Saturday 11th of January 2025



I don't care if these idiots are racists, xenophobes, have a gun in their trousers or are nazis. But I really wish that these idiots stopped blaming the United Nation for wanting to create a "World Government" by inventing the concept of global warming. 


This is the imbecilic pit of complete idiocy as promoted by idiots who so far have lived in an idiotic hole — and are now now elected to the Australian parliament by default — after a double dissolution became a double disillusion for a certain Turdball-the-delusive-Debonair. 

First, the global warming is a scientific observation which is more rigourous than the timing of having a dump every morning at 8:45. If you don't have a shit and become constipated, you will have a problem — from mild discomfort, bloating, intestinal occlusion and death.  The timing of the dump is not so precise as to be 8:45. It could be 8:43 or 9:17 on the next day, but you will have to shit twice as much then. Otherwise there will be unfortunate accumulation. Bring on the prune juice after three days of dump-less mornings or afternoons.

90 per cent of global warming observations are generated from precise measurements from US and European satellites, confirmed by precise observations on the ground, including our own CSIRO. The science is so precise in its observations that you could set a billion Swiss watch on it. What you cannot do is declare with accuracy that your next dump in two days-time will be at 8:45. There is flexibility in the system, except the concept tells us that if you eat too much and shit less, YOU WILL BECOME FAT by virtue or retaining stuff. There is a relationship. We are becoming obese. Global warming is real. Global warming is a by-product of humans burning fossil fuels. This shit has been explained countless time on this site.

It's painful to see a new crop of idiots entering parliament, declaring without having a single clue that the United Nations is planning to create a "word government". Here, one should note that the question by the reporter was of course a Dorothy Dixer. The imbecilic reporter knew the idiotic answer by baiting the unnameable idiot beforehand.

Yes I know, 50 per cent of our MMMM media outlets still subscribe to the idea of global warming being a furphy, while the main outlet, the merde-och press which controls 70 per cent of the printed rags in this country, outright rejects global warming via a loony set of editorials, commentariators and stupid cartoonists. But this is because Uncle Rupe is a loony on the issue. He is as scientific as a cow poop in a grass-less sheep yard. 

The theory of global warming is not new. But observations and the calculation fit TOO WELL to be ignored.

Recently, permafrost in Siberia which saw RECORD temperature has released thousands year old ANTHRAX bacteria from a long dead, dead deer carcass. Yes, the average temperature this year, worldwide, has gone a few more notches above the record temperature of last year's averages. I did not think for myself that 2016 would be so warm because the sun has gone into its cooling cycle, but the main culprit is CO2. And if you think that global warming is not happening because your arse is not on fire yet, think again. If this was the case, we'd all be dead. 

And this is the scientific observation which pains the idiots of the carbon/fossil-fuel lobby. This "global warming" by CO2 increase in the atmosphere was predicted by seriously precise scientific calculations as far back as 1897.

But apart from global warming, sciences have made fantastic strides in understanding the universe. Most likely that anyone who pronounce without farting that global warming is a United Nations plot, would not understand anything scientific beyond Adam and Eve being the first humans created by Zeus the god in need of a morning crap.

Science is not trying to tell you unverifiable fibs like Noah's ark. Science is precise despite statistical error. The statistical error on a dogma is likely to be 100 per cent. And the word likely should read "surely". 

Should you want to blame someone for trying to create "a world government", please blame the Yanks based in Washington. They are trying their best to create an Empiredom. 

But I am sure that the newly elected idiot denialist is familiar with the scientific theories in regard to "the many-body localization transition in two dimensions" or a "single-qubit gates based on targeted phase shifts in a 3D neutral atom array". No? Ah well... These are theories which fit the statistical observation from various cyclotrons and other quantum bizos — which no-one understands because "science is too complicated".

No, one cannot have opinions in sciences. Opinions are reserved for rubbish bins and politicians — and their lackeys who live in the rubbish bins of the media. This is why Derryn Hinch, the human headline, is not taking a media spokesperson as he knows the value of opinions — and of his in particular. The good man. 

I suppose that the country's idiots deserve representation in the Australian parliament. What a better representation than a fully-fledged idiot, already certified in idiocy by that grand university of idiocy, a fish and ship shop in Queensland — where daylight saving fades the curtains. 

And please, newly elected idiot, next time you have a dump after having eaten a bowl of chillies, wipe your butt with a brick. This will give you a great philosophical outlook on life and a glimpse of global warming.

Gus Leonisky
Your local spin doctor...


my cartoon of pauline before she escaped...


crap from stupid citizens...

One Nation's newly elected senator Mxxxxx Rxxxxx (Gus does not mention his name) has denied being a member of a controversial anti-government movement based in the United States and Canada.

The senator has been quizzed about his knowledge of the Sovereign Citizens movement because of the existence of documents he began writing five years ago in a style similar to that used by the group's adherents.

In a series of letters and documents in 2011 and 2012 he appeared to use the unusual style of writing.

Many were addressed to politicians and prominent figures in which he rails against orthodox climate change science and the carbon tax.

Among the documents' distinctive characteristics was an unusual style of punctuation.

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One does not have to be a member of an organisation to think, copy and write the same shit...

denial is a state of mind, not of knowledge...


One Nation senator-elect, Mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx, told Hack there's no empirical evidence humans are to be blamed for climate change.

Ninety-seven per cent of climate change scientists say he's dead wrong.

Let's see what some of them make of his claims.

Mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: "There is nothing unusual occurring with temperatures, we're not encountering any unusual warming, it's all entirely natural."

This claim doesn't stack up according to John Cook, a climate communication research fellow at the University of Queensland's Global Change Institute.

"When scientists look at our climate systems, they add up all the heat in our climate system, they find that over the past few decades our planet has been building up heat at the rate of four atomic bombs per second, so that's how much global warming is happening at the moment, so it's very unusual."

Conclusion: Mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx wrong.

Mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: "We've had no warming at all according to NASA's science satellites since 1995. That's 21 years."

John Cook says this claim is a bit more complicated, but it still doesn't fly.

"One of the challenges there is [satellites] are looking through many layers and the upper part of the atmosphere is actually cooling and that's one of the consequence of greenhouse warming.

"Satellites measure heat as it escapes to space, and what satellites over the last number of decades have found is less heat escaping out to space at the wavelengths where CO2 traps heat, so this is direct empirical evidence that CO2 traps heat."

Conclusion: Mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx wrong.

Mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: "Not one of [the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports] has ever presented any empirical evidence that human production of carbon dioxide affects the global climate."

Mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx is referring to the Assessment Reports put out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group of 195 nations and thousands of scientists who thoroughly comb through climate change evidence every few years.

Professor of atmospheric physics at UNSW, Steve Sherwood, was a lead author of a chapter of the IPCC's most recent report. He's very sure there's evidence in there linking human CO2 emissions to warming.

"You can measure the amount of heat that has been put into the atmosphere by human emitted carbon dioxide, it's about a million gigawatts of power and if you know that then you know by conservation of energy that the system has to be warming up, that number, those heating amounts are in a bar chart in the exec summary of the IPCC report, have been every single time."

Conclusion: Mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx wrong.

Mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: "The empirical evidence showed the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere changed as a result of temperature changes, not as a cause of temperature changes."

Let's use Cape Grim in Tasmania as an example for this one, the CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology have a climate monitoring station there which has seen levels of carbon in the atmosphere rise from around 300 parts per million in 1976 to 400 parts per million in May this year.

UNSW's Steve Sherwood told Hack this statement would have been nearly correct during the glacial ice age some thousands of years ago, for which there is evidence CO2 affected temperature, and the temperature affected CO2.

"But that was a special case of that era in the geologic record," Steve Sherwood said.

"Today it is very clear humans are increasing CO2 and CO2 is increasing temperatures."

Conclusion: Mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx wrong.

Will Mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx change his mind?

Even with this information in front of him, probably not. At least according to John Cook from UQ's Global Change institute.

"From a psychological point of view I'm not optimistic," John Cook said.

Part of John's research involved handing climate skeptics evidence of warming, so he's pretty well placed to talk about what impact it has.

"When someone denies climate science and when they believe in conspiracy theories about climate change, when you present scientific evidence to them it has no effect, other than possibly a backfire effect, it can be counter-productive and actually strengthen their false beliefs."



melting the russian permafrost...


The tiny island of Vize in the Kara Sea is fast disappearing as a warming atmosphere melts Arctic sea ice and the Russian permafrost.

That’s the warning from WWF Russia, which has released pictures of what it says is a government weather station about to topple into the sea.

Since 2009 over 70 metres of coastline has been eroded, said glaciologist Alexander Aleynikov, a development he describes as “very impressive”

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not proving a point in the mind of idiots...


The celebrity physicist Brian Cox came prepared to the ABC’s Q&A on Monday night with graphs, ready to counter claims by his co-panellist, the climate denier and Australian senator-elect Mxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx.

Rxxxxxxxx, one of four senators elected from Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party, took the first opportunity to espouse long-refuted climate-denialist claims, including that warming stopped more than 20 years ago, starting the so-called “hiatus” or “pause”.

But Cox produced a graph of global surface temperatures of the past century and immediately debunked the myth, pointing out it is a misunderstanding caused by looking at a small sample, starting from an unusually warm year two decades ago.


One has to ask why Q&A invited Mxxxxxxx Rxxxxxx to participate in a "controversial" gabfest that will not change the mind of idiots, because WE CARRY ON ELECTING IDIOTS. Rxxxxxxx is only one of the latest ones. There are plenty of other ELECTED IDIOTS who won't change their mind even in the face of Cox's evidence — IDIOTS who haunt the corridors of conservative Canberra, in the offices of Nationals, Liberals (CONservatives) and a few Laborites. The merde-och press will have a field day at tearing Brian Cox apart with their own experts drawn from the ranks of eloquent imbeciles, fossil fuel "scientists" and creationists.

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july "more warmer"...

Last month was the hottest month in recorded history, beating the record set just 12 months before and continuing the long string of monthly records, according to the latest Nasa data.

The past nine months have set temperature records for their respective months and the trend continued this month to make 10 in a row, according to Nasa. July broke the absolute record for hottest month since records began in 1880.

Similar data from the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) said the past 14 months have broken the temperature record for each month, but it hasn’t released its figures for July yet.

The new results were published on the Nasa database and tweeted by climatologist Gavin Schmidt, director of the Nasa Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

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