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from the deserted island news...Today (23/7/17), the glacial Sundae Turdograph pluges to new depth in the sewer of effluential commentary on news and other subjects, including the unimportant Karl Stefanovic. Who? I hear you say. But here from Piers Akerman, the ancient Greek philosopher that was left behind on a deserted island for good reason, comes at full throttle towards the scientific-based observations to run them down with a turbo-charge farty reasoning. He sounds more like a Roman oracle looking at the gizards of a chook while drinking its still-warm blood and choking on the wishbone.
But for South Australia and the rest of the nation, the Kool-Aid (belief in global warming) is kicking in. Despite the flawed data (the cad -- he would not know a data from a tada) on which the global warmist rest their case, Australia is still closing coal-fired power plants as our economic competitors build their coal-fired power capacity. The big battery may become a tourist attraction in South Australia but so, in time, will be the mass grave that buries Australia’s industry and the economic fortunes of future generations. The oracle bamboozle us with facts and figures of Chinese and Indian new coal power stations. Elon Musk would not be a fan of Piers, would it? It is sadly obvious that the oracle has not read “What is global warming?”
Meanwhile, La Catholic Miranda devine is ready. She is ready to become a republican. Wow! Not really... Her beef is with Camilla, the destroyer of two royal families:
If Charles take the throne before his son, as seems likely, Australia’s republican movement will come alive. He and Camilla broke up two families to be together. It’s one thing to wish them happiness. It’s quite another to reward their adultery by making Camilla Queen.
And after such niceness, the Queen of Catholic anti-divorce is secretly praying that the grand-son of the Elizabethan monarch becomes the next queen. Er sorry, I mean the next king who could be forgiven by la catho for being an Anglican, because he is on the straight and narrow. No outside hanky-panky as far as we know. And who could blame him. He’s got the best girl in town and look charming himself due to the looks of his mum, not those of his dad I must say.
Next comes Annika Smethurst with a piece on the Green rainbows, unicors and fairles lurking in behind Di Natale... Best given the shove.
The cake is collected by Peta Credlin who warns us about the Dutton Super-Ministry of crackdowns. She warns us, the good plebs:
Would Australians really want to see Tanya Pilbersek (Labor) or an underwhelming Liberal (Who? Turny Abbut?) in charge of such a large and now all-encompassing security portfolio. I doubt it.
So there. You now know everything till next Sundae Crappograph, with news especially eaten, digested and pooped for us, the plebs with no teeth.
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catching flies...
In true Orwellian fashion, the best way to realise a sinister idea is to gloss it with disarming innocuousness. For example, Britain has the Home Office — a catch-all entity that oversees a series of functions that give the impression it is no more threatening than a domestic servant of the people. In reality, it has the sorts of powers that are the envy of liberal democratic states. With the Brexit push, these powers will only increase.
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you are going to die...
This story was originally published by New Republic and appears here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.
A young, fit U.S. soldier is marching in a Middle Eastern desert, under a blazing summer sun. He’s wearing insulated clothing and lugging more than 100 pounds of gear, and thus sweating profusely as his body attempts to regulate the heat. But it’s 108 degrees out and humid, too much for him bear. The brain is one of the first organs affected by heat, so his judgment becomes impaired; he does not recognize the severity of his situation. Just as his organs begin to fail, he passes out. His internal temperature is in excess of 106 degrees when he dies.
An elderly woman with cardiovascular disease is sitting alone in her Chicago apartment on the second day of a massive heatwave. She has an air conditioner, but she’s on a fixed income and can’t afford to turn it on again—or maybe it broke and she can’t afford to fix it. Either way, she attempts to sleep through the heat again, and her core temperature rises. To cool off, her body’s response is to work the heart harder, pumping more blood to her skin. But the strain on her heart is too much; it triggers cardiac arrest, and she dies.
Such scenarios could surely happen today, if they haven’t already. But as the world warms due to climate change, they’ll become all too common in just a few decades—and that’s according to modest projections.
This is not meant to scare you quite like this month’s cover story in New York magazine, “The Uninhabitable Earth.” That story was both a sensation and quite literally sensational, attracting more than two million readers with its depiction of “where the planet is heading absent aggressive action.” In this future world, humans in many places won’t be able to adapt to rising temperatures. “In the jungles of Costa Rica, where humidity routinely tops 90 percent, simply moving around outside when it’s over 105 degrees Fahrenheit would be lethal. And the effect would be fast: Within a few hours, a human body would be cooked to death from both inside and out,” David Wallace-Wells writes. “[H]eat stress in New York City would exceed that of present-day Bahrain, one of the planet’s hottest spots, and the temperature in Bahrain ‘would induce hyperthermia in even sleeping humans.’”
These scenarios are supported by the science. “For heat waves, our options are now between bad or terrible,” Camilo Mora, a geography professor at University of Hawaii at Manoa, told CNN last month. Mora was the lead author of a recent study, published in the journal Nature, showing that deadly heat days are expected to increase across the world. Around 30 percent of the world’s population today is exposed to so-called “lethal heat” conditions for at least 20 days a year. If we don’t reduce fossil-fuel emissions, the percentage will skyrocket to 74 percent by the year 2100. Put another way, by the end of the century nearly three-quarters of the Earth’s population will face a high risk of dying from heat exposure for more than three weeks every year.
This is the worst-case scenario. Even the study’s best-case scenario—a drastic reduction in greenhouse gases across the world—shows that 48 percent of humanity will be exposed regularly to deadly heat by the year 2100. That’s because even small increases in temperature can have a devastating impact. A study published in Science Advances in June, for instance, found that an increase of less than one degree Fahrenheit in India between 1960 and 2009 increased the probability of mass heat-related deaths by nearly 150 percent.
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please read: What is global warming?
hot under the collar...
and now what has become Turnbull's baloney...:
the depressing press...