Friday 14th of March 2025

the super ministry of duttonius...


The Canberranean Hydra or Hydra of duttonia, more often known simply as the Hydra, is a serpentine water monster in Aussie mythology. Its lair is the lake of Burley-Griffin in the ACT, which is also the site of the myth of the Hansards. Hydra is reputed to be a guard to the Underworld of Manus and archaeology has established it as a sacred site older than immemorable times. In the catholical Hydra myth, the monster is promoted by Turnbullkless, more often known as Malcolmcueless, using sword and fire, as the second of his travails against Labor.

According to Hansardusonia, the Kanbra Hydra was the offspring of the Queensland Police. It possesses many potato heads, the exact number of which varies according to the source. Later versions of the Hydra story add a regeneration feature to the monster: for every head chopped off, the Hydra would regrow a couple of new ones...

The Hydra had poisonous breath and blood so virulent that even its scent was deadly.


the potato heads are excited...


The heads of Australia's domestic spy agency and federal police are "excited" about the new security super-ministry, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton says, despite them previously raising concerns.

Mr Dutton, a powerful conservative in the Turnbull Government, will be promoted to the new portfolio, adding ASIO and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to his existing cabinet responsibilities.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Mr Dutton said the restructure was necessary, but would not reveal advice from security agencies showing they supported the change.

A review of the intelligence community by former diplomat Michael L'Estrange did not recommend the Home Affairs Office, despite being asked to consider whether it was "structured appropriately".


Peter Jennings, the executive director at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said the Government must provide more detail on the need for change.

But Mr Dutton said the new ministry would never have been announced if there was contrary advice.

"I had my first conversation with Duncan Lewis, the head of ASIO, and with Andrew Colvin, the commissioner of the Australian Federal Police in the last 24 hours or so," he told Sky News.

"I can tell you that both of them are excited about what the Government has announced [and] they are looking forward very much to the new arrangement."

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Dutton's nickname in the corridors of Kanbra is Benito... "No relation" to Benito Mussolini...



Orwellian Home Affairs Department...


Dutton’s new "super ministry" signals the need to ramp up the fight and defeat the Turnbull Government in true Doctor Who style, says John Passant.

IN A TIME of constant change and crisis, it is good to know some things never change. 

The man who killed 14-year-old Elijah Doughty has been found not guilty of manslaughter.

Or to rephrase that, a white jury has found a white man not guilty of the manslaughter of an Aboriginal kid. Instead, he was found guilty of the lesser charge of "dangerous driving occasioning death" and got three years. He could be out in February.

This is a man who deliberately rammed Elijah on what he thought was his stolen motor bike. Not to worry. Australia’s racist justice system continues.

CCTV footage near the reserve shows the ute at the beginning of the pursuit — Goliath chasing down David. It...

— IWW Melbourne (@Melbourne_IWW) July 25, 2017


Compare the lack of white society anger to this travesty with the justifiable outrage over the killing of Australian woman Justine Damond by a U.S. cop.  Ah, but she was white. 

Over five per cent of Indigenous Australians in Western Australia, where Elijah was killed, are in gaol. The imprisonment rate for Indigenous Australians in WA is 20 times higher than for non-Indigenous people. It is a similar story across the country. Although Aboriginal Peoples make up only three per cent of Australia’s population, they make up 28 per cent of the country’s prison population.

Of course, symbolic shit shifting like constitutional "recognition" will change all that for the better.

But at least we can have confidence that our protective services will be safe under Peter Dutton. On 1 July next year, he takes on his new role as leader of our secret police – and other reprobates – in the Orwellian Home Affairs Department (or HAD for short.) We certainly have been had.

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aust post would profit from a postal vote...


We know the security and borders Tsar has been dipping his jackboot into the marriage equality issue. To head off a free vote in parliament while at the same time keeping faith with the Coalition pledge for a plebiscite, he’s been lying awake at night hatching a scheme for

a non-binding, voluntary postal vote.

It’s hard to remember a time when a smarter idea was put forward by a senior minister of the Abbott–Turnbull government.

Anyway, GetUp! commissioned ReachTEL to poll a sample of more than 700 electors in Dickson with the question: “Do you believe the government should allow a free vote for marriage equality in parliament and resolve the issue.”

The result: almost 70 per cent said “yes”.

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We elect the monkeys in parliament to make decisions by themselves. But they are immature and don't know which end of the digestive tract the poop comes out of...


no new tough citizenship thingy,,,

The Nick Xenophon Team has derailed immigration minister Peter Dutton’s attempt to enact tough new citizenship laws, saying it cannot support his controversial package in its current form.

It means the Turnbull government will have to dump its controversial package or make substantial changes, throwing its citizenship crackdown into disarray.

The NXT’s decision follows weeks of public hearings about the government’s legislation, during which senators were warned repeatedly the legislation could deter people from applying for Australian citizenship.

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the ugly sides of dutton's nasty antics...


Peter Dutton is determined to entrench a deep rift into our society between those who care and those who hate, writes John Maycock.

Much has already been written about the radio “interview” where, with enthusiastic encouragement from Alan JonesPeter Dutton delivered a veritable smorgasbord of “meat” for bigots — or to quote IAcolumnist Alan Austin, the

'…right wing nutters and the intellectually disadvantaged.’

To justify pushing refugees out into the community and penniless, Dutton “broadcast” the message to the bigots that lawyers and refugees are “gaming the system” and that it is:

"…all the political correctness out there… events taking place around statues and all this nonsense... it extends into some of our major law firms, where part of their social justice agenda is for pro bono work to be provided ... lawyers…. lodge their papers in the high court and it costs the taxpayer tens of millions of dollars…"

Also, when Jones suggested writing a law to force the refugees back to the camps, Dutton replied:

"… there's constitutional issues involved… we can't pass legislation to dispense with that [constitutional] difficulty… we defend these matters, we fight them in the courts and it is incredibly frustrating."

Incredibly frustrating? Consider for a moment Dutton’s recent amendments to his whistleblower legislation, which he used to gag those who worked within the refugee detention regime. Greens Senator Nick McKim alleged that the changes were not made out of any feelings of compassion or humanity, but rather to save the humiliation of having the laws removed in the High Court.

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see toon at top...


on the airwaves of the well-off racist shock-jocks...


Peter Dutton has verbally abused the first group of refugees to leave Australia’s offshore detention centres for resettlement in the United States, labelling them “economic refugees” – a term that does not exist in domestic or international law.

Fifty-two refugees this week left offshore detention on Manus Island and Nauru for resettlement in the US.

Sydney radio host Ray Hadley put to the immigration minister during a regular interview on Thursday that a photograph of the group published by News Corp this week looked like a fashion show on a catwalk in Paris or New York.

“They’re economic refugees, they got on a boat, paid a people smuggler a lot of money, and somebody once said to me that we’ve got the world’s biggest collection of Armani jeans and handbags up on Nauru waiting for people to collect it when they depart,” Dutton told 2GB radio.

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So, the lucky refugees at the bottom end of the warzones — lucky because they did not get killed — "scrubbed up okay" as they say in the bush. So what? On their way to the USA, they are a currency for our idiot PM, Malcolmator, offering his services to bomb some country somewhere as a lackey to cause of Freedomola (see toon of George W Bush). Thus Peter Dutton should be sacked, quartered and sent back in little pieces to where he came from, Queenslandia, where he could be reconstituted as the king of the pineapple branch (pineapples do not have branches but who cares) of the order of Royal Canetoadia, under the new dynastic title of Paininthebutt the Second. Jo B was the first Paininthebutt.

And by the way, the Armani jeans are fake Armanis or are coming for Vinnies...


the Heinrich Himmler of Horstraya...


On top of his existing portfolios of Immigration, Customs and Border Force, Peter Dutton is soon to also control ASIO, the AFP, the Criminal Intelligence Commission and AUSTRAC. Why does one department need such immense, centralised power? Kellie Tranter is trying to find out — and you can help!

ON 18 JULY 2017, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull fronted the media with SAS soldiers to announce that Australia will have a new Home Affairs Department, which will combine the domestic spy agency, the Federal Police, and Customs and Immigration departments into one office headed by Immigration MinisterPeter Dutton.

The new "super ministry" will give Minister Dutton oversight powers over ASIO, the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Border Force, the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission and AUSTRAC.

Former President of the Human Rights Commission, Gillian Triggs, has expressed concerns that the new super Ministry of Home Affairs was part of a hastening trend towards centralised and unchallengeable government power, and was a very serious incursion into the separation of powers — the power of the judiciary to make judgments independent of the executive and legislature.

And, as you can see from the following ABC TV news report, many other prominent Australians – including many involved in the security or diplomatic services – have also objected to, or expressed grave reservations about, this controversial plan...

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Read from top...

safe as hitler's germany...


In pitching his new measures the prime minister used the word “safe” eight times in an interview on Wednesday with the ABC’s Sabra Lane. It’s also sprinkled liberally through every other statement he has made on the topic.

He has outdone Tony Abbott’s 2015 effort where the word was used seven times when the then PM outlined a spate of new security measures.

In a letter to Liberal supporters on Wednesday, the prime minister elided the Las Vegas shootings with his anti-terrrorism measures: “The tragedy in Las Vegas is a reminder that we must be relentless in our efforts to protect Australians in crowded places so that we can go about our lives safe from harm ...”

It wasn’t so long ago that Peter Dutton claimed that his prospective portfolio of home affairs would keep us “safe” – which reminds us to question, will Dutton have oversight of these latest measures?

Premiers Daniel Andrews and Gladys Berejiklian at Thursday’s Coag meeting also signed onto the safety slogan.

In 2003 the Howard government was keeping us safe with fridge magnets and anti-terror emergency recommendations (spare car keys, sunscreen, a torch, first-aid kit).

Unfortunately, improvement to our safety is something that cannot be guaranteed. It is politicians who are keen to make themselves safe by forever ramping up measures that not-so quietly chip at the foundations of freedom, democracy, civil rights, the whole bag of tricks that were once such comforting creatures of our specialness.

Making it an offence to hoax or have a terror guide book sounds pretty lame, but a nationally coordinated, real time facial recognition capacity is a new dimension with no certainty at this point who will have access to the database.

Yet, for every advance in high-tech capacity to track terror-related activity there is an available analogue response. If people don’t want to be facially identified at a sporting event or a shopping centre they are quite capable to turning up in a wig with false nose and glasses.

There’s even the frustrating possibility that people without driving licences or passports will fall outside the mass recognition net, just as some people who are up to no good avoid communicating on mobile phones or the internet.

So what’s next? What new morsel of liberty can be traded for the fantasy of safety? Maybe the security agencies could persuade the government that all citizens, and even non-citizens, should be implanted with a chip that tracks and controls. This tiny implant might even anticipate wishes, desires and expectations and relay them to the Department of Home Affairs.

As Google and Facebook have led the way with the capacity for intuitive anticipation, a personal chip could do even better. The device might be called the Safety Synchroniser, or SS for short.

As the prime minister says, surveillance capacity exists already but it is now being coordinated more effectively, just as metadata retention organises what already is available to be retained.

In the name of safety and fighting terror we can go on trading away our independence, our liberties, our identity, until nothing is left. The process of keeping us safe is infinite.

The post 9/11 Howard-era measures included beefing-up powers and resources for intelligence agencies, the introduction of control orders, penalties for advocating terrorism, the greater use of conspiracy charges, and Asio’s extended holding and questioning capability.

In 2015 Tony Abbott came up with further measures to ban terrorist organisations, to prosecute foreign fighters, to clamp down on the funding of terrorism and the suspension of passports – part of his mission in dealing with Daesh or, as the then prime minister called it, “the Death Cult”.

Since then we’ve had metadata retention, the capacity to remove people’s citizenship, street bollards and now facial ID.

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flying like nazi eagles...

Peter Dutton and Josh Frydenberg, both aged 47, are two of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's Cabinet high flyers with dreams of eventually flying a lot higher.

Political life has been going very well for Mr Dutton. He sits atop his mega home affairs portfolio. He's open about his longer term leadership aspirations. But everything would crash if he lost his ultra-marginal Queensland seat of Dickson.

The nine-point drop in the LNP primary vote in adjacent Longman would have sent shivers up his spine. He already faces a massive "Ditch Dutton" GetUp campaign, in which 30,000 calls have been made so far to find out voters' concerns, and 20 locals meet fortnightly to plan events.

Like Mr Dutton, Mr Frydenberg has plenty of ambition. Though he's further down "future leader" lists, at present he has the Government's toughest policy job, trying to "land" the National Energy Guarantee (NEG).

As a key deadline looms next week, Mr Frydenberg is surrounded by hostile forces stretching, bizarrely, across the political spectrum. Think Tony Abbott under the doona with the Victorian Andrews Labor government.

Dutton is a pragmatist

Mr Dutton might be the tough man, the right-wing ideologue, but he's also pragmatic.

He opposed same-sex marriage, but pushed for the postal vote that delivered it. He just wanted the issue settled. So it's unsurprising he appeared to signal this week that if the tax cuts for big business can't be legislated in the next parliamentary sitting, they should be off the agenda.

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If Dutton is a pragmatist, so was Hitler under the same criterias... Read from top.

chinese china crockery or dutton's crookery?

The fallout from the extraordinary revelations about Peter Dutton's contact with Chinese Communist Party-aligned billionaire Huang Xiangmo is a potent brew, its ingredients the issue of foreign interference and the legacy of last year's leadership challenge.

A tale full of spooky overtones, mates, ironies, and payback.

Monday's Four Corners-Age-Sydney Morning Herald investigation reported that Mr Dutton, immigration minister at the time, in 2015, approved a private citizenship ceremony for Mr Huang's family, who were due to travel overseas.

Mr Dutton justifies the special treatment as being in response to a request from then Labor senator Sam Dastyari.

That would be the same Mr Dastyari who in December in 2017 announced he would resign from the Senate after revelations that he had promoted Chinese interests, including at a notorious news conference where he stood beside Mr Huang.

(Mr Dutton is generous in responding to personal representations — he, it will be remembered, was the minister who provided a quick rescue service for a couple of stranded au pairs).


Read more of Dutton's turdy shit on his impeccable suits...:


Read from top.

defences of opinion...

A court is expected to hear that a refugee advocate honestly believed that Defence Minister Peter Dutton condoned or excused rape when he tweeted that Mr Dutton was a “rape apologist”.

The Queensland MP is suing Shane Bazzi over the now-deleted tweet.

Mr Dutton said on the opening day of the trial on Wednesday that he was “deeply offended” by Mr Bazzi’s tweet of February 25.


“It went against who I am, my beliefs … I thought it was hurtful,” the frontbencher told the Federal Court.

After first arguing the tweet did not actually convey that Mr Dutton condoned or excused rape, Mr Bazzi’s barrister, Richard Potter SC, is due on Thursday to submit that his client is protected by the defences of honest opinion or fair comment.


He described the honest opinion defence on Wednesday as “a fundamental protection in our society” and “a bulwark of freedom of speech”.

An honest opinion can be “extreme or offensive” but still permissible if it’s based on proper material, Mr Potter said.

The written defence includes comments by Mr Dutton that some refugees who claim they’ve been raped are “trying it on”.

It also refers to Mr Dutton’s public response to an allegation made by former Coalition staffer Brittany Higgins, who says a colleague sexually assaulted her in parliament house.

Mr Dutton has said a federal police briefing on the matter did not provide him with the “she said, he said details”.

Ms Higgins appeared to watch the proceedings online on Wednesday.


She tweeted on Wednesday afternoon that she found Mr Dutton’s claim that he was offended by Mr Bazzi’s tweet “baffling”.

She said she had been “offended plenty” by Mr Dutton’s response to her allegation and described the case as “a shocking indictment on freedom of speech”.

It’s the first time in a 20-year political career that Mr Dutton has sued for defamation, despite regularly being the subject of “unpleasant observations”, the minister’s lawyer, Nick Ferrett QC, told the court on Wednesday.

Justice Richard White on Wednesday cautioned the parties that it was not a large defamation case by the Federal Court’s standards, and asked them to assure him they’d tried to settle it.

“It does seem to me that this should be a matter capable of resolution. There are risks on both sides,” the judge observed.



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