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inside the shitosphere...The shitosphere is in need of a refurbishment. We have already mentioned Michel Serres, the French philosopher who tries to promote the concept that the planet may have a say in what we’re doing to it (nothing we don't know here). Nothing personal but the push by the three idiots in charge — starting with the politicians (ruling or not) and their mates, the industrialists, second the religious mobsters who provide the intellectual compost for the rulers to escape scrutiny as they happily roll in the crap and third, the mierdatic media that always polish distracting crappy excuses with vigour — might have to consider the true health of the planet, with a bit more conviction. Unfortunately, we all know that lip service will be paid to this little spec in space, but beyond that, the same human shit will continue to be spread with envy, greed, guns and god... So what do we do about it? Even the best philosophers, including Serres, have no answer that would not ruffle a few feathers. They are too polite and to conscious of the hurt they might inflict with the truth on already sick minds. The shitosphere is protected by gigantic hubris in which “as long as the media and elected officials afford warmongering a dangerous dignity, our world will be in peril.” says Mark Engler — a very perceptive young man.
The dangerous dignity of war | New Internationalist read at: 1 Nov 2017 ... Mark Engler asks why it only takes a bit of a bomb-dropping and sabre-rattling to rally the reporters and bestow a presidential aura on our leaders.
Meanwhile the fully automated drones work their treat...
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beware of the liberation theology...
Mark Engler is an author and journalist based in Philadelphia. His latest book, written with Paul Engler, is entitled This Is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the Twenty-First Century (Nation Books). Mark is an editorial board member at Dissent, a contributing editor at Yes! Magazine, and a monthly columnist for the Oxford, UK-based New Internationalist magazine. An archive of his work is available at
Mark’s first book, How to Rule the World: The Coming Battle Over the Global Economy (Nation Books), was praised by Greg Grandin as “an essential handbook not for the few who do rule the world but for the many who should.” This Is an Uprising has been lauded as “a landmark book” (Bill McKibben), “a genuine gift to social movements everywhere” (Naomi Klein), and “a true masterpiece on the history, logic, ethics, and power of nonviolent action” (Erica Chenoweth).
Mark’s articles on social movements, the global economy, Latin American affairs, militarism, domestic politics, and the environment appear in publications including The Nation, Salon, the Los Angeles Times, Rolling Stone, Audubon, The Progressive, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Guardian,Newsday, Mother Jones, The Christian Science Monitor, In These Times, Waging Nonviolence, Grist Magazine, andTomDispatch. His work has been featured in anthologies including Democracy in Print: The Best of The Progressive Magazine, 1909-2009.
Mark’s articles have been translated into more than 15 languages. He is a member of the Authors Guild.
Originally from Des Moines, Iowa, Mark graduated from Harvard University in 1998, where he studied ethics in the modern West, with a focus on human rights theory and liberation theology.
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Liberation theology, religious movement arising in late 20th-century Roman Catholicism and centred in Latin America. It sought to apply religious faith by aiding the poor and oppressed through involvement in political and civic affairs. It stressed both heightened awareness of the “sinful” socioeconomic structures that caused social inequities and active participation in changing those structures.
Liberation theologians believed that God speaks particularly through the poor and that the Bible can be understood only when seen from the perspective of the poor. They perceived that the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America was fundamentally different from the church in Europe—i.e., that the church in Latin America should be actively engaged in improving the lives of the poor. In order to build this church, they establishedcommunidades de base, (“base communities”), which were local Christian groups, composed of 10 to 30 members each, that both studied the Bible and attempted to meet their parishioners’ immediate needs for food, water, sewage disposal, and electricity. A great number of base communities, led mostly by laypersons, sprang into being throughout Latin America.
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Please note: AS SOON AS YOU INVOLVE THEOLOGY IN YOUR DISSENT, you're rat-shit... You are joining the idiots who are controlling your life and you are controlled once more, under the same shitosphere... See toon at top (I was pissed)...
the last jedi before the next one...
The Last Jedi might be the most 2017 film of the year.
Let me explain. Star Wars has always been a fascinating reflection of politics in the real world. When I was seven and first saw Star Wars, even I picked up on the fact that there was something hinky with the guy in the mask chasing down a princess. Weren't princesses royalty?
Couldn't she just have him … you know … expelled from her ship with a wave of her hand?
The Star Wars universe is ostensibly one beset by fascism, and depicts a small group of people whose moral outrage has evolved into rebellious guerilla warfare.
The Rebel Alliance are a driven, defiant pocket of the galaxy who refuse to submit to a lightning-spewing emperor, because this is a democracy, dammit!
Or, rather, it was. Because while the prequels were the cinematic equivalent of stepping in warm daschund poop on your morning walk, they did one thing well — they depicted a society grown so stale and complacent that they could democratically elect a monster into power.
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protecting the crims...
Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne Denis Hart has said he does not fully support some of the 189 new recommendations delivered by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Key findings:The sanctity of the religious confessional would be tossed aside and celibacy would become voluntary under the new recommendations, many of which are aimed at making children safer.
In what would be a shake-up of centuries of tradition, the recommendations called for an overhaul of confessional, with religious ministers forced to report any child sexual abuse revealed to them.
But Archbishop Hart says he does not support any changes to confession that would force a priest to report information to authorities.
"I revere the law of the land and I trust it but this is a sacred, spiritual charge before God which I must honour and I have to respect and try to do what I can do with both," Archbishop Hart said.
Archbishop Hart cautioned against making changes to confessional, saying it was a "serious spiritual matter".
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crimes versus sins...
repentance is not enough ...
It’s huge. Don’t believe anyone who tells you they’ve already absorbed its lessons. Digesting the 17 volumes of the report of the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse is a work in progress for the nation.
It’s going to take time. Journalists and economists are given a head start on the Australian federal budget each year: a few hours’ lockup to help them get on top of the budget before it’s delivered. We – survivors, bishops, lawyers and journalists – should have been locked up with this for a week.
The Reckoning, part 2: David Marr on the appalling truth revealed at the child sexual abuse commission Read moreThe danger is that after we’ve flicked through its pages for a few hours, checked out the recommendations and honed in on the more outrageous failings of the Catholic church, these volumes will fade from attention.
But this is a long game.
That’s clear even from the bulk of the thing stacked in two blue piles, threatening to tip over the governor general’s table while he shuffled papers about and signed something – a receipt? – for his summer reading.
At that point, Peter McClellan and his team of commissioners lost all their powers. For five years they’ve dug documents from their hiding places, quizzed the highest in the land, heard survivors map their horrors and researched the past in painstaking detail.
Bishops were immediately on hand to slap the commissioners down. Repentance is one thing. Change is another
Now all that’s left is this report. And all it can do is ask or, in the lingo of these things, make recommendations.
Nowhere are the limits of the commission’s powers more evident than in the half dozen recommendations this team of civilians – two judges, a former cop, an adolescent psychiatrist, a productivity commissioner on leave and a former politician – make to the Catholic bishops of Australia to have a word to Rome to address the failings of their church.
Most are blindingly obvious: that church law, for instance, be changed so child sexual abuse becomes a canonical crime, not just a moral failing or a breach of priestly obligations of celibacy.
Makes perfect sense. But it’s hard to imagine the courtiers of Rome, who have heard the same plea from their bishops in America and Ireland for decades, paying much attention to this tag team of Australians.
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Claude Serre (10 November 1938 – 13 November 1998) was a French cartoonist born in Sucy-en-Brie, Val-de-Marne.
After academic studies, he studied the craft of stained glass for eight years under Max Ingrand, along with his cousin Jean Gourmelin. He then started drawing cartoons and became an illustrator for many French journals, including Plexus, Planet, Hara-Kiri, Lui, Pariscope and La Vie Electrique. He also began illustrating books. The first was Asunrath, a work of fantasy, published by Losfeld. He incorporated his interest in the fantastic into many of his early lithographs, which were published, sometimes exclusively, in many countries including Japan and Germany[citation needed]. He also participated in both group and solo exhibitions.
In 1969 he met Jack Claude Nezat, and they became friends. Nezat wrote numerous articles devoted to his art and his work and organized two exhibitions in Germany in 1975 and 1976-1977 that met with great success. This relationship also allowed Serre to work with the magazine Pardon. Serre, meanwhile, started drawing cartoons on such topics as medicine, sports, automobiles and DIY, and his first book of cartoons, Black Humor and Men in White, satirising medical professionals, was published in 1972 by Editions Grésivaudan. The book won the Black Humor prize[citation needed]. A number of similar themed books in the same vein were published by Glénat of Grenoble. He also continued to work as an illustrator and worked in particular on books by Francis Blanche and Frederic Dard, author of the San Antonio series.
Serre died of brain cancer at the age of 60.
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See Gustoon at top.
christmas in queensland...
I want nuclear bombs as well...