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making people understand you, using an axe, a hammer, a boots-and-all and an aegis...Pentagon's social science research faces threat Jeffrey Mervis Science 06 Mar 2020: Vol. 367, Issue 6482, pp. 1065 The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) wants to kill a unique social science research program meant to help it understand nontraditional threats to national security, from the rapid growth of China's technological prowess to radical Islamic terrorism. The $20 million Minerva research initiative, begun in 2008, is in jeopardy after Defense Secretary Mark Esper ordered a review that identified some $5 billion worth of programs deemed less than essential to DOD's mission. Michael Griffin, DOD undersecretary for research and engineering, has made developing hypersonic weapons his top priority, and DOD watchers say Minerva doesn't meet Griffin's definition of what his office, which controls a $16.5 billion research budget, should be funding. Although Minerva projects represent a tiny fraction of DOD's $2.6 billion investment in basic research, they have gotten outsize media attention. The program's fate rests with Congress. Minerva's supporters are hoping goodwill built up in the past decade will convince legislators to preserve it. ———————— Minerva is the daughter of Jupiter who was born from his head, after he had such a strong migraine that Vulcan had to cleaved his head open with an axe… From there, already fully grown, Minerva defeated the obscure goddess, Dullness... Minerva is the goddess of peace, defensive warfare and of needlework… She is also the namer of Athens after her own name Athene. She was the helper of “just wars” or”wars with a just cause”, using her father’s shield, the Aegis… (in this mythology, it’s Zeus for the Greeks and Jupiter for the Romans, but my source from 1903, is not too regarding about this “factus mixus"). Zeus, the father god of gods was married to his sister, Hera. But Zeus had his many bits on the side… Athena, Apollo and Artemis, Hermes, Dionysus, Heracles, Helen of Troy, and the Muses are all children of his numerous erotic affairs. The Presidents of the USA are amateurs on this level… They are not god either. Greek/Roman mythology is where many the honourable names for some of the “defensive” war systems of the USA come from. The US military is thus erudite in mythhistory as well as having big muddy boots. Here Homer sums it up: “Her shoulder bore The dreadful Aegis with its shaggy brim Bordered with terror. There was Strife, and there Was Fortitude, and there was fierce Pursuit, And there was Gorgon’s head, a ghastly sight, Deformed and dreadful, and a sign of woe." The US Minerva military program is very modest. This social science research program cost very little compared with blowing things up. But when you blow things up, they need to be replaced, thus armament factories are humming. With a psychological peaceful understanding of the enemy, the weapons factory stay more silent... The Minerva program began under former President George W. Bush. “Too many mistakes have been made over the years because our government and military did not understand — or even seek to understand — the countries or cultures we were dealing with,” then–Defense Secretary Robert Gates said in an April 2008 speech announcing the program. Gates envisioned a role for researchers in promoting “soft power—the elements of national power beyond guns and steel.” He also hoped that Minerva would improve what he called the often “hostile” relationship be- tween DOD and social scientists. As social scientists, Minerva grantees focus on promoting understanding and preventing conflicts, often through inter-disciplinary teams. For example, one project sent anthropologists to do ethnographic studies of Indonesian communities, allowed sociologists to conduct attitudinal surveys in West Africa, and funded computer scientists to analyze online data related to social movements in several regions of the world. The result was a web-based tool, called LookingGlass, that allows authorities to track emerging threats by displaying information about these movements in real time. Why prevent conflict when blowing up stuff is so much more fun when you have a big gun that cost the earth? All you have to do is fiddle the rhetoric and claim that you’re acting for a just cause… You want that Russian Gorgon head on a platter. Having to think about the minutia of psychological motivation is hard work. Kill that guy! Kill that Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani and see what happens… ... the Pentagon’s traditional emphasis on tapping basic research to improve its chances of winning battles. “Minerva is not going to support the science needed to develop the tools for projects that the undersecretary considers a priority, like hypersonic weapons,” says Erin Fitzgerald, who directed Minerva for 5 years and is now a research administrator at the University of Maryland, College Park. “But it might help us avoid the need to deploy those weapons.” As Atran puts it: “If superior machines and hardware were the way to win wars, we’d have been out of Afghanistan in 2002 and Iraq in 2003. But it’s people. And we still don’t understand them.” Hello? Anyone at home? The general motto of the USA in this regard has long been "non intellegunt homines autem hominum intellegere faciet vobis,” (do not understand people but make people understand you)... We know. GL.
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the holy bombs of wisdom...
Daughter of ægis-bearing Jove, divine,
Propitious to thy votaries’ prayer incline;
From thy great father’s fount supremely bright,
Like fire resounding, leaping into light.
Shield-bearing goddess, hear, to whom belong
A manly mind, and power to tame the strong!
Oh, sprung from matchless might, with joyful mind
Accept this hymn; benevolent and kind!
The holy gates of wisdom, by thy hand
Are wide unfolded; and the daring band
Of earth-born giants, that in impious fight
Strove with thy fire, were vanquished by thy might.
Once by thy care, as sacred poets sing,
The heart of Bacchus, swiftly-slaughtered king,
Was sav’d in Æther, when, with fury fired,
The Titans fell against his life conspired;
And with relentless rage and thirst for gore,
Their hands his members into fragments tore:
But ever watchful of thy father’s will,
Thy power preserv’d him from succeeding ill,
Till from the secret counsels of his fire,
And born from Semelé through heavenly sire,
Great Dionysus to the world at length
Again appeared with renovated strength.
Once, too, thy warlike ax, with matchless sway,
Lopped from their savage necks the heads away
Of furious beasts, and thus the pests destroyed
Which long all-seeing Hecaté annoyed.
By thee benevolent great Juno’s might
Was roused, to furnish mortals with delight.
And thro’ life’s wide and various range, ’t is thine
Each part to beautify with art divine:
Invigorated hence by thee, we find
A demiurgic impulse in the mind.
Towers proudly raised, and for protection strong,
To thee, dread guardian deity, belong,
As proper symbols of th’ exalted height
Thy series claims amidst the courts of light.
Lands are beloved by thee, to learning prone,
And Athens, Oh Athena, is thy own!
Great goddess, hear! and on my dark’ned mind
Pour thy pure light in measure unconfined;—
That sacred light, Oh all-protecting queen,
Which beams eternal from thy face serene.
My soul, while wand’ring on the earth, inspire
With thy own blessed and impulsive fire:
And from thy fables, mystic and divine,
Give all her powers with holy light to shine.
Give love, give wisdom, and a power to love,
Incessant tending to the realms above;
Such as unconscious of base earth’s control
Gently attracts the vice-subduing soul:
From night’s dark region aids her to retire,
And once more gain the palace of her sire.
O all-propitious to my prayer incline!
Nor let those horrid punishments be mine
Which guilty souls in Tartarus confine,
With fetters fast’ned to its brazen floors,
And lock’d by hell’s tremendous iron doors.
Hear me, and save (for power is all thine own)
A soul desirous to be thine alone.
To Minerva” by Proclus (3rd Century C.E.)
And by the way, the Aegis system can't deal with the Russian S400 and S500 very well... and not at all with the Russians hyperspeedoing rockets...