Catholics are in power this Easter, with the highest proportion of ministers of that faith occupying senior positions in a Coalition government.Of the 19 cabinet ministers, at least eight are Catholics, nearly double the proportion of Catholics in the general population. The Prime Minister Tony Abbott as well as his Treasurer, finance, trade, communications, education, agriculture and social services ministers are Catholics and at least four others belong to other Christian denominations. Asked about their Easter plans, half the Abbott cabinet confirmed they would be attending church. And while almost a quarter of the country's population ticked ''no religion'' in the 2011 census, nobody in the Coalition cabinet would admit to being an atheist. Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce, a Catholic who plans to attend four church services over the weekend, said: ''I'm no saint but I try to go to all the services that are part of the Easter ritual.'' The Catholicisation of the Coalition has been a trend in Australia over the past several decades, said John Warhurst, an expert in religion and politics at the Australian National University.
Alan Austin analyses the Turnbull Government's economic performance since Scott Morrison took over the reins as Treasurer and concludes that rather than improving, things really are "spiralling out of control".
HOPES BY BUSINESS, workers, the welfare sector and others that Scott Morrison might rescue Australia’s tanking economy appear to have been dashed.
It is now more than four months sinceMorrison replaced the hapless JoeHockey as Treasurer. Things are now worse than ever.
As reported here and elsewhere in the alternative media – but not by the mainstream press – Hockey and former PM Tony Abbott in Opposition, identified 23 areas of the economy which needed repair. They promised to strengthen all of them. With the global economy steadily advancing, this was a credible ambition.
Instead, all 23 indicators have deteriorated, many of them disastrously. There has been not one single success under PM Tony Abbott and Treasurer Hockey. That is despite overall progress in external circumstances — China’s gradual slow-down notwithstanding.
So it was with keen anticipation last September that the abacus passed from Hockey to Morrison, who had been portrayed by the mainstream media as having performed well in the first Abbott ministry as minister for border protection. That portrayal is now looking tattier by the day.
The Federal Government has indicated it is rethinking its tax reform process, less than two months before its proposed deadline.
The Coalition had intended to release a Green Paper, which would outline a range of possible options, followed by a White Paper detailing the Government's position.
But Finance Minister Mathias Cormann backed away from confirming the plan, which was committed to by the former Abbott government.
Senator Cormann was asked repeatedly whether the Government was still following that process during an interview with the ABC.
"What is important is that the people across Australia have a very clear indication from the Government before the next election what our proposed tax reform policy will be for implementation in a second term," he said.
The Liberal (CONservative) government under Abbott and now Turnbull HAS MISMANAGED THE ECONOMY like fools, neutered the scientific goodwill/expertise of this country, and stuffed-up the arts. And these barrel-chested red-necks blame others for their own incompetence, ineptitude, idiocy, lunacy, folly, ineptitude, stupidity, etc... And now Malcolm Turnbullshit talks of "double dissolution" to get what he wants: more pain for you and less pain for the rich... Tell him to bugger orf.
the christlich soziale partei...
Catholics are in power this Easter, with the highest proportion of ministers of that faith occupying senior positions in a Coalition government.Of the 19 cabinet ministers, at least eight are Catholics, nearly double the proportion of Catholics in the general population.
The Prime Minister Tony Abbott as well as his Treasurer, finance, trade, communications, education, agriculture and social services ministers are Catholics and at least four others belong to other Christian denominations.
Asked about their Easter plans, half the Abbott cabinet confirmed they would be attending church. And while almost a quarter of the country's population ticked ''no religion'' in the 2011 census, nobody in the Coalition cabinet would admit to being an atheist.
Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce, a Catholic who plans to attend four church services over the weekend, said: ''I'm no saint but I try to go to all the services that are part of the Easter ritual.''
The Catholicisation of the Coalition has been a trend in Australia over the past several decades, said John Warhurst, an expert in religion and politics at the Australian National University.
Read more:
Aged 21, Cormann joined the Christlich Soziale Partei (CSP) in Raeren, where he served as a municipal council member
not a clue...
Alan Austin analyses the Turnbull Government's economic performance since Scott Morrison took over the reins as Treasurer and concludes that rather than improving, things really are "spiralling out of control".
HOPES BY BUSINESS, workers, the welfare sector and others that Scott Morrison might rescue Australia’s tanking economy appear to have been dashed.
It is now more than four months sinceMorrison replaced the hapless JoeHockey as Treasurer. Things are now worse than ever.
As reported here and elsewhere in the alternative media – but not by the mainstream press – Hockey and former PM Tony Abbott in Opposition, identified 23 areas of the economy which needed repair. They promised to strengthen all of them. With the global economy steadily advancing, this was a credible ambition.
Instead, all 23 indicators have deteriorated, many of them disastrously. There has been not one single success under PM Tony Abbott and Treasurer Hockey. That is despite overall progress in external circumstances — China’s gradual slow-down notwithstanding.
So it was with keen anticipation last September that the abacus passed from Hockey to Morrison, who had been portrayed by the mainstream media as having performed well in the first Abbott ministry as minister for border protection. That portrayal is now looking tattier by the day.,8607
a very clear indication like a a sewer lit by rat-tails on fire.
The Federal Government has indicated it is rethinking its tax reform process, less than two months before its proposed deadline.
The Coalition had intended to release a Green Paper, which would outline a range of possible options, followed by a White Paper detailing the Government's position.
But Finance Minister Mathias Cormann backed away from confirming the plan, which was committed to by the former Abbott government.
Senator Cormann was asked repeatedly whether the Government was still following that process during an interview with the ABC.
"What is important is that the people across Australia have a very clear indication from the Government before the next election what our proposed tax reform policy will be for implementation in a second term," he said.
read more:
Apart from this smooth talking bullshit, Cormann might well have said: GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST GST blah blah blah...
The Liberal (CONservative) government under Abbott and now Turnbull HAS MISMANAGED THE ECONOMY like fools, neutered the scientific goodwill/expertise of this country, and stuffed-up the arts. And these barrel-chested red-necks blame others for their own incompetence, ineptitude, idiocy, lunacy, folly, ineptitude, stupidity, etc... And now Malcolm Turnbullshit talks of "double dissolution" to get what he wants: more pain for you and less pain for the rich... Tell him to bugger orf.