Sunday 9th of March 2025

bad men, bad god, weird nature, complicated laws, jezebel, consent or not...


Life is weird. And we make it weirder with weird laws to prevent it being too weird, yet these laws rarely work and only cost money. If you have cash in the USA, your chances to see prison are far smaller than should you have committed a lesser crime and be poor. 

The laws regarding sexual consent are simple enough, except proof is hard to come by in most cases, and the behaviour of men can be awfully bad, but not exclusively so. Some women can lead you to distraction like Jezebel… “God", of course, has to be blamed for this state of affair, as well as hotel suites, especially those on the 35th floor with private swimming pools. Impressed, young women want to have a good time and be entertained with celebrity fun, but not having such a good time as to have sex. How can we blame men when women follow them to their rooms without knowing that men only have a one track mind: their dick? 

Here comes Renaldo, the famous soccer player who apparently did some wrong to a woman in his own bedroom where the swimming pool was also to be blamed for his arousal as the woman was scantily clad in her underwear? She said no to sex but by then the tent post would have been up, especially for a young man full of testosterone. The rest of the story is pretty ugly, but it is now surfacing again, nine years later, despite agreements and cash paid. So, women get hurt, men apologise as best they can do: cash and grovel. But some lawyers see more cash as the women that have been assaulted suffer emotionally and physically… No solution can be ever found, even if the geezer is sent to prison for life. This is where such hurt is never satisfied while more cash is sucked up by lawyers. 

I know. I knew someone who got taken to the cleaners for no good reason, until he had no cash left in his kitty to fight a court case about a famous will he should have received the goods from, then the lawyers, his, dropped him like a smelly sock, despite him being in the right. That’s the law of the lawyers: no cash, no defence. 

Then, there is the Kavanaugh case. At 17, the pretty Catholic boy might have been a bit wild and some women remember this. He does not. Meanwhile other women add to the sauce and vent their own frustrations, for having suffered, through #metoo, irrelevant to the case but mediatically exposed, possibly for not having been chosen as a forever partner or because they did not like the guy who “tried it on” and instead of moving on, became vengeful and modified their memory of the “event” to cultivate hate. I know. Been there, done that. But there is male misogyny as to fantasise about “girls” then when a pimply adolescent— and brag about it to impress mates rather than tell the truth — which in most cases would have been males who ate quiche were really scared of the “other sex”. 

Some males turned to each other for friendship and some became homosexuals by such desire of secured companionship and by nature. The neo-nazi brotherhood though would not stand for the fear of women, thus one with two balls and a dick had to act — mostly report reports — as if one was conquering the females while one would have been playing the instrument solo... It’s silly… Mad magazine exposed this bragging stuff written in school “yearbooks”, 45 years ago. “In my days”, if you indulge me, we did not have the luxury of “yearbooks”, but of the sadness of loosing friends to grenades, personal mines and street fights. 

So here comes god through that silly moustachioed Michael Brown from CP:
Obviously, these are simply suggestions rather than prophecies or divine declarations. But some of them, I believe, are clear for all to see.

And what about all the people involved? After all, Kavanaugh and Ford and their families and the Senators and their staff and the media are not just inanimate chess players. They are human beings with feelings and emotions. They are people loved by God, not just tools that He uses. What about them?

Well, here I do not need to speculate. If they will put their full trust in the Redeemer and surrender their lives fully to Him, then whatever people mean for evil and whatever mistakes they have made can all be turned around for good (see Romans 8:28).

After all, the greatest crime ever committed by the human race – namely, nailing the Son of God to the cross – is God's means of salvation for that same human race.

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I have news for the Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures from New York University who has served as a professor at a number of seminaries. Nailing a guy in sandals to a cross is not the greatest crime ever committed by the human "race" (note: it's the "human species" — not race — and I had nothing to do with this "nailing"). Apart from the nasty destruction of nature, millions of humans have been killed, fighting each others either in the name of god or not, and many women have suffered humiliation of surviving beyond being used as rag dolls for conquering dicks. And history can be blurred in the recording and interpretation of such deeds:


The city of Osaka has ended its 60-year “sister city” relationship with San Francisco to protest against the presence in the US city of a statue symbolising Japan’s wartime use of sex slaves.

Osaka’s mayor, Hirofumi Yoshimura, terminated official ties this week after the US city agreed to recognise the “comfort women” statue, which was erected by a private group last year in San Francisco’s Chinatown district, as public property.

The statue depicts three women – from China, Korea and the Philippines – who symbolise women and teenage girls forced to work in frontline brothels from the early 1930s until Japan’s wartime defeat in 1945.

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Yet I agree with Michael Brown to a point: "After all, Kavanaugh and Ford and their families and the Senators and their staff and the media are not just inanimate chess players. They are human beings with feelings and emotions” — except I would exclude the media from this sentence. The media are bastards and sell biased bad news for profit, while stirring the impossible truth.

The rest that mentions the love of god is irrelevant. Here the purpose of all this late venting of a very possible rape is to damage the reputation of a male who could become the deciding vote to disallow abortion in the whole of the USA, something the evangelicals desperately want — repeal the ‎Roe vs. Wade decision. Thus the evangelicals support Kavanaugh. When Bill Clinton had his down-trousers-moment, in the Oval Office, the Democrats defended him all the way along party lines and it became ugly for the intern involved. Other such instance would have surfaced, but did not for various reasons that shall be left alone here. But should the families feelings and emotions be true to form, the cases would never have been raised with such vehemence as for Kavanaugh to loose his cool to defend his “good name”. He has too, whether guilty or not. 

And between me and a lamppost, should Trump, in a moment of extraordinary lucidity, choose a Supreme Judge from the Democrats' rank, it is most likely that similar sordid stuff would come up, but forgiveness would be invoked for youth stupidity, as long as the new lefty judge would not revoke the ‎Roe vs. Wade result, and not repeal the ability for women to access abortion clinics.

And we all need to take a cold shower, don’t we? Hum… I’m too old for this political crap, especially when war seems to be hiding around the corner…

Gus Leonisky
Your local idiot. (Picture at top by Gus Leonisky)

ronaldo may have some baggage...


There are several versions of the questionnaire. The questions remain more or less consistent on all of them, but the answers do not.

In one version from December 2009, Ronaldo speaks of consensual sex and that there had been no indication that she wasn't OK with it during sex nor did it seem that she wasn't doing well afterward. 

But there is another, much earlier version. It is the document that could have serious consequences for Ronaldo. It was sent via email in September 2009. The sender was a lawyer from Osório de Castro's firm. The recipients were Osório de Castro himself and an additional colleague. 

In response to the question as to whether Ms. C. ever raised her voice, screamed or called out, X responded, according to the document: "She said no and stop several times."

In the document, X says that she was lying on her side. "I entered her from behind. It was rude. We didn't change position. 5/7 minutes. She said that she didn't want to, but she made herself available." And further: "But she kept saying 'No.' 'Don't do it.' 'I'm not like the others.' I apologized afterwards."

He is quoted in the document as saying that she never screamed and never called out for someone.


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It is possible that the earlier document is fake... or not.




Meanwhile, other men behaving badly:


According to the lawsuit, the woman was “friended” on Facebook in 2012 by a user who appeared to know several of her real-life friends. The man messaged her through Facebook, according to the lawsuit, which was seen by Reuters.

The lawsuit alleges that at one point following an argument with her mother, the trafficker offered to console her, but after picking her up from her home, he beat and raped her and took pictures that were posted on

The lawsuit says Facebook did not do enough to verify the user’s identity, which the lawsuit said was false, and that Jane Doe was never warned that sex traffickers were operating on the social media network.

The plaintiff’s attorneys, David Harris and Louie Cook of the law firm Sico Hoelscher Harris LLP in Houston, did not reply to requests for comment. was shut down by authorities earlier this year after a Justice Department investigation into allegations that the website was used primarily to sell sex.


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It could be argued that all these cases have nothing to do with democracy... Yet the relationships between men and women at all level of our social constructs are at the crux of our modern democracies. We talk of quotas in political parties and of women being underpaid for the same job. We also have the non-recognition of women Nobel Prize winners. Etc. The victimisation of women is a major democratic problem. 


(picture above by Gus Leonisky)

nobel prize to end sexual violence in war...

Physician Denis Mukwege and former captive of the Islamic State group Nadia Murad have won the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war.

Gynaecologist Dr Mukwege has spent large parts of his adult life helping the victims of such violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, treating thousands of patients.

The Nobel committee said he had repeatedly condemned impunity for mass rape and criticised the Congolese Government and other countries for not doing enough to end the use of sexual violence as a strategy in war.

His basic principle is that "justice is everyone's business," the committee said, calling him the "foremost, most unifying symbol, both nationally and internationally, of the struggle to end sexual violence in war and armed conflicts".

Ms Murad is the witness who tells of the abuses perpetrated against herself and others, the Nobel committee said.

She is one of an estimated 3,000 Yazidi girls and women who were victims of rape and other abuses by Islamic State fighters. She was held captive for three months before being able to escape.

In 2016, at the age of 23, she was named the United Nations' first Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking.


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Gus guessed right in regard to the Peace Nobel prize. Read from top. Note the date.

hysteria con plus...

I would like fair-minded liberal readers to take a look at this op-ed from The New York Times, and consider that this is exactly the kind of left-wing racist rant that drives many of us white people into the arms of the Republican Party — not out of any particular love for the GOP, but out of fear of what this progressive racism would do in power. Alexis Grenell, the author, is a white woman and a Democratic strategist. Here’s the headline on her article. Note well that authors do not choose their headlines. This was written by someone at the Times:

So, that starts well. More:

After a confirmation process where women all but slit their wrists, letting their stories of sexual trauma run like rivers of blood through the Capitol,

“Slit their wrists” … “rivers of blood through the Capitol”. Un-freaking-hinged. These people are working themselves up to doing something violent.

the Senate still voted to confirm Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. With the exception of Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, all the women in the Republican conference caved, including Senator Susan Collins of Maine, who held out until the bitter end.

These women are gender traitors, to borrow a term from the dystopian TV series “The Handmaid’s Tale.” They’ve made standing by the patriarchy a full-time job. The women who support them show up at the Capitol wearing “Women for Kavanaugh” T-shirts, but also probably tell their daughters to put on less revealing clothes when they go out.

Here, she tears into women who express concern about men being falsely accused of sexual assault:

But the people who scare me the most are the mothers, sisters and wives of those young men, because my stupid uterus still holds out some insane hope of solidarity.

Think about that: Alexis Grenell believes that having a uterus means that women should not be concerned that their sons, brothers, and husbands might be falsely accused of raping a woman, and suffer from the lack of due process.

Think about that.

And here, we get to the heart of the matter:

We’re talking about white women. The same 53 percent who put their racial privilege ahead of their second-class gender status in 2016 by voting to uphold a system that values only their whiteness, just as they have for decades. White women have broken for Democratic presidential candidates only twice: in the 1964 and 1996 elections, according to an analysis by Jane Junn, a political scientist at the University of Southern California.

Women of color, and specifically black women, make the margin of difference for Democrats. The voting patterns of white women and white men mirror each other much more closely, and they tend to cast their ballots for Republicans. The gender gap in politics is really a color line.

That’s because white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain. In return they’re placed on a pedestal to be “cherished and revered,” as Speaker Paul D. Ryan has said about women, but all the while denied basic rights.

“Patriarchy,” “whiteness” — she’s using these Grievance Studies buzzwords in response to women worried about their flesh-and-blood male relatives being falsely accused. That’s because these men are nothing but abstractions to Grenell.


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