wizbangs added into the official figure, we should have a heart attack about the "save the climate" fund being far too little. Since Trump came to the presidency, Jo Nova must be in sky-high raptures and floating on heavenly diesel fumes…

But the real problem lies with sciences. In science one needs 99.999 per cent certainty to make a claim. In religion one needs 0 (zero) per cent proof of anything to go on the rooftops. So, Alleluyah  It’s much more satisfying to sing about the glory of an imaginary schizo god than about “the ion transfers and regulation in a synaptic vesicle glutamate transporter”...

See also: Jo Nova — fiction writer...

we need an independent environment protection authority...

NSW minister urges Morrison government not to 'smash through' conservation law changes.

State Liberal Matt Kean calls on his federal counterpart to drop opposition to an independent environment protection authority

The New South Wales environment minister has called on the Morrison government not to “smash through” changes to national conservation laws and to drop its opposition to an independent environment protection authority.

In a significant intervention from a Liberal government minister, Matt Kean questioned his federal counterpart’s rush to introduce draft laws to change the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act while a major review was still under way, saying it was more important to get the detail right.

Kean told Guardian Australia it was also premature for the federal environment minister, Sussan Ley, to have ruled out an independent “cop on the beat” that could give the community confidence environment laws would be enforced.

The prime minister, Scott Morrison, said on Friday there was “a great deal of enthusiasm” at a national cabinet meeting for Canberra’s plan to quickly reach bilateral agreements that devolved environment approval powers for developments to the states and territories.

He said Western Australia was particularly enthusiastic and listed Queensland and NSW as wanting to move rapidly. “I mean, I can run through the lot because they were all very keen to get moving on this,” Morrison said.

But Kean said he had not yet met with Graeme Samuel, the former competition watchdog chief heading the once-in-a-decade review of the EPBC Act, to discuss his proposals. He said some of what the federal government was proposing was “fairly vague” and he would push for “strong and enforceable” national environmental standards when negotiations on agreements began.

Samuel’s interim report was released on Monday and his final recommendations are due in late October. Ley, however, plans to introduce draft laws in August.

“Why are we rushing this? It’s a huge document, it’s a good document. Why are we smashing this through at the moment?” Kean told the Guardian.

“What we need is certainty so that people can invest with confidence, and this is obviously an area where it has big implications for business, for investment and also for our environment, so we need to take the time to get it right.

Samuel’s interim review said Australia was losing biodiversity at an alarming rate, had one of the highest rates of extinction in the world and the EPBC Act was not fit to address current or future environmental challenges. It recommended new environment standards – accredited by the federal government – that would allow approval decisions to be devolved to the states.



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a sombre warning

Death threat

Environmental protection laws do not conserve Australia’s wildlife – and government inaction means they never will

To those who were paying attention, Graeme Samuel’s interim report on Australia’s 20-year-old environmental protection laws provides a sombre warning.

The essential message the veteran investigator sought to convey was a simple one: the current regime is not working. Native flora and fauna are not being conserved, while habitats are in a state of decline and under increasing threat. The environment is on a trajectory that is not sustainable.

The longstanding federal legislation is dated, inefficient and not fit for purpose. As Samuel stated, “It does not enable the Commonwealth to protect and conserve environmental matters that are important for the nation.” And the legislative processes are cumbersome and slow, due partly to the overlap and conflict between Canberra and the states. They should be revised and simplified at every level.



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"single touch" environmental destructions...

A bill putting environmental decisions in the hands of state governments known for their destructive behaviour is under consideration, writes Sue Arnold.

AT A TIME when Australia’s wildlife and environment are in desperate need of major policy changes which address the catastrophes as a result of bushfires and drought, the Morrison Government is hell-bent on reintroducing a one-stop shop environmental approval system.

The euphemistically named Streamlining Environmental Approvals Bill would hand over to the state governments responsibility for approval and management of major project development impacts on threatened species, ecosystems, biodiversity, and World Heritage areas.

Without bothering to wait for the final report from the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC), Environment Minister Sussan Ley is ploughing ahead with further weakening Australia’s failing environmental legislation.

The prospect of approval powers being the responsibility of the BerejiklianPalaszczukAndrewsMarshall, GutwienMcGowan Governments is grim news. Given the environmental record of these state governments, no thinking person would have any confidence in the Morrison Government’s move.

Around the same time, the newly released Final Report of the NSW Bushfire Inquiry noted:

The 2019-20 bush fire season was extreme and extremely unusual. It showed us bush fires through forested regions on a scale that we have not seen in Australia in recorded history and fire behaviour that took even experienced firefighters by surprise. The total tally of fire-generated thunderstorms in south-eastern Australia since the early 1980s increased from 60 at the end of 2018-19 to almost 90 at the end of the 2019-20 bush fire season — an increase of almost 50% in one bush fire season.


Boer et al (2020) note that major fires in eastern Australia’s temperate broadleaf forests – dominated by eucalypts – are relatively common. However, usually only a small percentage of this forest biome burns annually, typically less than 2%, even in more extreme fire seasons. As noted previously, an unprecedented proportion of this biome was burnt in the 2019-20 season, almost 20%.

According to the report, the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) estimated that the fires affected the habitat of at least 293 threatened animals in NSW alone.

A few weeks earlier, the WWF released a report undertaken by Professor Chris Dickman together with scientists from three universities demonstrating more than 3 billion animals had died in the fires or subsequently from starvation and dehydration.

Whilst the outrage over the Morrison Government’s failure to address the environmental catastrophes is focused on the PM and his Minister for the Environment, it’s worthwhile going back in history to the creation and subsequent adoption of the controversial one-stop shop approvals.

Greg Hunt, now Minister for Health, is responsible for some of these environmentally disastrous decisions, all initiated during his time as Federal Minister for Environment. 

The current steps being taken by Sussan Ley are entirely reminiscent of Hunt’s early days.

According to journalist Marian Wilkinson in her recently released book, The Carbon Club, within 24 hours of the swearing-in of the new Abbott Government in September 2013, the new Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, had sacked the head of the Climate Commission.

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment website states:

On 16 October 2013, the Minister for the Environment, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, announced that the Government had approved the framework for delivering the One-Stop Shop. This includes a three-stage process with each of the willing jurisdictions, comprising:


  1. signing a Memorandum of Understanding
  2. agreement on bilateral assessments and updating any existing agreement with the state
  3. negotiation of approval bilateral agreements within 12 months

According to a Hunt media release on 29 October 2014:

Bilateral agreements are put in place to protect the environment, ensure an efficient, timely and effective process and minimise duplication between Commonwealth and state processes.


“This vital reform will save business in Australia about $420 million every year,” said Minister Hunt.


“Duplication of federal, state and local planning processes adds complexity and cost to environmental approvals across the country — with no added environmental benefit.”


“Under current arrangements, major projects can be delayed through multiple and duplicative approval processes, even if the project is environmentally acceptable.”

In February 2014, Hunt gave the approval to streamline the processes which previously required offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas activities to abide by regulations under both the EPBC Act and the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGS Act) and its associated Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009.

The streamlining process was initiated to create a “one-stop shop” for offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas activities in Commonwealth waters delivering faster approvals and removing unnecessary duplication in regulatory processes while maintaining the integrity and standards of the environmental assessment process.

Under the streamlined arrangements, impacts on the following matters protected under Part 3 of the EPBC Act will be assessed solely through the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA):

  • World Heritage properties (with the exception of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area);
  • National Heritage places;
  • wetlands of international importance;
  • listed threatened species and ecological communities;
  • listed migratory species; and
  • Commonwealth marine area. If conducted in accordance with the Program, petroleum activities such as seismic, drilling and production accepted under NOPSEMA’s processes no longer require assessment and approval under the EPBC Act.

Marine creatures including whales, inshore dolphins, dugongs, turtles, listed migratory species and listed threatened species will no longer have the protection of the EPBC Act but are now “protected” by an authority which basically represents the oil and gas industry.

On 27 October 2015, under Greg Hunt, a memorandum of understanding on the common assessment method (MOU/CAM) was signed. No public announcement, no notice in any Commonwealth websites, no public comment, no submissions invited. Very few scientists and conservation organisations are aware of the CAM and its ramifications as state and federal governments as well as the mainstream media have continued to keep the CAM quarantined.

The MOU supported the adoption of the CAM for listing threatened species, in order to reduce duplication of effort and achieve greater consistency in the classification of species across Australia.

Implementation of the CAM will lead to the creation of a single classification for species across Australia, reducing regulatory complexity for both the community and industry.

All state governments have signed off on the CAM:

‘Using the common assessment method, participating jurisdictions will work together to ensure that species are assessed and, where warranted, listed in only one “nationally threatened” category.


The outcome is a “Single Operational List” of nationally threatened species.’

Now in mid-2020, Sussan Ley rechristens the effort to hand over the approval processes to states as ‘single touch environmental approvals’.

The priorities are clear:

‘The One-Stop Shop policy aims to simplify the approvals process for businesses, lead to swifter decisions and improve Australia's investment climate, while maintaining high environmental standards.’

What is clear is that coalition Commonwealth governments are the most catastrophic threat to any future for Australia’s rapidly disappearing forests, ecological communities, rivers and wildlife. 

The impacts of such mindless ignorance and irresponsibility will be borne by current and future generations. Restoring Australia’s burnt, drought-affected, struggling environment must be the most urgent priority of any government.

Sue Arnold is an IA columnist and freelance investigative journalist. You can follow Sue on Twitter @koalacrisis.

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washing her hands after passing the buck...

State and territory governments should make major reforms to their environmental laws and increase compliance regimes to meet the national standards, new research has found.

The findings are revealed in a report from the "Places You Love" alliance of conservation groups, released on Monday, which found "not only does no state or territory law meet national standards, but in some jurisdictions, the environmental protections in state and territory laws have actually been weakened".

This week the Senate is set to debate the federal government's bill to hand approval powers for major projects to state governments, in a bid to remove bureaucratic duplication and speed-up project development to boost the economy.

Environment Minister Sussan Ley has pledged that any changes to The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act will not reduce current level of environmental regulation.



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and killing koalas with bulldozers...

More than 50 hectares of koala habitat in the New South Wales town of Port Stephens is set to be cleared after the federal environment minister, Sussan Ley, approved the expansion of a quarry.

The minister, whose decision comes as the government considers the koala for an official endangered listing, said on Tuesday the department’s assessment found the development would “not rob the area of critical koala habitat”.

Local campaigners and conservationists have described the decision as heartbreaking coming after the state’s worst bushfire disaster this past summer. They said environmental conditions that require the developer to plant new trees were “a fig leaf”.


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she would not have a clue...

The controversial Narrabri coal seam gas project in north-west New South Wales, touted to meet half the state’s gas needs, has cleared its final hurdle and work will commence in 2021.

Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley on Tuesday gave her sign-off to the $3.6 billon proposal by energy company Santos, subject to a number of conditions to protect regional biodiversity, groundwater and local communities.

Ms Ley said she was “satisfied that the conditions and the staged nature of work in the area will safeguard the biodiversity of the Pilliga Forest”.

“My approval has also been informed by advice from the Commonwealth Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development to ensure the ongoing protection of precious water resources,” Ms Ley said.

The proposal for 850 coal seam gas wells in the Pilliga region has been a divisive topic for local communities with key concerns around potential groundwater and cultural impacts.

Go-ahead for Narrabri gas project but 134 conditions to be imposed for the phased approval of a multibillion-dollar coal seam gas field in north-western NSW. Story:

— Dylan Smith (@dylansmith16) September 29, 2020

Ten years of debate

After a decade-long controversial debate the project was given conditional approval by the NSW Independent Planning Commission in September including a four-phase rollout.

Santos said it had all the assurances it needs to develop the project and will begin on the first phase in the new year.

This phase involves a 12- to 18-month appraisal drilling program, which will include expanding the water monitoring network.


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Fracking is ODIOUS... abhorrent, abominable, disgusting, horrid, loathsome, obnoxious, alarming, DANGEROUS, bad, deadly, nasty, precarious, risky, unhealthy... ETC...


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No amount of safeguards can prevent the destruction of the environment...

not far-right enough...


One of the Coalition’s most senior women, the federal environment minister Sussan Ley, is expected to face a challenge in her rural New South Wales seat of Farrer amid allegations of “toxic” branch-stacking by far-right conservatives in the seat.

The threat comes as the prime minister, Scott Morrison, urged Liberal colleagues not “to get distracted” by a tumultuous preselection season in NSW in which at least four sitting MPs are being challenged, including two female marginal seat holders.


As powerbrokers work behind the scenes to try to pressure challengers to withdraw their nominations against sitting MPs, senior government sources say Morrison is prepared to use federal intervention powers if needed to protect members.

Senior party figures are most concerned about the fate of Melissa McIntosh in the key marginal seat of Lindsay with concerns she has lost control of her branches to the conservative faction.


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And we thought Sussan was as right-wing as one can get in the discreet ultra-right wing Scomo spectrum...


FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW #############@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!

coal before kids...


Australia’s environment minister has come under fire for announcing her intent to appeal a court ruling that found she had a duty to protect children from harmful climate change effects related to a proposed coal mine expansion.

On Thursday, the Federal Court of Australia had formalized its ruling in a class action suit brought by eight teenagers that sought an injunction to stop minister Sussan Ley from approving expansion plans for the Vickery coal mine project in the state of New South Wales.

In his judgement, Justice Mordecai Bromberg said the minister had an obligation “to take reasonable care” when making her decision to “avoid causing personal injury or death” to Australians under 18 “arising from emissions of carbon dioxide into the Earth’s atmosphere.”

However, less than a day into the mandatory four-week appeal period, Ley said in a statement that she had “formed the view there were grounds on which to appeal” after “carefully considering” the ruling, but did not give further details.

The case had been fought on two legal fronts: the injunction on the expansion itself and that Ley would be in violation of a common law “duty of care” if she used powers granted by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999) to approve the expansion.


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