Tuesday 25th of February 2025

the broome bowling club connection...


Einstein's general theory of relativity is one of humankind's greatest achievements, and it was first proven to be correct in what is now part of Broome's lawn bowls club in far north-west Australia.

Historian Robyn Wells was delighted to realise her local bowling club had played a fundamental part in such a significant historical moment.

"This is where Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity was proven," Ms Wells said.

A major scientific expedition had been mounted in 1922 to photograph an eclipse of the sun at Wallal, 350 kilometres south of Broome.

The photographic plates were brought back to Broome and developed in the radio station building, where they provided conclusive proof that the sun caused space to curve, proving Einstein's theory.

Going over historical documents from the time, Ms Wells realised the place where general relativity was proven is now the Broome Bowling Club

"This building still exists," Ms Wells said.

"I knew just from living here for a long time that the place where I come and have a beer and play a game of pool occassionally used to be the old radio station.


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"The not-round-bowls of the game of lawn bowl are a proof that the universe is curved..."

    Gus Leonisky.


The world's oldest surviving bowling green is the Southampton Old Bowling Green, which was first used in 1299.


Bowl at top from Gus's useless collection of old stuff.


through two doors at once...

To Richard Feynman, the double-slit experiment encapsulated quantum physics's one and only mystery. Its results could be described but, he cautioned, could not be explained. Veteran science journalist Anil Ananthaswamy rejects this fatalistic perspective. On the contrary, he argues, a deeper understanding of the quantum world can only be achieved by embracing the diversity of interpretations available to us, a claim he persuasively defends in Through Two Doors at Once.


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In modern physics, the double-slit experiment is a demonstration that light and matter can display characteristics of both classically defined waves and particles; moreover, it displays the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical phenomena. The experiment was first performed with light by Thomas Young in 1801. In 1927, Davisson and Germer demonstrated that electrons show the same behavior, which was later extended to atoms and molecules.[1][2]

Thomas Young's experiment with light was part of classical physics well before quantum mechanics, and the concept of wave-particle duality. He believed it demonstrated that the wave theory of light was correct, and his experiment is sometimes referred to as Young's experiment[3] or Young's slits. 

The experiment belongs to a general class of "double path" experiments, in which a wave is split into two separate waves that later combine into a single wave. Changes in the path lengths of both waves result in a phase shift, creating an interference pattern. Another version is the Mach–Zehnder interferometer, which splits the beam with a mirror.



do we need a vomitorium today!...

If we could put Einstein's theory to the test and travel faster than the speed of light, bending time and jumping forwards, what would we find?

Or on the other hand, suppose we traveled backwards two thousand years, to Roman times and to Rome itself? At first sight, we would be overwhelmed by the noise, the hustle-bustle on the streets, the rumble of carts, the clattering of hooves on cobbled streets, the shouting of orders over the cacophony of one million souls crammed into the capital city.

We would recognise the Colosseum and other buildings, we would recognise the shops beneath the buildings, we would see a carbon copy of our barbers shaving faces, trimming hair and beards, even performing operations such as removing varicose veins and pulling teeth with instruments looking remarkably similar to what we see today in our visit to the dentist. On the hour we would marvel with everyone else at the water clock marking the new hour with balls moving around carried by the liquid.

We would find it strange that people started their day so early, then when we would hear the roars from the Colosseum during the games in the afternoon, we would understand that they worked until early afternoon and then rested or played or went to the baths. We would be surprised to learn that most people did not get drunk every day and throw up in the vomitorium, indeed it was considered intemperate to drink wine which was not mixed with water and anyway, the vomitorium was the space through which crowds left the Colosseum.

As for the rest, the housing market was similar to ours - the rich lived in the best neighborhoods, the poor lived in slums, the middle class lived in apartments, many up to five or seven storeys high; those who wished to earn more money sublet the rooms in their home or even parts of rooms, the wealthiest lived on the ground floor, the higher up you lived, the worse your socio-economic standing.

The temperature was generally warmer than today (the Roman high), children were taught how to read and write, learning by rote in open-air schools, or behind a curtain in a shop, if their parents could pay; the elderly were cared for by their families, if people did not have money, they exchanged fish oil for eggs or rabbits or wine. We would have heard tales of travels and experiences as people gathered in the evening before going to bed and they would have been interested in our stories. Nobody ventured out at night for fear of cut-throats, there was no housing safety (buildings collapsed with frequency) and no housing security (if you did not pay your rent, in the case of the poorer people daily, you were evicted and ended up on the street.

Now let us thrust the lever forwards and travel ahead in time, two thousand years to our time then another two thousand years forward. I could write three scenarios - one where we find nothing except for weeds pushing through the pavements, cities falling apart or having disappeared into the undergrowth, wondering exactly when and why this cataclism happened, but marveling at the number of animals springing about happily, unaware of our presence and not caring anyway.

The second could be a carbon copy of Roman times, the atmosphere being one of recovery from some kind of catastrophe. No cars, organic pollution.

The third could be some unsettling planet with little water, a changed climate, people living in mega-metropolises interconnected with high-speed magnetic transportation systems, no wild habitat, few animals, and an eerie twilight when people scuttled into their homes and bolted the door against the horrors of some unseen evil at night.

However, I would like to write about the scenario which I would like to find. I would like to encounter a world in which people woke up in the morning, motivated and happy, with plenty of activities to do, plenty of time to learn and study, time to travel and to lead comfortable, affordable lives with a high quality of living and a high degree of satisfaction.

I would like to find free and excellent education systems, free and excellent leisure time activities, opportunities to practise and learn sports, voluntary work placements, facilities to cccooonduct research with all the equipment necessary in full working condition, comfortable and free housing and utilities, safety inside buildings and security on the street. I would expect to find free and excellent healthcare systems, easily available dental care, a world in which every (wo)man and child had the same rights at birth and a wide range of opportunities to choose what (s)he wanted to do.

I would like to find all this in a world in which there was no sexual or religious or racial or gender discrimination, in which use and trafficking of harmful drugs had disappeared, in which the trafficking of weapons systems to murder people had long since ceased, a world in which energies were for embettering the world and ensuring that the Planet remained healthy.

I would like to find the skies, the land and the seas unpolluted, I would like to see nature reserves in which species which had been close to extinction thrived in sustainably balanced and developed ecosystems, a world in which animals did not run for cover the second they sensed the presence of a human being.

As I write, in 2018, I can hear a van pull up outside my window. It is white. Two men dressed in dark clothes wearing sunglasses are getting out. They have a bulge in their upper left inside jacket pockets. They are looking at my window as they walk to my front door...


Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

See more at http://www.pravdareport.com/opinion/columnists/23-09-2018/141647-time_tr...




From the nut and Bolt at the merde-och media:

Why is the ABC still promoting crazy Bancroft-Hinchey?    (2014 rant)

Pravda is now a Russian nationalist on-line newspaper of zero credibililty and small readership, peddling mad claims that AIDS is a hoax, skulls have been found on Mars, war-criminal Slobodan Milosovic was the victim of the “ The World’s Greatest Travesty of Justice”, “Poland Wants Germany to Attack Russia Again" and MH17 was possibly shot down in a bungled NATO plot to assassinate Vladimir Putin. Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey is just the kind of idiot who'd type for the cash of such an outfit. He makes preposterous claims to have once been a successful song-writer behind three Eurovision entries - claims he now says were just written by a drunk mate. He also thinks the US hanged a fake Saddam Hussein, a dictator Bancroft-Hinchey claims was just "trying to govern [Iraq", his task made impossible just because he refused to allow the Americans access to control his economy". There is not the slightest reason to take Pravda seriously, let alone the obscure, delusional and conspiracy-minded Bancroft-Hinchey. Yet many media outlets turned him instantly into the voice of the Kremlin and a noted political commentator when he said this

SO, Australian Prime Minister wants to shirt-front Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, does he? It is difficult to find a more blatant example of childishness, incompetence for the position, criminal intent, downright nastiness and an indication of a disturbed mind crying out for therapy. Don’t the Australian people deserve better?... Stop fidgeting, stop playing with Willy and answer the Goddam question. Where is your evidence that Russia downed the aircraft [MH17]"? 


Does the fact that some journalists perhaps enjoyed having Abbott vilified explain why Bancroft-Hinchey, the fake Eurovision hero from Britain, is now elevated into the Russian oracle? Astonishingly, the ABC this morning is still elevating Bancroft-Hinchey, giving the donkey an audience on Radio National Breakfast. Haters gotta hate. By why must we taxpayers subsidise them?


UPDATE Yes, the ABC challenged Bancroft-Hinchey on his opinions on Abbott, but it did not challenge his implied standing as a serious commentator. He is a nobody. A zero. A crank. His only claim to fame is that he hates Abbott.

UPDATE In a not-unrelated phenomenon, Bruce Haig used to be a diplomat, paid to represent Australia to the world. Now it seems to me, at least, that he's representing authoritarians to Australia...



Anyway Abbott is a crackpot and Bolt is a nutcase, Actually no, Bolt is a nobody. A zero. A crank. His only claim to fame is that he loves Abbott and vomits his dog's breakfast on radio and in the Murdoch media....


PS: Bolt's bullshit was written before Abbott got bowled out by Trumble, whom he tried to bowl out after declaring he would not, but eventually managed to get Dutton's ultra right-wing mob to bowl out Trumble, for Abbott to eventually come back like a triumphant bad smell — but Trumble managed the vote inside the Liberal appalling party to go to ScoMo... Ugly? Sure...

At least Putin is still President of Russia with an approval rating that still bothers the West...

detecting the impossible neutrinos...

Wolfgang Pauli first postulated the existance of the neutrino in 1930. At that time, a problem arose because it seemed that both energy and angular momentum were not conserved in beta-decay. But Pauli pointed out that if a non-interacting, neutral particle--a neutrino--were emitted, one could recover the conservation laws. The first detection of neutrinos did not occur until 1955, when Clyde Cowan and Frederick Reines recorded anti-neutrinos emitted by a nuclear reactor.

Natural sources of neutrinos include the radioactive decay of primordial elements within the earth, which generate a large flux of low-energy electron-anti-neutrinos. Calculations show that about 2 percent of the sun's energy is carried away by neutrinos produced in fusion reactions there. Supernovae too are predominantly a neutrino phenomenon, because neutrinos are the only particles that can penetrate the very dense material produced in a collapsing star; only a small fraction of the available energy is converted to light. It is possible that a large fraction of the dark matter of the universe consists of primordial, Big Bang neutrinos. 

The fields related to neutrino particles and astrophysics are rich, diverse and developing rapidly. So it is impossible to try to summarize all of the activities in the field in a short note. That said, current questions attracting a large amount of experimental and theoretical effort include the following: What are the masses of the various neutrinos? How do they affect Big Bang cosmology? Do neutrinos oscillate? Or can neutrinos of one type change into another type as they travel through matter and space? Are neutrinos fundamentally distinct from their anti-particles? How do stars collapse and form supernovae? What is the role of the neutrino in cosmology?

One long-standing issue of particular interest is the so-called solar neutrino problem. This name refers to the fact that several terrestrial experiments, spanning the past three decades, have consistently observed fewer solar neutrinos than would be necessary to produce the energy emitted from the sun. One possible solution is that neutrinos oscillate--that is, the electron neutrinos created in the sun change into muon- or tau-neutrinos as they travel to the earth. Because it is much more difficult to measure low-energy muon- or tau-neutrinos, this sort of conversion would explain why we have not observed the correct number of neutrinos on Earth.


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Super-Kamiokande (semi-abbreviation of full name: Super-Kamioka Neutrino Detection Experiment, also abbreviated to Super-K or SKJapanese: スーパーカミオカンデ) is a neutrino observatory located under Mount Ikeno near the city of HidaGifu PrefectureJapan. It is located 1,000 m (3,300 ft) underground in the Mozumi Mine in the Hida's Kamioka area. The observatory was designed to detect high-energy neutrinos to search for proton decay, study solar and atmospheric neutrinos, and keep watch for supernovae in the Milky Way Galaxy.

It consists of a cylindrical stainless steel tank about 40 m (131 ft) in height and diameter holding 50,000 tons of ultrapure water. Mounted on an inside superstructure are about 13,000 photomultiplier tubes that detect light from Cherenkov radiation. A neutrino interaction with the electrons or nuclei of water can produce an electron or positron that moves faster than the speed of light in water (not to be confused with exceeding the speed of light in a vacuum). This creates a cone of Cherenkov radiation light, which is the optical equivalent to a sonic boom. The Cherenkov light is recorded by the photomultiplier tube. Using the information recorded by each tube, the direction and "flavor" (type) of the incoming neutrino is determined.


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The Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA) is a neutrino telescope located beneath the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station. In 2005, after nine years of operation, AMANDA officially became part of its successor project, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.

AMANDA consists of optical modules, each containing one photomultiplier tube, sunk in Antarctic ice cap at a depth of about 1500 to 1900 metres. In its latest development stage, known as AMANDA-II, AMANDA is made up of an array of 677 optical modules mounted on 19 separate strings that are spread out in a rough circle with a diameter of 200 metres. Each string has several dozen modules, and was put in place by "drilling" a hole in the ice using a hot-water hose, sinking the cable with attached optical modules in, and then letting the ice freeze around it.


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The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) was a neutrino observatory located 2100 m underground in Vale's Creighton Mine in SudburyOntario, Canada. The detector was designed to detect solar neutrinos through their interactions with a large tank of heavy water.

The detector was turned on in May 1999, and was turned off on 28 November 2006. The SNO collaboration was active for several years after that analyzing the data taken.

The director of the experiment, Art McDonald, was co-awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2015 for the experiment's contribution to the discovery of neutrino oscillation.[1]

The underground laboratory has been enlarged into a permanent facility and now operates multiple experiments as SNOLAB. The SNO equipment itself is currently being refurbished for use in the SNO+ experiment.


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A neutrino detector should be placed in the bar of the Broome Bowling Club... replacing heavy water with beer. This would amuse the patrons none stop and prove that the universe is totally pissed — or curveballed.

not the nobel prize of caring medicine...

In a damning indictment of health care in the US, the family of Nobel prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman sold his award to cover end-of-life medical expenses.

Lederman, the physicist credited with inventing the term 'god particle,' died last week at a nursing home in Idaho.

A former head of the prestigious Fermi National Accelerator Lab and a 1988 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, Lederman had suffered acute dementia in the last years of his life, resulting in round-the-clock care and its heavy expenditure — a financial burden the revered scientist's family were unprepared for.

His wife, Ellen Lederman, noted that the move was necessary to keep her husband at peace as his health declined.

"I wish it could be different," she stated, "but he's happy. He likes where he lives with cats and dogs and horses. He doesn't have any problems with anxiety, and that makes me glad that he's so content," cited by Gizmodo.com.


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the eclipse of 1919...

Relativity's relationship with the first world war and the story of the eclipse that confirmed a key component of Einstein's theory are the subject of two remarkable books published for the centenary of the latter's observations. No Shadow of a Doubt by physicist and Einstein scholar Daniel Kennefick is intended more for academics than for general readers, with far more technical detail on the eclipse observations than Einstein's War by historian of science and Eddington scholar Matthew Stanley. His book skillfully interweaves the lives of Einstein and Eddington into a readable narrative.


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Celebrating the Eclipse That Let Einstein Shine

Before 1919, cosmology was as subjective as art criticism. A solar eclipse, and a patent clerk’s equations, changed everything.


PRINCETON, N.J. — A century ago, on May 29, 1919, the universe was momentarily perturbed, and Albert Einstein became famous. 

On Wednesday at the Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein’s intellectual home from 1932 until his death in 1955, scholars celebrated the centenary with an afternoon symposium titled “The Universe Speaks in Numbers.” The premise: that nature reveals itself through patterns, which can be described with numbers and probed through problems posed by mathematicians and physicists alike. The event’s name was borrowed from the title of a new book by Graham Farmelo, who gave the introductory talk.

“This is actually a good story,” said Helmut Hofer, a mathematician at the Institute, sitting in his office. Behind him, on the wall, hung an axiom that his wife and found and framed:

“Mathematics is such a drama queen. It can’t seriously have that many problems.”

Having the right mathematicians in the company of the right physicists can be quite helpful in solving problems, said Dr. Hofer.

Einstein himself apparently had no special plans for what he knew could be a momentous day. He was home in Berlin. He wrote a letter admitting a “blunder” in an ongoing debate with Theodor Kaluza, a German mathematician with a new notion of space-time that required five dimensions.



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Confirmed in 1922 (read from top)...


the relativity of relativity...

More than a century ago, on November 25, 1915, scientist Albert Einstein presented his world-changing general theory of relativity for the first time.

Many great thinkers throughout history have tried to explain gravity, but none have come closer than Mr Einstein.

The German-born physicist’s geometric theory of gravitation was so impressive that it is still used to describe gravitation in modern physics today.

His theory of general relativity was important because it implied the existence of black holes – regions of space that have such a strong gravitational pull that anything that gets too close to one will be sucked in, never to be seen again.

In his presentation, Mr Einstein predicted that massive stars no longer able to sustain their own weight could collapse and deform spacetime to form a black hole.

His theory also predicted the existence of gravitational waves, which are ‘ripples’ in spacetime caused by violent and energetic processes in the Universe.

It also explained how the path of light will follow the curvature of spacetime as it passes near a star.

Mr Einstein shot to international fame in 1919 when a British scientist tested his general theory of relativity by observing a solar eclipse and found it to be correct.


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please tell god that He (god is a male) does not exist... in abortion and homosexuality revisited by religioso expert rod dreher...