Tuesday 14th of January 2025

how fast are the oceans warming?


Climate change from human activities mainly results from the energy imbalance in Earth's climate system caused by rising concentrations of heat-trapping gases. About 93% of the energy imbalance accumulates in the ocean as increased ocean heat content (OHC).


The ocean record of this imbalance is much less affected by internal variability and is thus better suited for detecting and attributing human influences (1) than more commonly used surface temperature records. Recent observation-based estimates show rapid warming of Earth's oceans over the past few decades (see the figure) (1, 2). This warming has contributed to increases in rainfall intensity, rising sea levels, the destruction of coral reefs, declining ocean oxygen levels, and declines in ice sheets; glaciers; and ice caps in the polar regions (3, 4). Recent estimates of observed warming resemble those seen in models, indicating that models reliably project changes in OHC.

In the Perspective “How fast are the oceans warming?,” it was originally stated that “The OHC trend for the upper 2000 m in AR5 ranged from 0.20 to 0.32 W m–2” over the 1971–2010 period. The AR5 ocean warming rates should have been reported as 0.24 to 0.36 W m–2. The text and bottom graph have been corrected. This slight modification has no substantive impact on the analysis or the conclusions of the manuscript.

The fairly steady rise in OHC shows that the planet is clearly warming. The pros- pects for much higher OHC, sea level, and sea-surface temperatures should be of con- cerngiven the abundant evidence of effects on storms, hurricanes, and the hydrologi- cal cycle, including extreme precipitation events (3, 15). There is a clear need to con- tinue to improve the ocean observation and analysis system to provide better estimates of OHC, because it will enable more refined regional projections of the future. In ad- dition, the need to slow or stop the rates of climate change and prepare for the ex- pected impacts is increasingly evident.


warning: clearly warming...


"(see the figure) (1, 2)" In the article above the temperature records graphs (not show on our site here) are telling. The increase of temperatures in the oceans since the 1970s is undeniable and ACCELERATING. This caper, plus the melt of the ice is hiding the full impacts of global warming. This is like ice melting in your whisky keeping it "cool", until the whisky warms up quickly to room temperature, as the retarding effect of the ice can no longer be "effective". With the planet, we do not have the option to add more ice.


The conclusion of the article also state that this increase of sub-ocean temperature increase will have a major impact on oceanic ecosystems, sea surface temperature and a projected (conservative calculation on present trend) that this by itself, discounting the melting of the ice, will raise the sea level by 30 centimetres by 2100. As well sea surface temperature will also increase the strength and likelihood of hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons (same things, different names).


We have no choice but to stop burning fossil fuels. see also:  the environment through the ages...


WARNING: should you vote for a climate change denialist at the next Australian election (or a candidate who gives it lip service or simply lies about it like Scott Morrison), YOU will condemn the planet to far more major troubles. BOOT THEM OUT.


DON'T VOTE FOR THESE DULLARDS, IDIOTS AND IGNORANTS. PLACE Clive Palmer last on all your ballots. This is essential.


GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC (induced by humans, us, burning fossil fuels)

a shift 1,000 kilometres south...

It used to be a pit stop on the humpback migration highway but marine experts say the Gold Coast is becoming a whale nursery, and no-one is sure exactly why.

Key points:
  • Traditionally humpbacks give birth in areas along the Great Barrier Reef, but researchers have noticed a shift 1,000km south
  • 74 newborn whale calves have been spotted in the Gold Coast Bay between 2013 and 2016
  • Whale numbers are increasing at 10.9 per cent per year, according to the University of Queensland


Cows traditionally give birth in areas along the Great Barrier Reef, but researchers have noticed a shift 1,000 kilometres south.

Researcher and marine educator, Laura Torre-Williams, said it was a huge behavioural change.

"There are supposed to be zero being born and sighted here," she said.

"We are seeing these bubs here on the northern migration and the mothers are meant to be giving birth exclusively in the Great Barrier Reef so something definitely is changing.


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