Sunday 9th of March 2025

the smoking gun was a water pistol full of nina nouveau truc...

The current impasse between the UK and Russia, initiated by the Skripal poisoning on March 4th and crystallized by the identification of two Russian “suspects” this week, calls for new thinking.

Despite what appears to most Russians as the complete exposure of the UK’s dirty game, where its “smoking gun” evidence has been trashed by the appearance of the two “guns” on Russian TV, the UK’s leaders and their dutiful media remain unrepentant.

Worse than that, the “spycatchers” are re-invigorated with passionate Russophobia, full of indignation over the “brazen appearance” of their assassins on the BBC’s nemesis, RT.  After they spent so many months combing through 11,000 hours of CCTV footage to put together a picture of the men, whose recorded movements almost coincided with the location and movements of the Skripals, it would be vexing to see that work squandered in less than a week.

Or so it might seem.

But before we feel too sorry for those unnamed individuals who finally found the proverbial needles in the haystack of Russians visiting Salisbury, albeit, at rather a quiet time, we might consider this inconvenient detail: “Novichok” was found on swabs taken at the City Stay Hotel on MAY 4th.

This, of course, was only two months after the attack on the Skripals, when the nerve agent might have been considered “fresh” and possibly dangerous; more recent re-testing found no trace of Novichok, though it was suggested this was because all of the substance had been removed on the swabs in May. Yes.

Given that no-one at the hotel reported being affected by Novichok, one must conclude that police had already identified Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov by the end of April, as Russians who had flown into London on that snowy weekend in March, and who had visited Salisbury while staying at City Stay Hotel.  

But before we waste time speculating how and why it took them another four months to release the mug-shots of the suspected “GRU agents”, we should consider how much earlier the two Russians may have been under suspicion as the possible culprits and purveyors of the Nina Ricci perfume “Nouveau Truc”.

If authorities assumed the assassins had come from Russia, with the extensive monitoring and searching capabilities now available to them, might Petrov and Boshirov (their real names) not have been identified within days?

But now here’s the rub.

Accepting that the “Novichok” poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal did NOT take place, neither as claimed by the UK from contact with a Novichok-smeared doorknob, nor in fact from any contact at all, we should now logically consider if these two Russian guys were identified before they came to London.

This is not some “conspiracy theory” – because it’s clear that there was a conspiracy. And with every new piece of “evidence”, and every repetition of the original false and fabricated claims against Russia this conspiracy becomes deeper and more malignant.

It is often useful when accusations are made against countries of – for instance – military expansionism, to reverse the protagonists; would the US be happy to see Chinese warships “maintaining freedom of navigation” between Cuba and Florida? While building military bases in neighboring countries and installing anti-missile defense systems in them?

So in considering the attack on the Skripals, and the apparent connection with false-flag chemical weapons attacks in Syria, it is useful to take what we may call a “conspirator’s eye view”.

Despite the credulity of Western media and its audience in the fabricated stories of chemical weapons use both in Syria and in Salisbury, there is now no alternative but to count these Western populations amongst the victims of a massive conspiracy by the UK and its allies; one that threatens to even exceed the criminality and deception involved in that “Mother of all Conspiracies” that launched the Imperial Wars of Terror seventeen years ago.

Considering this conspiracy, or operation - as it may appear to those who planned and executed the whole deception – from their perspective, opens up a whole new line of inquiry, and interest in past events that may have otherwise been overlooked. It may also take us into a realm of human psychology that is highly discomfiting, and for which it may be better to pretend that this is simply an academic inquiry.

A “what if the Skripal poisoning was staged by GCHQ to frame the Russians and provide a pretext for sanctions, because of their support for the Syrian government?” inquiry. But just remember this is a pretense.

First, we must assume that this operation was well-planned, and at least some months in advance. While considerations of the coming Russian Presidential election and the World Cup Football may have figured, along with Russia’s resistance in Ukraine and on its borders, the key driver behind “Operation Nina” (as we may choose to call it after the UK’s choice of “perfume”) must surely have been the situation in Syria.

This became quite clear when Theresa May delivered the “first use of a chemical weapon in Europe since WW2” accusation against Russia, timed as it was so cleverly only weeks before the staging of the Douma gas attack. Rather than simple guilt by association – supporting the “murderous Assad regime” – Russia could now be framed as a collaborator and user of chemical weapons.

One need only look at the rise in toxic Russophobia, and support for extreme measures against Russia which are entirely unjustifiable, to realize just who benefits from this framing of the West’s chief bugbear, and thus who might consider such an operation.  

Russia’s enormous commitment to restoring peace and justice in Syria for the last seven years, and dedication to diplomacy and negotiation, with military action as the last resort, has been completely obscured by the NATO campaign of disinformation and subversive action, and to an extraordinary degree.

Clearly from the conspirators’ point of view, “Operation Nina” and the concomitant “White Helmets” and “Doctors Under Fire” operations in Syria have been a resounding success – even though the presumed goal of regime change still eludes them, whether in Damascus or Moscow. Certainly in terms of intent, and what the opposing parties stood to gain from assassinating Sergei Skripal there can be no argument – Russia only stood to lose, a little or a lot, while the UK and its allies stood to prevail both militarily and politically in their own interests, however morally repugnant and legally unjustified these were.

So we have the motive, and know the details of the bizarre method; what of the planning?

Is it possible that the unwitting Russian “agents”, whose visit to Salisbury has now become the clincher of the UK’s Novichok case, were actually lured to the vicinity of Sergei Skripal’s home, with the conveniently placed chemical weapons labs at nearby Porton Down? Without doubting the innocence of Petrov and Boshirov over any involvement in the BZ attack on the Skripals, might we consider if they were on a different mission, and victims of a “honey trap” not involving women?

This possibility – including their comment that “a friend suggested we visit Salisbury” could explain their slightly evasive and unconvincing answers on why they returned to the city for a second time. While we know that they weren’t caught on CCTV walking along Wilton Road “near the Skripal house” because that was their destination, it’s fair to ask why they chose to walk that way rather than the road north to Old Sarum, which they professed a desire to see.

Old Sarum is about two miles from the city center, so Petrov and Boshirov could have easily visited the site. But perhaps their friend had a different recommendation, and one they understandably would be reluctant to reveal – a venue which appears to be about the same distance from the center, along Wilton Road.

If this explanation for some anomalies in the Russians’ story is true, then it has an ironic twist; at the same time as they were striding off down Wilton Road, the final moves of the conspiracy to poison Sergei Skripal and his daughter were taking place back in the city center.

The exact circumstances and timing of the attack – presumably on the park bench on which they were discovered incapacitated – may only be known to those who set it up, but we may be sure nothing was left to chance. This is in contrast to the apparently haphazard behavior and conflicting reports afterward, despite some serious preparations just beforehand.

To anyone familiar with Salisbury, its proximity to the largest Chemical and Biological Weapons research facility in Europe ranks alongside its ancient cathedral and prehistoric sites as a subject of interest, if not as a destination. For some in the past, it proved a final destination, as revealed at an inquest in 2003, fifty years after the death of a MoD guinea pig, RAF volunteer Ronald Maddison, from Sarin poisoning.

The UK government and its agencies will, of course, assure the public that “nowadays” Porton Down is merely involved in research into protection and defense against other states’ chemical, biological and nuclear agents. It gave similar assurances to the 3000 odd volunteers in the ‘50s, telling them they were helping to develop a cure for the common cold, as drops of Sarin were put on their skin.

It seems that nothing much has changed, except that in those days – like Soviet propaganda – no-one really believed Whitehall’s bland reassurances or imagined that Porton Down was full of harmless boffins working for the common good.

What has changed is that the “elite” at the helm of today’s conspiracies has become supremely confident in its ability to deceive the public into believing whatever story best suits their special interests. As is illustrated by the whole crazy “Novichok” story – which has appeared as barely believable even to those who would readily blame Russia for it – the public can now be made to believe in anything, and with conviction.  

And so it seems that as in Mossad’s motto – “By way of deception thou shalt wage war”; this has become the modus operandi for the UK and its allies in their war on Russia and Syria, and anyone else standing in the way of their hegemonic and demonic ambitions.


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By way of deception thou shalt wage war...




The Department of Defense’s enduring mission is to provide combat-credible military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of our nation. Should deterrence fail, the Joint Force is prepared to win. Reinforcing America’s traditional tools of diplomacy, the Department provides military options to ensure the President and our diplomats negotiate from a position of strength.

Today, we are emerging from a period of strategic atrophy, aware that our competitive military advantage has been eroding. We are facing increased global disorder, characterized by decline in the long-standing rules-based international order—creating a security environment more complex and volatile than any we have experienced in recent memory. Inter-state strategic competition, not terrorism, is now the primary concern in U.S. national security.

China is a strategic competitor using predatory economics to intimidate its neighbors while militarizing features in the South China Sea. Russia has violated the borders of nearby nations and pursues veto power over the economic, diplomatic, and security decisions of its neighbors. As well, North Korea’s outlaw actions and reckless rhetoric continue despite United Nation’s censure and sanctions. Iran continues to sow violence and remains the most significant challenge to Middle East stability. Despite the defeat of ISIS’s physical caliphate, threats to stability remain as terrorist groups with long reach continue to murder the innocent and threaten peace more broadly.

This increasingly complex security environment is defined by rapid technological change, challenges from adversaries in every operating domain, and the impact on current readiness from the longest continuous stretch of armed conflict in our Nation’s history. In this environment, there can be no complacency—we must make difficult choices and prioritize what is most important to field a lethal, resilient, and rapidly adapting Joint Force. America’s military has no preordained right to victory on the battlefield.

This unclassified synopsis of the classified 2018 National Defense Strategy articulates our strategy to compete, deter, and win in this environment. The reemergence of long-term strategic competition, rapid dispersion of technologies, and new concepts of warfare and competition that span the entire spectrum of conflict require a Joint Force structured to match this reality.

A more lethal, resilient, and rapidly innovating Joint Force, combined with a robust constellation of allies and partners, will sustain American influence and ensure favorable balances of power that safeguard the free and open international order. Collectively, our force posture, alliance and partnership architecture, and Department modernization will provide the capabilities and agility required to prevail in conflict and preserve peace through strength.



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Introduction to the US national defence strategy. Note the VERY aggressive language and the use of "partners" to maintain the US superiority — which is short for "absolute control"... 

not yet in full control but working on it...

not yet in full control but working on it...

China is a strategic competitor using predatory economics to intimidate can be modified:

The US is a strategic controller using predatory economics and wars to intimidate...

adding more sauce to the crap...

The real identity of one of the men wanted by Britain for the Salisbury nerve agent attack on former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter is Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga, according to media reports on Wednesday which said he was a decorated Russian colonel.

Key points:
  • UK website identifies one of the Russian agents charged with chemical attack on Skripals
  • Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga is a Russian colonel who served in Chechnya 
  • Website compared images against leaked database of Russian military academies


Earlier this month, British prosecutors charged two Russians — Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov — with attempted murder for the Novichok poisoning of the Skripals in the southern English city in March, but said they believed the suspects had been using aliases to enter Britain.

British Defence Minister Gavin Williamson reportedly said in a tweet —that was later removed — that the "true identity" of one of the suspects in a nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy in Salisbury had been revealed, apparently confirming media reports that the suspect was a Russian colonel.

"The true identity of one of the Salisbury suspects has been revealed to be a Russian Colonel. I want to thank all the people who are working so tirelessly on this case," Mr Williamson said in the tweet.

The Daily Telegraph and the BBC said Mr Boshirov's real name was Chepiga, citing investigative reporting by Bellingcat, a website which covers intelligence matters.


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fake what happened...


MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called the publication about the alleged identity of Ruslan Boshirov, suspected by London of poisoning former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury, "fake news" aimed at diverting public attention from what happened in Salisbury.

Earlier on Wednesday, UK investigating bloggers from Bellingcat in cooperation with the Insider Russia website, published material alleging that Boshirov is "in fact" a GRU colonel called Anatoly Chepiga. Previously, Bellingcat had already published materials that were not confirmed.

"A new portion of fake news about Petrov and Boshirov was presented immediately after the speech of [UK Prime Minister] Theresa May in the UN Security Council focusing on weapons of mass destruction, during which she repeated accusations against Russia. There is no evidence, so they continue the information campaign, the main task of which is to divert attention from the main question: 'What happened in Salisbury?' The question is: when will there be any evidence of the involvement of anyone, as London tells us, of poisoning in Salisbury?" Zakharova wrote on Facebook.



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lucky fake or fake lucky?

 The group photograph with a man resembling Boshirov. Photograph: Bellingcat

 Anatoliy Chepiga’s 2003 passport photo; Ruslan Boshirov’s 2009 passport photo; Ruslan Boshirov, in a Metropolitan Police photo Composite: Bellingcat/PA/Met


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Please note that though there could be a vague resemblance between Anatoliy Chepiga and Ruslan Boshirov, I have had dozens of mates who looked like Chepiga when young, including the ears which are exactly like mine, and they did not turn out to be Boshirov... This is slightly ridiculous. Meanwhile Putin claims that the guys suspected by the Brits, of doing the poisoning of people who did not die, are civilians.

Bellingcat is a lying outfit with no credibility whatsoever, except at the Guardian where bullshit is sacred.

totovitch the clown was seen in salisbury...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The UK authorities identified the third suspect in the nerve agent attack on Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the UK city of Salisbury, Telegraph newspaper reported on Friday.

The UK Counter-Terrorism Police and security services believed that the third suspect was a Russian military intelligence officer who visited Salisbury for reconnaissance purposes before the poisoning, the Telegraph newspaper reported.

READ MORE: Zakharova Says New Salisbury Claims Aim to Distract Public From the Incident

The authorities tracked the third suspect who is believed to have informed the attack perpetrators about the layout of the cul de sac where Skripal’s house is located and the door that the Russian former intelligence officer used to enter his house, according to the newspaper.

The UK Metropolitan Police, which is in charge of the investigation into the Salisbury poisoning, had refused to comment on the issue, the publication added.

In early September, the UK authorities said they had identified Russian nationals Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov as the suspected perpetrators of the attack on the Skripals that happened on March 4. UK Prime Minister Theresa May argued that the Russian military intelligence service was behind the poisoning.

The two Russian nationals subsequently said in an interview with the RT broadcaster that they visited on Salisbury on the day of the attack for tourism purposes. They also denied any involvement with the Russian military intelligence.


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Going nowhere with the two previous suspects being seen EVERYWHERE the Skripals were not, now MI6 has to find another culprit for blaming at least one someone for something that did not really happened somewhere: This time they know the real identity of Totovitch the clown from Moscow, who "might have been" the third suspect responsible for doorknobs and park benches — considering he is a clown who has experience with little houses, door knobs possibly — though he can't reach them because of his shoe size — and small park benches from which he plays "Tinkle tinkle little Star" on a miniature piano.

If you have not realised you are being manipulated by the sad clowns at MI6, you need to go on a diet and stop eating rubbish.

Now if you want to poison someone, why send three (3) blokes (bumbling idiots not-waving on CCTV) who can see they would be seen on all the CCTV cameras available in town, when you could send three tanks and a battalion of trained troopers into Stonehenge, move during the night to the site of the crime, like the US seals did to wipe out Osama?


Actually, the identity of the third bod would be interesting to the Russian secret services, because he might have been the one to lure tourists such as our two Russians boys to come and see where the Skripals will be murdered...

no medals for anatoliy chepiga...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday that he had verified media reports about a state award handed out to Anatoly Chepiga - alleged by the UK investigating bloggers from Bellingcat to be the real name of Ruslan Boshirov, a suspect in the Skripal poisoning case.

"Yes, I have checked. I have no information that a person with this name was awarded," Peskov told reporters.

The day before, Peskov said he would verify reports that Putin had allegedly decorated Col. Anatoliy Chepiga and then would provide that information to reporters.

READ MORE: Kremlin: Putin Has Info That Skripal Poisoning Suspect Boshirov is Civilian

The spokesman went on saying that many news stories, emerging about the Skripal affair investigation, it is hard to understand which of them are true or false.

"The Kremlin does not want to keep addressing this issue, all the more so, having the media as a partner. All of these arguments — who looks like whom and so on — you know, in Red Square… there are ten Stalins and 15 Lenins running, and all are extremely similar to the original," Peskov told reporters.

READ MORE: UK Foreign Minister Says London Finding Ways to Put Economic Pressure on Russia

He noted many news stories have appeared in the UK and other media outlets in recent months, saying that "No one can figure out which of these news stories are false and which are true".


The official stated the Kremlin did not want to engage in stirring up the issue of 'investigations' into the identities of Skripal poisoning suspects Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov with media as vis-a-vis. He reiterated the Moscow's stance, saying that Russian intelligence services need original materials on the Skripal case to assist London and participate in the investigation.

READ MORE: Chepiga's Ex-Commander Calls Claims About Skripal Suspect Identity Schizophrenia

The comments referred to the Wednesday's story published by UK-based investigative blogger group Bellingcat, in cooperation with the Insider Russia website, alleging that Boshirov, a suspect in the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, was "in fact" a military intelligence colonel called Anatoly Chepiga. The outlet also claimed that the division in which Chepiga served played an important role in the Second Chechen War and was bestowed with high state award by Putin personally.


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And someone also saw Elvis in Salisbury... Read from top.

more bumbling than rainbow-warrior spies...


They appeared to have made little attempt to hide their presence in the country, arriving together with Russian diplomatic passports at Schiphol airport, where they were captured on CCTV being met by a Russian embassy official. Once through customs and immigration controls, they hired a car and headed for The Hague.

Senior British security officials said they were caught “in flagrante” by Dutch intelligence three days later, on 13 April, sitting in their hire car which was parked close to the OPCW building. They tried – and failed – to destroy their equipment and were immediately put on a plane back to Moscow.

In the back of the vehicle, investigators found a laptop connected to a 4G mobile and a wifi panel antenna, partially hidden under a coat, as well as other specialist hacking equipment.


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"The old equipment hidden under a coat trick" would say our expert Maxwell Smart... And "they were immediately put on a plane back to Moscow." No questions asked, no detention, no debriefing, no assassination like on tele shows such as "Deep State"... Of course this open air op was to give validity to the "fact" that "Assad gasses beautiful babies" and other fallacies...


But at least there is another black (this time) Deep State op that we should pay attention to, from OffGuardian:

In this interview Captain Paul Barril, ex-GIGN officer and counter-terrorism expert, who was allegedly making plans for a visit to Donetsk to meet its leader, Alexander Zakharchenko, makes some shocking claims about the latter’s murder (translated from the French).NOTE: we originally published this article last week, but then removed it pending authentication that Barril had spoken the words attributed to him. We’ve recently been sent confirmation that this does indeed come from him. The interviewer has asked for their identity not to be revealed at this time26 September 2018

INTERVIEWER: Many thanks, Captain Barril for this opportunity. Could you first tell us a few words about your important public service for the French Republic? You were one of the co-founders of GIGN (the elite counter-terrorism unit of the French National Gendarmerie)? 

CAPT. BARRIL: Yes indeed, way back in the past, at the very beginning of its activity in the 1980s.

INT: You also worked for some French Presidents?

CB: Yes, I worked for President Giscard d’Estaing and President Mitterrand.

INT: This September you were going to meet Alexander Zakharchenko, the leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic, to share certain information with his protection service. Do you know (or have any idea) who killed him?

CB: I know who killed Alexander Zakharchenko in Donetsk. This was done by the 3rd Special Operations Regiment of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine. Training was provided by US instructors at the Khmelnitsky Training Centre, one of their bases in Ukraine.

It is important to understand the context. Donbass is a very sensitive zone, where NATO in engaged in a proxy war against Russia. Ukraine serves as a NATO stooge, but Donetsk is on Russia’s side. The Head of the DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) Alexander Zakharchenko was pro-Moscow and Putin’s close supporter. You need to know that since 2014 various western intelligence services have been operating in Donbass. In April 2014 the CIA chief John Brennan came to Kiev using a fictitious name to give instructions (for Euromaidan). And now they have CIA instructors over there, Canadians too. They undertake specific action to crush the Donetsk Republic.

INT: Thus, you claim, Canadians, Americans and British are connected with the Ukrainian secret services – with the SBU & Ukraine’s Military Intelligence?

CB: All forces that oppose Russia are now present in Ukraine. Actually, by committing the murder of the Donetsk leader they struck a painful blow to Russia, albeit not directly.

INT: How did they commit this murder?

CB: The murder was undertaken in the “Separ” cafe which is in a very well protected zone in the centre of Donetsk. They hid a tiny smart bomb above the entrance in the lobby, undetected by sniffer dogs. When the leader walked in, the bomb was activated from a long distance and exploded. The blast killed Alexander Zakharchenko and his bodyguard, critically injured a lady and left his deputy, Alexander Tashkent (who was a second target), badly burnt and shell-shocked.

NT: British and Americans, as a rule, use bombs to remove “objectionable” people? 

CB: In recent history, during the war in Chechnya US instructors trained terrorists to mount explosives in lamp-post bases. They used the power supply network as an electro-detonator. When the Russian Army and tanks entered the road, the terrorists pushed the button. The explosions would strike Russian equipment and personnel within the radius of a few meters. That caught the Russians off-guard, because those hidden bombs are just not in Russia’s military “DNA”. But they are very much so in America’s.

The CIA and Green Berets have the world’s most advanced boobytraps, and the one in the “Separ” restaurant is a “signature” British or American job.

Even Gaddafi’s explosives’ specialists were trained and armed by former CIA operatives. They helped them to disguise booby traps as lamps, alarm clocks, vases, radios and even ashtrays. So, those who installed the bomb in Donetsk were US-trained, these smart bombs are their signature.

Americans and Brits favour bombs when they want to kill somebody. Obviously, in this case, they also used a local mole who helped the group which actually set the booby trap. So, while France is working within the Normandy Four contact group trying to bring about an end to the civil war in Ukraine, the Anglo-American Deep State foments a new war there.


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pay dirt for the empire...

Czech police have said they are seeking two Russian men in connection with a 2014 blast that killed two people. The men, they said, hold passports used by the suspects in the attempted poisoning of Sergei Skripal.

The names match those used by the two men accused of poisoning Skripal and his daughter Yulia with the Soviet-era nerve agent novichok in the English city of Salisbury in 2018. Russia denied involvement in the poisoning, but about 300 diplomats were sent home in subsequent tit-for-tat expulsions.



“The two men were present on Czech territory in … October 2014,” when the Vrbetice blast occurred, the Czech organised crime squad said on Saturday, adding that they also used Tajik and Moldovan identities.

The Czech government had earlier said it was expelling 18 Russian diplomats identified by local intelligence as secret agents of the Russian SVR and GRU services that are suspected of involvement in a 2014 explosion.

“Eighteen employees of the Russian embassy must leave our republic within 48 hours,” the interim foreign minister, Jan Hamáček, told reporters.

Hamáček said on Twitter on Sunday that he would discuss the matter at an EU foreign ministers’ meeting on Monday.

The prime minister, Andrej Babiš, said Czech authorities had “clear evidence” linking GRU officers to the explosion in an ammunition warehouse in 2014 that left two people dead.

“We have good reason to suspect the involvement of GRU officers from unit 29155 in the explosion at the ammunition warehouse in Vrbetice,” in the east of the country, Babiš said. He added he had received the information on Friday, without explaining why it had taken so long.

“The explosion led to huge material damage and posed a serious threat to the lives of many local people, but above all it killed two of our fellow citizens, fathers of families.”

Hamáček, who is the interior minister as well as serving as interim foreign minister after his predecessor was sacked earlier this week, said he was sorry that the incident would “fundamentally damage Czech-Russian relations”.

“We are in a situation similar to that in Britain following the attempted poisoning in Salisbury in 2018,” he said, referring to the case of Skripal.

Hamáček said he had summoned the Russian ambassador, Alexander Zmeyevsky, on Saturday evening to tell him about the decision.

On Thursday, the Czech Republic’s neighbour Poland said it had expelled three Russian diplomats for “carrying out activities to the detriment” of Poland.

Warsaw also expressed solidarity with the US, which earlier that day had announced sanctions and the expulsion of 10 Russian diplomats in retaliation for what Washington said was the Kremlin’s US election interference, a massive cyber-attack and other hostile activity.


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AMAZING ! It took seven years for the Czech police to find out this convenient crap — on cue with the Empire sanctions against Russia for whatever interference such as pissing against the wall that got the Biden elected... The Spooks of the Empire ask for a favour and the Czech police delivers. Could not be a better world !!!!



FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


public inquiry will begin on Monday into the death of a British woman who was unwittingly exposed to Novichok nerve agent is set to begin in Salisbury on Monday.

The 2018 incident plunged relations between the UK and Russia to new lows at the time.

The public hearing aims to provide the victim's family with answers on how her death came about. It is also likely to reveal some confidential evidence from the government and the security services.

What do we know about the incident?

The intended target of the poison attack was former double agent Sergei Skripal, who was residing in Salisbury of southwest England.

In March 2018, Skripal and his daughter were found unconscious on a bench in the city center. They survived after intensive treatment and now live under protection.

Dawn Sturgess — a 44-year-old mother of three — died in July 2018 after spraying herself with what she believed was a perfume bottle discarded in a park which contained Novichok. The nerve agent was developed by Soviet scientists in the 1970s and 1980s.

British authorities believe that agents responsible for the attack on Skripal had thrown it away

Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly referred to Skripal as a "scumbag" and a "traitor" in the wake of the incident, but denied any official involvement.


Who are the suspects?

British authorities blame two Russian officers for the attack. They had entered the country with false passports.

A third person is believed to be the operation's mastermind. 

All three suspects are believed to be members of the Russian intelligence unit GRU. 

While an international arrest warrant has been issued for the suspects, then-PM Theresa May had warned that justice was unlikely.

"I would hope by the end of it (the public inquiry) the family and friends of Dawn Sturgess feel it has got to the truth," she told the BBC. But "closure to all the people affected would only finally come with justice, and that justice is highly unlikely to happen." 

Russia has denied responsibility for the attack and the subsequent death, calling the public hearing a "circus.” The three men accused have also denied any involvement. 

The incident led to the biggest East-West diplomatic expulsions since the Cold War. Relations between London and Moscow have only deteriorated since, more so after Russia's invasion of Ukraine




August 20, 2022

The German chancellor said Putin critic Alexei Navalny is a "courageous man" who returned to Russia to fight for democracy after the 2020 Novichok poisoning.


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz praised the courage of Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny on Saturday, two years after his poisoning from a Soviet-era nerve agent.

The 46-year-old activist is now in a maximum-security penal colony, having returned to Russia from Germany where he was hospitalized after the attack.

Despite strong evidence pointing towards the work of Russian intelligence agents, Moscow has denied responsibility for the poisoning









the washington consensus...