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a prayer for the pope, some tears and a tweet from kim...US House Speaker John Boehner will resign from his leadership position and give up his seat at the end of October. Mr Boehner made the decision while praying on Friday morning - a day after hosting Pope Francis at Congress. Fighting back tears, the 65-year-old said at a news conference that "turmoil" over his leadership would do lasting damage to the House. Mr Boehner has been under pressure from the conservative wing of his party ever since he took the job in 2011. He suggested a private moment with the pontiff was partly behind the decision. "The Pope puts his arm around me and kinda pulls me to him, and says 'please pray for me'. Well, who am I to pray for the pope, but I did." Analysis - Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America reporterMr Boehner becomes the first casualty in this new anti-establishment wave in the Republican Party. The challenge of managing the day-to-day operations of the House of Representatives while satisfying an increasingly unruly - and growing - faction of hardcore conservative backbenchers has finally brought him down. There once was a time when a speaker could bend the House of Representatives to his will by offering rewards and meting out punishment for transgressions.
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kim is a commie...
Kim Kardashian is not the kind of public figure normally consulted for her opinions on current affairs or major world events – nor, to be frank, are her opinions generally taken seriously.
But a single comment by the reality TV star on the occasion of Pope Francis’s historic visit to the US was enough to reduce one Argentinian entertainment website to paroxysms of nationalist outrage and accusations of anti-papal hostility.
The episode began when Kardashian published a lapidary tweet concerning the pontiff.
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian)September 24, 2015The pope is dope
It is possible that Kardashian’s message was a riff on the #popeisdope hashtag that has trended on Twitter throughout his visit along with others like #catholicswag and #rockstarpope.
Or maybe she chose it because it just happened to rhyme.
Most would probably interpret the tweet – or tuit as it’s spelled in Spanish – as an endorsement, but it seems the reporter at Primicias Ya was only familiar with the other meaning of “dope”.
Under the incredulous headline “Did Kim Kardashian attack the pope?” the writer (mis)translates the tweet as “THE POPE IS DRUGS.”
Stung by nationalist pride, the writer – who is not bylined – springs to the defence of a fellow Argentinian – referring to him as “our pope”
I believe Karl Marx would have said something along those lines... He actually said it: "Religion is the opium of the people"... Ipso facto, hence Kim Kardashian is a commie...
pope in religious conservative cross-hair
The steady drumbeat of criticisms aimed at Pope Francis from the "conservative" American commentariat continue to accumulate.
Following George Will's scurrilous column of last week, Rich Lowry of America's main conservative journal, National Review, similarly weighs in to condemn the Pope's poor grasp of economics, echoing a set of now well-worn talking points that lead one to suspect that a memo has gone out to leading conservatives in order to launch a coordinated attack.
The Pope has not departed from longstanding Catholic teaching on the immorality of an economic system grounded in greed and self-interest - a position established with Pope Leo XIII's first social encyclical, Rerum Novarum, in 1891.
This teaching has been echoed and developed by subsequent Popes, including Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who also extended the analysis to include concern and care for the environment.
Without departing from this long tradition of Catholic social teaching, Pope Francis has made economic injustice and concerns with environmental degradation a point of signal emphasis, calling on faithful and non-Catholics alike to connect the tenets of their faith to the decisions they make about consumption, waste and, ultimately, how those decisions translate into political choices.
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