Thursday 9th of January 2025

sour taste in the cabinet

sour taste...

Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has crossed the floor for a second time in a fortnight and fired a warning shot to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to better consult the party room, after a midnight deal was struck with the Greens to overturn Liberal policy on private companies disclosing their tax affairs.
The Liberals opposed the former Gillard government's policy of forcing private companies and entities that turn over $100 million or more a year to disclose their tax affairs, saying it would lead to simplistic naming and shaming of companies and individuals over the value of their tax bills.
The Coalition repealed the measure when it won office in 2013.
But on Wednesday night, Treasurer Scott Morrison agreed with the Greens to reintroduce the policy with a higher threshold of $200 million in exchange for their support of the broader multinational tax avoidance bill.
The legislation was passed on Thursday after Senator Bernardi crossed the floor, complaining that the major U-turn in government policy had not been put to cabinet or the party room.

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the green sell out...

Up to 300 of Australia's wealthiest private companies will be forced to disclose their annual tax bill for the first time after the Greens cut a compromise deal with Treasurer Scott Morrison on contested tax transparency legislation.

But the deal, which has been branded a "sell out" by the Labor Party, will shield up to 600 more companies that would have been brought under new transparency requirements.

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The Greens always sell out on stuff that is to do with cash from the libs... Remember the deal they made with Joe Hockey? When they should have done a deal with Labor's ETS, they held out on "principle", then ended up with crap-nothing now... Idiots.