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how murdoch's opinionators are used to disconnect the reality from our brain, as we fill our car petrol tank...Houston we have a problem... If you read the Sunday Telegraph this Sunday (26/03/17), you would be made aware that civilisation was under threat from "terrorists", but we, the civilised mob would prevail against the sordid amount of terror we face. Our stiff upper lip, our "compassion" and our solidarity with our friends the Poms and the Yanks would make sure we would get through this serious crisis.
It is as if we did not create the problem. The terrorists are rat bags for disturbing our peace and we are so righteous in our suit and tie.
You do not need to know what trauma is being inflicted by our foreign policies on other people in order for you to be able to fill up your car with gas, petrol, diesel, paraffin or whatever. But it's easy. We always blame someone else for the shit other people are experiencing, including finding hypocritical reasons for our intervention in their affairs. We need to protect "our" investments. To our general commentariat, their trauma is pitiful compared to the ordeal we have to endure. According to the Murdoch commentariat, they don't even exist. Sure Miranda will defend of a poor Muslim woman who showed horror at the London "rivulets of bloods" but then was attacked by the lynching mobs for appearing insincere while she was genuine. It was only a photographs for chrissake... But our fear of terror is frothed up. It's getting serious. There are now about three terror attacks per annum in Europe, which involve a few dead people, a bit of clean up, some forensics, some arrests to show our eyes are still on the ball and a few bunches of flowers... But we never know when the next loony is going to strike. The people who get bombed daily in the Middle East at least know when they are going to get bombed day and night, day in, day out. Every hour. All the time. Deliberately or by "accident". The cities resemble the war zones of World War Two. Well, it's war zones -- a war between people that we help bash each other for profit and an opportunity to sell guns, tanks, weapons of all sorts and calibre in the name of "freedom". In such an environment "freedom" is the most useless word and represent nothing apart from pain and death. The people don't have time to mourn the dead before the next waves of bombs. Some dudes have the opportunity to flee with what's left of their family and land in a camp in which they will languish for the rest of their lives. No flowers. No water. Nothing. No hope. It's been going on since... When did this madness all start? was it 2000 years ago? The crusades? 1927? 1939? 1957? 1980s? 1990s? 2003? Yesterday? Tomorrow? It has been relentless... But we support the Saudis who support more terrorist organisations than we can think off. And this support is a the source of all this "evil"... Hey, we just sold some armament under "strict conditions" to the Saudis, under the great moral turd polishing that if we did not someone else would... And we blame the other side because we don't like them because they don't bend the knees in from of king Dollar. And it's profitable. Selling weapons is more fun than selling cupcakes but not mutually exclusive... And we wonder why we get a bit of slap from time to time. Time for a cup of tea, dear.... Our false pretences can be so heart warming...
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false pretence in the ST part 2...
inviting the devil to help us...
The attack on the British Parliament is a terrible tragedy and a hideous crime.
On March 23, Daesh terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the deadly Westminster attack in the British capital.
This fact should underscore a bitter truth that Western political establishments persist in resisting. This is that it is impossible to fight terrorism effectively in Europe if it is supported — however discretely — in the Middle East.
The origins of today’s Jihadist movement go back to the 1980s when Western governments, including the British government, actively supported the Jihadist war against the Soviet backed in Afghanistan. This war radicalised a whole generation of young Muslims in Europe and the Middle East, with the active support of Western governments. I well remember the articles and documentaries supporting the Jihadist struggle in Afghanistan which proliferated in the Western media at this time, which included turning a blind eye to Jihadi atrocities in Afghanistan and to the role Jihadi groups were playing in heroin trafficking, which caused an explosion in heroin addiction in the West (especially in Britain) at that time.
More pertinently, this support for the Jihadi movement in Afghanistan led to the British authorities turning a blind eye to the establishment of a Jihadist network in mosques and community centres across Britain. There were rumours at the time — never fully confirmed or denied — that an implicit agreement had been reached between the British authorities and Jihadi leaders that the British authorities would tolerate their activities in Britain provided they undertook no violent action on British soil.
To add to the toxic brew, it was also roughly at this time that a wave of funding from the Gulf region transformed the teaching of Islam in British mosques and Muslim community centres, changing Wahhabist/Salafi doctrines from a marginal influence within Britain Islam increasingly into its mainstream.
The British authorities have struggled to get on top of these Wahhabist/Salafist Jihadist networks that were established in Britain in the 1980s ever since.
In recent years the British authorities have made their problems worse by embracing the Jihadist struggle against President Assad’s government in Syria. Instead of recognising President Assad and his government for what they are — a bulwark against the spread of Jihadi terrorism in the Middle East and elsewhere — the British authorities have been relentless in demanding President Assad’s overthrow, so that just as in the 1980s they supported the Jihadist struggle against the government of Afghanistan, so today they have been de facto supporting the Jihadist struggle against the Syrian government.
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