Thursday 13th of March 2025

the little phoney .....

The rodent certainly has plenty of gall …..

Straight-faced sledging of all things Muslim, whilst ignoring the lunatic Christian right, lead by bushit …..

And then more straight-faced lying when asked about the coup in Thailand …..

Prime Minister:

…… We condemn military coups. They are a throwback to a past that I had hoped Asia had emerged from, and it's a great disappointment.

Yeah , right.

Try telling it to Iraq.

If the illegal war of aggression, mounted by the “coalition of the willing”, including Australia, to effect “regime change”, was not a “military coup”, then what was it?

Coups are fine with the little hypocrite, so long as they suit our interests.

The great besider also had no problem with Australia supporting a coup in East Timor, whilst telling our unfortunate neighbour that they needed “a more compliant leader / government”, before going on to tell them that, in return for assisting East Timor with its security arrangements, Australia was “entitled to influence the East Timorese government”.

And, of course, the same goes for the Australian government’s interference in the Solomons.

But the classic example of the little fella’s hypocrisy were contained in his speech of welcome to the visiting military dictator of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, last year (Musharref seized power via a military coup in 1999).

To quote from the official transcript:

"Your excellency, General Pervez Musharraf, the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Today marks a first in relations between [our countries].

This is the first occasion we have been graced with a visit by a Pakistani head of state who, of course, is also head of government in that country. And I have a very special pleasure, and a very deep feeling, in welcoming President Musharraf, in saying on behalf of all of us how much we admire the exceptional personal courage he has displayed in recent years.

It's easier to make brave rhetorical speeches, about values of freedom and democracy and the rights of man, when you belong to a country, with whatever other faults it may have, [that] has always had a long, uninterrupted tradition of peaceful political exchange, however rumbustious it may get in a verbal sense on occasions.

But to be the leader of a country and to survive two assassination attempts, and to know there are people within your country whose only goal is not only to remove your government, which you can understand in a democracy, but also to remove it with violence and with force, if necessary, including your removal from this life …

So I pay tribute to somebody who has come through the fire of violent challenge to his position; somebody who has played a major role in the fight against terrorism; somebody who has understood the need to confront and defeat the extremist elements within our society that seek to visit death and terrorism around the world.

And also I salute somebody, in President Musharraf, who has led a transition of his country to a democratic state. Pakistan has not always been democratic, something the President freely acknowledged. And I do not think enough credit has been given to Pakistan under President Musharraf's leadership for the transition over recent years…"

So much for the Howard government’s position on military coups & military dictators …..

Just pure humbug.

On family values

Coming up on Channel Nine, a frank and exposing look at why and how Households lose $18.8b on gambling.

Sorry, pages stuck together by some slimey muck.

It should read - PM steals limelight to promote familes, in US star, Nine to interview Irwins.

Ah, those wonderful Aussie values. Have a little bet, smack the wife, deprive the kiddies of a decent education, and lick Packer's arse.  

The devil is in the pudding

From the Independent

Bush critics unite: Chavez plug for Chomsky's book boosts sales

By Andrew Buncombe in Washington
Published: 22 September 2006
Who needs publicists and expensive advertising campaigns when you have [|Hugo Chavez] plugging your books? When Venezuela's leader spoke at the UN this week and described George Bush as the Devil, he also gave a resounding boost to a book by another outspoken critic of the US President, Noam Chomsky.
After Mr Chavez recommended that anyone wishing to understand "what has been happening in the world through the 20th century" read Professor Chomsky's 2003 work, Hegemony and Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance, sales of the book soared. On's best-seller list, it leapt from 160,722nd position overnight to seventh.
Mr Chomsky, professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a veteran critic of much of the foreign policy of Western nations, said he had not yet had the opportunity to read Mr Chavez's speech. He knew nothing about the boost to his book's sales but said the policy was well-known.
Mr Chavez commended the book, a detailed examination of US foreign policy and the American efforts to achieve so-called "full spectrum dominance", both to delegates and others.
He added: "I think that the first people who should read this book are our brothers and sisters in the United States, because the threat is in their own house. The Devil is right at home. The Devil, the Devil, himself, is right in the house."