Tuesday 25th of February 2025

not even 25 per cent behind him...


Australian companies with more than 1,000 employees would have to publicly reveal how much they pay women compared with men under a federal Labor government.

But the prime minister, Scott Morrison, has said “you’d want to be confident you’re not setting up conflict in the workplace” before implementing such a policy.

Labor says the gender pay gap is “stubbornly high” and women working full-time still get paid almost 15% less than men working full-time.

“It is unacceptable this has barely changed over the last two decades,” said a joint statement from the deputy opposition leader, Tanya Plibersek, and the opposition employment spokesman, Brendan O’Connor, on Sunday.

On average, a woman working full-time earns about $27,000 per year less than a man, the statement said.


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Meanwhile the old electorate of Malcolm Turnbull was given up to a woman by the favourite lib candidate — a bloke who was a real knight in charming armour — but the nutcases of the libs gave the nod to another bloke who "does not live" in the electorate and to say the least might be a lesser bloke than the original knight... The "libs" are loony beyond redeption.

Now the only good thing for the Wentworth electorate, Malcolm's old seat, is to get Kerryn Phelps elected as an independent to government, because Labor has a minimalist chance to get there. So Kerryn is using Labor strategists (and heavies?) to pass the post... Some people are miffed that she has "allocated" (apparently she hasn't yet) preferences to the Libs, but this could be a reasonable tactic to collect the protest votes of voters who do not want Labor to succeed there, especially the merde-och media. As a doctor who ran the AMA once, Kerryn knows more stuff than any other male in this district of rich dudes.

As well in this rich electorate there is another issue... The "liberal" government is being pressured by "private enterprise" to give up some public land, the National Park, mind you, no less, at South Head for "some development". You can smell the pat-on-the-back approaching corruptioneering levels for this to happen. The community of rich geezers of Wentworth is divided into two: one rich geezer wanting his/her (let's not be sexist here) mittens on a prized bit of public real estate versus the rest of the electorate. See what will happen there...

the plan...

save South head

"If they are prepared to sell this, the Harbour Bridge is next or the Town Hall, what else is going to be used for a function centre or a wedding centre?" #SaveSouthHead Alan Jones on @7NewsSydney great scoop @BryanSeymour1 joining the dots between NSW Government projects from the Dockside Group at South Head National Park and Campbell's Store in the Rocks.


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see also:


selling the public benches to the private sector...

selling benches

and should we talk about age care...

PM Scott Morrison is the removalist — removing anything that might stop the Coalition retaining Government at the next election or, at least, the things that could turn the defeat into a rout.

First, he is trying to remove internal differences and ructions. So it was that the Prime Minister dropped the National Energy Guarantee. However, he did so not to win popular support but to appease the climate change deniers in his Government. 

He hopes popular support comes with slogans about cheaper reliable electricity or the folksy, "fair dinkum power". That such sloganeering is untrue is irrelevant to Morrison and his Government. The fact that the climate change crisis is deepening is also irrelevant to them.

But for a majority of voters, climate change is a major issue. The Great Removalist has merely highlighted his Government’s lack of action on addressing climate change at all. He has shown the Coalition up as being divorced from the wishes of ordinary Australians, once again.

And, of course, other internal barnacles remain. Tony Abbott, slightly more popular than an empty chair, won pre-selection for the seat of Warringah. The Government’s problem with women, or a lack of them, continues and in a related issue, the bullying allegations will not disappear. The women in red, in Parliament last week, made that pretty clear. Are they waiting until after 20 October?

age care


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the zero man...


dirty tactics...

Three candidates running in the Wentworth by-election have accused the Liberal pick of playing dirty by removing hundreds of their campaign posters from the streets.

Labor's Tim Murray, independent Kerryn Phelps and Justice Party candidate Ben Forsyth have all taken aim at Dave Sharma's team over the disappearance of their posters around Sydney's eastern suburbs.

Mr Murray attacked Mr Sharma on Twitter and even alleged Labor posters were taken down and replaced with Mr Sharma's.

He shared two photos — one showing a power pole with Mr Murray's poster attached, and then another showing Mr Sharma's in its place.


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dirty tactics


educating the poor in wentworth...

poors in wentworth

poor in wentworth

the ABC board should go.

As ScoMo — campaigning against Kerryn Phelps on behalf of a little guy called Sharma, rather than lead the country from the surf of Kanbra — says in a glorious Bondi rescue move, that he has not seen anything the ABC board did wrong, well, he is totally deluded. The sacking of Michelle Guthrie, approved 100 % (it seems) by the board has been an act of bastardry that shows the ABC board was 100 % wrong. The ABC board should resign forthwith. Go.


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scomo should stop talking about himself...

Yes, the now famous under/overthetop performing preaching head-prefect clown, called ScoMo, in charge — by default, after a bloody bruising stint of knife throwing between silly nasty clowns in Kanbra as to whom would drive the little red car into the wall of the little ABC house — of the new official clowning in the clown government of Orstraya, has officially famously said that "I think the ABC should stop talking about itself and go back to work"...Fuck! Has this god-freaking clown no shame talking about "going back to work" when his government slashed the ABC budget, when the ABC workers have been underpaid, been sacked at the top and flogged at the bottom — and by the way, HAVE NOT STOPPED WORKING, apart from a short meeting in regard to the clowning government's office interfering with the ABC work, while the sacked worker passed on the true chronology of facts to the other media that this clowning government of clowns has done to interfere with the ABC, including sell it to Mr Murdoch who only wants the old ABC clowning tapes?


See the true ABC at work:


scummo's women or lack thereof...

Julia Banks' extraordinary decision to resign as a Liberal MP and plunge the Morrison Government further into minority sends a devastating message to voters that the Liberal Party is hostile to women.

It's the message she wanted to send.

The narrative that the conservative side of politics has become anti-women has been bolstered by a range of female voices both on and off the record who have been agitating for change.

Until now we have heard strong words, but little action from those who have spoken out against bullying, intimidation and a broader culture problem inside the governing party. Ms Banks' move to the crossbench sends a signal that the crisis she identifies inside the Liberal Party — including the actions and ideas of the so called "reactionaries" — is so profound she is prepared to be accused of being a traitor and a political rat to deliver her point.

MPs from the right and the moderate wings are angry with Banks for robbing the party of "clear air" at a time when it needs it most. There's a strong view she should have stayed in the tent to argue for change rather than thrown a political bomb with uncertain consequences.

But equally, most are unsurprised. Last week, even before the Victorian election, there was concern in the highest levels of government that she would drop a bombshell. And she has. With precision.


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And this isn't the only overcooked snag at Scummo's bonganist barbecue...


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And by the way, the ABC board should not be replaced by a new bum-Fyfield-appointed lot. Not before the result of the senate inquiry into the ABC-board-created management shamble, should anyone be appointed and in he meantime the board should NOT TOUCH ANYTHING. Going on holiday is okay.