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the empire strikes back...the empire During another week of presidential declarations that some journalists were “enemies of the people;” of new steps to restrict White House press access by way of a naughty-and-nice list, and of reported moves to force national intelligence agencies to toe the administration line, a now-familiar pattern set in. Journalists, their subscriptions and ratings spiking, howled about another move to undercut the role the free press plays in a democracy (which “Dies in Darkness” as the new Washington Post slogan has it). The administration doubled down on its antipress aggression, this time declaring it was “going to get worse every day” for these “globalist” and “corporatist” journalists (and other such gobbledygook from the former Goldman Sachs executive Stephen K. Bannon). And all the while, so many of the most important and credible leaders in the president’s own party more or less kept their traps shut or looked the other way. If there were ever a moment for government leaders who believe that true information unearthed by independent news sources is vital to our nation to stand up and say so, this would be it. President Trump’s argument that the national press corps is illegitimate and dishonest has emerged as one of the most consistent themes of his presidency, alongside — and seemingly as important to him — his calls for a major tax code overhaul, an end to Obamacare, a border wall and “extreme vetting.” Those other parts of his agenda appeal to large groups of Republicans on Capitol Hill, including the leaders of the House and the Senate. So you could see the appeal of staying out of the way to let Mr. Trump do his thing against the press — no great favorite on The Hill anyway — as their other big policy dishes marinate and cook. read more:
The media has been lazy for too long... And now it has to work harder to dish out news that are proper news. Nothing is proper news. Everything is propaganda for one thing or another. Since the Presidency of Clinton and possibly since that of Kennedy, the media has been lazy and got fattened by press releases and "chook feeds", as Uncle Jo used to called press conference, from the White House. At no stage did the liberal media at large questioned the validity of G W Bush going to war on Saddam. Or question anything about the break up of Yougoslavia under Clinton. Or the policies of a perpetually warring Obama against the Middle East and Libya. From time to time, the liberal media cries a little bit over spilled milk, but not over spilled blood. It's easier. It's more fun to hear a few jokes, especially from Obama who made the media correspondent eat food from his hands like cats lick a bowl of cream. All along, from Trump announcement of his candidacy to the Presidency, the liberal media pissed on him like trapped possums, while promoting the golden girl, Hillary. Trump was a bad joke who would not get far. Hillary was a saint. Hollywood even had a sitcom called "Madam Secretary" showing the pangs of office and how smart "a woman" (read Hillary) could be under pressure. Trump was a clown which would be dispatched by the likes of Jeb, Romney, Rubio and Cruz, while the Bernie was only a small contretemps in Hillary's aura. The glass ceiling had been replaced by a sugar coated panel. All was in place including the balloons for a female victorious. The investigations by the FBI of Madam Clinton's emails was a vicious set up by the Russians. Nothing to do with the stupid and dangerous emails themselves. And Bernie was purely annoying. The DNC had all the right to kick him in the balls, deceitfully — and so did the liberal media. Nothing could get in the way of Mother Theresa Clinton. Meanwhile, Trump was critical of the way the liberal media was treating him compared to the way it treated Hillary. Trump took to the stage in debates as a stupid clown who thought these debates were jokes run by loonies. He made mockery of the processes and his grand buffoonry gave him a few more points. But the liberal media was confident La Woman was going to get there, despite all what she had done wrong before, including the destruction of Libya. Libya deserved it, did it not? Gaddafi was a loony, was he not? That libya was the most successful country in Africa was irrelevant. It had to be destroyed, so went the liberal media... Hillary could do no wrong, including hatch a plan to bomb Damascus to let the Russians know who was boss, when she is President. But now after a resounding defeat, because the DNC forgot to count the delegates rather than the popular votes, the liberal media has its own loony to deal with. And the loony tells the liberal media to get stuffed... This is war. The fourth estate never likes to be wrong or be snubbed. Meanwhile, the Murdoch media that helped Trump across the line is playing the double game of double-agent. Stealthy like a submarine, it slowly undermines the "liberal media" for a few buck and a place in the sun. Here the double speak is precious like wild honey. Imagine that the FOX network shoots itself in the foot by presenting what is obviously a fake interview with a fake Swedish advisor... This is not designed to help Donald, but to murk the waters a bit and prepare the next move. Meanwhile the Russian media is interviewing real politicians with real journalists who give real insights into what the liberal media has skimmed over in its attempt to manufacture a female president. The liberal media has to work much harder now and has to sleep with the notorious liars of the CIA who feed the FBI and other spy agencies to get titbits about the Donald-Vladimir connection. Because we really can't make peace with the Ruskies, can we? They stole Crimea from our new friends the Ukranian mafia, didn't they? And they support Assad against our terrorists which we call moderates, don't we? And hating the Russians has been our fair diet since after WWII... Only the Murdoch media is trying to smooch with the Russians but it has to do it carefully as the liberal media is going to promote many more CIA provided fake/irrelevant stories about Vladimir/Donald relationship. It's going to take a while to debunk or show the irrelevancy of the connection. And Donald is impatient. And he is mad, but who cares — all the presidents before him WERE MAD and bloody dangerous. He's just mad... The liberal media is fighting for its life. The only way it can achieve victory now is by killing off all of Donald's decrees and paint him like a mad man. So the liberal media has now other mad men on its side, including McCain, which the liberal media destroyed in the past by claiming he was mad. Now the liberal media is sleeping with him. The world is mad. It's a mad mad world.
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bullshit bullshit all is bullshit...
The White House made a messy attempt on Sunday to control public perceptions of a widening scandal over alleged contacts between aides to Donald Trump and Russian intelligence officials during the 2016 election, alleging that the FBI had dismissed reports of such links.
The scandal has shown little sign of coming under control, with a Republican congressman calling for an independent inquiry, multiple congressional committees pursuing investigations and Trump escalating a war with the media in an apparent attempt at distraction.
While the White House has, by its own clumsy admission, been working behind the scenes to try to manage the conduct of Congress and intelligence agencies in the scandal, those efforts have so far backfired.
Contacts between the White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus, and top FBI officials have come in for particular criticism as a violation of a necessary line separating the White House from justice department investigations with potential targets inside the administration.
On Sunday, a Trump spokeswoman once again tested that line, saying the FBI had dismissed allegations of inappropriate Trump-Russia ties as “BS” – bullshit.
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the liberal MMMM gets annoyed...
In an age of partisan media, the lines between “partisan” and “media” can sometimes blur.
Case in point: The pool reporter covering Vice President Pence on Thursday — that is, the reporter who supplied details about Pence’s daily activities as proxy for the rest of the press corps — was an employee of the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank.
In other words, the news that reporters received about the vice president came from a journalist employed by an organization with a vested interest in the direction of White House and federal policy.
The development is unusual; the reporter, Fred Lucas, is the first member of his organization to take on pool reporting duties, which are typically handled on a rotating basis by mainstream news organizations. Lucas also covered Pence as the pooler two weeks ago.
Lucas writes for the Daily Signal, a news and commentary site started nearly three years ago by Heritage, one of Washington’s leading policy shops. The Signal covers issues that are a focus of Heritage’s conservative agenda, such as an Obamacare repeal, tax policy and illegal immigration.
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Well well well... The media lines "are blurred... They always were and are. Nothing new here. Except the liberal MMMM is not retaining exclusivity of disseminating propaganda as it has done under Clinton, under Bush and under Obalalalabamboom... Presently the liberal MMMM (mediocre mass media de mierda) HATES the Trump. They hate him like you would believe. All during the presidential selection and the debates, the liberal MMMM pissed on trump because the liberal MMMM had been supporting (with no bias of course, wink wink) Hillary Clinton, the first female to become president, etc etc etc... So the MMMM is doing anything it can to help destabilise the US government, while before this disastrous campaign, it was enamoured with Barak-the-Secret-Bomber-and-gardener-of-Aragula-with-a-lovely-wife... "Our first black president".
The not so liberal Murdoch media is supporting Trump discreetly at the moment by basically saying NOTHING about anything...
big tantrum on white house journos' night.
The rally, marking Trump's 100th day in office, is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. next Saturday in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The White House hasn't yet provided additional details about the event.
In February, Trump announced via Twitter that he would skip the annual dinner at the Washington Hilton, which he had attended (and been roundly mocked during) in past years as a guest alongside high-ranking lawmakers, political journalists and celebrities. His staff also turned down invitations to be guests at the event, for the first time since its inception in 1921.
Next Saturday night I will be holding a BIG rally in Pennsylvania. Look forward to it!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 22 апреля 2017 г.The event has been criticized a lot for celebrating the coziness of the press with the politicians they cover. After Trump's announcement, White House Correspondents Association President Jeff Mason told reporters that the decision was not surprising, given the president's antagonistic relationship with the press corps, whom he has labeled "fake news."
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see toon at top...
self-deprecating others...
Though he [Trump] opened to a few chuckles, his jokes, which went from funny to flat to offensive, soon drew silence, then gasps and finally loud, angry boos.
You can watch his full remarks below, but here are a few highlights:
Self-deprecating it wasn’t. Indeed, the jokes weren’t aimed at himself at all.
“The jokes he went to the stage with were completely consistent with his character,” said Jeff Shesol, a former speechwriter for President Clinton.
It was a contrast even to Hillary Clinton, who isn’t famous for being funny. “This is such a special event that I took a break from my rigorous nap schedule. … It is a treat for all of you, too, because usually I charge a lot for speeches like this.
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misunderstood devil...
Maybe we should all take a moment to feel a little sorry for Donald Trump, who reacted to criticism on Thursday by tweeting a stream of coarse insults at the television journalist Mika Brzezinski.
After all, he so clearly lacks the toughness of George Washington, who once privately observed that his critics’ “arrows … never can reach the most vulnerable part of me.” He lacks the confidence of Dwight Eisenhower, whosaid, when asked if he thought his press coverage was fair, “Well, when you come down to it, I don’t see what a reporter could do much to a president, do you?”
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Here, this article designed to let us know that Trump cannot "handle the pressure" of being criticised, totally misses the point. The Donald reaction to Joe and Mika is actually a very healthy way to deal with shit -- whether real or not. First it transmutes the energy of frustration into positive energy and second it is a great way to distract the media into believing into its importance which The Donald has no respect for anyway. It keeps the pundits away from the real Presidential shit whatever that is -- but, by the media taking the bait, it shows that Donald is winning nonetheless. Meanwhile the media obsession with the Putin/Trump (non) relationship is still keeping 60 per cent of the media's arsenal very busy... The media already weakened by poor judgement is like working at 40 per cent capacity on other issues -- some of which have the importance of a dog's turn in the sunlight. So the media by its own doing is working at about 20 per cent of its capacity. Most proper investigators like Seymour Hersh have to be published in Germany because the media in the US, despite not liking Trump, don't want to publish anything against the US Hegemony.