Sunday 9th of March 2025

manufacturing malcolm's same turdy shit...


You had high hopes... Malcolm was different. Malcolm was progressive... You have been disappointed. You don't know why.

You should feel robbed. Malcolm is a smiling con man. And the cover of the Daily Telegraph is proud to announce such, this morning as if it was a valuable feat of brilliant deceit.

Yes the Daily Telegraph tells us that basically the only purpose of Malcolm knifing Abbott was to retain some seats (29!) for the Liberals.

Because let's face it, Abbott policies were crap and his style was crap. We were going to boot him out. Now Malcolm is Tony Mark II...


And we love Malcolm the debonair...


BUT we did not see that all Malcolm was doing is add a confident smile to the same turdy policies. Same shit:


  • More coal mining
  • Crappy global warming policy despite the hubris about funds to the GBR...
  • Crappy NBN (in regression despite what Ziggy tells us)
  • Dubious message on marriage equality through a useless unenforceable plebiscite
  • favouring the rich with more bags of gold
  • Destruction of medicare despite what the Daily Turdograph tells you about "medi-scare not working"
  • Reduction of real public education funding
  • Reduction of public health funding
  • reduction of welfare and social programmes (including NDIS)
  • destruction of the arts by fiddling with funding
  • PRIVATISATION of public assets
  • More war (in the background now — Malcolm is not one to trumpet what he does with the Yanks)
  • MORE cash spend on defence
  • More spying on your dick pics (euphemism for spying on you anywhere anytime)


But you will vote for Malcolm because today, all media guns are blazing in favour of Malcolm, while pushing Abbott in the background.

Abbott will surely come back within six month, supported by the ultra-right religious wing of the Liberal (Conservative) Party.


And you would have been conned. First class dorks, we all are. A vote for Malcolm is a vote confirming our general democratic idiocy.

Wonderful, we can go back to sleep.


Ah yes I will mention here again, election day is likely to be the coldest day of the year. Winter having been chosen to make YOU forget about global warming.


Time to show your WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT... Kick Turnbull out... OUT !.





the winter of our discontent...


The winter of our discontent

Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this son of York;
And all the clouds that low'r'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.

Richard, the future king, opens his play not by protesting his discontent, but by celebrating an upturn in his family's fortunes. His brother Edward IV—they're sons of the Duke of York—has wrested the English crown from Henry VI and the Lancastrian house. So those who simply quote "Now is the winter of our discontent" are doing these lines a disservice, since the "now" actually modifies "made glorious" (i.e. "The winter is now made glorious summer"). To translate more loosely: "The oppression of our family, which made life like a long winter, has been turned to a summery contentedness now that my brother is king." Edward's emblem is the sun, and the radiance of his glory has dispelled the clouds that "lowered" (frowned) on the House of York. Richard's string of metaphors runs adrift, though, when he begins talking about burying clouds in the ocean.

But lest we get the idea that Richard couldn't be happier with the current state of affairs, he quickly begins grousing about Edward's decadent ways now that he's king. And from there he moves on to brooding over his own deformity—Richard was born hunchbacked and disfigured. In many respects, it's still winter for the restless Richard, who himself has ambitions for the throne. He attempts to bring on his own summer through manipulation, treachery, and murder, and, for a short time, he succeeds.


Now you may think that old Gus has blown a gasket for suggesting that Abbott will be back within six months... And you would be right. But the signs are there.


The rabid right-wingers of the Liberal (CONservative) Party have been very quiet during this election campaign. They would have been told to shut up or the libs would loose the goose. They will push for a return to the Abbott regime once returned to government. It will be put to a challenge within six months and little Malco will loose 45 to 49.


From time to time you get a quote from Turdy, stirring the White Only Policy of the past, like refuting the word "Invasion" and replacing it (Turdy "prefers") with "Settlement". This is designed to feed the red-necks with meat. Terra Nullius is still the core policy of the rabid right.


Meanwhile the MMMM (especially the Turdograph) is promoting or maintains a few Abbott suggestive thoughts in your cabooche. For example, the Turdograph is pushing Peta Credlin to the fore as its political expert — even interviewing her as if she was a star. 

Reading between the lines, you can smell the return of Abbott, once Turnbull won the election for him... The "murder" of Abbott was a fake by a desperate party that knew it would loose the election. Staged to the hilt. And they don't care about you. Nor care about the future. They only care about their mates, the rich, from which the trickle down will be like a golden shower.


Kick Turnbull out. OUT! OUT!

his speech was not his best moment...


Maybe, just maybe, Malcolm Turnbull really isn't cut out for this politics business. 

How else to explain a display of late-night ineptitude that resulted in Alan Jones addressing the invisible PM via television as if it were a siege situation, telling him to come out of hiding and do his job? And how to explain the early-morning catastrophe that followed, a Turnbull speech so discordant after the night that had just passed that even blowhards like Jones and Jeff Kennett seemed lost for words? "That wasn't a speech, it was a harangue," said Jones, though without venom - he and everyone else seemed too stunned that the PM could have misread the moment so badly. On Nine, Laurie Oakes called it "pathetic".



read more:


The head Turd-bully was addressing the school yard and there was going to be hell to pay for having voted against him.

When Turd-bull wants to privatise the collection of cash for Medicare for his rich mates to make some dosh, the thin end of the wedge, he has the gall to say he is not "privatising" Medicare. And while Shorten thanked the importance of the union movement and was gallant in oncoming defeat, speaking for all Australians, Turd-bull, spoke only to his "friends" of the Liberal (CONservative) Party in a room where some of the guest seemed to have departed because it was long pass their bedtime, reminding them that there was no other option than to... well possible three options, but he decided to go for an (unreasonable) double dissolution because of the unions stuffing up the building industry.

As if.

The amount of building going on in Sydney is disgraceful. Any parcel of public lands is flogged off by Turd-bull's friends, for peppercorns to private developers and we squeeze in another casino, plus another hotel. The banks meanwhile get away scot-free for robbing you with clever schemes that demand a Royal Commission.

Let's remind ourselves, that the Royal Commission in the union movement was led by a biased judge specifically chosen by the previous Turdy who was usurped by Turd-bull, who, after the semi-disastrous result for Turd-bull, might come back as chief-bull in the school-yard — unless replaced by ScotMo the bull-terrier who appeared as if he wanted to cock his back leg and mark the entire school yard as his territory.

On TV, ScotMo, the bully understudy and chief-collector of your precious bottle caps you saved for a rainy day, was foaming at the mouth, readying himself to steal your trouser buttons to give as a discount to the traders in chewing gum. He was arrogant like Turd-bull and like a budding Christian preacher with a flick-knife at your throat, screaming at you to fill the collection plate or you will go to hell. And he was demanding his "mandate"... You had to give him the mandate to give you a wedgie, otherwise he'll punch you on the honker. Some people might call this "passion", but it's rubbish excitement on par with fascism.

Go to hell, Turnbull and "friends"... Australia deserves better than this bull-crap...