Wednesday 12th of March 2025

the big thieves hang the little ones .....

‘He might have lied his country into one of the most foolhardy wars ever schemed into existence. He might have thrown away billions of dollars of other people’s money, and thousands of lives and limbs belonging to other people’s children. He might have played a central role in bringing death to hundreds of thousands and disruption and destruction to millions in order to indulge a personal fantasy about taking out Doctor Evil. He might have declared the "right" to wage pre-emptive war and endorsed the "right" to torture out of one side of his mouth while This Country Does Not Torture was coming out the other. He might have resurrected the spectre of a nuclear arms race. He might have bullied his public into a state of political paralysis, while alienating an astonishing share of the rest of the world. He might have stained an already be-spattered election process and spat on an already be-spittled Constitution. He might have treated one of the most traumatic events in the history of his nation as an occasion to advance a crass political agenda. But Ted Haggard did none of these things – beside the clay-footed calamities of the Bush Administration, his dabbling in drugs and prostitution looks like community service. At least the pastor’s mistakes led to an immediate dismissal, and a frank apology. "I am a deceiver and a liar," Haggard said. In contrast, presidential mistakes seem to bring consequences down on everyone save their perpetrator.

One wonders whether President Bush and Pastor Ted are still holding their weekly moral-compass-synchronizing chats on the phone. If not, it is comforting to reflect that the President doesn’t really need Ted Haggard, as he enjoys direct access to both Higher Father and Favorite Philosopher Son. It is less comforting to recall the cartoon published a few years ago in The Spectator, depicting Satan holding a telephone receiver to his mouth, hellfire and imps in the background. "Hello, George?" Satan says, with evident satisfaction. "It’s God again."’

Moral Compasses Of Clay

fake justice .....

‘In a show trial whose theatrical climax was clearly timed to promote George W Bush in the American midterm elections, Saddam Hussein was convicted and sentenced to hang.

Drivel about "end of an era" and "a new start for Iraq" was promoted by the usual false moral accountants, who uttered not a word about bringing the tyrant’s accomplices to justice. Why are these accomplices not being charged with aiding and abetting crimes against humanity?’

Let’s Now Charge The Accomplices

burying the evidence .....

Saddam Hussein will be executed no later than Saturday, said an Iraqi judge authorized to attend his hanging, while the former dictator's lawyers said he had been transferred from U.S. custody.

How convenient that the secrets of Reagan / Poppy Bush / Rumsfeld & Cheney complicity with the crimes he is accused of in the 80s will die with him.