Tuesday 11th of February 2025

an eye for an eye .....

‘What is transpiring in the Holy Land is anathema to human civilization; it is an embarrassment to six billion people who are good, decent human beings. If our governments refuse to act, then so we must, for the sake of innocent and peaceful Palestinian and Israeli people, for the sake of human decency and for the sake of our future generations. Walls and fences that imprison and dehumanize cannot stand, for they help set mankind back in time to days dark and repressive, unenlightened and barbaric. Together, united as one we can become the massive tremor that helps bring walls and tyranny down.

"Never Again" should not just be a catchy slogan, an artifact at museums, a banner espoused but never practiced or a phrase attached to nostalgia. It should mean what it says, and, as the Other Superpower, we should interpret it literally, enforcing it upon those whose crimes against humanity make us all less human by the day.

In numbers we find strength; in conviction, reason to exist. Those seeking freedom can never be defeated; the triumph of the human spirit can never be erased. The seeds of justice have been planted, let us reap its bountiful reward. Let us once more make a beautiful oasis of a land both holy and promised, devoid of barren intentions and evil inclinations. Let olive trees grow anew, let children play and laugh, may the light of day return and once more bring forth skies of blue.’

The Untermensch Syndrome: Israel's Moral Decay

She nearly got me, then...

For a while this article from the New York Times, elevated "La Rice Condi" amongst the great doves of the world in my mind... I had the feeling that she was being groomed to become our next President... but then I hit a snag:

here is the article:
Rice Outlines Strategy for Middle East Trip

Published: July 21, 2006
WASHINGTON, July 21 — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, soon to leave for the turbulent Middle East, said today that the violence in Lebanon must end in a stable and lasting peace, not just a cease-fire.

A simple cease-fire “would be a false promise” and would “guarantee future violence,” Ms. Rice said as she gave an outline of her trip, which will begin on Sunday and take her to Israel and then to Rome to meet with diplomats of other nations anxious to see an end to the bloodshed.

In Israel, Ms. Rice will confer with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel and with Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leader.

In the weeks ahead, she said, the United States plans to contribute “direct humanitarian assistance” to Lebanon.

The goal of her trip, she said, is to work for a “lasting and sustainable end to the violence” that has lasted for some two weeks and has already killed hundreds in Israel and Lebanon, where Israeli forces are seeking to crush the militant Islamic group Hezbollah. There are no easy answer, she said, “nor are there any quick fixes.”

“We do seek an end to the current violence, and we seek it urgently,” the secretary said at a news briefing in which she offered more determination than specifics. “More than that, we also seek to address the root causes of that violence so that a real and endurable peace can be established.”

Ms. Rice said the United States was calling again for the “immediate release” of the two Israeli soldiers abducted in a raid into Israel by members of the radical Islamic group Hezbollah, the event that touched off the latest upheaval.


That last "immediate release" exposed the con... the big con that this lady is... First and foremost she should have asked the immediate cessation of the bombing of Lebanon by Israel — an ugly over the top "reaction" to a border skirmish for which Israel was warned for having imprisoned many Lebanese people without charge for years on end...

La Rice is still La Rice ... A spoke-spruiker for Das Fascist Kapital under the spell of the Fascist Jewry...


With what's happening to Australians in Lebanon, one hopes the Prime Brown-noser of this country starts to understand the word "re-fu-gee"... but then again... who knows.