Tuesday 7th of January 2025

busy like a fly on a turd...


we love turdy... alleluia...


Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has accused Fairfax and the ABC of trying to topple Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his Coalition Government.

Mr Dutton said there was a "huge move by Fairfax at the moment to try and bring the Government down".

"I think regardless of what Tony Abbott does, Fairfax will say it's bad," he told the ABC's AM program.

Mr Dutton accused some journalists of over-stepping their responsibilities, adding Fairfax was "being helped by the ABC".




Yes, we all should love bad smells, fascism and the sphinctered dark hole of the human anatomy...


Shame on the ABC and Fairfax and The Guardian and The Monthly and a few million social media loonies who use an investigative dentist light to shine some unnecessary brightness on this magical ultra-right wing government, led by an angel of god and with some cherubinis namely one attorney general with royal commission trumpets and of course the big man himself, uncle Rupert, whose troops are led by St Paul. Paradise has never been so right-wing, never been so boots and all... And god was never happier than being an adored giant pig rolling in shit...


We are nearing the 1000th cock-up, lies and deceit by this government. This deserves a cake to celebrate this tendency we have had to self-flagellate by voting Turdy as our Turd-in-Chief. But we need respite. Our dignity has been bleeding for too long... We need to get rid of Turdy. I can't cope... Even many of my friends who voted for him (because they are CONservative) have had enough. They have been appalled. Thank you.


The point here is that the Abbott government is self-destroying, has atrocious policies, is arrogant and ignorant — but as usual the boffins of this crappy government blame others for its own crap. Go away and play marbles with the other bullies in the street.

the turdy smell is foul...

The Liberals have liked to wreath their political enemies in the odour of criminality but now the same aroma is coming after them. Will the Canning by-election result show how foul that stench is, asks Bob Ellis.

FOR A LONG, long time the Liberals have wreathed their enemies in the odour of criminality. Boat people have been called “illegals”, ”union corruption” is almost a single word, and “the friends of Eddie Obeid” a definition of Labor in New South Wales. 

The initials “CFMEU” seem now, in themselves, defamatory. Shorten is routinely called a “two-time assassin” though he did no more than Abbott did, in 2008 and 2009, to Nelson and then Turnbull. Craig Thomson’s vote in the House was “tainted”, Abbott told us, and should not be accepted by the Government or the Speaker, and his constituents disfranchised. Because of one word in a private communication to a friend, Peter Slipper was said to be “unfit to be Speaker”, and was overthrown by Abbott on account of it.

So ... the odour of criminality served Abbott well in Opposition, and he prevailed in part, and achieved the highest office, because of it.

But lately the same aroma is coming after him and his government, and may well, in Canning, bring on a result, at last, that is catastrophic to him.

Let me count the ways.

In the week when we learned of sexual abuse in Geelong, alma mater of Prince Charles, Packer and Murdoch, we were told by Dutton there is no sexual abuse on Nauru, though a senate committee has reported there was, and given instances. It’s a “Labor-Green fabrication”, Dutton protests.

In a week when Dyson Heydon declared himself innocent of bias, and awarded himself eleven thousand eight hundred dollars a day for six more months of just and thoughtful deliberation, we hear of a Liberal official who took 1.3 million dollars from his party. We hear, too, of Abbott’s “union hero”, Kathy Jackson, embezzling 1.3 million dollars, somehow undetected by Heydon’s Royal Commission, and of some hitherto unindicted 7-Eleven bosses exploiting foreign students, paying them half of what they are owed and working them, illegally, round the clock, and getting away with this form of slavery for years.

We have learned as well in the past few months that Morrison paid people smugglers to return, illegally, refugees to Indonesia, which did not want them, and Dutton took back, illegally, refugees to persecution, and possibly imprisonment, in Vietnam. We have seen no-one arrested for the murder of Reza Barati, though it is known which twelve people did it, and we have heard a Wilson guard declaring that there was waterboarding, or something like it, on Nauru.

Nauru detention centre staff warned not to speak about 'anything that happens' http://t.co/5RfeTbk4lV The lies of Peter Dutton revealed

— Greg Barns (@BarnsGreg) July 6, 2015

The taint of Liberal criminality has grown too as we hear more and more of Man Monis and the Lindt Café siege. Why did Abbott not take the hostages’ call? Why did he say he was “too busy”? Why did Baird not accept Mamdouh Habib’s offer to go in and talk his old friend Monis “out of this nonsense”? Why were so many bullets fired after Monis was clearly dead? Why did twenty-three of them, if that is the figure, hit Katrina Dawson? Why was so little money offered in compensation to a siege survivor — fifteen hundred dollars, and not the seventy thousand dollars survivors get from sieges overseas? Why does Dyson Heydon earn almost that much every hour? How much will the other survivors get? How much will go to Katrina’s family, since it was the police, not Monis, that killed her?

Bronwyn Bishop’s expenses have deepened this taint also. So has the three hundred and twenty dollars a night Joe Hockey pays, as rent, to his wife when he is in Canberra, sleeping in a house co-owned by her and his father. So does the billion dollars Transfield was given on Tuesday for impounding and tormenting women and children, and covering up what is done to them on Nauru.

In Western Australia, it transpires that Andrew Hastie has been investigated for his complicity, if any, in two war crimes, the shooting of two shepherd boys (how much was their family paid?), and the bizarre posthumous mutilation of three Taliban. So questionable is his war record, it seems, that no campaign biography of him has yet appeared on the hustings, a world first, probably, in elective politics in the past thousand years.

Abbott, we learn, got a Rhodes Scholarship from a committee on which Dyson Heydon sat. And he may have got it before he was an Australian citizen, before he was eligible for it. We are told he may not be an Australian citizen even now, and be holding his office, Prime Minister, illegally.

@ChristineMilne @MikeCarlton01 Did Heydon know Abbott wasn't eligible for Rhodes? A long, tainted relationship. Questions must be put!

— willy bach (@willybach2011) August 19, 2015

It seems to me wrong that the Labor Party has not emphasised some of these things in its daily round of propaganda. How Man Monis asked Brandis’s office how he could contact DAESH, and no bells rang, and so Tori and Katrina died. How agents of Dutton spied on Hanson-Young in her motel room, in the shower perhaps. When one considers how much was made of nine hundred dollars misused by Slipper, and five thousand by Craig Thomson, one wishes Labor, frankly, tried harder.

#Nauru guards were briefed to spy on Sarah Hanson-Young at detention centre, WATCH: http://t.co/1VIInXfZBo #auspolpic.twitter.com/B8qhHD0gGr

— Sir U Bet I'm Gone (@johndory49) August 14, 2015

The Abbott aroma has been worsened, lately, by international events. The great migration of fugitive Syrians, of which Merkel will take eight hundred thousand in the next year, and Abbott none, and Julie Bishop’s bizarre view that “these people” can be made to go back to Syria if we bomb that country a bit more, show some of us how crazy and rattled and cruel this government is, and, in their defense of Bronwyn Bishop and Dyson Heydon, how unfair. The aroma of is deepening as we speak.

And the result in Canning will show, soon, how foul the stench of Liberal criminality has come to be.

Many IA readers will be aware that Bob is suffering from as serious illness. If you'd like to help, you might like to consider making a contribution by subscribing to his blog, Table Talk, here.


Wishing the best to Bob Ellis...

another turdy unfortunate mouth disease...

The president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Robert Goot, said the Prime Minister should reconsider the comparison.

He said Mr Abbott had suggested IS was "worse" than Nazi Germany.

"I think that there is no question that Islamic State is a profoundly evil organisation, but having said that the Prime Minister's comments suggesting that it is in some ways worse that the Nazis, those comments were injudicious and unfortunate," Mr Goot said.

"Whilst Islamic State perpetrate horrific deeds they cannot be compared to the systematic round up of millions of people and their dispatch to purpose-built death camps and their death by mass murder as an instrument of government policy. And that's what the Nazis did."

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry advertises itself as advocating for Australian Jews.

read more: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-09-03/abbott-criticised-for-linking-nazis-and-islamic-state/6747460

another cock-up afloat under turdy's watch...

Government officials have admitted they suggested an Australian cruise operator could replace local staff with foreigners to survive under proposed Federal Government laws.

The Coalition has a bill before Parliament to deregulate the industry, paving the way for foreign-flagged ships to spend more time in Australian waters.

Bill Milby from North Star Cruises, which runs a luxury passenger ship along the Kimberley Coast, has previously claimed Government officials told him to consider hiring foreign crew to survive under the new laws.

Read more: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-09-08/opposition-demands-apology-over-proposed-shipping-laws/6756760


See toon at top...

the turdy king of lies fudges...

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has called on the ABC to talk up the economy, and shirked questions on key economic indicators by citing the Government's record on stopping the boats.

In an interview with the ABC's 7.30 program, Mr Abbott was questioned on why the language key ministers use to describe the economy had shifted.

"When Labor left office, unemployment was at 5.8 per cent, it's now 6.3 per cent," presenter Leigh Sales said.

"Growth was 2.5 per cent, it's now 2 per cent, the Australian dollar was 92 cents, its now around 70 cents, the budget deficit was $30 billion when you took office, and now it's $48 billion.

"How do you explain to the Australian people that you were elected promising, in your words, to fix the budget emergency, yet in fact Australia's economic position has worsened under your leadership?"

Mr Abbott responded: "I don't accept that."...



Mr Turdy is a denialist: he does not believe in global warming nor does he believes in the shit he spruiks... But he will give as much lip service to the glory of his own crap and will appear as confident as a deluded idiot. But this is the work of a devious sociopath.

Australians !

Wake up from this nightmare... Turdy is spruiking this total garbage disguised as confidence to sure up the seat of Canning so he does not get a canning. A confidence trick? YES !

Yes Turdy is the master of pissing in your pocket while trying to make you think his appendage is a chocolate fountain. 

Wake up ! WAKE UP !

turdy and his turd ministers joke about another fucup...

Yesterday, Mr Dutton was making small talk with Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who had just returned from talks with Pacific Island leaders in Papua New Guinea.

Noting that a meeting was running late, Mr Dutton remarked it was running to "Cape York time", to which Mr Abbott replied: "We had a bit of that up in Port Moresby."

Mr Dutton then quipped: "Time doesn't mean anything when you're about to have water lapping at your door."

Both men laughed before Social Services Minister Scott Morrison pointed out there was a microphone above their heads recording the conversation.

"It shows a sense of moral irresponsibility quite unbecoming of leadership in any capacity," Mr Tong said when asked about the joke.

read more: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-09-11/kiribati-president-lashes-peter-dutton-for-sea-levels-joke/6770034


ALL OF THEM SHOULD RESIGN FOR TALKING SHIT !!!!! Or we should boot them out... OUT!!!

even demoted, abbott plans more fucups for the government...

Malcolm Turnbull has rebuffed a suggestion from his predecessor there should be consideration of special forces on the ground in Iraq and Syria, saying there are no "current" plans to change the nature of Australia's deployment.

Australia is part of the Coalition airstrike offensive over Iraq and Syria and has provided defence advisors and trainers for the Iraqi army, but has not committed to combat troops.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott raised the issue at the Margaret Thatcher Lecture in London, as part of his first major speech since losing the prime ministership.

Mr Abbott told the audience of Tory ministers and Conservative Party members that Coalition airstrikes in Iraq and Syria had helped contain the advance of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group, but it had not been defeated.

"Because it can't be defeated without more effective local forces on the ground," Mr Abbott said.

"Everyone should recoil from an escalating air campaign, perhaps with Western special forces on the ground as well as trainers, in a part of the world that's such a witches' brew of danger and complexity and where nothing ever has a happy ending.

"Yet as Margaret Thatcher so clearly understood over the Falklands: Those that won't use decisive force, where needed, end up being dictated to by those who will.

"Of course, no American or British or Australian parent should face bereavement in a fight far away — but what is the alternative?

"Leaving anywhere, even Syria, to the collective determination of Russia, Iran and Daesh [IS] should be too horrible to contemplate."

Mr Turnbull stepped away from Mr Abbott's remarks.

"We don't have any plans to change the nature of our deployment in that theatre; that is not to say they won't change in the future," he said.

"Just as we have to be agile, in terms of innovation policy, we have to be agile in terms of our approach to the security challenges we face.

read more: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-10-28/turnbull-pours-cold-water-on-abbot-call-for-syria-troops/6892060

another $billion abbott fucup...

Former prime minister Tony Abbott ignored advice not to hand Victoria $1.5 billion for the ill-fated East West Link project, an audit has found.

The Commonwealth gave the former Napthine government $1.5 billion for the toll road's eastern section in June 2014 and promised the same amount again for its second stage.

A scathing report by the federal auditor-general found the East West Link had not been assessed as "nationally significant infrastructure" before the money was committed.

"Neither stage of the East West Link project had proceeded fully through the processes that have been established to assess the merits of nationally significant infrastructure investments," the report said.

"This situation had been identified in departmental advice prior to the decisions being taken."

The report also found the Federal Government's decision contributed to the budget deficit for the final year of the former government.

"The decision to provide $1.5 billion in advance provided budget presentation benefits to the government by bringing forward the payments which resulted in a larger budget deficit for 2013-14," the report said.

The audit found the decision to hand the money to Victoria cost the Commonwealth $49 million in lost interest payments.
