Monday 24th of February 2025

aspiration of the dust to dust at the pearly gates...



There is a belief of superiority in religious mobs. 

They know everything. 

AND they appropriate everything... 

They invented everything including environmentalism, the wheel, the shoe-horn and of course, the vacuum cleaner. The SOUL VACUUM cleaner. It's designed to remove the original sin. 

The original sin, of course, is a malfunction of the human condition. 

You're faulty because... because humans were not faulty when they were created by the Head-cleaner, but the first two humans goofed 6,000 years ago, while they should have happily procreated generations of other eternal dudes living naked in a paradise of plenty, with no greed nor wants. 

Of course had the original dust and original rib creation not goofed so early, others would have down the line. So we would have had some descendants of sinners and some not. Some would die and some would not. What would happen to the half-mixed progeny is anyone guess. Demi-gods?...

So the original sin had to happen early otherwise we'd be in a bloody mess, worse than the one we're in now.


We are under the spell of the snake-oil merchants and for a small sum of cash, we can feel better, because the human condition is not all that nice, unless you believe. BELIEVE ! But when we believe we can still feel the deep shit. But the best is coming over the horizon: the promised heaven when we die though no-one has come back from there to tell us about it. Not even Dr Who.

But you need to do the hard yards... that is submit to the priests, the rabbis and the Imams. And pay cash. Tax deductible. And burn incense, candles and bushes — and make some sacrifice, preferably someone else, like a son or another creature, preferably a helpless one. Makes perfect sense of course. It will appease the sky.

In fact, I am convinced we should burn a few black ewes to a crisp on a bush fire and sacrifice a few fruit to the god of global warming. Sacrifices work. It's written in the bible. And we can charge an entry fee (donation) to the display. 

Unfortunately, as I have mentioned too many times on this site and in many a southerly wind, atheists like me don't have anything to sell. No vacuum cleaner. No sacrifices. We have to clean our minds "by hand". By understanding. That is to say we have to understand reality by doing some complex hard yards... Here comes many a philosophers telling us what is reality, blah blah blah... illusion... balh blah blah... and the priests/rabbis/imams tell us to BELIEVE and we don't need to understand anything. It's so simple: you pray, you behave — and you go and get your godly gift in whatever format advertised by whatever creed when you cark. 

Well I would strongly suggest that reality is not so much what we imagine, but the mechanisms that make this little planet tick relatively. We imagine god because we cannot accept the terms of a relative self-creation due to atomic bondage. 

The little birdies don't care. They just survive as they can, with less time on their wings to fart around than we do. 

We have too much time to spend on trying to go to heaven by whatever means, including being bad but making as if we were good.. We doom ourselves to complete misunderstanding, because IT'S EASIER TO DO.

Believing in god is like creating an easy matrix alien to this world. A matrix in which morality is black and white. It ain't so cobber. We eat we fart we sleep we F&%#... like other creatures on this planet — a planet which we are slowly destroying through modification that are quite ungodly if you ask me. We are doing the work of the devil while praying to god. Are we nuts?



Gus Leonisky

Your local nutcase


atheist knows more about the bible than christians...

Cassie Huye is a fifteen year old girl living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with her parents and two siblings. She attends a private Christian School in Baton Rouge as a sophomore. Cassie aspires to me a columnist when she graduates from college, and currently is attempting to find a publisher for her young adult book which is the first of a new genre she created herself. She loves her pets, and is grateful for her accepting friends in such a judgmental environment. Her hobbies include enjoying revolutionary art and reading new books. Currently she is trying to get through high school as fast as she can while learning as much as possible. She has been an Atheist since the sixth grade when she went online trying to learn about her school’s religion and realized it wasn’t something she wanted to be a part of.

katholik Kompassion Katastrophe...


London: Europe's compassion towards refugees is leading it into "catastrophic error", Tony Abbott is expected to warn a gathering of political leaders in London on Tuesday night. The recently ousted prime minister will reportedly also talk up Australia's policy of asylum seeker boat turnbacks, urging European countries to follow suit.

The professed Catholic, surprisingly, will speak against Jesus' 'greatest commandment', according to an excerpt of the speech given to News Corp media ahead of its delivery.

"The imperative to 'love your neighbour as yourself' is at the heart of every Western polity… but right now this wholesome instinct is leading much of Europe into catastrophic error," Mr Abbott is to say.

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Yes, the bible says bomb your enemies with love, TNT and C4... And for those who survive use razor wire. Hitler would be proud. And the "surprisingly" is surprising in this article. There is no surprise here, in Tony's position... 


the crazy battles of beliefs...


Israeli border police have issued a shocking threat to Palestinians in Aida refugee camp, saying, "We will gas you until you die," in an apparent response to stone-throwing.

In a one-minute video of the incident recorded on Thursday by a resident of the West Bank camp, an Israeli border officer speaking in Arabic reads the chilling message over a loudspeaker as an Israeli jeep rolls slowly down the street.

"People of Aida refugee camp, we are the occupation forces. You throw stones, and we will hit you with gas until you all die. The children, the youth, the old people - you will all die. We won't leave any of you alive," the unidentified officer says.

"We have arrested one of you. He is with us now. We took him from his home, and we will slaughter and kill him while you watch if you keep throwing stones," the officer continues, referring to a 25-year-old Palestinian who was arrested on Thursday and subsequently released.

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Meanwhile, back in February:


Attackers in the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka have hacked to death a US-Bangladeshi blogger whose writings on religion angered Islamist hardliners.

Avijit Roy, an atheist who advocated secularism, was attacked as he walked back from a book fair with his wife, who was also hurt in the attack.

No-one has been arrested but police say they are investigating a local Islamist group that praised the killing.

Hundreds of people gathered in Dhaka to mourn the blogger's death.

Mr Roy's family say he received threats after publishing articles promoting secular views, science and social issues on his Bengali-language blog, Mukto-mona (Free Mind).

He defended atheism in a recent Facebook post, calling it a "rational concept to oppose any unscientific and irrational belief".

His Mukto-mona website on Friday bore the message in Bengali "we are grieving but we shall overcome" against a black background.

and now:


A Bangladeshi publisher of secular books has been hacked to death in the capital Dhaka in the second attack of its kind on Saturday, police say.

Faisal Arefin Dipon, 43, was killed at his office in the city centre, hours after another publisher and two secular writers were injured in an attack.

They are the latest victims in a series of deadly attacks on secularists since blogger Avijit Roy was hacked to death by suspected Islamists in February.

Both publishers published Roy's work.

Mr Dipon was found dead at the Jagriti Prokashoni publishing house, in his third-floor office.

"I saw him lying upside down and in a massive pool of blood. They slaughtered his neck. He is dead," his father, the writer Abul Kashem Fazlul Haq, said, quoted by AFP.

Earlier on Saturday, armed men burst into the offices of publisher Ahmedur Rashid Tutul.

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Gus: Do I see an end to this religious craziness? No... Unfortunately... We're in deep shit... God was invented by some crazy humans to cultivate a few (or many) crazy idiots through the crazy devotion to religions in which to further cultivate the craziness in humans. And some people promote religion as if it was for peace and contemplation... CRAP. Religion has always been developed to provide crazy excuses for the craziness of humans — who, in the fear of death, do not — and will never  — understand life.





when jesus saved donald trump...

And suddenly it's all clear... You can work your arse off and be a good person all your life, you won't be cleansed by salvation unless you believe in whatisname to make your way to paradise. You have a black dot against your person for just having been born in a line of sinners, even if you are not one yourself. But should you have been a tight arse-hole all your life and, as you draw your last breath on your death bed, believe in god to forgive you, all is good honky-dory and you get your one-way ticket to heaven. 

That is not fair, really, but this is the glorious message of the pedlars who want you to give your tax deductible cash to some church and get to the next booth for soul-cleaning. But then religion is not fair, it's about covering bad smells with a fancy artificial aromatic benzene.


Religion is also designed to make people like Trumphth get ahead in life after they have made all the cash possible from bankers and from "unlucky" investors who lost their pants, that these people, who border on sociopathy and highway robbery, now plan to cream up from the naive religious souls, without scruples. Here comes the presidency on a church collection plate, because though the Trumphths sin by saying a great number of nasty and stupid things on race, on terror, on guns and on life in general, so they get elected to the US presendency he says in regard to going to heaven :" I hope so. That's what I strive for."


All is forgiven. All was forgiven even before Trumphpht was born, since now he "believes". 



It was at the cross where Donald Trump's sin and the sins of the world were paid for by the Redeemer. Christ didn't die so that you and I could in turn "strive to be saved." Man's sin was paid for "once and for all," so that "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Acts 2:21)

Think of it this way. Over the years, Trump's companies have filed for bankruptcy on four different occasions. Likewise, a sinner must in essence "declare bankruptcy" before God in order to have his sins washed away. You must admit to God that you have a debt you are incapable of paying back, and that you are in way over your head.

No one gets into God's family or into heaven by striving to work his way there. Such a feat is impossible because man is sinful. No amount of human effort can wash away man's sin. Only the blood of Jesus which was shed on the cross can wash away sin. And this much-needed cleansing only occurs through faith in Christ, rather than by striving to do good.

God's message to believers is clear: "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace." (Ephesians 1:7)

We "have" redemption; not, we are "striving to be redeemed." The "riches of God's grace" operate on a different level than the "riches of Donald Trump."

If money or hard work could earn a person's way into heaven, Jesus would never have come to earth to suffer and die for our sins. He came here because it was the only way our sins could be washed away. The miracle of "the new birth" takes place the moment a sinner turns to Christ in repentance and faith.

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Boy... Some clowns push the delusion beyond the line of the believable...