Friday 27th of December 2024

state of denial .....

bushit's 51st state .....


bush issues new year’s resolutions for 2007 –

vows to Invite hugo chavez to lunch at taco bell …..

In an unprecedented televised address to the nation last night, President George W. Bush announced a list of his New Year’s resolutions for 2007, telling the American people, “I am a big believer in abiding by resolutions, as long as they don’t come from the United Nations.”

The following is a list of the president’s New Year’s resolutions:

· I resolve to pay close attention to the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group’s report, as soon as it comes out on a books-on-tape version.

· I resolve to make sure that by the end of 2007, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gets to spend more time with his family.

· I resolve to tell John Kerry that I thought his joke was hilarious and he should keep ’em coming.

· I resolve to learn how to use the Internets, especially the Google.

· I resolve to invite Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to a peacemaking lunch at Taco Bell.

· I resolve to organize a hunting trip for Dick Cheney and Nancy Pelosi.

· I resolve to expand the search for Osama bin Laden to include MySpace.

· I resolve to clear all of the brush at my Crawford ranch, except for that patch I use to hide from Cindy Sheehan.

· I resolve to continue my opposition to gay parents, unless one of them is named Cheney.

· I resolve to improve relations with Latin America by building a 700-foot fence around Barb and Jen.

· And finally, my fellow Americans, I resolve to announce an exit strategy, in which I will withdraw all of our troops from Iraq – through Iran.”

Shoot the cartoonist?

The left is quick to blame the likes of Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard for the carnage in Iraq. And certainly the leaders of the Multi-National Force must share some responsibility for the failure to ensure security for Iraqis. Yet the fact remains that since the end of the invasion, most Iraqi deaths have been inflicted by other Iraqis. This did not stop the leftist cartoonist Michael Leunig from recently drawing Howard standing on top of a hill comprising Iraqi skulls. This is not art; it's blatant propaganda.


Gus: The silly quote above, from Gerard Henderson from the Sydney Morning Herald (02/06/07)... Thank god I am an atheist cartoonist, opposed to the death penalty even for tyrants on a stick...

As usual, Mr Henderson whitewash Blair, Bush and our USAtralian PM. At no stage does this ultra-right wing writer of wrong opinions want to see that Iraqi killing each other and vowing revenge — even for the hanging of Saddam, is a DIRECT result of the illegal invasion of Iraq that has open the door to these deadly activities. Sorry Gerard, what you should do is open your eyes, your ears and other orifices in your body to understand that before the US invasion, this was the inevitable result to be expected from it, if it went ahead. Many people said so.
The risk of civil war, of degradation of services — already paper-thin due to UN sanctions and of Saddam collecting his dues —, of massive increase in the cost of living for a lower quality of life was always going to be the result of bombings, of resistance and terrorism combined.
The "terrorists" that Saddam kept brutally in check were going to seek revenge and enact their objective at the first opportunity. No American sweet lolly could stop that, despite the majority of people wanting peace... Then other terrorists would come from outside but the hype about a Zarqhawi was always going to provide a smokescreen for the real tragedy unfolding... Know your enemy is a good practice in wars, but there the Americans have no real clue about who's fighting them or each other, so they invent paper-tigers to focus their attentions while a large proportion of Iraqis resent the US presence and are prepared to take arms to fight and then fight each other... The only saving grace at the moment is that the US has managed to divide the Iraqis. Thus they fight each other mainly killing each other to the tune of about 700 a week, while attacking US troops only around 1000 times a week, resulting in the loss of about 25 US soldiers and the wounding of about 100...
But add another 20,000 or 30,000 US troops and that focus is likely to change faster.
Most revolutions, wars and civil wars take place usually on quite a small scale compared to the rest of a population that will go on, accepting whatever the result with only survival in mind... otherwise no-one would be left standing. Unfortunately, the psyche of many Muslim men is not geared for forgiveness... and nor that of many Christians men for that matter. Bush, a Christian? Going to church and telling a populace that God told him to invade Iraq? What a joke... No... Bush is a mad man, a man who will use any form of excuse to explain his violent fundamentalism. And he was not the only one... That war-surgeon like, Rummy Ducky, was a worry... Rather than invade Iraq, blatantly with a packet of lies that blamed squarely Saddam for 9-11 (Hey! Gerard! Revisit Bush's speech on the first anniversary of that tragic event! you'll see what I mean...) if would have been really Christian to try to solve the crisis that was being grown on Saddam's nose by a frenzied English speaking world (US, UK and Australia) using the Murdoch media machine as a main propaganda tool, by being truthful... But then, the oil would still be in the hand of the Russians and the Europeans, and trading in Euros... In the mind of Bush, the lives of 650,000 Iraqi was worth it, and the hanging of Saddam was cream on the cake... Death penalty? Highly Unchristian... Go and tell that to your former boss, the little Methodist in Canberra... He has relinquished his right to prayer by telling his porkies.

Gerard, the cartoonist is right and unfortunately you have been in a state of denial for too long.

But it's your right to be wrong.