Monday 10th of March 2025




This March was the hottest on record for Australia, according to new data released by the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM).

The national mean temperature was 1.7°C above the historical March average, exceeding the previous record of 1.67°C set in 1986.


Australia also experienced its hottest March day on record on the 2nd, with the national mean temperature reaching a sweltering 38°C.

And it's not over yet – some parts of Australia are still experiencing record-breaking heat, even in April!

This week Sydney experienced its hottest April day on record, reaching an average of 34.2°C – beating the 1986 record of 33.9°C.


meanwhile maurice thinks we're going towards an ice age...

Mr Newman says those in the business world have a "mixed view" of Mr Turnbull.

"There's a view that he will lead them along and then suddenly let them go and that their expectations are not fulfilled," he said.

"There've been a number of examples of that... I think there are people who would point to the fact that their expectations based on what he has said haven't actually come to fruition."

Mr Newman was appointed chair of the Business Advisory Council under Tony Abbott's leadership and he told Lateline he still holds that role.

"The Prime Minister, Mr Turnbull, has given me the assurance that I'm still the chairman of the Business Advisory Council. He said that it would meet early in this new year, which it hasn't yet done. He would then decide as to whether he would continue with it," he said.

A spokesman for Mr Turnbull told Lateline: "In November 2015, Prime Minister Turnbull wrote to all BAC members thanking them for their service and informing them a formal advisory group will no longer meet."

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Though the advisory group has been disbanded, Maurice thinks he still is the chairman of it. Com'on Maurice, your little group of fanatic denialists has gone, is kaput finished, been vamoosed, swallowed down the plug hole... And no, Maurice, we're not going towards an ice age... We're sending the planet towards a MASSIVE global warming episode by burning fossil fuels...