Saturday 11th of January 2025

surveying the sunday sermons in the sunday telegraph...

piers and orwell

This sunday, 2, April, 2017, Piers Akerman champions the cause of “freedom” by trying to stop the genderisation of the gendarmerie. In his regular Sunday sermon to the multitude of bigots, Piers somehow manages to blame the gays, lesbians and transgenders for the power failures in South Australia, which to say the least was brought on by a fierce storm that downed the powerlines. But he has no shame, these bullies of the rainbow brigade are responsible for shutting down the fossil fuel industries, and for trigger warnings in university about the gory details of medicine and frog dissections. 

So adding to an already upright and proper piece by Glenn Davies, the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Piers tells it straight, not like a gender bender to the flock of genuflextioners :

IT’S a sad truth that those who so recently claimed to be the bullied are now among the world’s greatest bullies. None more so than the alphabetical jumble of the gender confused in their pursuit of the destruction of the ancient and revered traditional form of marriage...

“...their brutish standover tactics...” “Not only had this minority view tried to swamp the public debate with its introspective, authoritarian denial of free speech, it has struck at the heart of Australian democracy and the freedoms that we all”cherish” he [the Archbishop] wrote...

As usual, Piers also mentioned the “weak” ABC for not being in a state of shock jockery ultra-right wing material on this issue, or any other issue including of course, global warming. Yes, the problem of global warming and winmills dotting the landscape is due “to a few hand-picked scientists who arrived at on the threat posed by carbon dioxide to life as we know it.

“To explore the views of the climate changers is to invite public ridicule and condemnation from sections of academia”

Obviously, Piers never explored the threat of global warming otherwise the bottom of his pants would be a shade of brown. Obviously, Piers never read 1984, otherwise he would see that he is an integral part of the “doublespeak” elite that corral the people into the clutches of Big Brother. 

This is why he mourns the survival of the 18C legislation which prevents people from hurting others with nasty racist word. I would have been surprised if he had not managed to mention Gillian Trigg, but he only named her as “our Big Sister, subjecting those who disagree with her commission to proacted and exhausting procedures no matter how trivial or irrelevant the complaints.” Of course this is total Akermanick bullshit, but hey, let him keep the knife with blood on it. In his conclusion he slits his own throat:

Confronting ideas with ideas was once the goal of great universities and the foundation of the great civilising ideas that enable the growth of the West.

Yes it was about NEW ideas as well as understanding sciences, beyond the bullshit of politics and economics, that drove the West to become more “liberal” and less of a tight-arsed KONservative calcified bigoted religious crumbling bastion or Talibanish eskery. The NEW idea of choice is okay... By accepting that others are gay, lesbian or whatever and have the right to marry, does not mean that you, Piers, is a poofter in disguise, and by understanding where the global warming science is coming from might turn you into a more intelligent pig.


not to mention the turnbull...

In her regular Sunday Telegraphic remarks, Peta Credlin says:

"The Abbott government put adoption on the COAG agenda and asked the states to progress adoption reform three years ago next month..."

Always one to poke a stick in Malcolm's rib...