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lawyers at ten paces and a half measure...
Democrat launches unlikely bid to impeach Trump
A California Democrat has filed an article of impeachment against US President Donald Trump in a longshot bid to remove the president from office. Brad Sherman filed the article on Wednesday, accusing Trump of obstructing investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, in part by firing former FBI Director James Comey. Sherman acknowledges that filing the article is "the first step on a very long road". "Recent disclosures by Donald Trump Jr. indicate that Trump's campaign was eager to receive assistance from Russia," Sherman said in a statement. read more:
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meanwhile in the middle orient...
The Trump administration's inconsistent foreign policy in the Middle East is likely to prompt Washington's European allies to side, at least on critical occasions, with Russia, geopolitical analyst Gilbert Mercier told Sputnik. As a result, the United States could end up isolating itself, he added.
The Qatari crisis has become a litmus test for major geopolitical players, exposing who is really interested in maintaining stability in the Middle East and who is exercising a Machiavellian approach to the region's affairs.
"The United States, which has largely, deliberately or not, instigated the crisis cannot provide a diplomatic solution, therefore Russia, China and the EU will have to step in and play a decisive role in the matter to diffuse it," Gilbert Mercier, author of "The Orwellian Empire", editor-in-chief of News Junkie Post, and geopolitical analyst, told Sputnik.
On June 5, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Egypt severed diplomatic ties with Qatar in what appeared to be a coordinated move. The countries closed land, air and sea passage to all vessels and vehicles coming from or going to Qatar.
The Gulf monarchies also handed a 13-point ultimatum to Qatar, demanding, among other things, the severance of ties with Iran and that Doha-based news organization Al Jazeera be shut down.
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President Donald Trump says the mood in the White House is "fantastic" despite intense scrutiny of his campaign's alleged dealings with Russia.
He told Reuters the administration was "functioning beautifully".
The president also defended his son, who it has emerged met a Russian lawyer during the election campaign.
US media describe the White House as being in chaos over the story, with a Trump ally calling it a "Category 5 hurricane", the Washington Post said.
Donald Trump Jr met Natalia Veselnitskaya believing she had information that would damage his father's opponent Hillary Clinton.
Mr Trump Jr told Fox News the meeting was "such a nothing", and "a wasted 20 minutes", but accepted he should have handled it differently.
Critics say he may have broken federal laws.
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a witch hunt ...
The result of the latest fanfare is an attempt to tie in the Trump family to Trump himself, to target a specific culture of management indifferent to the borders of ethics — even legality. In short, critics are on the hunt for the beating patriotic heart, the chest-thumping ideologue they cannot find.
The use of the term “witch hunt”, a favourite of the Trump family, is not inaccurate. A family member is intended for burning and the establishment high priests across the political spectrum want a sacrifice for flag and country.
It’s not that corruption, collusion or entertaining interests deemed inimical to the state do not take place in rampant, easygoing fashion: it’s the fact that Trump has become something of a realisation — that the business of U.S. officials for decades has been business rather than patriotism. It is a sin that has been closeted rather than spoken about.
The nexus between the nakedly private and the political – between graft and the pursuit of enterprise – has been revealed. The question of illegality, however, remains unanswered and Robert Mueller’s task has simply gotten more interesting.
Dr Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. You can follow Dr Kampmark on Twitter @bkampmark.
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The Democrats are stirring for fizz where there is none... Nothing new... Meanwhile Comey did not do is job. Hillary should have been charged and we should have had President Sanders.
the art of being rich while lip-servicing the poor...
A recent Washington Post and ABC poll finds that just 37 percent of Americans think that the Democratic Party “stands for something.” Fifty two percent say it’s about nothing more than opposing Trump.
The 37 percent is right. The Democratic Party stands for something, alright. It stands for the socio-pathological system of class rule and environmental ruin called capitalism – and for capitalism’s evil Siamese twin imperialism.
So does the far more openly right-wing Republican Party, of course, but that’s fairly common knowledge. It’s more complicated with the Democrats, who like to pose as being “on the left” while carrying water for Big Business.
It’s nothing new. Long before the rise of dismal, dollar-drenched neoliberal era Dems and Robert Rubin associates like Bill Clinton and Barack Hamilton Project Obama, the Democrats stood in the lead of the profits regime. This goes all the way back to that savage Indian-killer Andrew Jackson and up through that quintessential corporate liberal Woodrow Wilson, New Deal hero Franklin Roosevelt (who boasted about having saved the profits system during the Great Depression), the handsome proto-neoliberal Jack Kennedy, the blood-drenched Lyndon Johnson, and even poor old Jimmy Carter – the Christian peanut farmer whose cabinet was stocked with corporate hatchet men (If you want some basic historical background on all that, read Lance Selfa, The Democrats: A Critical History [Haymarket, 2012], and Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States)
Part of what has put the Democrats in the vanguard of U.S. capitalism (I’ll save the imperialism angle for a future commentary) is that they’ve always been better than the Republicans at coming up with smart-sounding and progressive-seeming justifications for the system. For one example among many, read the stealth corporatist Obama’s sneakily conservative 2006 campaign book The Audacity of Hope, which combines repeated noble and erudite statements of concern for the poor, working people and the common good with creepy and preposterous praise for the U.S. “free market” business order as “our greatest asset.”
Another example came when House Minority Leader and champion corporate fundraiser Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was challenged by a Bernie Sanders fan and New York University student during a CNN “town hall” last January. The student, Trevor Hill, caused CNN host Jack Tapper to say “oh, oh” by asking Pelosi when the Democratic Party was going to shift to the portside on political economy. Trevor Hill mentioned a Harvard University poll showing that “51% of people between the ages of 18 and 29 no longer support capitalism…The younger generation,” Trevor told Pelosi, “is moving left on economic issues…I wonder if there’s anywhere you feel the Democrats could move farther left to a more populist message…[and] if you think we could make a more stark contrast to right-wing economics.”
The well-heeled San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi is an unlikely candidate for populism. Having leveraged her long Congressional career to build up a net worth of $196 million, she is a poster child for the disease of corporate plutocracy.
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... and stephen colbert could get back to comedy...
Seven months later, here we are, with a Special Counsel and a D.C. grand jury, who will certainly be able to find something on Trump, or at least ensure that he spends the rest of his term denying the stream of allegations, rumors, and leaks that will flow therefrom. Which means it’s time to start getting ready for the day when our national nightmare is over, and Kamala Harris (or whichever loyal figurehead the ruling classes ultimately choose) marches through Washington like Charles de Gaulle, presumably with the Obamas and Clintons in tow, after which the USA can continue to bomb, occupy, sanction, and otherwise destabilize various other countries, allow its banks to debt-enslave its citizens, maintain a brutal, militarized police force, and everything else it’s doing at the moment, but in a normal, liberal, non-fascist manner, and Stephen Colbert can get back to comedy.
Now, to pull this off, the Resistance is going to need to deal with these Putin-Nazis, specifically the Putin-Nazis on the Left, who are already tweeting “fake news” tweets impugning the character of Senator Harris (who happens to be black, and a woman, by the way … not that that has anything to do with anything, of course), and reminding Americans how they got bamboozled by Obama’s Hope-and-Change routine. These people need to be de-Putin-Nazified, and they need to be de-Putin-Nazified immediately. The last thing the Resistance needs at this point is to go through all the trouble of regime-changing Trump, only to have Americans elect some other non-vetted, narcissistic billionaire who thinks it might be fun to run for president.
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of profanities approved by the visionary schtick...... and another one...
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — US Congressman Steve Cohen has announced that a resolution with five articles of impeachment has been introduced in Congress to remove President Donald Trump from office.
"We are introducing articles of impeachment to remove president Trump from office," Cohen, a Democrats from the US state of Tennessee, told reporters, adding that lawmarkers believe that the US president "has violated the Constitution."
According to Cohen, he was joined by a group of a five congressmen — all Democrats — in co-sponsoring the resolution, while the five articles of impeachment concern obstruction of justice, violation of foreign and domestic emoluments clauses and undermining the judiciary and freedom of the press.
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