Thursday 9th of January 2025

a fairer fairy tale...

mr 59 per cent

It comes as modelling by the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling found that increasing the GST to 15 per cent would hit poor households the hardest and leave wealthier households relatively unscathed.

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slumming away...

From Bob Ellis


It’s likely there’ll be a swing away from the Liberals of six or seven per cent in North Sydney, after similar swings in CanningSouth West Coast and Polwarth.

I could be wrong about this. But it’s likely that Turnbull’s record as a tax avoider who is calling, now, for "fairness" in tax collection, will stain his name irreparably and give his insouciant jocularity the air of a rich man slumming, who can always – like Tom and Daisy in Gatsby – retreat back into his money when his jovial, smirking decade in politics comes unstuck, with no great damage to his wallet, his mansions, his yacht or his family trusts.

And so ... it will go.

Or perhaps you disagree?

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polling away...

The Coalition has extended its lead over Labor and Malcolm Turnbull remains way ahead of Bill Shorten as preferred prime minister, the latest Newspoll shows.

The Coalition is ahead by six percentage points, 53% to Labor’s 47% in two-party preferred terms, the poll of 1,587 people taken for The Australian newspaper shows.

The government’s primary vote has climbed one point to 46% in the past fortnight, up seven points since Turnbull ousted Tony Abbott as prime minister.

Labor’s core support fell one point to 34%, a fall of five points since the leadership change.

The Greens also fell one point to 10% while support for other parties and independents rose one point to 10%.

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it's code for "the tax climate is not right to let you know"...

Fancy talking about the nation's tax system over Christmas lunch?

Well, you just might be, with the collaborative, open-minded conversation about tax — with everything on the table — set to continue for a little while yet.

The Federal Government has quietly pushed back the release of its next discussion paper on the issue until next year.

A tax green paper was due sometime after June this year.

Treasurer Scott Morrison did not issue a statement but mentioned the Government's new timeline in passing during a doorstop interview this morning.

"We'll be putting a green paper out on these and other related issues next year, because remembering this is a package about how you grow the economy — not just how you might seek to change the tax system," he said.

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At least the treasurer is calling it a "discussion" not a "conversation"...