Friday 7th of March 2025

clivapalma gets a tubthumping by chumbawamba...



British band Chumbawamba have forced Clive Palmer to take down a YouTube video that used their hit song Tubthumping, calling the political hopeful a “Donald Trump-lite egomaniac”.

The controversial mining magnate, who recently announced a political comeback, posted a video to his personal Twitter page and to YouTube in June that showed a group of men singing the famous lines from the 1997 anthem: “I get knocked down, but I get up again.”

But earlier this month, Chumbawamba wrote to Palmer demanding he take the video down.

They said they had banned Palmer from ever using the song due to his “redundant views on climate change, immigration and abortion”.

In a scathing statement, the famously left-leaning anarchist band labelled him “a ridiculous narcissist”.

“Tubthumping is a song written to champion the resilience of working people, not to further a billionaire’s political ambitions.”


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Put Australia first — Place Clive Palmer last!

trying to resurrect palmer's titanic...

CLIVE Palmer says he stands by the derogatory comments he made about Townsville City Council Mayor Jenny Hill during a speech at the opening of his campaign headquarters. 

Mr Palmer was slammed after a video emerged of him calling Cr Hill a “b*tch” during a speech at the opening of his United Australia Party headquarters in Townsville on Wednesday.

The controversial billionaire did not immediately respond for comment but yesterday released a statement saying he would not back down.

“I was responding to the fact that the Mayor of Townsville had called me a criminal, among other untruthful and damaging things,” he said.

“My wording was harsh, however I stand by my criticism of the Mayor who has caused devastation in her city by working against QNI.”

A spokesman for Cr Hill said the Mayor would not be responding to Mr Palmer’s comments, and that others would judge what the aspiring Member of Parliament has said.


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all aboard...

all aboard

Put Australia first — Place Clive Palmer last, last and last...

Clive Palmer has been doing a discreet push to get back into parliament. Advertising in newspapers, online snipets and large posters around town, especially in Labor-held electorates.... Don't let him in. He is a sneak, a Liberal-opportunist double-dealing coal-merchant, a stooge of Tony Abbott, a liar who plays the "independent card", but as mentioned on this site many times before, Palmer is responsible for the present woeful Australian CO2 emissions. 

With Tony Abbott, Clive was responsible for the repeal of the Australian Carbon Trading Scheme that was working well at reducing CO2. Now with coal Scummo we need Clive Palmer like a hole in our head, or a nail in our right foot. The way the Liberal (CONservative) party plays the game of rorting the electoral system is to have "breakaway" independent "parties". For example, Palmer would have bugger chance of being elected should he be on the "Liberal" (CONservative) ticket. But as an independent, he could get less than a hundred votes and the preferences could get im across the lines should the other candidates get less primary votes than him. So the only way to get rid of him is to PLACE HIM LAST on any ballot.


Imagine, even Al Gore got conned by Clive Palmer to make him believe that Clive was a "greennie"... BULLSHIT!

clive palmer is a song thief...

Clive Palmer has attracted the ire of hair-metal band Twisted Sister after the Queensland businessman and political hopeful used a rewritten version of 1980s hit We're Not Gonna Take It in political advertisements for the United Australia Party.

Key points:
  • Twisted Sister members say they do not endorse United Australia Party
  • The band says it has consulted its legal team over the use of its song
  • Clive Palmer says he owns the copyright to his own lyrics


The ads, being circulated on television as well as on Facebook and YouTube, use the familiar song tune with the lyrics rewritten as: "Australia ain't gonna cop it, no Australia's not gonna cop it. Aussies not gonna cop it…"

Twisted Sister guitarist Jay Jay French took to Twitter to distance the band from Mr Palmer.

"Twisted Sister does not endorse Australian politician Clive Palmer, never heard of him and was never informed of Clive Palmer's use of a re-written version of our song We're Not Gonna Take It," he wrote.

"We receive no money from its use and we are investigating how we can stop it."


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clive palmer makes the former PMs look good...

Against a piss-yellow TV and billboard background, Clive Palmer shows us the sad faces of the former Prime Ministers from Gillard to Morrison, letting us know he would be better at it (destroying sumthin') than this previous crop. We all know that Clive talks a lot of bullshit and when it rains it pours. 

Clive is responsible (I mean irresponsible) for killing the Australian carbon trading scheme after having said he's die ("over his dead body") before helping repeal it. He of course lied about his dead body and helped (with his own midgets — who since have more or less apologised for having been lured to the crappy PUP — or poop for short) Turdy Abbott repeal the very efficient Australian Carbon Trading Scheme, set up by Ms Gillard and the Greens.

With a month of January 2019 breaking all hell's records of hot temperature in Australia, the leftover turdy replacement, Scummo, is still fumbling with a costly reverse-solution to a problem that "does not exist (except in the mind of marxist scientists) set up by Tony Turdy to fudge the process...

So Clive is an old hand at creating shit, supporting shit and talking shit. So PLACE HIM LAST on your ballot papers if you want to "make Australia great again". A no-brainer.


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breaching copyright...

Clive Palmer knew he needed a licence to use US metal band Twisted Sister's hit We're Not Gonna Take It in political advertisements for his United Australia Party but "flagrantly" infringed copyright and increased the harm by "taunting" the band in public, according to court documents.

Universal Music, which acquired publishing rights to the song from Twisted Sister lead singer Dee Snider in 2015, filed copyright infringement proceedings against Mr Palmer in the Federal Court in Sydney on February 6 after a month-long stoush with the former member for Fairfax outside court....



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make clive palmer a bit rich...

Clive Palmer's wife has told the Federal Court in Brisbane that she approved the transfer of about $180 million to a Bulgarian company controlled by her husband, but doesn't know what happened to it.

Key points
  • Anna Palmer gave evidence about her role as a former director of Mineralogy
  • The Federal Court heard she approved the transfer of 130 million Swiss francs to a Bulgarian company controlled by Clive Palmer
  • Ms Palmer told the court the transfer was about "diversifying assets", not "disposing" of the money


Anna Palmer was questioned at a public examination by liquidators investigating the collapse of Mr Palmer's Queensland Nickel refinery in Yabulu, north of Townsville.

She told the court that in 2018, while she was director of her husband's flagship company Mineralogy, she approved a transfer of 130 million Swiss francs ($A180 million) to a Bulgarian company called Palmer Investments.

The court heard that under the agreement, Mineralogy had to then pay interest on the money, which wasn't repayable by the Bulgarian company for 50 years.


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they live somewhere else...

Almost 40% of United Australia party candidates do not live in the electorates they are standing for, and the party has recruited senior executives from Clive Palmer’s mining interests to fill its ranks.

Guardian Australia has analysed the vast pool of 173 candidates fielded by Palmer’s UAP, crosschecking current residential addresses on the electoral roll against the seats each is standing for.

It reveals that 68 lower and upper house candidates don’t live in their seats, according to the roll.

At least four live more than 1,000km from their seats.


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first nations people in parliament matter...

The 2016 federal election campaign also saw a record number of First Nations candidates, with 17 standing for election, including 11 pre-selected for one of the major parties. For the upcoming election, that record has been broken, with at least 22 candidates counted on the IndigenousX website. However, only eight of these are running for the major parties, and even fewer in winnable seats.


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Sure, but oh please, make sure that the "native" who speaks on behalf of the UAP (formerly PUP) of Clive Palmer, in adverts on TV does not get anywhere near a seat in Parliament. We need the UAP like the plague or an infestation of cockroaches. Clive Palmer (supporting Tony Turdy Abbott in a double act of double-cross) has delayed Australia's efforts to tackle global warming by 20 years. The "native" could be a nice person, I have no clue, but for joining the UAP, that uses yellow piss backgrounds to penetrate in your psyche, she deserve a "no-thank-you, we don't need you"...

And please make sure the Adani mine is STOPPED. As soon as the caper would be allowed, then other opportunists who have stayed in the background so far and HAVE MINING LEASES in the galilee Basin, would have a field day. Namely CLIVE PALMER and GINA RINEHART...


This new report reveals that if all of the Galilee Basin coal was burned, an estimated 705 million tonnes of CO2 would be released each year – more than 1.3 times Australia’s current annual emissions.




PLACE THE UAP LAST on all you ballot papers.

apparently, clive is a satirist... no-one knew that.

Businessman-turned-politician Clive Palmer allegedly breached the copyright of a famous metal song in political advertising after he requested a licence and "didn't like the price", a court has heard.

Mr Palmer used a rewritten version of the Twisted Sister track We're Not Gonna Take It in his party's television and online advertising in January.

Key points:
  • Universal Music launched the copyright case after Mr Palmer used the song during his election campaign 
  • Mr Palmer dismissed the complaint, claiming he owned the copyright to his own lyrics
  • Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider will be a key witness if a trial goes ahead


Universal Music launched an intellectual property case in the Federal Court, alleging the hair-metal band's copyright had been breached and is seeking royalties. 

In Sydney, the court today heard mediation in October "substantively failed". 

Universal's barrister Patrick Flynn SC said the organisation would seek additional damages on top of the royalties. 

"The reason the additional damages case arises is the evidence Mr Palmer requested a licence from our client," he said. 

"He knew that he needed one. He didn't like the price, is our case, and so he went ahead."

Both parties will seek the opinions of expert musicologists to answer the question of whether the musical and literary elements of each track overlap. 

The court heard Mr Palmer will partially rely on a defence of fair dealing for the purposes of parody or satire.



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No-one was laughing...


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australia got a tubthumping by clivawamba...

Mining magnate and former politician Clive Palmer has been charged with criminal offences that could see him jailed by Australia’s corporate regulator.

The head of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, John Price, revealed on Friday that the Queensland businessman had been charged with four offences by the regulator for conduct dating back to 2013.

Speaking at a parliamentary hearing, Price confirmed Palmer had been served with a complaint on summons three weeks ago. He will be compelled to attend the Queensland magistrates court in Brisbane on 20 March.

Price said Palmer had been charged with two counts of dishonestly gaining an advantage for another person and two counts of dishonestly using his position as a company director to gain an advantage for someone else.

Guardian Australia understands the charges relate to Palmer company Mineralogy, rather than the controversial collapse of Queensland Nickel.

“These charges relate to conduct that is alleged to have taken place in 2013, and the matter is being prosecuted by the Commonwealth Department [sic] of Public Prosecutions,” Price said.

The two counts of dishonestly gaining an advantage for another person were laid under Queensland law and each carry a maximum penalty of five years in jail.

The other two charges were laid under Commonwealth companies law and can also attract up to five years’ jail.

Price said there were still active investigations involving Palmer but said he’d prefer not to comment on their nature.

He was asked whether the corporate regulator was investigating Palmer’s mining company, Mineralogy. He responded: “Again, we have investigations ongoing in relation to a number of entities, I’d just prefer not to go further at this stage.”

Palmer told the Australian Financial Review that the charges were not related to the $300m collapse of Queensland Nickel four years ago.

“They have not charged me over the Queensland Nickel stuff at all,” Palmer told the AFR.

“They have charged me over another thing but it’s nothing to worry about.”

At a previous parliamentary hearing, Asic said it was working through 32 terrabytes of data relating to Palmer, which it had received in September.

“So we did find material of interest in relation to that matter and things have moved on somewhat since we last spoke,” Price said.

Palmer played a critical role in the 2019 election, using his wealth to run a campaign against Labor.

His campaign with the United Australia Party is thought to have cost $80m. He did not win a single seat.


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An 80 million dollars well-spent... Clive palmer's expenditure WAS NEVER ABOUT GETTING CLIVE'S yellow party elected, though a few seats for him would have been a bonus. It was all about getting SCOMO RE-ELECTED... by bashing Labor... It worked... Note that "mining magnate and former politician" is the same person...

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