Tuesday 7th of January 2025




Other independent media outlets have been very keen to take credit for the fall from grace of Kathy Jackson. Peter Wicks says, where have you been all this time?

IT DOESN'T TAKE an Einstein to figure out that the HSU Jacksonville saga has been a significant part of my life, impacting it in virtually every aspect.

Those of you who have been following my coverage would know I’m not particularly big in holding back on my opinions.

With that in mind, I have been biting my lip since the Kathy Jacksonsituation spontaneously combusted. This occurred after her Federal Court case, that she had succeeded in delaying for over 12 months, finally handed down its decision.

Now it’s time to vent a bit.

I have been writing on the allegations against Kathy Jackson and her faction of the HSU for years, many of the matters I raised were matters before the Federal Court and make up the approximately $1.4 million the Court ordered her to pay back to HSU members.

Clearly, there has been a gaping hole in the investigative directions of the mainstream media and, after the Federal Court case concluded, there has been an online backlash against them via social media, something that is completely justified.

However, whilst I’m not usually quick to jump to the defense of the mainstream media, it is wrong to tar the entire mainstream with the same brush.

There are many who have been aware of the evidence against Jackson and many I assume weren’t. Those that were aware, some of who had threatened IAand I with legal action, chose to be selectively blind, and it is entirely reasonable to question their motives given the money involved and the political nature of the case.

There have been some in the mainstream however that have gone the extra mile to ensure this story came to light, albeit some earlier than others.

Jacksons at centre of 'disturbing' HSU allegations http://t.co/7YoaRv6W@abcnews Independent Australia gets a mention - about time.

— The Masked Crusader (@themaskedcrus) June 26, 2012

Simon Cullen from the ABC fought incredibly hard with editors and legal departments to be the first in the mainstream to really put out an alternative point of view on Jackson’s involvement all the way back in June 2012, years ahead of the rest of the MSM. He also credited Independent Australia in his report, something that rarely happens in the mainstream — except, of course, when they are trying to diminish or discredit us.

Nick McKenzieBen SchneidersRichard Baker and Royce Millar blew the lid on the NHDA Peter Mac slush fund that had appeared in union bank statements published here the previous year. This would not have happened without the resources of Fairfax and perhaps should be seen as a sign of the calibre ofinvestigative journalist they should have had on the HSU matter from the start.

Over at News Ltd, Brad Norington at The Australian was also exposing many aspects of Jackson’s involvement and, in particular, the role that the Abbott appointed Michael Lawler was playing in the background. Since leaving The Australian, Brad’s fantastic work has been picked up and run with by Pamela Williams who is doing some excellent work.

The work done by myself and IA editor David Donovan has also been acknowledged on social media by MSM members such as Latika Bourke andJonathan Swan, amongst several others.

I also cannot go without mentioning the absolutely wonderful Wendy Harmer, who contacted me to write an alternative point of view on Craig Thomson’s parliamentary address for The Hoopla. Harmer had the courage and foresight to stick her neck well and truly out, while many others were branding us nutters and conspiracy theorists. To this day, Wendy has been an absolute rock and her support and friendship is something I treasure. I’m sure others who know her will agree.

How the mainstream finally discovered the truth about Kathy Jacksonhttps://t.co/RnjI4poA2p @IndependentAus

— Sandi Keane (@Jarrapin) July 10, 2015

Now that the Federal Court decision has been handed down, and the public is aware of the criminal investigation into the allegations of fraud and criminal conduct, it seems that everyone has now picked their side.

What I find hypocritical and disappointing in the extreme is the temptation for many in the “independent media” to leap on the bandwagon that has clearly proven too hard to resist.

I want to make it clear that whilst the MSM may have been slack in picking up the matter and following the evidence, there was also a gaping hole in the “independent media”.

Those who actually did the hard yards can be counted on one hand. They would be myself, Dave Donovan and Andrew Landeryou (former editor of Vex News).

I’m sorry, but that does not make up the “independent media” — it covers three just online publishers.

The “independent media” did not battle threats, lawyers, and have their lives twisted, contorted, and turned inside out. The “independent media” were not subject to smears and personal attacks, as we were for years. We have paid the price mentally, emotionally and financially.

This however has not stopped some within this “independent media” crowing about the success of the "Fifth Estate" and the failing of the MSM.

It is interesting to note that there have been more from the MSM that have reported on allegations against Jackson than members of the “independent media”. Many of those patting themselves on the back for watching from the sidelines actually show they were aware of what was going on and failed to report on it.

The rise and fall of the Insiders' hero "We were right and they were wrong."https://t.co/A1ZEanJYFY @IndependentAus #auspol #turc

— Julie HumanityPlease (@juliemela) August 27, 2015

There is an argument that the “independent media” does not have the resources, however neither do I or IA. There is also a defense that while we were writing about it that they didn’t think they needed to — yet that defence apparently doesn’t extend to the MSM.

The Jackson matter shows a failure of the “independent media” as much as it shows a failure of the MSM — perhaps even more so given the claimed awareness of so many members of it.

I also want to make it clear that this criticism is not directed at those who have shared and retweeted our articles or commented on our sites, I can assure you that the support of the public has been the lifeblood in our veins, and has been what kept us going all these years. And it is also not directed at everyone in the “independent media”, some of whom have been extremely supportive.

For those of you in the “independent media" who have risked nothing and yet claimed all, I hope you take a long hard look at yourselves.

To those who think I’m biting the hand that feeds me, I say this: I call it as I see it and have no hesitation in taking to task those who many would assume I am aligned with, as I have shown with my articles on Labor Party factionalism and corruption. The other thing I would point out is that I haven’t had anyone feed me since I was two years old — I can feed myself, thank you very much.

Don’t get me wrong, I think the so-called "Fifth Estate" plays a vital role in the make up of the Australian media and I also believe that they perform that role magnificently on a shoestring.

New from Peter Wicks: 'Kathy the crook: We hate to say we told you so, but...' #TURC #Jacksonville @madwixxy http://t.co/1sr3Utk0nV

— IndependentAustralia (@independentaus) August 20, 2015

However, it is important also that those in the Fifth Estate understand that you can’t serve two masters. Credibility and truth are not always on the same side at the start, and attempting to have a finger in both pies doesn’t always work. Sometimes you have to make a choice and stand by it.

That is what should set us apart.

Peter Wicks is an ALP member and former NSW State Labor candidate. You can follow Peter on Twitter @madwixxy.

Read more about the Jacksonville saga HERE.

read more: https://independentaustralia.net/business/business-display/kathy-jackson-and-the-failure-of-the-fifth-estate,8104


Gus: thank you Peter for all your efforts on JACKSONVILLE and your insight on the fifth estate here... But Ms Jackson tells us we all make mistakes and indulge in charity sex — although according to Gus, more often than not, that's because it's the only one we can get (charity starts at home thingy)...

Peter, you did not make any mistake and you thoroughly rightly screwed her for having screwed her union members. Congratulations. 

Now, to screw her very good friends, Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne... and the rest of them.


charity shag...

Union whistleblower Kathy Jackson admits "we all make mistakes" in life - including a "charity shag" she had with Health Services Union barrister Mark Irving, SC, more than 20 years ago.

Speaking outside the royal commission into trade union corruption on Friday, Ms Jackson said: "Forget the former lover stuff. Everybody makes mistakes and has a charity shag along the way.

"I just could not believe he had the audacity to sit there and want to cross-examine me."

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/union-whistleblower-kathy-jackson-calls-fling-with-royal-commission-barrister-a-charity-shag-20140829-109wnu.html#ixzz3k3SED3wr 
Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook

cleaning up the abbott mess...


When will the new Malcolm Turnbull Government axe Kathy Jackson's partner, the disgraced Tony Abbott appointed vice president of the Fair Work Commission, Michael Lawler. Peter Wicks comments.

I HAVE SPENT a lot of time looking at Kathy Jackson, her behavior and rapid accumulation of wealth, while the union she ran appeared to be bleeding funds at a rapid rate.

However, right from the very start of the Jacksonville series of articles, I have also emphasised the importance of one of the key players in this saga, who may not have received as much attention as Jackson, but who is, arguably, just as important.

That man is Michael Lawler.

While Michael Lawler is indeed Jackson’s partner — although whether he is her fiancé or a husband is presently unclear. However, it is what he has been a partner in that should be of greatest concern to the general public.

Jackson and Lawler have been rather bipolar when it comes to stating Lawler’s level of involvement in the Health Services Union affair. There have been times where they have claimed he has has had no involvement in the HSU, while at other times they have claimed that it was his efforts that initiated Operation Carnarvon to bring down Jackson’s former ally Michael Williamson. And, indeed, there have been other times where he has been right at the forefront of the battle, acting as Jackson’s legal representative in HSU matters.

His time acting as the legal representative of a union official, whilst at the same time being a member of the bench for the judicial arm of the Government's industrial relations watchdog, has raised many eyebrows within the legal fraternity and beyond. Also raising eyebrows is the fact that the person for whom he is acting is possibly the biggest union fraudster this country has ever seen. Making matters worse, he has been doing it whilst on months worth of fully paid “sick leave” from the extremely senior judicial role he occupies, for which he is paid approximately $435,000 per annum by the taxpayer.

Also scoffed at is the fact that Lawler used to sit on the bench and, apparently, made unbiased decisions on matters that came before him involving the union at which his partner was the national secretary. Indeed, many have alleged that the pair were in a sexual relationship during the time he oversaw health matters. Whether their alleged sexual liaison’s influenced judicial decisions handed down regarding HSU cases I subject to more speculation.

This kind of behavior by someone paid close to half a million dollars a year by the taxpayer to act in an unbiased arbiter and make independent decisions has seen many call for his dismissal. Lawler’s position as vice president of the Fair Work Commission is, as mentioned, a government appointed position, which means it is up to the government of the day to remove him. The fact that Lawler was appointed to his position by Tony Abbott when he was the workplace minister under John Howard has, no doubt, thrown a spanner in the works.

However, it is important to realise that Lawler is not just Abbott’s issue — he is the Coalition’s issue now. Whilst the cries for his removal have been increasing in volume and gracing the front pages of many issues of The Australian for a while now, it is not just Abbott deflecting and defending the indefensible, it is the entire Coalition, especially current Employment Minister Eric Abetz.

So what is it about Michael Lawler that makes him so important?

The HSU saga was kicked off in a large part by the infamous Fair Work Australia investigation. You may remember, this was the investigation that after dragging on for years made that claims that Craig Thomson had been spending union money on prostitutes. This eventually led to charges against Thomson regarding, amongst other things, alleged brothel visits. The resulting scandal almost toppled a government, however Thomson was later found not guilty on all charges relating to prostitutes.

Although it came close, the FWA investigation did not see the government fall. Had that actually happened however the man who appointed Michael Lawler would have become Prime Minister much sooner.

Michael Lawler of course was the Vice President of FWA during the investigation and working in the same office as the investigator and by coincidence the investigation scope somehow circumnavigated the branch where Lawler’s partner Jackson was Secretary, but only during the period when she was Secretary.

Some have referred to this as an attempted coup, some have called it corruption, and others brush it off as co-incidence. Whatever it was when an independent inquiry was made into the FWA investigation by KPMG, it was noted that Lawler was the only FWA staff member who refused to co-operate with the inquiry.

It is not just Michael Lawler who comes from a position of influence some of his family were impositions of influence also. His brother, John Lawler, was at the time of the FWA investigation CEO of the Australian Crime Commission. Before that his father, Sir Peter Lawler, had been Robert Menzies' advisor and was Australia’s first ambassador to the Vatican.

In relationship to the HSU, pay records show that two of Michael Lawler’s sons worked for Kathy’s Victorian branch of the union in their school holidays, despite being located in a different state.

Details of Michael Lawler’s involvement have emerged during my investigation into the HSU matter. There is evidence of documents being transferred between HSU and Fair Work Australia computers, something I find remarkable and alarming, there is evidence of an attempted breach of the HSU’s network by a computer bearing the name Michael Lawler. Right back at the start, we had reported the alleged intimidating phone call made by Michael Lawler to HSU official Carol Glen to try to stop her resigning from the HSU.

Lawler up until the recent mystery fire, was living with his partner Kathy Jackson in their multi-million dollar property on the South Coast of NSW. Lawler, we were told, through Jackson at the Royal Commission, was disgusted and thought it vile that the Williamsons were living in luxury and Michael was running a union. However, he apparently didn’t raise an eyebrow at any of the multi-million dollar properties owned by Jackson, which were more valuable than Williamsons. This is despite Kathy only working for the union in the past and despite her going through a divorce settlement.

In fact, Lawler was so disgusted that Kathy said he couldn’t stomach being at the Williamson's house when he went there for a party and felt compelled to leave. Below is a photo of him at that party; his disgust, anger and revulsion are clear for all to see.

Since then, of course, there has been all of the investigative work in The Australian by Pamela Williams and Brad Norington on the Lawler/Jackson relationship with David Rofe QC — a relationship that allegedly appears to have become very profitable indeed for Lawler and Jackson since Rofe was diagnosed with dementia. The whole history surrounding the Rofe estate has turned the stomach of virtually all who have read about it.

In fact, the partners currently live in a property across the road from their own which Lawler purchased on behalf of the dementia sufferer allegedly without his knowledge but using funds from his estate.

Lately, we have also heard about the cosy relationship that both Kathy Jackson and Michael Lawler have with the Royal Commission and its staff. A royal Commission that has nothing at all left in the integrity tank.

Now that we have a new prime minister in Malcolm Turnbull, we may see an end to the hopelessly tainted and utterly poisoned Royal Commission witch-hunt — one of the fateful barnacles Abbott just couldn’t bring himself to remove.

In fact, now Abbott has gone and his industrial Rrelations whipping boy Eric Abetz is out on a limb without a friend, he can trust that perhaps the position of Michael Lawler at FWC that Lawler rarely bothers to show up for can be re-addressed. If Turnbull wants to save some taxpayer dollars, that would be a great place to start.

Right from the outset, I have said that Lawler is the big fish in this whole tawdry saga.

Maybe it’s about time someone reeled him in.

Peter Wicks is an ALP member and former NSW State Labor candidate. You can follow Peter on Twitter @madwixxy. Read more about the Jacksonville saga HERE. Donate to Peter's Jacksonville book writing fund HERE.