Sunday 9th of March 2025

mr coal is now in charge of protecting the environment...


mr coal

Australia’s new climate change minister is an MP once dubbed “Mr Coal” who believes the climate polluting fossil fuel is the secret to lifting the world's poorest countries out of poverty.

Re-elected conservative Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has put Liberal Party MP Josh Frydenberg, the former resources minister, in charge of the country’s climate policy.

Frydenberg replaces MP Greg Hunt who, as environment and climate change minister, was responsible for approving the largest coal mine in Australian history — the giant Adani Carmichael mine in the country’s Galilee Basin.

The burning of coal is the world's single biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions causing claimate change.

In September 2015, shortly after after being appointed Minister for Resources, Energy and Northern Australia, Frydenberg was described by conservative political commentator Andrew Bolt as “Mr Coal”.

In an interview with Bolt, who is a climate science denialist, Frydenberg said: “I certainly believe in the moral case that (former Prime Minister) Tony Abbott and others have put, that our coal, our gas, our energy supplies do lift people out of energy poverty and that will be an important theme of my term in this role.”

The idea that coal can be an answer to “energy poverty” in the world’s poorest countries is a talking point developed by the coal industry, in particular Peabody Energy, which has filed for protective bankruptcy in the United States.



Three deadly sins in academe and journalism are Falsification, Fabrication and Plagiarism (FFP). Political speechwriters normally take great pains to avoid obvious text-copy plagiarism,2 but on Monday Melania Trump's speech plagiarized text from Michelle Obama. Trump employee Meredith McIver took responsibility, but new analysis here raises more doubts.

Climate denial is pervaded by FFP examples, the most famous likely that around the Wegman Report, where plagiarism and reactions to its exposure resemble those in the Trump case.

First, high-profile work is trusted to inexperienced people, who can make silly errors. Competent organizations check.
Then, exposure generates contradictory excuses, some clear fabrications, such as personal attacks on irrelevant people.
Finaly, the organization takes surprisingly long to produce official explanations, about which doubts may be raised.


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coal off the agenda?...


Malcolm Turnbull's new Environment and Energy Minister, Josh Frydenberg, has welcomed a declining role for coal in Australia's future energy mix, talked up reliable green energy, and locked in the current 23.5 per cent renewable energy target by 2020, in a marked change from the avowedly pro-coal rhetoric of the Abbott government.

A $650 million wind farm near Dundonnell has been approved and will be Victoria's largest, with 96 turbines.

And he has stated that recent price spikes in South Australia – where energies such as wind and solar power make up 40 per cent plus of supply, and Tasmania where the figure is above to 90 per cent - were not solely the fault of high renewable energy dependencies but to a "complex of factors" including the failure of other energy distribution infrastructure such as Basslink, as well as the effects of drought, a cold snap, and high gas prices arising from inadequate supplies and suppliers.

This, he said, could be addressed in part by lifting "blanket moratoria" on new gas extraction as applied currently in Victoria and "parts of" New South Wales, and through technological advances in battery storage, which were coming onstream.

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What Josh did not mention is the proportion of CSG exported cheaply overseas, while the locals pay through the nose.

frydenberg is liar... a BIG liar...

A response from Frydenberg’s office to the Senate said “neither the minister nor the department has received correspondence or reports with evidence of compliance breaches with approval conditions since construction commenced”.

But on Wednesday night protesters and environmentalists forwarded to Guardian Australia dozens of emails that had been sent to Frydenberg and his office over the past few weeks highlighting alleged breaches of environmental conditions.

The alleged breaches included that traps to capture the endangered southern brown so the animals could be relocated were not being set according to requirements. It is required that the traps be set for between three and four days, and that trapping continue until there have been at least two consecutive nights of no bandicoots being caught.

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