Thursday 2nd of January 2025

the usual bushit propaganda .....

whilst “the great decider” & Amerika’s middle-east catspaw, Israel, continue to condemn Hizbullah as a “terrorist organisation”, demanding that they surrender their arms in return for Israel agreeing to a ceasefire, no-one has been able to point to a single terrorist incident for which Hizbollah has been responsible for more than a decade.

Of course, Rupert Murdoch’s SKY News is as determined as his Fox network to push the bushit lies & distortions, trying to create the impression that poor little Israel is only struggling to defend herself from the dreadful terrorists.

Unfortunately for bushit, “aussie tony” & their accomplices, there are still people like George Galloway who are able to expose the lies & propaganda ……

Sky News vs George Galloway

meanwhile …..

CNN does a similar job on another sickening, parroting “official” apologist for the Zionist government fascists, currently driving Israel to disaster …..

Great Rebuttal By CNN Anchor Against A Israel Spokeswomen

Seems truth ain’t quite dead ….. yet