Saturday 28th of December 2024

too many winstons .....

‘British Muslims have been driven towards extremism and terrorist acts because of the UK's part in the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the head of MI5.

According to senior intelligence sources, the upsurge in terrorist recruitment was caused not by the Afghan war but by the conflict in Iraq. "Iraq was seen as more unjustified, more an example of Western, British and American, perfidy," said one source.’

MI5 Chief Says Iraq War Is Driving British Muslims Into Terrorism

Stop and think

Watch a clip of Bill Clinton on the stump at Clinton in Stockton Nov 1 - A Bigger Shovel.

There are other clips of the same speech in the sidebar. See what Fox won't show. And we won't have to wait long for Cheney to let out his dogs to snarl about "populism". Who'll be first? I tip an op-ed tomorrow, and a muted reference in the editorial against the dangers of pleasing the popular sentiment.

After all, Alan Jones is not a parrot, and Australians want nothing more than an easy life on the beach, away from foreign hordes.