Wednesday 22nd of January 2025

will no-one rid us of this radical priest ....

will no-one rid us of this radical priest ....

Some people have wondered why Europe did not close its borders before the recent incursion by known incendiarist Tony Abbott. A more pertinent question for us is why we would let him return to Australia.

Some have made a plausible case that Tony Abbott is a dual citizen of Britain and Australia. That, combined with his activities here and abroad, would seem eminently to qualify him for having his Australian citizenship revoked.

Over a recent two-year period, Abbott conducted an intensive campaign to radicalise Australians and to subvert our open democratic society. At every opportunity, he attempted to strike fear into the hearts of Australians and to recruit the impressionable into his extremist vision. He conducted campaigns of vilification against blameless citizens and would-be citizens. He advocated contempt for the law and those upholding it and the changing of any law that proved inconvenient to his malevolent designs. He persistently obfuscated and concealed the true nature of his activities. He and his acolytes vilified anyone expressing views they considered to be politically incorrect. He openly advocated the use of violence against those he perceived to be interfering with his program.

Recently, he slipped through border security and popped up in England. While there, he openly espoused bizarre and vile doctrines while preaching to the impressionable minds of Tory politicians. He urged them to spurn the teachings of the Bible, to harden their hearts to strangers, to turn away supplicants and to be bad Samaritans.

Tony Abbott was born overseas, in England. He openly expresses his admiration of and fealty to the English monarch. Although he holds Australian citizenship, he has never clarified whether he revoked his British citizenship, despite pointed enquiries on the subject, thus leaving the strong suspicion that he is still a dual citizen. This, incidentally, would make him ineligible to sit in Federal parliament. However our concern now must be with the right of such a reprobate to remain an Australian citizen.

Recently, it was proposed to revoke the Australian citizenship of anyone attempting to radicalise or terrorise other Australian citizens and anyone who joined overseas with those fighting Australia's interests. As it is illegal to render anyone stateless, the revocation can only be applied to those with dual citizenship. Clearly, Tony Abbott's probable status and his views and actions over an extended period qualify him for this treatment.

Revoke Abbott's Australian Citizenship


hell on earth...


Here comes some more religious bullshit from Michael Brown. Michael supports Ted Cruz...

Michael Brown proselytise with a smile on his face. He is the author of 25 religious-ish books and hosts a nationally syndicated, daily talk religious-ish radio show, the Line of Fire, in the USA. 
He writes:

But there is no question that an ungodly leader can bring destruction to a nation and a godly leader can bring blessing. As Proverbs 29:2 states, "When the righteous become great the people rejoice, but when the wicked dominate the people groan," (Prov. 29:2, New Jewish Version).

Already In his first sentence, Michael doubts his own premise that there is "no question", by adding the possibility of "can". 

Thus is it possible that an ungodly leader CAN bring peace and a godly one CAN bring chaos? Gus comments in mad diabolical roman that it's possible a Christian can muck up big time, while Michael Brown's simplistic religious political views are in Evangelical italics.

So from the beginning of your article, we note uncertain crap, Mr Michael Brown...  There is a big question. The righteous one does not have to be religious and the wicked one can be religious. The bible is full of this... Nothing is assured... 

Here in Australia we've just been through hell — a major destruction of a reasonably secular working system by one of the most devoted Christian mad Prime Minister who appeared more or less wicked and possibly demented — despite playing like a nice guy "in the pub" or on his bicycle — and possibly holding two nationalities contrary to the law of the parliament. 

Tony Abbott had to go

He was thus kicked out by a beau debonair, who is possibly agnostic. As a Christian, Tony Abbott was the biggest hypocrite and liar of them all. Sure, this righteous man could have been mad before he got the job, that's why he used to be called the "mad monk". True... Mad monk !... Really ! Nobody rejoiced a few months after he got elected, except the wicked fundamentalist Christians, the coal miners, the denialists, the army, the bankers, Mr Murdoch and the grossly greedy profiteers in general. Basically, the only people who still believed in him were the permanent red-necks and the entrenched fundamentalists of the greedy ultra-right wing loonies. Being exposed to this charade, the less fundamentalists of these greedy ultra-right wing loonies decided to turf him in order to salvage the electoral furniture. 


And so, when Sen. Cruz's team invited me to stand with him in the battle for religious liberties in America, also giving counsel to his Evangelical coalition of his leaders, I felt this was an open door from the Lord. And since he has been in my top three list from the start, after prayerful consideration, I have given him my strong endorsement.

I would say here that religious liberties, Christian or otherwise denominated, are often an infringement on sanity. "An open door from the Lord?" Are you drowning in a big stoup, Michael? Hell, Cruz, like Jesus Christ in Galilee, I guess, is pro-gun, pro-fight and pro-bombing everything that is alien and unAmerican... I'd say that Cruz is playing a deceitful tactical religious game (like Trump, Carson, Huckabee...) to get elected — because the higher one goes, the more one can turn into a deceitful psychopath — Christian or not. The problems of office cannot be sorted out by simplistic religious dictums and prayers, otherwise you become the Christian Ayatollah of the USA, with a crusade in one hand and an AK-47 in the other.

We are blessed to have a number of godly candidates running for president this cycle (all of them Republican; I could not possibly vote for any of the Democratic candidates, especially the front runners), and if our nominee ended up being someone like Dr. Ben Carson or former Gov. Mike Huckabee, that person would have my vote.

Hey, what did the democrats do to you? Not Christian enough? Michael, look closely and admit the truth: Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee are borderline insane or as we say here "short of a shingle". If one follows their pronouncements from previous years and those more recent, we get confirmation of idiotic judgements and a completely suspect knowledge at large. Carson is a fundamentalist creationist for chrissake! Ooops. I mean, THIS IS NOT A SERIOUS position in this scientific age. Carson has also got some idiotic views about the Egyptian pyramids, while Huckabee believes the Ark of the Covenant will be found because God told him so... Hello?

But in looking for the leader who most strongly fits my criteria — being unshakably pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-Israel; having a good handle on economic issues, immigration, and national security; and not being part of the political establishment — Sen. Cruz comes out on top, and I genuinely believe he has a real possibility of making it all the way.

Er... What we would like to see is more pro-democratic rights for all, more financial equality with a place in the sun for those who do not subscribe to religiousness without being proselytised into submission. Cruz? Someone who is not part of the "political establishment"? What does this mean? Is he a republican or not? Is he running as an independent? Or is he seeking to deceive the "political establishment"? 

And so, while I am praying for God's best choice for the White House, I'm glad to stand with Sen. Cruz, encouraging Americans to strongly consider him for president.

Yes, not too sure about Cruz chances, are we, Mr Brown? Keeping your options opened?... Keep praying... God will give you nothing good, I hope. Humans are the one making this choice of the least offending person to become President of the USA. Looking at the republican kebab, the choice is pretty thin. I know, you did not mention Trump... Not palatabe to you, yet.  Trump is too clever a man who went bankrupt a couple of times and I believe he let other investors wear the can while pocketing the cash.

As for a middle of the road candidate from the Republican establishment — someone like former Gov. Jeb Bush — that candidate would not get my vote, even if that meant sitting out that part of the election.

Yes. Sit it out. NOW... You have to be kidding to support anyone in this bunch of losers from the Republican Party self-nominees. They have no idea about society building and of cohesion in difference. Be anti-abortion and pro-life in your own mind, fair enough, but don't impose this restriction of women's rights on the entire country! Open your eyes on the incongruities of the bible in which people are prepared to sacrifice their own sons for the glory of god. Believe what you will but be flexible about those who don't want to kill junior for god. Many people don't want your tight-arse Christian dogma, or any other dogma, to rule the world... 

On Jeb, I'm with you Michael: former Gov. Jeb Bush is too much a copycat of his brother. George W f$#%@ed up big time — either by being the dumbest President ever, or by being a most deceitful supporter of the big corporations, those which want more wars to rake in bigger profits, while appearing to be religious or defender of crusades. 

In Australia, we had a secular atheist red-haired unmarried woman as a PM (smallish equivalent to your president) and to say the least, she did a far better job than the mad monk. Of course she was living "in sin" in the PM lodge, with a hairdresser. Did not hurt. But soon, all the CONservative Catholics in her own "Labor" party and those on the other side, the loony right-wing religious CONservatives crucified her with the help of Mr Murdoch, to replace her with a Murdoch reheated souflé who was then Murdoch-dumped straight-after the red head had been demoted, both Murdoch-replaced by the lying duplcitous fucuping mad monk. Is Mr Murdoch a religious man? I doubt it: he owns Fox for profit not for its religion. And Mr Murdoch is not too happy his chosen mad monk having been dumped since...

The mad monk was thus thrown out by his own party, before we, the populace, had a chance in doing so ourselves, with a democratic kick up his arse. 

No Michael, a Christian devotee is not the political panacea you think. It CAN BE hell.


the mad monk on his rotten soap box again...


Former prime minister Tony Abbott has called for a "religious revolution" inside Islam, declaring "all cultures are not equal".

Key points:

  • Tony Abbott says Muslims must reform Islam
  • Abbott says a tolerant culture is preferable to one that kills in name of God
  • Former PM also defends 2014 budget policies
  • Abbott to further discuss Islam and extremism in speech in Singapore tonight

In a wide-ranging interview with Sky News, Mr Abbott also defended some of the most controversial measures from the 2014 federal budget, which put forward billions of dollars in cuts from health, education and foreign aid.

On Islam, he said: "We've got to work closely with live-and-let-live Muslims because there needs to be, as president [Abdel Fattah] Al-Sisi of Egypt has said, a religious revolution inside Islam."

"All of those things that Islam has never had — a Reformation, an Enlightenment, a well-developed concept of the separation of church and state — that needs to happen.

"But we can't do it; Muslims have got to do this for themselves. But we should work with those who are pushing in that direction.

"All cultures are not equal and, frankly, a culture that believes in decency and tolerance is much to be preferred to one which thinks that you can kill in the name of God, and we've got to be prepared to say that."


As John says if I may quote his correspondence to the SMH:

So, Tony Abbott advocates a more robust defence of "superior" Western values (“Tony Abbott: I would have won the next election”, SMH, December 9th)?

 Would they be the “values” of self-indulgence, greed, exploitation, selfishness, arrogance, hubris, bigotry, sloganism, fear, ignorance, militarism, hypocrisy, self-righteousness, xenophobia, shallowness & materialism; not to forget dishonesty & deceit? 
Even the dumbest of village idiots understands that the “First Law of Holes” is to stop digging when you’re in one.
Gus adds to this restrained flurry: TONY, SHUT THE FUCUP... As an embarrassment to this country, you should go and cultivate tulips in Western Queensland, wear a farmer's hat and pray god for rain...