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mad men...Mad men in power use mad men amongst the rank of decent folks to sow terror and fear. This is not new. Even the scale of the damage is not knew. What could be new is the size of disinformation needed to sustain the madness. Mad men is a series about advertising and misogyny. Advertising is about managing lies through entertainment and publication thereof through a willing media that does it for cash. Cash is the issue. Truth never is. Mad men always win. The "media" — the main conduit for advertising — is not about the "truth. The "media" is about supporting mad men for cash. Big headlines always lie. When the truth is unearthed by brave journalists, it and them get buried forthwith by opinionated garbage, like a gold bracelet gets lost under 500 tonnes of refuse at the tip. Not even a metal detector could ever find this jewel under the 20 metre deep rubbish. The process is easy as piss. The game can be devious or obvious — all one has to do is MAKE DECENT PEOPLE LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE. Entertain them with a monkey dangling from a rope. Complete blindness would be too obvious. The trick has gained value, very early in the history of humanity. Even the "bible" and the Q'ran have been designed to make us look in the wrong direction. As a crescendo of "terror" seems to come to our doorsteps, we have not got a long time left to ask: So where to next? What's coming? What do we have to do to stop this? WE HAVE TO STOP OUR MAD GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR CLIENTS FINANCING MAD MEN. This is our impossible task and the mad men know it is impossible because they already know the next move. And beware of the mad women as well. Gus Leonisky Old man fuzzy... Image at top by a Russian cartoonist?...
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fighting the mad men...
Our now broad-based idiocy is based on the fact that we are being fed a constant diet of lies, and stories, and toxic myths.
The fake Russian threat is consistent with the fake terrorist threat. It is very well documented, with sustainable, Western-based evidence, for example, that NATO and its allies support terrorism. The terrorists currently invading Syria are Western proxies/”strategic assets”, employed to effect illegal regime change.
It is also well documented that the illegal Western sanctions besieging Syria are impacting the legitimate, secular, pluralist, democratic government of Syria, and liberated areas, not the foreign terrorist- plagued areas that are replenished from surrounding NATO countries, especially Turkey.
So, the “Russian threat” is fake; there never was a “Syria threat” (except that Syria insists on its sovereignty and territorial integrity); and the “terrorist threat” is a hoax, because we support the terrorists.
The “humanitarian bombing” strategy is also a hoax, because ISIS territory expands when the U.S illegally bombs Syria.
Basically, everything we’re hearing is fake. The government, and Soros et al.--funded “non- government organizations” (NGOs) are fake, not only because they aren’t “non-governmental”, but also because they’re embedded with the terrorist invaders.
The fakery of the news stories is doubly protected by laws embedded in the National Defense Authorization Act which blur the lines between reality and spectacle. The author writes,
“According to an amendment to the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the House Bill H.R 5736 (now law), the federal government of the United States can now legally propagandize the domestic public.
Arguably, this makes staged theatrical presentations, featuring crisis-actors, and purporting to be ‘reality’, legal. “And, as if that isn’t enough, Don North writes in “US/NATO Embrace Psy-ops and Info-War” that,
“As reflected in a recent NATO conference in Latvia and in the Pentagon’s new ‘Law of War’ manual, the U.S. government has come to view the control and manipulation of information as a ‘soft power’ weapon, merging psychological operations, propaganda and public affairs under the catch phrase ‘strategic communications.’ “We can also reasonably assume that much of the terrorism afflicting the West is also fake, in the sense that it is synthetic/false flag terrorism. This doesn’t mean that innocent people aren’t being killed --- thousands were murdered during the 911 false flag --- but it does mean that deep state operatives are likely orchestrating much of the domestic terrorism with a view to blaming “ISIS”, advancing imperial war plans, and institutionalizing domestic police state legislation that protects the neo-con war criminals responsible for the mass-murdering barbarity.
Seemingly, all of these “Gladio-style” crimes demonstrate the dirty hand of intelligence operatives – who should be the first suspects --- but rarely are.
All of this fakery provides cover for imperial conquest and the advancement of a predatory economic model called “neoliberalism”. The name itself is fraudulent, because it isn’t new, and it isn’t “liberal”. It’s a predatory economic model of bailed-out, deregulated, parasitical privatization schemes that preys on the commons, the people, and protects the transnational oligarch criminals who capture legislative bodies, and advance transnational corporate empowerment faux “deals” (deceptively labeled “free trade”).
Spectacle and deceit are everything, since democracy, justice for all, and freedom, are incompatible with this predatory system.
We are being trained and brainwashed to willingly accept, even embrace, our enslavement.
Syrians are at the forefront of those who are effectively opposing this globalized, unipolar model of enslavement, poverty, and barbarity. Those who are currently being demonized – Syria, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and their allies – are paying with their blood, but they are fighting for all of us, and for our freedoms.
As Canadians, we should be opposing our country’s foreign policy idiocy, and we should be supporting the heroics of Syria and its allies. Warmongers have successfully managed our perceptions to view Syria, Russia, and Iran etc. as “threats” or “enemies”, but beneath the lies and deceptions, evidence demonstrates that they are neither.
nice... (read neece)...
Now, don't get me wrong. I am not an apologist of terror or a supporter of terrorists and I find the idea of committing a random act of mass murder ungodly, cowardly, despicable, unacceptable, revolting, unnecessary and worse than every other negative adjective in every language. How can a child, who has no notion of the issues involved and who has done nothing actively or passively against the murderer, deserve to be maimed, scarred or killed in the name of some cause?
Under Islam, those who commit suicide will go to Jahannam
France is paying a heavy human price, a very heavy human price, facing waves of terrorist attacks perpetrated by Islamist fanatics who have been brainwashed into believing that they will achieve martyrdom if they murder who they perceive as the enemy of Islam. There is nothing in the Qu'ran however which justifies an act of suicide in any way, shape or form. In fact, any act of individual or collective suicide is strictly condemned, meaning that these young men who sacrifice themselves will, under their own religion, suffer eternally in Jahannam, Hell.
But let us not forget what France did in Libya, alongside its FUKUS bedmasters, the UK and USA (France-UK-US). France perpetrated a massive act of state terrorism, strafing civilian structures with military equipment, strafing civilians with weaponry, destroying the electricity grid, destroying the water supply network, bombing the water pipe factory so that the pipeline could not be repaired, siding with marauding demonic hordes of terrorists who sliced the breasts off women in the streets, impaled boys on stakes, gang-raped little girls before and after beheading them and after forcing them to watch their parents being tortured to death.
The boomerang called karma
If that is not evil, it is difficult to imagine what is. And let nobody forget that France was there in the front line, interfering directly in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation outside any ruling from the United Nations Security Council and in breach of UNSC Resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011). And as I wrote at the time, "Let us hope France, the UK and USA do not start complaining when what they are doing in Libya happens on their doorstep".That said, it gives me no pleasure whatsoever to see karma turning full circle, to see the spiral of violence boomerang back in the face of the aggressor, because if Libyan civilians were innocent and did not deserve to be bombed by cowards in the sky or special forces sent illegally by Paris, then French civilians by the same measure do not deserve to be murdered by a demented demon who not only commits an outrage but also insults every fiber of Islam.
Fanning the flames of Islamism imposing democracy with bombs
The acts of the West have fanned the flames of Islamism and as I also said back in 2001 when this Crusade started, violence is only going to engender more violence, until we reach a time when the more rudimentary, unsophisticated and crude the terrorist attacks become, the more effective they will be. Today, all it takes is a truck and a set of keys. All it takes is a grenade lobbed into a shopping mall, or a few shots fired inside, and someone waiting with an automatic weapon at the exit. Ditto bus stations, train stations, Metro stations, airports, schools, Universities, hospitals. The security services cannot possibly man all these destinations and it is good that the public are aware of the dangers. Neither does it make any sense to blame the police, especially in this age of budget cuts.This is how serious the situation has become and despite repeated warnings as to how the game would play out, the FUKUS Axis pressed ahead in their sheer shitfaced arrogance, imposing their putrid form of democracy using cowards in the sky and boots on the ground, believing that invading other lands and killing people would do the job. It did.Through the manipulation of fear they created a paper monster which then developed into a real one, giving a carte blanche to the arms lobby, NATO, to spring into action and act as the cutting edge for the lobbies which dictate the policies of Washington and its poodles.
But to every action, there is a reaction and this short-sighted, sooooo European policy, the child of imperialism and the result of neo-colonialist practices endemic in the corridors of power in Washington, in Whitehall and in the Quai d'Orsay, created the phenomenon we now live with, called international Islamist terrorism. What did they expect when they precision-bombed wedding parties in Afghanistan? What did they expect when they invaded Iraq and murdered up to a million people, directly or indirectly? What did they expect when they attacked the country with the highest human development index in Africa - Libya - and sent it back to the Middle Ages? Did they expect that the deprived, jobless, marginalized in the Islamic world would put their hands on their hearts and sing God Bless America, or God Save the Queen or La Marseillaise?
Finding a way out and a way forward
But this is not a time to gloat, it is a time to understand the situation collectively and to try to find a solution. History has taught us, in Ireland, in Ruanda, in DR Congo and elsewhere that what fuels a terrorist organization is two things: a power group which may be a single person or a clique (which becomes a financial exercise through gun running, prostitution, protection rackets, drugs and so on) and outwardly, a cause to which the masses flock, a banner under which the masses gather.When you have such an organization, you have an interlocutor and you can achieve progress through negotiation, politicizing the process and bringing the players onboard as representatives, playing the game by the ground rules set out by the Establishment. With international Islamist terrorism, however, there is no interlocutor - only a very vague ideal, so there is no leadership to negotiate with, there is no local or regional or national cause. Appealing to common sense (if you blow yourself up, you die) is nonsense for those who not only disrespect the lives of others, but also disrespect their own lives.
The immediate answer is to stop interfering in and invading and bombing Islamic countries. The less interference, the better. Fooling around using western values as a handbook, in alien cultures in tribal societies which are thousands of years old and which reach equilibrium through a very delicate balance of vectors holding together peoples, religions and cultures, would never work, now, would it?
The next stage is perfectly simple. Islam is a noble religion, a peaceful one, and well over 99 per cent of Moslems are decent, honorable people whose lives revolve around kindness and charity. Islam also forbids any kind of suicide, whether collective or individual. So why don't the Madrassahs and Mosques do more in terms of indoctrination, stressing these points and educating their younger members, guiding their behavior and not fanning the flames of hatred?
Thirdly, to deal with problems in marginalized areas of inner cities, or banlieues, one engages with the community leaders. Perhaps it is time to create national or regional consultative councils of Moslem elders, or representatives, to help the authorities deal with what has become a real and tangible social problem.
To conclude, let us in first place show solidarity with and respect for the fallen, their families and loved ones, this week in Nice, yesterday in Paris, Brussels and elsewhere. But let us face the facts and not continue to activate mechanisms which make the problem more deep-rooted, let us now act and together, stop this trend before it becomes the new age of global terror.
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
*Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey has worked as a correspondent, journalist, deputy editor, editor, chief editor, director, project manager, executive director, partner and owner of printed and online daily, weekly, monthly and yearly publications, TV stations and media groups printed, aired and distributed in Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Portugal, Mozambique and São Tomé and Principe Isles; the Russian Foreign Ministry publication Dialog and the Cuban Foreign Ministry Official Publications.
He has spent the last two decades in humanitarian projects, connecting communities, working to document and catalog disappearing languages, cultures, traditions, working to network with the LGBT communities helping to set up shelters for abused or frightened victims and as Media Partner with UN Women, working to foster the UN Women project to fight against gender violence and to strive for an end to sexism, racism and homophobia. A Vegan, he is also a Media Partner of Humane Society International, fighting for animal rights.
He is Director and Chief Editor of the Portuguese version of Pravda.Ru.
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Gus: What is most indecent is THAT NONE OF THE WESTERN MEDIA SEES OR EXPRESS VIEWS THAT ARE CONTRARY TO THE MAIN NARRATIVE OF THEIR GOVERNMENTS on these issues — especially that our governments and their capitalist masters PROFIT from such social disturbances.
Not a peep of discordance. Ugly.
No wonder we live in shit.
not in nice (neece)
Syria is demanding the UN take action after it says French war planes killed more than 120 civilians during airstrikes on Tuesday near the Turkish-Syrian border. The deaths came just a day after US air assaults killed a further 20 people in Manbij.
The Syrian Foreign Ministry sent letters to the UN secretary general and to the president of the UN Security Council, which at present is Japan.
Damascus wants the organization to look into atrocities committed by France, which is a member of the US-led international coalition, after it targeted the village of Toukhan Al-Kubra, located near the Turkish-Syrian border and the city of Manbij.
US-led Coalition warplanes have carried out an air-raid on Tokhar village north of #Manbij killing 10s of civilians
— Hassan Ridha (@sayed_ridha) July 19, 2016“The French unjust aggression claimed the lives of more than 120 civilians, most of them are children, women and elderly, in addition to tens of wounded citizens, the majority of them are also children and women as reports say that the fate of scores of other civilians who still under debris are unknown too,” the Syrian Foreign Ministry wrote, as cited by the Syrian Arab News Agency.
The mass death toll in Toukhan Al-Kubra came just a day after US war planes killed around 20 people, mainly women and children, while many more were injured in and around the city of Manbij, the Foreign Ministry states.
“The government of the Syrian Arab Republic condemns, with the strongest terms, the two bloody massacres perpetrated by the French and US warplanes and those affiliated to the so-called international coalition which send their missiles and bombs to the civilians instead of directing them to the terrorist gangs… Syria also affirms that those who want to combat terrorism seriously should coordinate with the Syrian government and army,” the ministry added.
In the letter, the Syrian Foreign Ministry added that it condemns the continued support by the US, France, Saudi Arabia, the UK and Qatar to terrorist organizations such as Al-Nusra Front and Jaish Al-Islam, despite these groups having clear links to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and Al-Qaeda.
noo zelund sounds noice...
Since Trump, since Brexit, since Orlando, Turkey, Dallas, Nice and Germany – New Zealand has become the northern hemisphere’s escape route. A Plan B for people reeling from a year that seems more chaotic and violent than any in living memory.
Billy Crystal has said he will move to Aotearoa if Trump is elected, and so too has associate justice of the US supreme court Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
In the three days after Brexit, Immigration New Zealand’s website had over 5,000 visits a day from the UK, and “move to New Zealand” became a top Google search term.
But this fetishisation of New Zealand makes me uneasy. I feel people have been duped by the superb marketing campaign that was “100% Pure New Zealand”, and the lush, intoxicating fantasy world of The Lord of the Rings.
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Beautiful... until you watch the comedy, Soul Mates, on ABC TV... The running gag for a while is about someone having invented Fizzy Milk and a small New Zealand conspiracy to steal the formula... Quite funny really.... (