Wednesday 8th of January 2025

don't forgive them, they are deliberately crap and they know it...



The push for more competition was recommended by the Harper Review, which will be put before state and territory treasurers at their next meeting, scheduled for later this month.

The federal treasurer, Scott Morrison, told News Corp Australia on Saturday the review highlighted a number of areas overseen by the states “where they thought things could be done a lot better”.

The finance minister, Mathias Cormann, said the idea would include a diversity of providers competing with each other to deliver better services, both in terms of quality and cost.

“That is of course good for patients and it is good for our country as a whole,” he told Sky News, specifically on health care.

Senator Cormann cited a growing demand for services, particularly given the country’s ageing population.

Labor concedes it is true there should be competition to ensure more efficient spending.

But opposition MP Michael Danby criticised the federal government’s cuts in health and education funding to the states.

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Competition has never improved services that are already cut to the bone... We've see this way back with the "green slip third-party insurance''.... Competition is about PROFITS, NOT SERVICES. Government services are as efficient as they can be. Passing these onto the PRIVATE SECTOR,  will cream off essential cash that WILL NOT GO TO ESSENTIAL SERVICES.  

The Harper's Bizzaroid review is a recipe for grand disaster and a way for more cuts to services in order to profit the corporations. Idiots... IDIOTS IN BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES TO EVEN THINK THAT PRIVATISATION OF running PUBLIC services would improve the situation... IDIOTS.


meanwhile, on the public transport...

Remarkably positive words on federal-state relations were spoken this week as Gold Coast Federal MP Stuart Robert expressed confidence on federal funding for stage two of the city's light rail system.

At a joint media conference on the Gold Coast on Thursday, there was glad-handing and back-slapping between Mr Robert and Queensland Deputy Premier Jackie Trad.

Ms Trad said the State Government hoped to announce the winning tender early next year, with construction on light rail stage two from Griffith University to Helensvale expected to start in April.

Mr Robert was positive about recent negotiations.

"Can I say to the Deputy Premier it's been a delight negotiating and that's continuing, which is good," Mr Robert said.

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