Sunday 9th of March 2025

a tremendous godly creature stirs jealous passions...


The announcement that controversial TV evangelist Paula White will perform a special role at the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump has angered many Americans, especially Christians on the conservative right.

The Presidential Inaugural Committee announced on Friday (AEST) that Ms White would be one of six religious leaders participating in the swearing-in ceremony. The group will say prayers for Mr Trump, according to several reports.

Ms White, 50, who pastors a so-called ‘mega church’ with 10,000 members in Florida, was an outspoken Trump supporter throughout his campaign against Hillary Clinton, calling him “caring”, “compassionate” and “a Christian”.

The pair have known each other since 2002, and she regularly engages in hour-long prayer sessions with Mr Trump and his family, TIME reported. Mr Trump has described her as a “tremendous friend”.

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the prayer room...

Eric Trump is not the only member of his family who has come to rely on White, 50, a popular televangelist who believes that intercessory prayer can have an immediate impact on shaping events. After she saw Eric, she went to her room in the Trump campaign’s Cleveland hotel, where she spent the next four hours praying for Donald Trump as he prepared for his prime-time convention address. Then at the candidate’s invitation, she met the Republican nominee, his wife Melania and 10-year old son Barron for another circle of prayer in their room.


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but not a scientist in sight...

As Rush Holt, the Chief Executive Officer of AAAS, said in his editorial of 17 November 2016 "...decisions made with scientific input are more likely to succeed." But hell, we prefer to believe in fairies, gods of various kinds, economics and father christmas rather than understand how things work. We prefer tinsel to reality. Politics that calls itself "political science" is a massive deception heaped upon the people. Most of "political science" is based on creating fake parameters designed for people to accept a bad outcome such as a kind stick up the arse, while the rich get richer.


Even democracy is based on the most common denominator of the "majority" which is easily kept in the dark, is manipulated to believe in fairies and is forced to work for peanuts. No wonder financial elites that used to belong to royal clubs and despotic rulers love "democracy". In a kingdom, the ruler needs at least 66 per cent of support from his subjects.

In a democracy, all the plundering elite needs to do is convince no more than 50 per cent (sometimes far less due to the construct of the voting system) of the raging idiotic mobs, of the value of their "plans" (political and economic), while the intellectual elite do some instrospection as to why it is walking backwards in a circle on a deserted island.

So welcome to 2017, a year where science shall be at the forefront to tell us that playing with matches will set Rome on fire... but we'll try it anyway (burning down the place) because it's more fun to experiment with stupidity (no need of scientific input here) rather than be creative with insight.

Will we ever grow up? You know the answer to that question...

Six preachers at the inauguration of Dunny (sorry I meant Donny) and not a single scientist in sight.

jesus wants you to have four more years of donald...

Did Paula White pray for the reelection of President Trump at the opening of his massive campaign rally in Orlando?

Back in 2008, I heard of a prominent, black, mega-church pastor praying for the election of Barack Obama by name. In other words, he led his congregation in prayer that Senator Obama would become our next president. (Previously, he had prayed the same prayer for the presidential election of Al Gore.)

Did Paula White do the same thing last week? And is this how Christian leaders should pray? Should they pray partisan prayers?

As reported by The Christian Post, Rev. White’s prayer was quite targeted and bold.

First, she went after the “demonic networks,” saying, “Let every demonic network that has aligned itself against the purpose, against the calling of President Trump, let it be broken, let it be torn down in the name of Jesus.”


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the naughty woman preacher...

This weekend, a video of Trump’s spiritual adviser, Paula White, surfaced showing her preaching some potentially ungodly words.

“We command any satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now!” she says, before clarifying: “We declare that anything that’s been conceived in satanic wombs that it will miscarry, it will not be able to carry forth any plan of destruction, any plan of harm.”


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A woman and a preacher have no rights to insult everyone they don't like in this sorry fashion... With her kind of thoughts, she might enter the hell of reality rather than enter the heaven of an all forgiving god...


oh god!...

Ahead of the coronavirus task force briefing Friday, President Trump gave an Easter message, urging Americans to “focus on prayer, reflection, and growing in our personal relationship with God” during “this sacred time” as most churches hold services online, and asked pastor Bishop Harry Jackson to pray.

“On this Good Friday, Christians from all around the world remember the suffering and death upon the cross of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,” Trump said at the briefing at the White House. “At Easter Sunday, we will celebrate His glorious resurrection.”

Trump said as people won’t be able to “gather together with one another as we normally would on Easter,” they can “use this sacred time to focus on prayer, reflection, and growing in our personal relationship with God. So important.”

He continued, “I ask all Americans to pray that God will heal our nation; to bring comfort to those who are grieving; to give strength to the doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers; to restore health to the sick; and to renew the hope in every person who is suffering. Our nation will come through like never before.”


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A Virginia pastor who criticized the “mass hysteria” surrounding the coronavirus pandemic has died of the illness, according to new reports.

Landon Spradlin, of Gretna — a small town halfway between Lynchburg and Danville — started to feel sick while in New Orleans, where he went to preach to the crowds gathered for Mardi Gras celebrations, according to the BBC.

A month later, Spradlin — who was also a seasoned musician inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame in 2016 — died.

“His mission was to go into pubs, clubs and bars, play the blues and connect with musicians and just tell them that Jesus loved them,” Spradlin’s daughter Jesse Spradlin, 28, told the BBC.

“Mardi Gras is like Times Square in New York during New Year’s Eve. It’s a sea of people just drinking and partying. He was loud and laughing and in his element.”

Spradlin began to feel unwell while in New Orleans but initially tested negative for COVID-19.


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Not even talking of the Easter weather...


Gus is a naughty rabid atheist...

and god created the riots... or not...


From the HuffPost:


Christian textbooks used in thousands of schools around the country teach that President Barack Obama helped spur destructive Black Lives Matter protests, that the Democrats’ choice of 2016 nominee Hillary Clinton reflected their focus on identity politics, and that President Donald Trump is the “fighter” Republicans want, a HuffPost analysis has found.

The analysis, which focused on three popular textbooks from two major publishers of Christian educational materials ― Abeka and BJU Press ― looked at how the books teach the Trump era of politics. We found that all three are characterized by a skewed version of history and a sense that the country is experiencing an urgent moral decline that can only be fixed by conservative Christian policies. Language used in the books overlaps with the rhetoric of Christian nationalism, often with overtones of nativism, militarism and racism as well. 

Scholars say textbooks like these, with their alternate versions of history and emphasis on Christian national identity, represent one small part of the conditions that lead to events like last week’s riot at the U.S. Capitol, an episode that was permeated with the symbols of Christian nationalism. Before storming the Capitol, some groups prayed in the name of Jesus and asked for divine protection. They flew Christian and “Jesus 2020” flags and pointed to Trump’s presidency as the will of God. The linkage between Christian beliefs and the violent attack on Congress has since pushed evangelical leaders to confront their own relationship with Trump and their support for the rioters.


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From the Christian Post:

Such brash and unfair bias cannot go unanswered. The overwhelming majority of schools using these curricula are highly civic-minded American patriots. They love God and their country and deplore violence of any kind. Painting an entire demographic with a wide brush based on hear-say alone is slanderous. It is also disingenuous. The year 2020 was filled with leftist progressives rioting and looting all over the country in response to their own perceived inequities, yet none of that is alluded to in the Huffington Post article. If the author was seeking to be equitable, would she not have to acknowledge the possibility that government schools and their curriculum might bear some blame for those riots? Indeed the article concludes with just the opposite reaction.

The following statement from the article claims to have intellectual authority but is severely lacking in credulity.

Scholars say textbooks like these, with their alternate versions of history and emphasis on Christian national identity, represent one small part of the conditions that lead to events like last week’s riot at the U.S. Capitol, an episode that was permeated with the symbols of Christian nationalism.”[2]

Exactly who are these scholars that the author is referring to? There are no footnotes or cited sources for this particular example, and of the three “scholars” quoted within this article, only one implies this thought process. Therefore, the reader’s only recourse is to give full trust to the statements of the author or practice intellectual independence and question the statements and opinions as presented. We choose the latter.

Linking terrorism to Christian education and its biblical worldview being communicated is grossly misleading. Consider Franklin Graham and the work of Samaritan’s Purse, which has helped countless suffering and needy people in the US and abroad. It is the same worldview that these schools and curricula seek to advance.  American students using the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum annually donate to the BLESS outreach, which sponsors literacy programs in third-world countries, giving thousands of children the opportunity for advancement through education. Consider a very large Florida Christian school that utilizes A Beka and Bob Jones curricula, and funnels all the profit from that school and a thrift shop to help to fund a completely free medical clinic, two homeless shelters, and a food pantry. These are only a few examples. Conservative Christians and their churches and schools are not promoting or involved in riotous activity, but rather in activities that fulfill the Greatest Commandment to love God and neighbor. Students are taught to be contributing members of society who work for the common good of the nation around them.  This is an accurate representation of conservative Christian education in America.

A Clash of Worldviews

At its core this article is about a clash of worldviews. The author is a committed progressive and is defending her ideology. She feels that conservative Christian schools are seeking to undermine evolution and far-left progressive policies and therefore attempts to expose them as such. And this we have in common with her because Christians feel the same exact way. Why? Because it is true. This is the clash of worldviews that the apostle Paul so brilliantly contrasts in 1 Corinthians 2:14.

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Gus is a rabid secular atheist...