Saturday 11th of January 2025

on the campaign trail... kissing babies, hugging demented old folks and wearing loud lollipop vests with reflective strips...

at the markets

the death of democracy...

council of one dictator.

When Richard Pearson, the newly appointed administrator of the new Inner West Council, says he is not a "dictator", please tell him to shove it up his arse. What is a council? A council is several people making decisions about their livelihood, their neighbourly relations and the maintenance of democratic rights for as many people possible. 

A single person in charge of all these decision, no matter what "advice" he will steal from sacked councillors, is a DICTATOR. A potato dictator possibly, but a dictator nonetheless. Bugger off, don't try to smooch. Baird's amalgation of councils is undemocratic and any representative of the Baird government is undemocratic. Pearson is exactly what he says he's not: A DICTATOR. 


Get rid of all the Liberal mongrels — especially idiotic Turnbull who tries to get into your pants with charm, while his mate Abbott used to do it with fear.