Saturday 11th of January 2025




Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has conceded defeat a week after Australians went to the polls and says he accepts that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has a mandate to pursue the policies he took to the election.

Mr Shorten said he had spoken to Mr Turnbull on Sunday to congratulate him on his victory.

The Coalition is confident it will win the 76 seats required to form a majority government and could win 77 seats if the counting of postal and absentee votes continues to trend its way. 

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Hey, Billy Shorten... The idea of being in opposition is to represent the 49.8 per cent of people who supported you in various ways. Your purpose in opposition is not to acquiesce to 50.2 of those who did not support you because they want to rob the other 49.8 per cent.
There is not such thing as a mandate here. Bugger off.


oppose crap...


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has claimed victory in the federal election, as the Coalition edges towards a slim majority in federal parliament.

Key points:
  • Bill Shorten says Australians deserve "nothing less" than a functioning parliament
  • Mr Turnbull says "it is vital that we work together"
  • Both leaders endorse electronic voting

"This is a great day today," Mr Turnbull told a press conference in Sydney, after Labor leader Bill Shorten conceded defeat.

"We have resolved this election and have done so peacefully. It's something we should celebrate and not take for granted."

The Coalition is on track to win at least 74 seats, and is confident it can win two more, giving it enough seats to govern in its own right.

The Prime Minister welcomed Mr Shorten's offer to find "common ground", saying he hoped the two sides could work together.

"It's vital that this parliament works it is vital that we work together and as far as we can try to find ways upon which we can all agree."


Billy, your election contract is with the 49.8 per cent of those who voted for better policies than Turdball's. Don't be a whimp...


go away amanda...


By Amanda Vanstone...

The government is now entitled to say, "Fine, let us get on with governing". We, the voters are entitled to say, "Yes Bill, let them govern." Whether you voted for the government or not is immaterial, the result of our collective voting gives the job of governing to the Coalition.

If I put my proposition another way it is even clearer. We don't have an election every three years to elect people to make the country ungovernable. Stark but true.

Make no mistake, we always need, much to the annoyance of governments, a strong opposition. There's a big difference between that and pretending that you as opposition, are equally entitled to govern.

The closest of results seems to have blurred the line between government and opposition in Shorten's eyes. Just to clarify the reality, if you put $20 on a horse in the Melbourne Cup and it won by a nose, would you not collect your winnings? More to the point, if you backed the second place-getter you would not expect the same payout as if you'd backed the winner.

It's not hard to grasp. Second isn't first and opposition isn't government. So,  yes Bill, get out of the way and let the government govern.



Here Amanda Vanstone crows from the roof tops that the election was won by a horse's nose... The horse's nose was not the same horse that people had placed a bet on at the previous election. Or was it a different Jockey? All in all, Turdball deceived the betting public. If this election was rerun today as the correct weight was shown to be wrong, the winner would be disqualified. This is a "Fine Cotton" situation.

So Bill Shorten is entitled to defend the views of the people he represents. Hey, the government has a majority so it should be a breeze. Except the Senate is where the correct weight is measured and the Stewards don't like to be fooled. Sure, they can be bought with some smooching and cash, but there again that is not what is expected of them. 

The policies of Turdball via his ScotMo budget are wrong. They won't save the budget except make rich people richer and poor people poorer. That is not the way to go. 

So go away Amanda.