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full scare panic emergency drill rehearsals around the hegemony...
A “full scale” drill to prepare for terror attacks will be conducted by law enforcement officials across six cities in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area on Wednesday morning, including cities in Maryland and Northern Virginia.
"Law enforcement officials and other first responders will participate in a full-scale exercise on April 26 designed to prepare for the possibility of a complex coordinated terror attack in the National Capital Region," the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments said in a Tuesday media release. “Emergency managers who work together at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) planned the exercise to help protect residents by preparing for an attack involving multiple target locations and teams of perpetrators."
The exercise will include hundreds of volunteer actors, emergency medical service workers, firefighters and police officers. COG’s Managing Director of Homeland Security and Public Safety Scott Boggs said in the release, "Law enforcement officials practice and exercise their skills on their own regularly because that’s the best way to ensure we are always ready to respond quickly and professionally … On April 26, we’ll go one step further and stage a very realistic emergency event involving multiple sites and actors posing as the casualties. However, there is no reason for residents to be alarmed because the exercise will occur in a controlled environment." Boggs explained that the drill has been in the works for a year, and that the exercise wasn’t related to the current international terror threat, but rather in preparation for incidents like that in Paris in November 2015, when 130 people were killed by Daesh supporters in multiple shootings and suicide bombings. read more:
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"they hate us" not as much as "we hate them"...
During a speech at George Washington University on Tuesday, Kelly stated that the US is facing the “highest terror threat in years,” and noted that the driving force is radical Islam and an “unprecedented spike” in homegrown terrorists.
The moderated discussion, titled “Home & Away: Threats to America and the DHS Response,” outlined Kelly’s perspectives on identifying priority threats, improving efficiency within the organization and reinforcing its core mission.
Throughout the discussion, Kelly discussed the threat from “sadistic radicals” and “people who hate us.”
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The rehearsal for Sydney's panic is Friday 28 April at 12:15...
gotham is not fiction any more...
Dubbed "Operation Gotham Shield," the simulation aims to determine how best to evaluate, treat and transport people who are injured in the event that a 10,000-ton improvised nuclear weapon is deployed on the New Jersey side of the Lincoln Tunnel, which connects the town of Weehawken to Midtown Manhattan.
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Meanwhile, the war machine is being oiled:
The USS Carl Vinson is the flagship vessel of the US Navy’s Carrier Strike Group One. As the threat of a nuclear-equipped Pyongyang looms, the strike group “sits in the Philippine Sea just east of Okinawa,” US Adm. Harry Harris told the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday.
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The People's Liberation Army has three stages of alertness, and this is the middle stage. Beijing activates it when a "direct military threat" is detected. Soldiers are prepared for combat and are forbidden from taking leave.
The order came down in mid-April, and China has moved 150,000 soldiers to guard the border – or to potentially invade the Hermit Kingdom themselves, if they feel the need. Sim Tack, a North Korea expert with geopolitical analysis firm Stratfor, called the Chinese movements an attempt to minimize American involvement on the peninsula.
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fire drills everywhere...
Pyongyang instead conducted a large live-fire drill. Four days after the anniversary, the North carried out a missile test, but the projectile exploded several minutes after launching, a "failure" South Korean officials later surmised was intentional.
Amid holiday celebrations, the nuclear-powered USS Michigan submarine, armed with 150 Tomahawk missiles, joined a US Navy carrier strike group led by the USS Carl Vinson near the Korean Peninsula, in a show of force from Washington.
A Korean-Chinese citizen who left Pyongyang after receiving the warning in late April told Radio Free Asia, "The embassy has never given such a warning. I was worried and left the country in a hurry," according to the Korea Times.
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Apparently, there was a fire drill at the ABC Ultimo (Sydney) headquarters this morning as well...
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