Wednesday 8th of January 2025

blowing trumpets for a glorious abbott D-day landing on a bicycle but unfortunately the game was golf...

trumpets from miranda

Here the drivel by today's Miranda (20 September 2015) reaches the top of amazing graceful Abbottitude... We are told that Abbott was self-flagelling on his bicycle while playing a game of golf with Hockey as his old number 7 iron...

His infinite loyalty could only stretch so far and he was about to dice Joe with his dignity intact by making a dirty deal with his number 4 iron called Morrison...

Fortunately Abbott's legacy as a D-Day self-sacrificing soldier landing on barbed-wire, two grenades and a ton of TNT, saved the day for years to come as he took all the bullets as well. 

Lucky for Masie the dog, the pooch was not left forgotten behind, before the melee of the alumni from St Ignatius came to see their man naked. He was not an emperor any more but had been nonetheless with no clothes for a long time. And the tax payers footed the bill for a last extravagance planned a long time ago, but brought forward due to a sinister assassin who like a Caesar had killed Brutus with some polls...

And according to Miranda, Tony had done the "dirty work" (Gus: and very dirty his work had been)... Am I crying from laughter?

the self-flagellants of 1258...

In the 13th century, a group of Roman Catholics, known as the Flagellants, took this practice to its extreme ends. The Flagellants were later condemned by the Roman Catholic Church as a cult in the 14th century because the established church had no other control over the practice than excommunication.[citation needed] Self-flagellation remains common in the PhilippinesMexico, and one convent in Peru.


read also:

The Flagellants thought that the shocking climatic conditions of the year 1258 were a punishment from god...

a ridiculous disgusting support from the MMMMM...

Abbott was pilloried for defending Bishop for weeks during the scandal involving her taxpayer claims for a helicopter ride worth more than $5,000 from Melbourne to Geelong for a party fundraiser. She has since repaid the money.

Bishop’s office has been inundated with calls complaining of her “treachery”, to the point where her staffers turned off the phones.

In his email to Warringah members, Villatora advised he had been in touch with Abbott and his wife Margie and he praised Abbott’s achievements in bringing the party to office.

“In mid-2009 no one expected the Liberals to have any chance at the 2010 election … but it all changed when Tony became opposition leader before the end of that year,” Villatora wrote.

“The press gallery were adamant at that time that Tony would fail badly at the next election. This could not have been further from the mark. Very quickly Tony gained the ascendancy in parliament … so much so Labor had to replace Kevin Rudd.”

After the wreckage Abbott caused he still left feeling sore and under-appreciated
Villatora said “Tony pulled off a miracle” in the 2010 election, which resulted in a hung parliament. Villatora said Abbott had been “betrayed” by the regional independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor, who backed Julia Gillard’s minority government.

“There has not been a federal one-term government since 1931 … and in 2010 Tony pulled off a miracle only to be betrayed by two independents whose electorates thought they were voting for independents who would back the Liberals in a hung parliament.”

Preselections are due in both seats around March next year, after the New South Wales redistributions are announced. Both Abbott and Bishop would have to decide by April whether they will stand again.

Both have previously indicated they will stay on in parliament.

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if caesar had a prior warning...

Tony Abbott is spitting chips while crying foul in the Daily Telegraph... He complains that "he had no warning about the coup"... Tough titties Tonette. A coup like an assassination is most efficient when your eminence grise does not know about it... Had Caesar known about the plot to assassinate him, we would not remember "et tu, Brutus"... Caesar would have cooked this salad before the dressing down and Brutus would have been fed to the lions. 

But it would be confident to say, that Tony Abbott had outlived his welcome. Guests, like him and fish, smell after a few days. He should have known he was on thin ice. He was performing worse and worse in the polls and doing things reactively with no purpose in mind but his own survival. He should have known there was a limit to his slithering elasticity before the rubber band split. 

He already had his nine and three quarter lives after performing more stuff-ups in less than two year than all the stuff-ups from all the previous Prime Ministers of this fair country combined since 1901. He had to go... GO... Shoo...

shockjockery at war with murdockery ...

Malcolm Turnbull’s coup against Tony Abbott has “set off a civil war within News Corp”, the media company’s popular columnist Andrew Bolt says.

The rightwing Herald Sun columnist and prolific blogger made the extraordinary comment during a discussion with 2GB presenter Steve Price about how angry he was with The Australian’s editor-in-chief Chris Mitchell.

Bolt: “It’s funny isn’t it Steve? We worried that Malcolm Turnbull – by deposing Tony Abbott – would set off a civil war within the Liberal party. Well what he’s done is set off a civil war within News Corp. Oh what a joke.”

The two powerful News Corp figures, Bolt and Mitchell, disagree on how to react to Turnbull’s ascension. Rightwing commentators Ray Hadley, Alan Jones and Bolt have all been raging against Abbott’s removal. Bolt says the Australian has been too quick to embrace Turnbull.

Yes... Andrew Bold is a joke of course... but he is not joking... He believes in his own righteous ultra-right-wing fascist shit... Now has he apologised for his dreadfully wrong comments about the dead kid?

Francis annoys miranda who apologises to rattus...

Today's sermon (27 September 15) by Miranda, from the high pulpit of the Daily Telegraph church, is about the pope being too leftie. She is a Catholic. A CONservative Catholic. Catholicism is about capitalism used to bash lefties for their stance on the environment, especially global warming — while believing that god created Eve from an Adam's bone. Her god Tony said global warming is crap. It's good enough for her Catholicaness. So the pope is his Honkiness... for being too much like Christ chasing the merchants from the Temple. We need merchants, don't we? Otherwise we'd be running a ratshit socialism for all, would not we?

Meanwhile His Rattusness was not happy about Miranda's last week column about His Rattusness. So Miranda explains she loves John Howard and Tony Abbott, possibly more than this leftie pope...

Borrow the paper from next door...

tony is not an idiot... so why (was) he doing stupid things?

Malcolm Turnbull was nothing if not forthright in telling Tony Abbott his shortcomings. On one occasion, Turnbull found himself in an Adelaide pub drinking beer with a group of workers from the Australian Submarine Corporation.

Abbott, the workers told him, was an idiot.

Of course he isn't, Turnbull replied. The man is a Rhodes Scholar with a degree in economics from Oxford University. He's actually very bright.

The argument went back and forth for a bit till one of the ASC crew delivered the line that ended the argument: "If he's not stupid, why does he keep doing stupid things?"

Other ministers might have kept such an exchange discreetly to themselves. But Turnbull took it straight to the prime minister.

The communications minister related the anecdote. He told his leader that it was important to explain things to the people, not be limited to slogans.

Yeah, yeah mate, was Abbott's response. If he was annoyed, he didn't show it. He certainly didn't heed the advice. Turnbull was to return to his point when he stood before the TV cameras in a parliamentary courtyard a year later to declare his challenge: "We need advocacy, not slogans. We need to respect the intelligence of the Australian people."

In general, Abbott and his chief of staff, Peta Credlin, left Turnbull alone to conduct his portfolio. There were, however, some differences of opinion.

For instance, Abbott wanted to crack down on copyright piracy by individuals, so-called "bedroom downloaders".

At the moment if a movie studio wants to take action against someone downloading a pirated movie to watch at home, it can take her to a civil court and ask a judge to award damages.

But Abbott, at the urging of the movie industry, wanted to make it an offence punishable by a fine. He likened it to a parking ticket, with a fine of perhaps $20 or $30 for repeat offenders. It would make it faster and easier for the movie and music industries to act against ordinary people.

The proposal went to the communications minister. Turnbull thought it would be politically explosive. He resisted and the idea quietly died.


Tony Abbott's degree in economics is not worth the paper it's written on. Not a grasp of the reality of things. Nothing. He's so bright he has burned his brains out with brightness... Gone vacant between the ears. That's why he did stupid things. Stupid. Idiotic. NASTY. Loopy. And that's why he still does not understand squat.