Sunday 9th of March 2025



Factional tensions have flared within the Liberal Party after comments from senior frontbencher Christopher Pyne were leaked and reported.

Key points:
  • Pyne says he had voted for Malcolm Turnbull in every ballot he had been in, recording reveals
  • Abbot says it's "disappointing" loyalty was never there
  • Leaked recording also reveals Mr Pyne telling function "your friends in Canberra" are working on same-sex marriage

The leaking of Mr Pyne's remarks made at a private event for his factional allies on Friday evening has exposed a deeper split within the Coalition between conservatives and small 'l' Liberals.

He is recorded saying he and his factional allies like George Brandis had voted for Malcolm Turnbull in every ballot he had ever been in.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott agreed when it was put to him this morning that those comments appeared to be evidence Mr Pyne had been plotting behind his back.

"This appears to be the confession that he has made to his close colleagues in the Left faction," Mr Abbott told radio 2GB.

"Christopher Pyne wasn't just a member of my cabinet, he was actually in the leadership team and it's important that you show loyalty.

"But if he's to be believed on Friday night, that loyalty was never there which is incredibly disappointing."

The issue has flared today because Mr Pyne's comments at a private Liberal function during the party's federal conference on the weekend were recorded and leaked in News Corp newspapers.

They include him suggesting there will be a movement in Parliament soon to allow same-sex marriage.

"Friends, we are in the winner's circle — but we have to deliver a couple of things and one of those things we've got to deliver before too long is marriage equality in this country," Mr Pyne said in the recording.

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both of them are untrustworthy...


Former prime minister Tony Abbott has blasted senior cabinet minister Christopher Pyne for suggesting same-sex marriage could happen “sooner than everyone thinks”.

Mr Pyne was forced to deny the government had plans to dump the marriage plebiscite on Monday after leaked audio emerged of him rallying other Liberal moderates at a meeting on Friday night.

The defence industry minister also reportedly told the meeting that the party’s moderate faction was now dominant and that he had always backed Malcolm Turnbull for the leadership.

Mr Abbott, from the Liberals’ conservative ranks, accused Mr Pyne of disloyalty in a radio interview on Monday.

“If you are a member of the Cabinet, you have got to be loyal. Christopher Pyne was not just a member of my Cabinet, he was actually in the leadership team,” he told 2GB’s Ray Hadley.

“It’s important that you show loyalty. If he’s to be believed on Friday night, that loyalty was never there, which is incredibly disappointing.

“You’ve got to be fair dinkum with the Australian people and it looks like that’s not been true of Christopher.”

The former prime minister said dumping the plebiscite was not an option for the government.

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Both these lunatic pollies are not trustworthy... Abbott lies when he breathes and the only time Pyne breathes is when he lies or say something stupid...


turdy is still lying from the back benches...

By John Lord

The year was 2014. The year Tony Abbott winked.

Scott Morrison had been promoted to Social Services Minister. Even though I wasn’t religious I thought I should start praying for pensioners, the disabled, those looking for work etc.

He had demonised those seeking a better life. “Now it’s their turn,” I thought to myself.

The government’s own Climate Change Authority was questioning the effectiveness of ”Direct Action” saying the scheme wouldn’t deliver on long-standing emissions reduction targets. (In 2017 they want to return to coal).

Tony Abbott was still hanging onto the leadership and I questioned as to whether Australia ever elected a Prime Minister so ignorant of technology, the environment, and science. And so oblivious to the needs of women and so out of touch with a modern pluralist society.

At the time he was peddling the blatant and obnoxious lie that households received $550 off their energy bill as a result of the repeal of the “carbon tax”. It was total bullshit. Most of the $550 reduction was due to other causes, not the carbon tax.

As it’s turned out the retention of the carbon tax would have morphed into an Emissions Trading Scheme and we would be in front of the pack.

Now on top of that he sees it as his greatest achievement for women. Words fail me. Wise me up if you understand that.

Back then they were still talking about Australian values and nobody could articulate how they varied from other countries democratic values. They are still doing it.

Today I think the characteristic that most defines modern Australia is “diversity”. In all its forms, together with multiculturalism it defines us as a nation.

People of my generation and later should divest themselves of their old and inferred racist superiority.

It was also the year the murder of three people in Sydney was carried out by a deranged, religious fanatic with a criminal record. It was not by a terrorist organisation.

Joe Hockey confirmed a bigger budget deficit and admitted Coalition failures in communicating policies. Yes it’s true, but there hasn’t been any improvement in the years since.

Many economists were thinking that Hockey’s budget dilemma reinforced just how stupid it was to curtail the price on carbon. However, he could easily have fixed the problem by eliminating the 15% tax discount given to high-income earners. It was and still is, despite some improvement by the Coalition, nothing more than a legal tax dodge supplemented by low-income earners. It’s worth $12 billion plus PA. What about it Mr. Shorten. After that you could look at the billions given to mining companies in subsidies.

Remember all the fuss that was made about Peta Credlin. ”Do you really think my chief of staff would be under this kind of criticism if her name was Peter as opposed to Peta?” Mr Abbott asked the ABC’s Lyndal Curtis.

”Do you really think I would be attacking the Prime Minister in the manner I do if her name was James and not Julia.”

” … think people need to take a long hard look at themselves with some of these criticisms,”said PM Abbott.

When she eventually lost her position she said on radio that getting rid of the carbon tax was just a rouse. It had nothing to do with environmental. It was all politics.

It was a special year for George Brandis. He won a Walkley award for his ”what is metadata” interview.

Well deserved, too.

Then Abbott showed his astuteness with the art of international diplomacy.

He had plans to “shirtfront” the Vladimir Putin. “Once a thug, always a thug” I thought at the time.

The year was also unique for the amount of lies emanating from politician’s mouths.

It is said that truth is the first casualty of war. Unfortunately it is also the first causality of Australian politics. Telling lies to defend lies already told. It never works

2014 saw Ashby bring charges against Slipper. After a long dalliance with legal argument Ashby drops the case. Slipper is left with a huge legal bill. Ah, the law is a strange thing.

You would seriously have to wonder exactly what brand of Christianity it is that Scott Morrison practices. Fancy drinking champagne to celebrate sending refugees to one of the world’s poorest and most corrupt nations. 2014 wasn’t a very nice drop.

The list of companies avoiding tax in 2014 was again headed by Murdoch. Others included Frank Lowy’s Westfield. It seems that it’s OK for them to lean, but we must all lift. “Common Joe change the law,” I thought. Then I remembered the donations! Three years down the track still no change.

It was the year the budget was described as the most unfair ever. The Abbott Government gave up on their remaining budget cuts. And it should be remembered that they were not opposed on the basis of prudence but unfairness.

“The purpose of propaganda is to make you feel good about the wrongs being perpetrated on you,” I thought to myself.

There was a lot of talk about the cost of living. I think people get confused. There is a big difference between the cost of living and cost of lifestyle. A recent survey found that 56% of those complaining about the cost of living had taken an overseas trip in the same year. And a further 52% had reduced dining out from three to two times a week.

Back then I was saying that Australia did not have a clearly articulated and legislated policy on climate change. (It was ‘my thought for the day’ in yesterday’s post).

Tony Abbott denied he had broken a pledge not to cut funding to the ABC and SBS, telling Parliament his government had ”fundamentally kept faith with the Australian people”.

Lying is wrong but lying to defend a lie is appalling. Tony Abbott’s method of legitimizing lying was always to tell more lies. Repetition was always his method but it was like saying we are no longer communicating in English.

It was a year recognized for its political unfairness. It may be a good thing that some asylum seeker children now have a future but at the time I found it chilling that Scott Morrison effectively used kids as hostages to pass legislation.

“Less informed voters unfortunately outnumber the more politically aware. Therefore, conservatives feed them all the bullshit they need. And the menu generally contains a fair portion of untruths,” I wrote at the time.

The lying gradually reached a crescendo. When asked about the Green Fund at a joint press conference with President Hollande, Abbott said that we already had a Direct Action fund of $2.5 Billion and a Clean Energy Finance Corp $10 Billion fund. The only thing wrong with the answer was that the first won’t work and it is Government policy to abolish the second. His lying knew no bounds. Still doesn’t.

Now they want to use the fund to build new coalmines.

What would an intelligent 18 year old about to vote for the first time think of this statement by Abbott:

”As for Australia, I’m focusing not on what might happen in 16 years’ time, I’m focusing on what we’re doing now and we’re not talking, we’re acting.”

The G20 meeting gave Tony Abbott a powerful stage to articulate his vision for Australia. So he spoke about his inability to pass his unfair budget. Now that’s statesmanship for you.

In 2014 Abbott decided that in 2015, 500 workers who benefited from Gillard’s edict that non-faith-based workers be allowed in our schools. They were replaced with chaplains sourced predominantly from big Christian organisations. This in a secular public school system it was fundamentally wrong, be you religious or not.

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pyne was not disloyal, he was not loyal...


Christopher Pyne has sought to hose down the controversy over a recording of him made at a Sydney bar in which he said that marriage equality would happen soon and that he had never voted for Tony Abbott in a leadership ballot.

The Coalition minister appeared on the ABC’s Q&A panel on Monday night and said he had “always been in favour of marriage equality” and the recording was just of him just telling a group of supporters what he has said many times before.

“Which is to have hope that there will be marriage equality in Australia, that it will come eventually,” he said. “The only thing that’s made that statement remarkable is that there’s apparently a ‘secret leaked tape’, which has excited the press and turned it into a sensational story.”


He said the Labor party had voted down a plebiscite and it was a “lost opportunity”.

“That remains our policy,” he said. “I support that. But that hasn’t changed my fundamental belief in marriage equality now going back from whenever this issue was first raised.”

A tape of Pyne’s comments was given to the News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt and included apparent boasting of the power of the moderate faction, and statements that he had always voted for the current prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, in leadership ballots.

It prompted a rebuke from Abbott on Monday morning, who said cabinet members have “got to be loyal”.

“But, if he is to be believed on Friday night, that loyalty was never there, which was incredibly disappointing.”

Pyne told the Q&A panel he had been friends with Abbott for a long time and dismissed suggestions he was disloyal. He said he had won nine elections “under the Liberal banner” and had worked to “get rid of the Rudd/Gillard government”.

“And that was for Tony Abbott,” he said. “But more than Tony Abbott, it was for the Australian people, because I believe we were getting rid of a bad government and putting in a better one with Tony Abbott as prime minister.”

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Pyne has joined Turdy in the turd pile of sticky shits in the dunny sewers of politics. The Gillard government was 100 times better that what replaced it, under Abbott. If you do not cringe every time these two idiots, Pyne and Abbott, open their trap, you obviously travel in the same sewer. 

Meanwhile Turdshit said another blancmange stupidity:

Turnbull: 'The Internet cannot be an ungoverned space'Computerworld Australia - 1 day ago“When we talk about the rule of law, we have to recognise that there can be no ungoverned spaces,” Turnbull said.


At the same time Turdshit let three ministers off the hook after having interfered with the judiciary with a written article in The Australian, which is A BIG NO-NO and a sackable offence forthwith. The Australian should also be taken to ACMA. There should be a front page retraction of this loony article but there won't be. The damage is done and the right-wing pundit will glow in the dark, while swimming in the turd sewer.


a turdy manifesto...

In a major speech that can be read as an alternative political manifesto, the former prime minister outlined three energy policy measures  - freezing the renewable energy target at 15 per cent, a moratorium on new wind farms, and for the federal government to potentially go it alone and build a new coal-fired power station - to put downward pressure on power prices.

Mr Abbott also called for immigration to be temporarily slashed to put downward pressure on house prices and upward pressure on wages, and advocated banning all new spending except on defence and infrastructure.

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Get rid of him... Turdy's policies stink as much as he does...

Meanwhile at Pyne Turds from the sky or the canary in the mine:

Take his starring role in the Canberra uproar du jour - Pyne's leaked remarks to a Liberal Party gathering, in which he flagged sooner-rather-than-later progress on marriage equality. This is a contretemps which on Monday night allowed Minister Pyne to present himself in the following light: the canary down the coal mine, the cat that swallowed the canary and the canary that shat from a great height on Malcolm Turnbull's anguished struggle to convince the Australian public that he presides over a government united by the belief that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Unless that bird is Pauline Hanson, in which case you need to batten down with the National Party and hope for the best.

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laurel and hardy...

Liberal MPs are pressing Malcolm Turnbull to strip Christopher Pyne of his position as Leader of the House.

Senior Liberals have told 7.30 the Cabinet minister's comments to fellow Liberal moderates on the sidelines of the Liberal Party Federal Council have triggered enormous anger across the party.

The view of one minister is that Mr Pyne's comments could be the "straw that breaks the camel's back" when it comes to his position in the House of Representatives.

In secretly recorded comments that were leaked to conservative columnist Andrew Bolt, Mr Pyne boasted of the ascendancy of the moderate faction in the Liberal Party and suggested a move to legalise same-sex marriage might be hastened.

"Friends, we are in the winner's circle but we have to deliver a couple of things and one of those we've got to deliver before too long is marriage equality in this country," he was recorded telling about 200 Liberals gathered in Sydney's Cherry Bar.

"We're going to get it. I think it might even be sooner than everyone thinks. And your friends in Canberra are working on that outcome."

It has since emerged that WA Liberal Dean Smith and NSW Liberal MP Trent Zimmerman have been drafting a private members bill to legalise same-sex marriage

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Would I be silly to think that Pyne and Abbott are working like a quarrelling Laurel and Hardy to destroy Turnbull? In the same manner as Abbott and Palmer did to get rid of the "carbon tax"? Hey? 

tony -- the catholic nukular...

In another stupid speech, Tony Abbott-the-Catholic regretted not to have gone the full nukular option with the aussie submarines... What a Christian !... Piss orf Tony...

Meanwhile Pyne has apologised for stirring the pot in regard to marriage equality, which is a no-no in his KONservative fish bowl. Pyne is a two-faced hypocrite who slithers like a snake and lies like a flying pig.

fundamentally stupid...


Former Queensland premier Campbell Newman says Malcolm Turnbull should "do the right thing" and resign as Prime Minister to avoid another leadership showdown.

Speaking on ABC Radio Brisbane Mr Newman accused Mr Turnbull of dividing the Liberal Party, turning it left and driving away its base.

But he said voters would not tolerate a political move against an elected leader.

"He can't be deposed — we can't have another execution," he said.

"I mean the public did vote for him, but he's got to do the right thing [and stand down]," Mr Newman said.

"If I was Malcolm Turnbull I would look at what's going on. He's not a dummy, we all know that.

"He's got to look at the numbers, he's got to look at what's he's tried and clearly it isn't working.

"He is dividing the Liberal Party. There's a lot of attention on Tony Abbott for running around giving these speeches but the person who is really dividing the Liberal Party is actually Malcolm Turnbull."

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Of course, Newman's words are designed to enflame the situation. Rather than tell Abbott to piss orf, Newman is a supporter of little shit Turdy Abbott. We all know what happened to Newman when he got booted out for being, well, Newman -- the supporter/instigator of crappy policies in Queensland. Shame on the ABC for pushing the Newman idiotic embracde of Tony Abbott as if it was "fundamentally correct"... It's all fundamentally stupid... and dangerous. Tony Abbott is dangerous. Time to get rid of this belligerent North Shore nukular idiotic catholic...